990 resultados para Malignant Myoepithelioma
Cutaneous melanoma is an aggressive malignant tumor of melanocytes, the pigment- producing cells of the epidermis, with a high incidence in developed countries. Despite some major clinical breakthroughs in the last few years, efficient therapies for metastatic melanoma, which portends a very bad prognosis, are still lacking. Among the potential therapeutic targets that have been attracting at-tention in melanoma are the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). These members - a, ß and 7 - of the nuclear hormone receptor family, which are ligand-gated transcription factors endowed with a multitude of functions besides metabolism homeostasis, have displayed promising antitumor properties in a wide range of cancer cells, including melanoma. However, our knowledge of PPARs' functions in this skin cancer is far from complete, making the usefulness of any of the a, ß or 7 isotype as a therapeutic target uncertain. In this work, we showed that all three PPAR isotypes are expressed in normal melanocytes, in most melanoma cell lines and in primary and metastatic melanomas, and that PPAR/3 and 7 display transcriptional activity in normal melanocytes and melanoma cells. We also showed that the PPAR7 agonist rosiglitazone had anti-melanoma properties largely independent of PPAR7 expression, which was widely varying across the different cell lines and melanoma biopsies we evaluated and was not correlated with cell line stage. Consistent with the general view of PPAR7 as a tumor suppressor gene, we found that, in human samples, PPAR7 was less expressed in melanoma than in normal skin. Transcriptornic profiling of metastatic melanoma cells in which PPAR7 was pharmacologically modulated revealed an association with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, though the functional relevance of this finding remains to be determined. Collectively, our results suggests that PPAR7 activity in melanoma is highly complex and that a straightforward picture of PPAR7's role in this skin cancer is difficult to draw. In this study, we also provided compelling evidence that thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP) is, in melanoma, a bona fide PPAR7 target gene, the expression of which is repressed by PPAR7 activation. Although TXNIP is mostly known as an inhibitor of the major antioxidant thioredoxin, it has demonstrated a range of biological functions and is generally considered as a tumor suppressor gene. Consistently, we found that TXNIP expression is associated with growth arrest of melanoma cells in vitro and that forced expression of TXNIP strongly impairs cell proliferation. Interestingly, we also discovered that TXNIP favors melanoma cell migration while it diminishes their adhesion. Finally, we provided several lines of evidence that TXNIP may regulate these processes at the transcriptional level as well as by direct protein-protein interactions in the plasma membrane. Altogether, our findings suggest that the PPAR7 target TXNIP may be a double-edged sword in melanoma, hindering tumor growth but promoting invasion and dissemination. Experiments to evaluate the net biological outcome of TXNIP modulation in vivo are ongoing. -- Le mélanome cutané est une tumeur maligne agressive des mélanocytes, cellules de l'épiderme qui produisent la mélanine. Ce cancer présente un taux d'incidence élevé dans les pays développés et est grevé d'un pronostic très sombre une fois qu'il a disséminé. Malgré les importants progrès réalisés ces dernières années, aucune thérapie lie s'est encore montrée véritablement efficace contre le mélanome métastatique. Parmi les cibles thérapeutiques potentielles, nombre de groupes de recherche se sont penchés sur les peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). Ces récepteurs - a, ß et 7 - font partie de la famille des récepteurs nucléaires aux hormones, des facteurs de transcription activés par des ligands et dotés d'une multitude de fonctions en sus de la régulation du métabolisme. Ces protéines ont démontré des propriétés anti-tumorales prometteuses dans une large gamme de cellules cancéreuses, y compris le mélanome. Cependant, nous connaissons encore très mal les fonctions des PPARs dans ce cancer de la peau, rendant l'utilité thérapeutique de l'un des isotypes a, ß ou 7 incertaine. Dans ce travail, nous avons montré que les trois isotypes sont exprimés dans les mélanocytes normaux, dans la plupart des lignées de mélanome ainsi que dans des mélanomes primaires et métastatiques; nous avons aussi montré que PPAR/3 et 7 sont actifs sur le plan transcriptionnel dans les mélanocytes normaux et les cellules de mélanome. La rosiglitazone, un agoniste de PPAR7, a démontré des propriétés anti-mélanome essentiellement indépendantes de l'expression de PPAR7, qui semble très variable dans les lignées et les biopsies que nous avons évaluées; de plus, l'expression de PPAR7 n'est pas corrélée avec le stade de la lignée. En accord avec la vision communément admise de PPAR7 comme étant un gène suppresseur de tumeur, nous avons observé dans des échantillons humains que PPAR7 est moins exprimé dans les mélanomes que dans la peau normale. Une étude transcrip- tomique de cellules de mélanome métastatique a révélé que la modulation phar-macologique de PPAR7 est associée avec la transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse, même si la pertinence fonctionnelle de cette trouvaille reste à déterminer. Collec-tivement, ces résultats suggèrent que l'activité de PPAR/y dans le mélanome est hautement complexe et qu'une image claire du rôle de PPAR7 dans ce cancer est difficile à dessiner. Dans cette étude, nous avons également fourni de solides preuves que la thiore-doxin interacting protein (TXNIP) est, dans le mélanome, un gène cible bona fide de PPAR7 dont l'expression est réprimée par l'activation de PPAR7. Bien que TXNIP soit surtout connu comme un inhibiteur de la thiorédoxine -un anti-oxydant majeur - cette protéine a démontré une large gamme de fonctions biologiques et est généralement considérée comme un gène suppresseur de tumeur. En accord avec cette conception, nous avons trouvé que l'expression de TXNIP est associée avec l'arrêt de croissance des cellules de mélanome in vitro et que l'expression forcée de TXNIP freine considérablement la prolifération cellulaire. Nous avons aussi découvert que TXNIP favorise la migration des cellules de mélanome alors qu'elle diminue leur adhésion. Enfin, nous avons obtenu plusieurs preuves que TXNIP pourrait réguler ces processus tant au niveau transcriptionnel que par des interactions protéine-protéine au sein de la membrane plasmique. En conclusion, nos résultats suggèrent que la cible de PPAR7 TXNIP pourrait être une épée à double tranchant dans le mélanome, freinant la croissance tumorale mais favorisant l'invasion et la dissémination. Des expériences permettant d'évaluer l'effet biologique net de la modulation de TXNIP in vivo sont en cours.
The differentiation between benign and malignant focal liver lesions plays an important role in diagnosis of liver disease and therapeutic planning of local or general disease. This differentiation, based on characterization, relies on the observation of the dynamic vascular patterns (DVP) of lesions with respect to adjacent parenchyma, and may be assessed during contrast-enhanced ultrasound imaging after a bolus injection. For instance, hemangiomas (i.e., benign lesions) exhibit hyper-enhanced signatures over time, whereas metastases (i.e., malignant lesions) frequently present hyperenhanced foci during the arterial phase and always become hypo-enhanced afterwards. The objective of this work was to develop a new parametric imaging technique, aimed at mapping the DVP signatures into a single image called a DVP parametric image, conceived as a diagnostic aid tool for characterizing lesion types. The methodology consisted in processing a time sequence of images (DICOM video data) using four consecutive steps: (1) pre-processing combining image motion correction and linearization to derive an echo-power signal, in each pixel, proportional to local contrast agent concentration over time; (2) signal modeling, by means of a curve-fitting optimization, to compute a difference signal in each pixel, as the subtraction of adjacent parenchyma kinetic from the echopower signal; (3) classification of difference signals; and (4) parametric image rendering to represent classified pixels as a support for diagnosis. DVP parametric imaging was the object of a clinical assessment on a total of 146 lesions, imaged using different medical ultrasound systems. The resulting sensitivity and specificity were 97% and 91%, respectively, which compare favorably with scores of 81 to 95% and 80 to 95% reported in medical literature for sensitivity and specificity, respectively.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: A pregnant woman was referred for post-operative radiotherapy of a malignant schwannoma in the head and neck region. A best-treatment plan was devised in order to minimize the fetal dose. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The fetal dose resulting from radiological examinations was determined according to international protocols, that resulting from radiotherapy was calculated according to Recommendation 36 of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Task Group. Pre-treatment dosimetry was performed with an anthropomorphic phantom. Several alternative treatment plans were evaluated. The use of a multileaf collimator (MLC) and a virtual wedge (VW) was compared to cerrobend blocks (CB) and physical wedge (PW). In-vivo dosimetry was performed using a vaginal probe containing thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD). RESULTS: The total fetal dose resulting from diagnostic and radiotherapy procedures was estimated to be 36 mGy. The technique based on MLC and VW was elected for patient treatment. Measurements for this configuration resulted in afetal dose reduction of 82%. The shielding of the patient's abdomen further reduced the fetal dose by 42%. CONCLUSION: The use of VW and MLC for the treatment of a pregnant woman is highly recommended. Each case should be individually studied with pre-treatment and in-vivo dosimetry.
Malignant cells are frequently recognized and destroyed by T cells, hence the development of T cell vaccines against established tumors. The challenge is to induce protective type 1 immune responses, with efficient Th1 and CTL activation, and long-term immunological memory. These goals are similar as in many infectious diseases, where successful immune protection is ideally induced with live vaccines. However, large-scale development of live vaccines is prevented by their very limited availability and vector immunogenicity. Synthetic vaccines have multiple advantages. Each of their components (antigens, adjuvants, delivery systems) contributes specifically to induction and maintenance of T cell responses. Here we summarize current experience with vaccines based on proteins and peptide antigens, and discuss approaches for the molecular characterization of clonotypic T cell responses. With carefully designed step-by-step modifications of innovative vaccine formulations, T cell vaccination can be optimized towards the goal of inducing therapeutic immune responses in humans.
Ultraviolet radiation is the major cause of skin cancer, but promotes vitamin D synthesis, and vitamin D has been inversely related to the risk of several common cancers including prostate, breast and colorectum. We therefore computed the incidence of prostate, breast and colorectal cancer following skin cancer using the datasets of the Swiss cancer Registries of Vaud and Neuchâtel. Between 1974 and 2005, 6,985 histologically confirmed squamous cell skin cancers, 21,046 basal cell carcinomas and 3,346 cutaneous malignant melanomas were registered, and followed up to the end of 2005 for the occurrence of second primary cancer of the prostate, breast and colorectum. Overall, 680 prostate cancers were observed versus 568.3 expected (standardized incidence ratio (SIR) = 1.20; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.11-1.29), 440 breast cancers were observed versus 371.5 expected (SIR = 1.18; 95% CI: 1.08-1.30) and 535 colorectal cancers were observed versus 464.6 expected (SIR = 1.15; 95% CI: 1.06-1.25). When basal cell, squamous cell and skin melanoma were considered separately, all the SIRs for prostate, breast and colorectal cancers were around or slightly above unity. Likewise, the results were consistent across strata of age at skin cancer diagnosis and location (head and neck versus others), and for male and female colorectal cancers. These findings, based on a population with a long tradition of systematic histologic examination of all surgically treated skin lesions, do not support the hypothesis that prostate, breast and colorectal cancer risk is decreased following skin cancer.
Glioblastomas (GBMs) are the most frequent and malignant brain tumors in adults. Glucocorticoids (GCs) are routinely used in the treatment of GBMs for their capacity to reduce the tumor-associated edema. Few in vitro studies have suggested that GCs inhibit the migration and invasion of GBM cells through the induction of MAPK phosphatase 1 (MKP-1). Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), an endogenous GC antagonist is up-regulated in GBMs. Recently, MIF has been involved in tumor growth and migration/invasion and specific MIF inhibitors have been developed on their capacity to block its enzymatic tautomerase activity site. In this study, we characterized several glioma cell lines for their MIF production. U373 MG cells were selected for their very low endogenous levels of MIF. We showed that dexamethasone inhibits the migration and invasion of U373 MG cells, through a glucocorticoid receptor (GR)- dependent inhibition of the ERK1/2 MAPK pathway. Oppositely, we found that exogenous MIF increases U373 MG migration and invasion through the stimulation of the ERK1/2 MAP kinase pathway and that this activation is CD74 independent. Finally, we used the Hs 683 glioma cells that are resistant to GCs and produce high levels of endogenous MIF, and showed that the specific MIF inhibitor ISO-1 could restore dexamethasone sensitivity in these cells. Collectively, our results indicate an intricate pathway between MIF expression and GC resistance. They suggest that MIF inhibitors could increase the response of GBMs to corticotherapy.
About 3% of our hypertensive patients have high blood pressure induced by corticosteroids. Muscle weakness, tiredness, polyuria and polydipsia may indicate hypokalaemia. Hypokalaemic hypertension in the presence of a low plasma renin activity is the typical finding of corticosteroid hypertension. The most frequent cause of corticosteroid hypertension is primary aldosteronism (Conn's syndrome) due to an adrenal adenoma or bilateral hyperplasia of the adrenal glands. The plasma concentration of aldosterone and the ratio between plasma aldosterone and renin concentrations are high, and the kaliuresis exceeds 30 mmol/24 h in the presence of hypokalaemia. Adrenal carcinomas are rare and very malignant. The localization of an adrenal tumour is made by computer tomography (CT-scan) or nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and by measurement of the aldosterone/cortisol concentrations in the adrenal venous blood. Adenomas are removed under laparoscopy, and adrenal hyperplasias are treated with spironolactone (50-400 mg daily) or amiloride (5-30 mg daily). In rare cases (<1%), excessive stimulation of the mineralocorticoid receptor is due to cortisol (apparent mineralocorticoid excess, Cushing's disease, liquorice, or hereditary deficiency of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) or to a chimeric gene coding for 11beta-hydroxylase (CYP11B1/CYP11B2). In these rare cases, the synthesis of aldosterone is under the control of the adrenocorticotrophic hormone, so treatment with glucocorticoids (dexamethasone 0.25-1.0 mg daily) is therefore possible (glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism). Excessive deoxycorticosterone (DOC) causes the same symptoms and signs as hyperaldosteronism. Excessive DOC is found in patients with adrenal tumours that secrete DOC, in those with hereditary or acquired disorders with dysfunctioning glucocorticoid receptors, or in those with congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal glands (deficiency of 17alpha-hydroxylase or 11beta-hydroxylase). Liddle's syndrome is a constitutive hyperactivity of the transepithelial transport of sodium, which under normal conditions is controlled by the mineralocorticoid receptor. Plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations are suppressed and the plasma potassium concentration may be normal. In contrast, plasma aldosterone and renin concentrations are increased in patients with hypokalaemic hypertension which represents secondary aldosteronism. The increased aldosterone is the consequence of stimulated renin activity due to renal or renovascular or other disorders, antihypertensive drugs or other medications. In conclusion, a work-up for corticosteroid-induced hypertension is indicated in patients with hypokalaemic hypertension and in those with severe hypertension even in the absence of hypokalaemia, and in hypertensive patients with a family history of cardiovascular diseases.
Introduction : Un chylothorax est une pathologie comprenant des manifestations respiratoires, nutritionnelles et immunologiques. La récidive du chylothorax ou l'échec du traitement conservateur imposent un traitement chirurgical. Ce travail rapporte notre expérience de ligature supra-diaphragmatique, vidéo-assistée du canal thoracique, pour chylothorax récurrent non traumatique. Patients et méthodes : Entre 1999 et 2004, nous avons recensé six observations (quatre du côté droit, un du côté gauche et un bilateral) Le chylothorax s'est développé chez trois patients traités par radio et chimiothérapie pour tumeur (deux lymphomes et une tumeur du sein) un dans le contexte d'une lymphangioléiomatose et un après greffe cardiaque. Résultats : Les patients ont bénéficié sous anesthésie générale, d'une ligature du canal thoracique supra-diaphragmatique, vidéo-assistée. Le temps opératoire moyen a été de 102 minutes. Le chylothorax a régressé chez cinq des six patients en sept jours. Un patient a été repris par thoracotomie droite au huitième jour pour chylothorax persistant. Dans la phase post-opératoire, un patient a développé une détresse respiratoire nécessitant une ventilation mécanique. Un autre patient a présenté un chylopéritoine important traité par un stent de Le Veen®. Le séjour moyen a été de quatorze jours sans mortalité péri-opératoire. Conclusion : Le traitement du chylothorax non traumatique récurrent est, en première intention, un traitement médical. En cas de récidive ou d'échec du traitement conservateur, le traitement chirurgical par ligature du canal thoracique supra- diaphragmatique, vidéo-assistée, permet de traiter avec succès le chylothorax récurrent non traumatique. -- Background: Chylothorax is an uncommon disorder with respiratory, nutritional and immunological manifestations. Surgical management is indicated in case of recurrence or failure after conservative treatment. We report our experience with video-assisted right-sided supradiaphrag¬matic thoracic duct ligation for non-traumatic, non-postoperative persistent or recurrent chylothorax. Patients and methods: The medical records of six patients operated at our institution between 1999 and 2004 were retrospectively reviewed. A right-sided chylothorax was found in four patients, a left-sided in one, and a bilateral in one. Three patients developed chylothorax after chemotherapy and chest irradiation for malignant diseases (lymphoma in two patients and breast cancer in one), one in the context of lymphangioleiomyomatosis, one due to a non-diagnosed lymphoma, and one after heart transplantation. Results: The mean operative time was 102 min, with an average length of hospital stay of 14 days. Persistent cessation of chylous effusion within 7 days after surgery was observed in 5/6 patients without recurrence during a mean follow-up time of 41 months. One patient with undiagnosed mediastinal lymphoma required re-operation and thoracic duct ligation on day 8 by right-sided thoracotomy due to persistent chylothorax. No 30-day mortality was recorded. Two patients presented postoperative complications including respiratory insufficiency requiring mechanical ventilation in one, and chylous ascites development requiring peritoneo-venous LeVeen shunting in one patient. Conclusions: Recurrent or persistent non-traumatic chylothorax may be successfully treated by video-assisted right supradiaphragmatic thoracic duct ligation.
BACKGROUND: To be effective and selective, immunotherapy ideally targets specifically tumor cells and spares normal tissues. Identification of tumor specific antigens is a prerequisite to establish an effective immunotherapy. Still very little is known about the expression of tumor-related antigens in pancreatic neoplasms. Cancer Testis antigens (CT) are antigens shared by a variety of malignant tumors, but not by normal tissues with the exception of germ cells in testis. Restricted expression in neoplastic tissues and inherent immunogenic features make CT antigens ideal for use in immunotherapy. We analyzed the expression of a selected panel of nine CT antigens that have been proven to elicit an efficient immunogenic response in other malignancies. In addition we analyzed the expression of HERV-K-MEL, an immunogenic antigen of viral origin. METHODS: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma tumor samples (n=130) were obtained intraoperatively, control tissues (n=23) were collected from cadaveric donor and from patients with chronic pancreatitis. Tumor-associated antigen expression of MAGE-A1, MAGE-A3, MAGE-A4, MAGE-A10, LAGE-1, NY-ESO-1, SCP-1, SSX-2, SSX-4 and HERV-K-MEL was assessed by PCR. Sequencing of PCR products were performed to assess the expression of SSX-4 in neoplastic and normal pancreatic tissues. RESULTS: Three of 10 tested antigens were expressed in over 10% of malignant pancreatic tissue samples. SSX-4 was found positive in 30% of cases, SCP-1 in 19% and HERV-K-MEL in 23% of cases. No expression of CT antigens was found in non-malignant pancreatic tissue with the exception of SSX-4 and and SSX-2. CONCLUSIONS: Fifty two percentage of the analyzed tissues expressed at least one CT antigen. The concomitant expression of SSX-4 in both malignant and non-malignant pancreatic tissue is a new finding which may raise concerns for immunotherapy. However, HERV-K-MEL is expressed with a relatively high prevalence and may be a candidate for specific immunotherapy in a large subgroup of pancreatic cancer patients. This study advocates the analysis of patients with regard to their immunogenic profile before the onset of antigen-specific immunotherapy.
The O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation status is a predictive parameter for the response of malignant gliomas to alkylating agents such as temozolomide. First clinical trials with temozolomide plus bevacizumab therapy in metastatic melanoma patients are ongoing, although the predictive value of the MGMT promoter methylation status in this setting remains unclear. We assessed MGMT promoter methylation in formalin-fixed, primary tumor tissue of metastatic melanoma patients treated with first-line temozolomide and bevacizumab from the trial SAKK 50/07 by methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction. In addition, the MGMT expression levels were also analyzed by MGMT immunohistochemistry. Eleven of 42 primary melanomas (26%) revealed a methylated MGMT promoter. Promoter methylation was significantly associated with response rates CR + PR versus SD + PD according to RECIST (response evaluation criteria in solid tumors) (p<0.05) with a trend to prolonged median progression-free survival (8.1 versus 3.4 months, p>0.05). Immunohistochemically different protein expression patterns with heterogeneous and homogeneous nuclear MGMT expression were identified. Negative MGMT expression levels were associated with overall disease stabilization CR+PR+SD versus PD (p=0.05). There was only a poor correlation between MGMT methylation and lack of MGMT expression. A significant proportion of melanomas have a methylated MGMT promoter. The MGMT promoter methylation status may be a promising predictive marker for temozolomide therapy in metastatic melanoma patients. Larger sample sizes may help to validate significant differences in survival type endpoints.
Although chemokines and their receptors were initially identified as regulators of cell trafficking during inflammation and immune response, they have emerged as crucial players in all stages of tumor development, primary growth, migration, angiogenesis, and establishment as metastases in distant target organs. Neuroectodermal tumors regroup neoplasms originating from the embryonic neural crest cells, which display clinical and biological similarities. These tumors are highly malignant and rapidly progressing diseases that disseminate to similar target organs such as bone marrow, bone, liver and lungs. There is increasing evidence that interaction of several chemokine receptors with corresponding chemokine ligands are implicated in the growth and invasive characteristics of these tumors. In this review we summarize the current knowledge on the role of CXCL12 chemokine and its CXCR4 and CXCR7 receptors in the progression and survival of neuroectodermal tumors, with particular emphasis on neuroblastoma, the most typical and enigmatic neuroectodermal childhood tumor.
Genetic tumor syndromes reflect an inherited predisposition to develop benign and malignant tumors. Increased frequency of neoplasms within the family or occurring at an early age are clinical clues for a possible underlying genetic susceptibility. Awareness of their associated cutaneous manifestations can facilitate early detection of risk for tumors. The goal of this article is to review clinical and molecular features of some genetic tumor syndrome which present with skin involvement at birth or during childhood.
Resistance to alkylating agents via direct DNA repair by O(6)-methylguanine methyltransferase (MGMT) remains a significant barrier to the successful treatment of patients with malignant glioma. The relative expression of MGMT in the tumor may determine response to alkylating agents, and epigenetic silencing of the MGMT gene by promoter methylation plays an important role in regulating MGMT expression in gliomas. MGMT promoter methylation is correlated with improved progression-free and overall survival in patients treated with alkylating agents. Strategies to overcome MGMT-mediated chemoresistance are being actively investigated. These include treatment with nontoxic pseudosubstrate inhibitors of MGMT, such as O(6)-benzylguanine, or RNA interference-mediated gene silencing of MGMT. However, systemic application of MGMT inhibitors is limited by an increase in hematologic toxicity. Another strategy is to deplete MGMT activity in tumor tissue using a dose-dense temozolomide schedule. These alternative schedules are well tolerated; however, it remains unclear whether they are more effective than the standard dosing regimen or whether they effectively deplete MGMT activity in tumor tissue. Of note, not all patients with glioblastoma having MGMT promoter methylation respond to alkylating agents, and even those who respond will inevitably experience relapse. Herein we review the data supporting MGMT as a major mechanism of chemotherapy resistance in malignant gliomas and describe ongoing studies that are testing resistance-modulating strategies.
Abstract Leiomyosarcomas are rare malignant neoplasms. Intracranial metastases of this tumour are even less frequently observed and have mostly been described from uterine leiomyosarcomas. In this article, we describe the case of a single right frontal subcortical cerebral metastasis in a patient with a right triceps muscle leiomyosarcoma. A right-sided frontal craniotomy with macroscopically complete tumour removal was performed, followed by combined radio-chemotherapy. The patient died 10 months after the initial diagnosis of the intracranial metastasis due to systemic tumour progression, without any evidence of intracranial recurrence.
Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas: Comparative single centre analysis between ductal and mucinous type.
1. Background¦Adenocarcinomas of the pancreas are exocrine tumors, originate from ductal system, including two morphologically distinct entities: the ductal adenocarcinoma and mucinous adenocarcinoma. Ductal adenocarcinoma is by far the most frequent malignant tumor in the pancreas, representing at least about 90% of all pancreas cancers. It is associated with very poor prognosis, due to the fact that actually there are no any biological markers or diagnostic tools for identification of the disease at an early stage. Most of the time the disease is extensive with vascular and nerves involvement or with metastatic spread at the time of diagnosis (1). The median survival is less than 5% at 5 years, placing it, at the fifth leading cause of death by cancer in the world (2). The mucinous form of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is less frequent, and seems to have a better prognosis with about 57% survival at 5 years (1)(3)(4).¦Each morphologic type of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is associated with particular preneoplastic lesions. Two types of preneoplastic lesions are described: firstly, pancreatic intra-epithelial neoplasia (PanIN) which affects the small and peripheral pancreatic ducts, and the intraductal papillary-mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) interested the main pancreatic ducts and its principal branches. Both of preneoplastic lesions lead by different mechanisms to the pancreatic adenocarcinoma (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10).¦The purpose of our study consists in a retrospective analysis of various clinical and histo-morphological parameters in order to assess a difference in survival between these two morphological types of pancreatic adenocarcinomas.¦1.2 Material and methods¦We conducted a retrospective analysis including 35 patients, (20 men and 15 women), beneficed the surgical treatment for pancreas adenocarcinoma at the Surgical Department of University Hospital in Lausanne. The patients involved in our study have been treated between 2003 and 2008, permitting at least 5-years mean follow up. For each patient the following parameters were analysed: age, gender, type of operation, type of preneoplastic lesions, TNM stage, histological grade of the tumor, vascular invasion, lymphatic and perineural invasion, resection margins, and adjuvant treatment.¦The results from these observations were included in a univariate and multivariate statistical analysis and compared with overall survival, as well as specific survival for each morphologic subtype of adenocarcinoma.¦As a low number of mucinous adenocarcinomas (n=5) was insufficient to conduct a pertinent statistical analysis, we compared the data obtained from adenocarcinomas developed on PanIN with adenocarcinomas developed on IPMN including both, ductal or mucinous types.¦1.3 Result¦Our results show that adenocarcinomas developed on pre-existing IPMN including both morphologic types (ductal and mucinous form) are associated with a better survival and prognosis than adenocarciomas developed on PanIN.¦1.4 Conclusion¦This study reflects that the most relevant parameter in survival in pancreatic adenocarcinoma seems to be the type of preneoplastic lesion. The significant difference in survival was noted between adenocarcinomas developing on PanIN as compared to adenocarcinomas developed on IPMN precursor lesions. Ductal adenocarcinomas developped on IPMN present significantly longer survival than those developed on PanIN lesions (P value= 0,01). Therefore we can suggest that the histological type of preneoplastic lesion rather than the histological type of adenocarcinoma should be the determinant prognosis factor in survival of pancreatic adenocarcinoma.