999 resultados para Marine safety.
BACKGROUND: Adalimumab (ADA) and certolizumab pegol (CZP) have demonstrated efficacy in Crohn's disease (CD) patients previously treated with infliximab (IFX). AIM: To assess the efficacy and tolerability of a third anti-TNF in CD after failure of and/or intolerance to two different anti-TNF antibodies. METHODS: Crohn's disease patients who received ADA or CZP after loss of response and/or intolerance to two anti-TNF agent were included in this retrospective study. Data were collected using a standardized questionnaire. Clinical response, duration, safety and reasons for discontinuation were assessed. RESULTS: Sixty-seven patients treated with CZP (n = 40) or ADA (n = 27) were included. A clinical response was observed in 41 (61%) at week 6 and 34 patients (51%) at week 20. The probability of remaining under treatment at 3 months, 6 months and 9 months was 68%, 60% and 45%, respectively. At the end of follow-up, the third anti-TNF had been stopped in 36 patients for intolerance (n = 13), or failure (n = 23). Two deaths were observed. CONCLUSIONS: The treatment with a third anti-TNF (CZP or ADA) agent of CD patients, who have experienced loss of response and/or intolerance to two anti-TNF antibodies, has favourable short-term and long-term efficacy. It is an option to be considered in patients with no other therapeutic options.
Left-turning traffic is a major source of conflicts at intersections. Though an average of only 10% to 15% of all approach traffic turns left, these vehicles are involved in approximately 45% of all accidents. This report presents the results of research conducted to develop models which estimate approach accident rates at high speed signalized intersections. The objective of the research was to quantify the relationship between traffic and intersection characteristics, and accident potential of different left turn treatments. Geometric, turning movement counts, and traffic signal phasing data were collected at 100 intersections in Iowa using a questionnaire sent to municipalities. Not all questionnaires resulted in complete data and ultimately complete data were derived for 63 intersections providing a database of 248 approaches. Accident data for the same approaches were obtained from the Iowa Department of Transportation Accident Location and Analysis System (ALAS). Regression models were developed for two different dependent variables: 1) the ratio of the number of left turn accidents per approach to million left turning vehicles per approach, and 2) the ratio of accidents per approach to million traffic movements per approach. A number of regression models were developed for both dependent variables. One model using each dependent variable was developed for intersections with low, medium, and high left turning traffic volumes. As expected, the research indicates that protected left turn phasing has a lower accident potential than protected/permitted or permitted phasing. Left turn lanes and multiple lane approaches are beneficial for reducing accident rates, while raised medians increase the likelihood of accidents. Signals that are part of a signal system tend to have lower accident rates than isolated signals. The resulting regression models may be used to determine the likely impact of various left turn treatments on intersection accident rates. When designing an intersection approach, a traffic engineer may use the models to estimate the accident rate reduction as a result of improved lane configurations and left turn treatments. The safety benefits may then be compared to any costs associated with operational effects to the intersection (i.e., increased delay) to determine the benefits and costs of making intersection safety improvements.
Background and Purpose-The safety and efficacy of thrombolysis in cervical artery dissection (CAD) are controversial. The aim of this meta-analysis was to pool all individual patient data and provide a valid estimate of safety and outcome of thrombolysis in CAD.Methods-We performed a systematic literature search on intravenous and intra-arterial thrombolysis in CAD. We calculated the rates of pooled symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage and mortality and indirectly compared them with matched controls from the Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke-International Stroke Thrombolysis Register. We applied multivariate regression models to identify predictors of excellent (modified Rankin Scale=0 to 1) and favorable (modified Rankin Scale=0 to 2) outcome.Results-We obtained individual patient data of 180 patients from 14 retrospective series and 22 case reports. Patients were predominantly female (68%), with a mean +/- SD age of 46 +/- 11 years. Most patients presented with severe stroke (median National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score=16). Treatment was intravenous thrombolysis in 67% and intra-arterial thrombolysis in 33%. Median follow-up was 3 months. The pooled symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage rate was 3.1% (95% CI, 1.3 to 7.2). Overall mortality was 8.1% (95% CI, 4.9 to 13.2), and 41.0% (95% CI, 31.4 to 51.4) had an excellent outcome. Stroke severity was a strong predictor of outcome. Overlapping confidence intervals of end points indicated no relevant differences with matched controls from the Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke-International Stroke Thrombolysis Register.Conclusions-Safety and outcome of thrombolysis in patients with CAD-related stroke appear similar to those for stroke from all causes. Based on our findings, thrombolysis should not be withheld in patients with CAD. (Stroke. 2011;42:2515-2520.)
OBJECTIVE: Accuracy studies of Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) are critical but limited by the large samples required due to low occurrence of most events. We tested a sampling design based on test results (verification-biased sampling [VBS]) that minimizes the number of subjects to be verified. METHODS: We considered 3 real PSIs, whose rates were calculated using 3 years of discharge data from a university hospital and a hypothetical screen of very rare events. Sample size estimates, based on the expected sensitivity and precision, were compared across 4 study designs: random and VBS, with and without constraints on the size of the population to be screened. RESULTS: Over sensitivities ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 and PSI prevalence levels ranging from 0.02 to 0.2, the optimal VBS strategy makes it possible to reduce sample size by up to 60% in comparison with simple random sampling. For PSI prevalence levels below 1%, the minimal sample size required was still over 5000. CONCLUSIONS: Verification-biased sampling permits substantial savings in the required sample size for PSI validation studies. However, sample sizes still need to be very large for many of the rarer PSIs.
In April 1991 the Iowa Department of Transportation, the CNW Transportation Company, the SOO Line, and local agencies and business in the Mason City/Clear Lake area initiated an Operation Lifesaver program to attempt to increase public awareness of safety issues and safe behavior at railroad-highway grade crossings. This document reports an initial study of data on traffic characteristics at a selected set of grade crossings in Cerro Gordo County taken before and after the safety program. Twenty-two crossings were studied. The 13 crossings at which collisions were reported for the five years prior to the study were included in the sample of sites. Two field observations were made at each study crossing before the Operation Lifesaver campaign was in full swing, and two observations were made after the conclusion of the main effort of the campaign. The summary of each data set is contained in a companion volume. The research shows that Operation Lifesaver altered drivers' behavior in the following ways: (1) reduced approach speeds and crossing speeds at crossings with low speed limits, (2) reduced the percent of drivers approaching the crossing at speeds in excess of the posted speed limit, and (3) increased alertness of drivers to railroad crossing hazards as evidenced by more drivers looking for a clear track. Thus, Operation Lifesaver enhanced safety in street and highway traffic operations in the vicinity of railroad-highway grade crossings.
BACKGROUND: Certolizumab pegol (Cimzia, CZP) was approved for the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD) patients in 2007 in Switzerland as first country worldwide. This prospective phase IV study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of CZP over 26 weeks in a multicenter cohort of practice-based patients. METHODS: Evaluation questionnaires at baseline, week 6 and 26 were completed by gastroenterologists in hospitals and private practices. RESULTS: Sixty patients (38F/22M) were included, 53% had complicated disease (stricturing or penetrating), 45% had undergone prior CD related surgery. All patients had prior exposure to systemic steroids, 96% to immunomodulators, 73% to infliximab, and 43% to adalimumab. A significant decrease of Harvey Bradshaw Index (HBI) was observed under CZP therapy (12.24.9 at week 0 vs 6.34.7 at week 6 and 6.75.3 at week 26, both P <0.001). Response and remission rates were 70% and 40% (week 6) and 67% and 36% respectively (week 26). The complete perianal fistula closure rate was 36% at week 6 and 55% at week 26. The frequency of adverse drug reactions attributed to CZP was 5%. CZP was continued in 88% of patients beyond week 6 and in 67% beyond week 26. CONCLUSIONS: In a population of CD patients with predominantly complicated disease behaviour, CZP proved to be effective in induction and maintenance of response and remission. This series provides the first evidence of CZP's effectiveness in perianal fistulizing CD in clinical practice.
Échelle(s) : [1:50 000], échelle de deux milles marins [= 7,5 cm], échelle de quatre mille mètres [= 8 cm]
BACKGROUND: The use of virtual reality (VR) has gained increasing interest to acquire laparoscopic skills outside the operating theatre and thus increasing patients' safety. The aim of this study was to evaluate trainees' acceptance of VR for assessment and training during a skills course and at their institution. METHODS: All 735 surgical trainees of the International Gastrointestinal Surgery Workshop 2006-2008, held in Davos, Switzerland, were given a minimum of 45 minutes for VR training during the course. Participants' opinion on VR was analyzed with a standardized questionnaire. RESULTS: Fivehundred-twenty-seven participants (72%) from 28 countries attended the VR sessions and answered the questionnaires. The possibility of using VR at the course was estimated as excellent or good in 68%, useful in 21%, reasonable in 9% and unsuitable or useless in 2%. If such VR simulators were available at their institution, most course participants would train at least one hour per week (46%), two or more hours (42%) and only 12% wouldn't use VR. Similarly, 63% of the participants would accept to operate on patients only after VR training and 55% to have VR as part of their assessment. CONCLUSION: Residents accept and appreciate VR simulation for surgical assessment and training. The majority of the trainees are motivated to regularly spend time for VR training if accessible.
The Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS) has a history of dedication and service to the citizens of Iowa and those who visit our state. Since it was first established in 1939, DPS has been the chief law enforcement agency in the State of Iowa. DPS is headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa in the Wallace State Office Building on the Capitol Complex, along with a statewide presence.
The Iowa Department of Public Safety (DPS) has a history of dedication and service to the citizens of Iowa and those who visit our state. Since it was first established in 1939, DPS has been the chief law enforcement agency in the State of Iowa. DPS is headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa in the Wallace State Office Building on the Capitol Complex, along with a statewide presence.
The leading cause of death during winter storms is transportation accidents. Preparing your vehicle for the winter season and knowing how to react if stranded or lost on the road are the keys to safe winter driving.
A major winter storm can be lethal. Preparing for cold weather conditions and responding to them effectively can reduce the dangers caused by winter storms.