950 resultados para MULTIPLEX PCR


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Nach einer hämatopoetischen Stammzelltransplantation spielt die Zuordnung hämatopoetischer Zellen zum Spender oder Empfänger für viele transplantationsbezogene Fragestellungen eine wichtige Rolle. Unter anderem ist das Persistieren von dendritischen Zellen des Empfängers, welche allogene T-Zellen des Spenders stimulieren, ein wichtiger Schritt bei der Entstehung der akuten GVHD. Aus diesem Grund wurde in dieser Arbeit die Weiterentwicklung einer Methode angestrebt, die es uns erlaubt, die Zugehörigkeit isolierter hämatopoetischer Zellen dem Spender oder dem Empfänger zuzuordnen (Chimärismusbestimmung) und gleichzeitig Aussagen über das Ursprungsgewebe und den Aktivierungszustand der Zellen machen zu können. Hierfür nutzten wir Einzelbasenpolymorphismen (SNPs). Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, einen Pool von cDNA-kodierten SNPs zu definieren, mit dem auch HLA-identische Geschwister eindeutig unteschieden werden können. rnHierfür wurden zunächst aus publizierten Datenbanken solche SNPs ausgewählt, die in kodierenden Genabschnitten konstitutiv und gewebeunabhängig auf expremierten Genen lagen und zugleich eine hohe Heterozygotenfrequenz in der europäischen Population aufwiesen. Anhand dieser Kriterien wurden mittels der NCBI-Datenbank insgesamt eine Anzahl von 208 Polymorphismen auf 150 Genen identifiziert. Anschließend erfolgte die Gestaltung von Primerpaaren zur Amplifikation der SNP-kodierenden cDNA-Abschnitte. Diese mussten mindestens eine Intron/Exon-Grenze überspannen, um genomische DNA in der PCR ausschließen zu können. Mit Hilfe der etablierten PCR-Reaktion wurden die Gene in unterschiedlichen Geweben auf ihre Expression hin überprüft. Für 45 Gene ließ sich sowohl eine entsprechende PCR etablieren als auch deren konstitutive Expression in verschiedenen hämatopoetischen Zellen nachweisen. Zur Detektion der einzelnen SNPs in der Minisequenzierung wurden Minisequenzierungs-Sonden generiert und geprüft. Im Folgenden wurden für PCR und Minisequezierung Multiplex-Reaktionen aus vier bis sechs Reaktionen zusammengestellt. Zu diesem Zweck wurden die jeweiligen Primerinteraktionen und die unterschiedlichen Basenlängen des PCR-Produktes berücksichtigt.rnVon den 45 etablierten Einzelreaktionen waren 30 für den Multiplexansatz geeignet. Unter Anwendung dieser Multiplex-Reaktionen wurden 24 HLA-identische Geschwisterpaare (Spender und Empfänger) getestet. Zur Kontrolle erfolgte zusätzlich eine konventionelle Sequenzierung der SNP-kodierenden Bereiche auf der cDNA der jeweiligen Proben. Mit Hilfe der SNP-Kombinationen und der etablierten Methodik waren wir in der Lage alle 24 untersuchten Geschwisterpaare in zwischen sechs und 18 SNP-Systemen zu unterscheiden. rnDie Möglichkeiten, die die Analysen des Chimärismus mittels SNPs auf kodierenden Bereichen der DNA mit sich bringen, liegen nicht nur in der gleichzeitigen Bestimmung der Gewebszugehörigkeit und der Detektion des bestehenden Chimärismus sowie dessen Quantifizierung unter Anwendung einer Real-time-PCR. Vielmehr ermöglicht sie auch eine Aussage über die Genexpression der untersuchten Zelle zu machen. Dies ist insbesondere dann von Interesse, wenn geringe Zellzahlen von aus Gewebe isolierten Zellen zur Verfügung stehen. Die in dieser Arbeit etablierten Ansätze werden derzeit für eine Quantifizierung mittels real-time RCR weiterentwickelt und sollen mittelfristig insbesondere für Untersuchungen des Chimärismus von dermalen und epidermalen dendritischen Zellen der Haut und anderer Zielgewebe der GvHD verwendet werden.rn


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The increase in aquaculture operations worldwide has provided new opportunities for the transmission of aquatic viruses. The occurrence of viral diseases remains a significant limiting factor in aquaculture production and for the sustainability. The ability to identify quickly the presence/absence of a pathogenic organism in fish would have significant advantages for the aquaculture systems. Several molecular methods have found successful application in fish pathology both for confirmatory diagnosis of overt diseases and for detection of asymptomatic infections. However, a lot of different variants occur among fish host species and virus strains and consequently specific methods need to be developed and optimized for each pathogen and often also for each host species. The first chapter of this PhD thesis presents a complete description of the major viruses that infect fish and provides a relevant information regarding the most common methods and emerging technologies for the molecular diagnosis of viral diseases of fish. The development and application of a real time PCR assay for the detection and quantification of lymphocystivirus was described in the second chapter. It showed to be highly sensitive, specific, reproducible and versatile for the detection and quantitation of lymphocystivirus. The use of this technique can find multiple application such as asymptomatic carrier detection or pathogenesis studies of different LCDV strains. The third chapter, a multiplex RT-PCR (mRT-PCR) assay was developed for the simultaneous detection of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS), infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN), infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) and sleeping disease (SD) in a single assay. This method was able to efficiently detect the viral RNA in tissue samples, showing the presence of single infections and co-infections in rainbow trout samples. The mRT-PCR method was revealed to be an accurate and fast method to support traditional diagnostic techniques in the diagnosis of major viral diseases of rainbow trout.


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Il primo capitolo di questo lavoro di tesi introduce i concetti di biologia necessari per comprendere il fenomeno dell’espressione genica. Il secondo capitolo descrive i metodi e le tecniche di laboratorio utilizzate per ottenere il cDNA, il materiale genetico che verrà amplificato nella real-time PCR. Nel terzo capitolo si descrive la tecnica di real-time PCR, partendo da una descrizione della PCR convenzionale fino a delineare le caratteristiche della sua evoluzione in real-time PCR. Si prosegue con la spiegazione del principio fisico alla base della tecnica e delle molecole necessarie (fluorofori e sonde) per realizzarla; infine si descrive l’hardware e il software dello strumento. Il quarto capitolo presenta le tecniche di analisi del segnale che utilizzano metodi di quantificazione assoluta o relativa. Infine nel quinto capitolo è presentato un caso di studio, cioè un’analisi di espressione genica con real-time PCR condotta durante l’esperienza di tirocinio presso il laboratorio ICM. e delle molecole necessarie (fluorofori e sonde) per realizzarla; infine si descrive l’hardware e il software dello strumento. Il quarto capitolo presenta le tecniche di analisi del segnale che utilizzano metodi di quantificazione assoluta o relativa. Infine nel quinto capitolo è presentato un caso di studio, cioè un’analisi di espressione genica con real-time PCR condotta durante l’esperienza di tirocinio presso il laboratorio ICM.


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Con il seguente lavoro di tesi si propone un excursus dell’evoluzione della tecnica che ha permesso l’amplificazione del DNA in laboratorio, spiegandone i principi elementari di base. La scoperta che il DNA è il depositario dell’informazione genica ha aperto la strada a una nuova disciplina: la biologia molecolare, dove molte delle tecniche utilizzate limitano le funzioni naturali degli acidi nucleici. Dalla sua introduzione, la tecnologia PCR ha modificato il modo nel quale l’analisi del DNA viene condotta nei laboratori di ricerca e di diagnostica. Con lo scopo di rilevare direttamente sequenze genomiche specifiche in un campione biologico nasce l’esigenza di avere a disposizione metodologie con un’elevata soglia di sensibilità e specificità. Il primo capitolo di questo elaborato introduce la PCR nella sua prima formulazione. A partire da quantità estremamente ridotte di DNA, questa tecnica di amplificazione in vitro, consente di ottenere rapidamente milioni di molecole identiche della sequenza bersaglio di acido nucleico. A seguire, nel secondo capitolo, verrà trattata un’implementazione della PCR: la real-time PCR. La RT-PCR, introduce nuove opportunità poiché rende possibile la misurazione diretta e la quantificazione della reazione mentre è in atto. Con l’utilizzo di molecole fluorescenti che vengono incorporate nel prodotto in formazione o che si intercalano alla doppia elica, si può monitorare la formazione del prodotto di amplificazione in tempo reale seguendone l’assorbimento con un sistema spettrofotometrico, in un sistema automatizzato che provvede anche alle routine della PCR. Nel terzo e ultimo capitolo si analizza una nuova tecnologia recentemente commercializzata: la PCR in formato digitale. Verranno prese in esame essenzialmente due metodologie, la dPCR su chip e la ddPCR (Droplet Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction).


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In questa tesi vengono studiate alcune caratteristiche dei network a multiplex; in particolare l'analisi verte sulla quantificazione delle differenze fra i layer del multiplex. Le dissimilarita sono valutate sia osservando le connessioni di singoli nodi in layer diversi, sia stimando le diverse partizioni dei layer. Sono quindi introdotte alcune importanti misure per la caratterizzazione dei multiplex, che vengono poi usate per la costruzione di metodi di community detection . La quantificazione delle differenze tra le partizioni di due layer viene stimata utilizzando una misura di mutua informazione. Viene inoltre approfondito l'uso del test dell'ipergeometrica per la determinazione di nodi sovra-rappresentati in un layer, mostrando l'efficacia del test in funzione della similarita dei layer. Questi metodi per la caratterizzazione delle proprieta dei network a multiplex vengono applicati a dati biologici reali. I dati utilizzati sono stati raccolti dallo studio DILGOM con l'obiettivo di determinare le implicazioni genetiche, trascrittomiche e metaboliche dell'obesita e della sindrome metabolica. Questi dati sono utilizzati dal progetto Mimomics per la determinazione di relazioni fra diverse omiche. Nella tesi sono analizzati i dati metabolici utilizzando un approccio a multiplex network per verificare la presenza di differenze fra le relazioni di composti sanguigni di persone obese e normopeso.


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Morphea, granuloma annulare (GA) and lichen sclerosus et atrophicans (LSA) have also been suggested to be linked to Borrelia infection. Previous studies based on serologic data or detection of Borrelia by immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reported contradictory results. Thus, we examined skin biopsies of morphea, GA and LSA by PCR to assess the prevalence of Borrelia DNA in an endemic area and to compare our results with data in the literature.


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Glycan-binding antibodies form a significant subpopulation of both natural and acquired antibodies and play an important role in various immune processes. They are for example involved in innate immune responses, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and neurological disorders. In the present study, a microsphere-based flow-cytometric immunoassay (suspension array) was applied for multiplexed detection of glycan-binding antibodies in human serum. Several approaches for immobilization of glycoconjugates onto commercially available fluorescent microspheres were compared, and as the result, the design based on coupling of end-biotinylated glycopolymers has been selected. This method requires only minute amounts of glycans, similar to a printed glycan microarray. The resulting glyco-microspheres were used for detection of IgM and IgG antibodies directed against ABO blood group antigens. The possibility of multiplexing this assay was demonstrated with mixtures of microspheres modified with six different ABO related glycans. Multiplexed detection of anti-glycan IgM and IgG correlated well with singleplex assays (Pearson's correlation coefficient r = 0.95-0.99 for sera of different blood groups). The suspension array in singleplex format for A/B trisaccharide, H(di) and Le(x) microspheres corresponded well to the standard ELISA (r > 0.94). Therefore, the described method is promising for rapid, sensitive, and reproducible detection of anti-glycan antibodies in a multiplexed format.


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Over the last decade, translational science has come into the focus of academic medicine, and significant intellectual and financial efforts have been made to initiate a multitude of bench-to-bedside projects. The quest for suitable biomarkers that will significantly change clinical practice has become one of the biggest challenges in translational medicine. Quantitative measurement of proteins is a critical step in biomarker discovery. Assessing a large number of potential protein biomarkers in a statistically significant number of samples and controls still constitutes a major technical hurdle. Multiplexed analysis offers significant advantages regarding time, reagent cost, sample requirements and the amount of data that can be generated. The two contemporary approaches in multiplexed and quantitative biomarker validation, antibody-based immunoassays and MS-based multiple (or selected) reaction monitoring, are based on different assay principles and instrument requirements. Both approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages and therefore have complementary roles in the multi-staged biomarker verification and validation process. In this review, we discuss quantitative immunoassay and multiple reaction monitoring/selected reaction monitoring assay principles and development. We also discuss choosing an appropriate platform, judging the performance of assays, obtaining reliable, quantitative results for translational research and clinical applications in the biomarker field.


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Background Urinary tract infections (UTI) are frequent in outpatients. Fast pathogen identification is mandatory for shortening the time of discomfort and preventing serious complications. Urine culture needs up to 48 hours until pathogen identification. Consequently, the initial antibiotic regimen is empirical. Aim To evaluate the feasibility of qualitative urine pathogen identification by a commercially available real-time PCR blood pathogen test (SeptiFast®) and to compare the results with dipslide and microbiological culture. Design of study Pilot study with prospectively collected urine samples. Setting University hospital. Methods 82 prospectively collected urine samples from 81 patients with suspected UTI were included. Dipslide urine culture was followed by microbiological pathogen identification in dipslide positive samples. In parallel, qualitative DNA based pathogen identification (SeptiFast®) was performed in all samples. Results 61 samples were SeptiFast® positive, whereas 67 samples were dipslide culture positive. The inter-methodological concordance of positive and negative findings in the gram+, gram- and fungi sector was 371/410 (90%), 477/492 (97%) and 238/246 (97%), respectively. Sensitivity and specificity of the SeptiFast® test for the detection of an infection was 0.82 and 0.60, respectively. SeptiFast® pathogen identifications were available at least 43 hours prior to culture results. Conclusion The SeptiFast® platform identified bacterial DNA in urine specimens considerably faster compared to conventional culture. For UTI diagnosis sensitivity and specificity is limited by its present qualitative setup which does not allow pathogen quantification. Future quantitative assays may hold promise for PCR based UTI pathogen identification as a supplementation of conventional culture methods.


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Telomere length measurement has been proposed as a promising tool to estimate the age of individuals in natural populations. We used real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) to measure relative telomere length in four tissues (brain, kidney, liver and muscle) of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in different groups based upon body length an otolith age estimate. We observed a high level of inter-individual differences in the measurements of relative telomere length in hakes of similar age and body length groups. The results of qPCR analysis showed a great variability in all measures and a lack of repeatability and reproducibility with significant statistical differences in the results of the different assays. The paper discusses the technical reasons for the variability in qPCR obtained in this work and by other authors.


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The utility of quantitative Pneumocystis jirovecii PCR in clinical routine for diagnosing Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) in immunocompromised non-HIV patients is unknown. We analysed bronchoalveolar lavage fluid with real-time quantitative P. jirovecii PCR in 71 cases with definitive PCP defined by positive immunofluorescence (IF) tests and in 171 randomly selected patients with acute lung disease. In those patients, possible PCP cases were identified by using a novel standardised PCP probability algorithm and chart review. PCR performance was compared with IF testing, clinical judgment and the PCP probability algorithm. Quantitative P. jirovecii PCR values >1,450 pathogens·mL(-1) had a positive predictive value of 98.0% (95% CI 89.6-100.0%) for diagnosing definitive PCP. PCR values of between 1 and 1,450 pathogens·mL(-1) were associated with both colonisation and infection; thus, a cut-off between the two conditions could not be identified and diagnosis of PCP in this setting relied on IF and clinical assessment. Clinical PCP could be ruled out in 99.3% of 153 patients with negative PCR results. Quantitative PCR is useful for diagnosing PCP and is complementary to IF. PCR values of >1,450 pathogens·mL(-1) allow reliable diagnosis, whereas negative PCR results virtually exclude PCP. Intermediate values require additional clinical assessment and IF testing. On the basis of our data and for economic and logistical limitations, we propose a clinical algorithm in which IF remains the preferred first test in most cases, followed by PCR in those patients with a negative IF and strong clinical suspicion for PCP.


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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is associated with significant morbidity and mortality in transplant recipients. Resistance against ganciclovir is increasingly observed. According to current guidelines, direct drug resistance testing is not always performed due to high costs and work effort, even when resistance is suspected.