926 resultados para Marine systems


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Ocean acidification caused by an increase in pCO2 is expected to drastically affect marine ecosystem composition, yet there is much uncertainty about the mechanisms through which ecosystems may be affected. Here we studied sea urchins that are common and important grazers in the Mediterranean (Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula). Our study included a natural CO2 seep plus reference sites in the Aegean Sea off Greece. The distribution of A. lixula was unaffected by the low pH environment, whereas densities of P. lividus were much reduced. There was skeletal degradation in both species living in acidified waters compared to reference sites and remarkable increases in skeletal manganese levels (P. lividus had a 541% increase, A. lixula a 243% increase), presumably due to changes in mineral crystalline structure. Levels of strontium and zinc were also altered. It is not yet known whether such dramatic changes in skeletal chemistry will affect coastal systems but our study reveals a mechanism that may alter inter-species interactions.


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As the atmospheric CO2 concentration rises, more CO2 will dissolve in the oceans, leading to a reduction in pH. Effects of ocean acidification on bacterial communities have mainly been studied in biologically complex systems, in which indirect effects, mediated through food web interactions, come into play. These approaches come close to nature but suffer from low replication and neglect seasonality. To comprehensively investigate direct pH effects, we conducted highly-replicated laboratory acidification experiments with the natural bacterial community from Helgoland Roads (North Sea). Seasonal variability was accounted for by repeating the experiment four times (spring, summer, autumn, winter). Three dilution approaches were used to select for different ecological strategies, i.e. fast-growing or low-nutrient adapted bacteria. The pH levels investigated were in situ seawater pH (8.15-8.22), pH 7.82 and pH 7.67, representing the present-day situation and two acidification scenarios projected for the North Sea for the year 2100. In all seasons, both automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis and 16S ribosomal amplicon pyrosequencing revealed pH-dependent community shifts for two of the dilution approaches. Bacteria susceptible to changes in pH were different members of Gammaproteobacteria, Flavobacteriaceae, Rhodobacteraceae, Campylobacteraceae and further less abundant groups. Their specific response to reduced pH was often context-dependent. Bacterial abundance was not influenced by pH. Our findings suggest that already moderate changes in pH have the potential to cause compositional shifts, depending on the community assembly and environmental factors. By identifying pH-susceptible groups, this study provides insights for more directed, in-depth community analyses in large-scale and long-term experiments.


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Increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions to the atmosphere are causing a rise in pCO2 concentrations in the ocean surface and lowering pH. To predict the effects of these changes, we need to improve our understanding of the responses of marine primary producers since these drive biogeochemical cycles and profoundly affect the structure and function of benthic habitats. The effects of increasing CO2 levels on the colonisation of artificial substrata by microalgal assemblages (periphyton) were examined across a CO2 gradient off the volcanic island of Vulcano (NE Sicily). We show that periphyton communities altered significantly as CO2 concentrations increased. CO2 enrichment caused significant increases in chlorophyll a concentrations and in diatom abundance although we did not detect any changes in cyanobacteria. SEM analysis revealed major shifts in diatom assemblage composition as CO2 levels increased. The responses of benthic microalgae to rising anthropogenic CO2 emissions are likely to have significant ecological ramifications for coastal systems.


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Recordings from the PerenniAL Acoustic Observatory in the Antarctic ocean (PALAOA) show seasonal acoustic presence of 4 Antarctic ice-breeding seal species (Ross seal, Ommatophoca rossii, Weddell seal, Leptonychotes weddellii, crabeater, Lobodon carcinophaga, and leopard seal, Hydrurga leptonyx). Apart from Weddell seals, inhabiting the fast-ice in Atka Bay, the other three (pack-ice) species however have to date never (Ross and leopard seal) or only very rarely (crabeater seals) been sighted in the Atka Bay region. The aim of the PASATA project is twofold: the large passive acoustic hydrophone array (hereafter referred to as large array) aims to localize calling pack-ice pinniped species to obtain information on their location and hence the ice habitat they occupy. This large array consists of four autonomous passive acoustic recorders with a hydrophone sensor deployed through a drilled hole in the sea ice. The PASATA recordings are time-stamped and can therefore be coupled to the PALAOA recordings so that the hydrophone array spans the bay almost entirely from east to west. The second, smaller hydrophone array (hereafter referred to as small array), also consists of four autonomous passive acoustic recorders with hydrophone sensors deployed through drilled holes in the sea ice. The smaller array was deployed within a Weddell seal breeding colony, located further south in the bay, just off the ice shelf. Male Weddell seals are thought to defend underwater territories around or near tide cracks and breathing holes used by females. Vocal activity increases strongly during the breeding season and vocalizations are thought to be used underwater by males for the purpose of territorial defense and advertisement. With the smaller hydrophone array we aim to investigate underwater behaviour of vocalizing male and female Weddell seals to provide further information on underwater movement patterns in relation to the location of tide cracks and breathing holes. As a pilot project, one on-ice and three underwater camera systems have been deployed near breathing holes to obtain additional visual information on Weddell seal behavioural activity. Upon each visit in the breeding colony, a census of colony composition on the ice (number of animals, sex, presence of dependent pups, presence and severity of injuries-indicative of competition intensity) as well as GPS readings of breathing holes and positions of hauled out Weddell seals are taken.


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We develop a simplified model of choked flow in pipes for CO2-water solutions as an important step in the modelling of a whole hydraulic system with the intention of eliminating the carbon dioxide generated in air-independent submarine propulsion. The model is based on an approximate fitting of the homogeneous isentropic solution upstream of a valve (or any other area restriction), for given fluid conditions at the entrance. The relative maximum choking back-pressure is computed as a function of area restriction ratio. Although the procedure is generic for gas solutions, numeric values for the non-dimensional parameters in the analysis are developed only for choking in the case of carbon dioxide solutions up to the pure-water limit.


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Some islands in the Gulf of California support very high densities of spiders. Spider density is negatively correlated with island size; many small islands support 50-200 spiders per m3 of cactus. Energy for these spiders comes primarily from the ocean and not from in situ productivity by land plants. We explicitly connect the marine and terrestrial systems to show that insular food webs represent one endpoint of the marine web. We describe two conduits for marine energy entering these islands: shore drift and seabird colonies. Both conduits are related to island area, having a much stronger effect on smaller islands. This asymmetric effect helps to explain the exceptionally high spider densities on small islands. Although productivity sets the maximal potential densities, predation (by scorpions) limits realized spider abundance. Thus, prey availability and predation act in concert to set insular spider abundance.


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We present the first circum-East Antarctic chronology for the Holocene, based on 17 radiocarbon dates generated by the accelerator method. Marine sediments from around East Antarctica contain a consistent, high-resolution record of terrigenous (ice-proximal) and biogenic (open-marine) sedimentation during Holocene time. This record demonstrates that biogenic sedimentation beneath the open-marine environment on the continental shelf has been restricted to approximately the past 4 ka, whereas a period of terrigenous sedimentation related to grounding line advance of ice tongues and ice shelves took place between 7 and 4 ka. An earlier period of open-marine (biogenic sedimentation) conditions following the late Pleistocene glacial maximum is recognized from the Prydz Bay (Ocean Drilling Program) record between 10.7 and 7.3 ka. Clearly, the response of outlet systems along the periphery of the East Antarctic ice sheet during the mid-Holocene was expansion. This may have been a direct consequence of climate warming during an Antarctic 'Hypsithermal'. Temperature-accumulation relations for the Antarctic indicate that warming will cause a significant increase in accumulation rather than in ablation. Models that predict a positive mass balance (growth) of the Antarctic ice sheet under global warming are supported by the mid-Holocene data presented herein.


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We examined sediments from Neogene and Quaternary sections of the Benguela and Oman upwelling systems (DSDP Site 532, ODP Sites 723 and 722) to determine environmental and geochemical factors which control and limit pyrite formation in organic-carbon-rich marine sediments. Those samples from the upwelling sites, which contained low to moderate concentrations of total organic carbon (0.7%-3%), had C/S ratios typical of normal marine sediments, i.e., around 2.8. In these sediments, TOC availability probably limited pyrite formation. Results that do not conform with accepted models were found for the sediments high in TOC (3^0-12.4%). The organic matter was of marine origin and contained considerable pyrolytic hydrocarbons, a fact that we take as a sign of low degradation, yet significant concentrations of dissolved sulfate coexisted with it (> 5 mmol/L in the case of Sites 532 and 723). Detrital iron was probably not limiting in either case, because the degree of pyritization was always less than 0.65. Therefore, controls on sulfate reduction and pyrite formation in the organic matter-rich sediments do not appear to conform simply to generally accepted diagenetic models. The data from these thermally immature, old, and organic-rich marine sediments imply that (1) the total reduced sulfur content of organic-rich marine upwelling sediments rarely exceeds an approximate boundary of 1.5% by weight, (2) the C/S ratio of these sediments is not constant and usually much higher than the empirical values proposed for marine sediments. We conclude that sedimentary pyrite formation in upwelling sediments is limited by an as yet unknown factor, and that caution is advised in using C/S ratios and C vs. S diagrams in paleoenvironmental reconstructions for organic-rich sediments.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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With marine biodiversity conservation the primary goal for reserve planning initiatives, a site's conservation potential is typically evaluated on the basis of the biological and physical features it contains. By comparison, socio-economic information is seldom a formal consideration of the reserve system design problem and generally limited to an assessment of threats, vulnerability or compatibility with surrounding uses. This is perhaps surprising given broad recognition that the success of reserve establishment is highly dependent on widespread stakeholder and community support. Using information on the spatial distribution and intensity of commercial rock lobster catch in South Australia, we demonstrate the capacity of mathematical reserve selection procedures to integrate socio-economic and biophysical information for marine reserve system design. Analyses of trade-offs highlight the opportunities to design representative, efficient and practical marine reserve systems that minimise potential loss to commercial users. We found that the objective of minimising the areal extent of the reserve system was barely compromised by incorporating economic design constraints. With a small increase in area (< 3%) and boundary length (< 10%), the economic impact of marine reserves on the commercial rock lobster fishery was reduced by more than a third. We considered also how a reserve planner might prioritise conservation areas using information on a planning units selection frequency. We found that selection frequencies alone were not a reliable guide for the selection of marine reserve systems, but could be used with approaches such as summed irreplaceability to direct conservation effort for efficient marine reserve design.


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Ecosystems and the species and communities within them are highly complex systems that defy predictions with any degree of certainty. Managing and conserving these systems in the face of uncertainty remains a daunting challenge, particularly with respect to developing networks of marine reserves. Here we review several modelling frameworks that explicitly acknowledge and incorporate uncertainty, and then use these methods to evaluate reserve spacing rules given increasing levels of uncertainty about larval dispersal distances. Our approach finds similar spacing rules as have been proposed elsewhere - roughly 20-200 km - but highlights several advantages provided by uncertainty modelling over more traditional approaches to developing these estimates. In particular, we argue that uncertainty modelling can allow for (1) an evaluation of the risk associated with any decision based on the assumed uncertainty; (2) a method for quantifying the costs and benefits of reducing uncertainty; and (3) a useful tool for communicating to stakeholders the challenges in managing highly uncertain systems. We also argue that incorporating rather than avoiding uncertainty will increase the chances of successfully achieving conservation and management goals.


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This special issue on ‘Science for the management of subtropical embayments: examples from Shark Bay and Florida Bay’ is a valuable compilation of individual research outcomes from Florida Bay and Shark Bay from the past decade and addresses gaps in our scientific knowledge base in Shark Bay especially. Yet the compilation also demonstrates excellent research that is poorly integrated, and driven by interests and issues that do not necessarily lead to a more integrated stewardship of the marine natural values of either Shark Bay or Florida Bay. Here we describe the status of our current knowledge, introduce the valuable extension of the current knowledge through the papers in this issue and then suggest some future directions. For management, there is a need for a multidisciplinary international science program that focusses research on the ecological resilience of Shark Bay and Florida Bay, the effect of interactions between physical environmental drivers and biological control through behavioural and trophic interactions, and all under increased anthropogenic stressors. Shark Bay offers a ‘pristine template’ for this scale of study.