We have investigated the dipole charge- and spin-density response of few-electron two-dimensional concentric nanorings as a function of the intensity of a erpendicularly applied magnetic field. We show that the dipole response displays signatures associated with the localization of electron states in the inner and outer ring favored by the perpendicularly applied magnetic field. Electron localization produces a more fragmented spectrum due to the appearance of additional edge excitations in the inner and outer ring.
The interplay between Rashba, Dresselhaus, and Zeeman interactions in a quantum well submitted to an external magnetic field is studied by means of an accurate analytical solution of the Hamiltonian, including electron-electron interactions in a sum-rule approach. This solution allows us to discuss the influence of the spin-orbit coupling on some relevant quantities that have been measured in inelastic light scattering and electron-spin resonance experiments on quantum wells. In particular, we have evaluated the spin-orbit contribution to the spin splitting of the Landau levels and to the splitting of charge- and spin-density excitations. We also discuss how the spin-orbit effects change if the applied magnetic field is tilted with respect to the direction perpendicular to the quantum well.
We report experimental studies and suggest a quantitative model of spin relaxation in Mn12 acetate in a pulsed magnetic field in the temperature range 1.95.0 K. When the field applied along the anisotropy axis is swept at 140 T/s through a nonmagnetized Mn12 acetate sample, the samples magnetization switches, within a few milliseconds, from zero to saturation at a well-defined field whose value depends on temperature but is quantized in units of 0.46 T. A quantitative explanation of the effect is given in terms of a spin-phonon avalanche combined with thermally assisted resonant spin tunneling.
In this paper we discuss both theoretical and experimental results on the time dependence of the heat capacity of oriented Mn12 magnetic clusters when a magnetic field is applied along their easy axis. Our calculations are based on the existence of two contributions. The first one is associated with the thermal populations of the 21 different Sz levels in the two potential wells of the magnetic uniaxial anisotropy and the second one is related to the transitions between the Sz levels. We compare our theoretical predictions with experimental data on the heat capacity for different resolution times at different fields and temperatures.
We present an experimental study of the premartensitic and martensitic phase transitions in a Ni2MnGa single crystal by using ultrasonic techniques. The effect of applied magnetic field and uniaxial compressive stress has been investigated. It has been found that they substantially modify the elastic and magnetic behavior of the alloy. These experimental findings are a consequence of magnetoelastic effects. The measured magnetic and vibrational behavior agrees with the predictions of a recently proposed Landau-type model [A. Planes et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 3926 (1997)] that incorporates a magnetoelastic coupling as a key ingredient.
The elastic moduli of vortex crystals in anisotropic superconductors are frequently involved in the investigation of their phase diagram and transport properties. We provide a detailed analysis of the harmonic eigenvalues (normal modes) of the vortex lattice for general values of the magnetic field strength, going beyond the elastic continuum regime. The detailed behavior of these wave-vector-dependent eigenvalues within the Brillouin zone (BZ), is compared with several frequently used approximations that we also recalculate. Throughout the BZ, transverse modes are less costly than their longitudinal counterparts, and there is an angular dependence which becomes more marked close to the zone boundary. Based on these results, we propose an analytic correction to the nonlocal continuum formulas which fits quite well the numerical behavior of the eigenvalues in the London regime. We use this approximate expression to calculate thermal fluctuations and the full melting line (according to Lindeman's criterion) for various values of the anisotropy parameter.
We investigate chaotic, memory, and cooling rate effects in the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson model by doing thermoremanent (TRM) and ac susceptibility numerical experiments and making a detailed comparison with laboratory experiments on spin glasses. In contrast to the experiments, the Edwards-Anderson model does not show any trace of reinitialization processes in temperature change experiments (TRM or ac). A detailed comparison with ac relaxation experiments in the presence of dc magnetic field or coupling distribution perturbations reveals that the absence of chaotic effects in the Edwards-Anderson model is a consequence of the presence of strong cooling rate effects. We discuss possible solutions to this discrepancy, in particular the smallness of the time scales reached in numerical experiments, but we also question the validity of the Edwards-Anderson model to reproduce the experimental results.
High-sensitivity electron paramagnetic resonance experiments have been carried out in fresh and stressed Mn12 acetate single crystals for frequencies ranging from 40 GHz up to 110 GHz. The high number of crystal dislocations formed in the stressing process introduces a E(Sx2-Sy2) transverse anisotropy term in the spin Hamiltonian. From the behavior of the resonant absorptions on the applied transverse magnetic field we have obtained an average value for E=22 mK, corresponding to a concentration of dislocations per unit cell of c=10-3.
We report an optical limiter based on ferrofluids which has a very high shelf life and remarkable thermal stability, which are important requirements for sustainable use with intense lasers. The colloidal suspensions contain nanosized particles of approximately 80 Å diameter, with a number density of the order of 1022 /m3. The nonlinear optical transmission of the samples is studied using nanosecond and femtosecond laser pulses. Excited state absorption phenomena contribute to enhanced limiting in the nanosecond excitation regime. An advantageous feature of ferrofluids in terms of device applications is that their optical properties are controllable by an external magnetic field.
Magnetic heterostructures with carbon nanotubes having multiple functionalities are fascinating materials which can be manipulated by means of an external magnetic field. In this paper we report our investigations on the synthesis and optical limiting properties of pristine cobalt nanotubes and high coercivity cobalt-in-carbon nanotubes (a new nanosystem where carbon nanotubes are filled with cobalt nanotubes). A general mobility assisted growth mechanism for the formation of one-dimensional nanostructures inside nanopores is verified in the case of carbon nanotubes. The open-aperture z-scan technique is employed for the optical limiting measurements in which nanosecond laser pulses at 532 nm have been used for optical excitation. Compared to the benchmark pristine carbon nanotubes these materials show an enhanced nonlinear optical absorption, and the nonlinear optical parameters calculated from the data show that these materials are efficient optical limiters. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report where the optical limiting properties of metal nanotubes are compared to those of carbon nanotubes
Co–Fe–Si based films exhibit high magnetic moments and are highly sought after for applications like soft under layer sinper pendicular recording mediatomagneto-electro-mechanical sensor applications.In this workt he effect of annealing on s tructural,morphologicaland magnetic propertiesofco–Fe–Si thin films wasinvestigated.compositional analysis using x-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion massspectroscopyrevealedanativeoxidesurfacelayerconsistingofoxidesofco,feandsionthe surface. The morphology of theas deposited films shows mound like structures conformingtothe Volmer–Webergrowthmodel.Nanocrystallisationofamorphous films upon annealing was observed by glancing anglex-raydiffraction and transmission electron microscopy.Theevolutionofmagnetic properties with annealing is explained using the Herzermodel.Vibrating sample magnetometry measurements carried out at various angles from01 to 901 to the applied magnetic field were employed to study the angula rvariation of coercivity.The angular variation fits the modified Kondorsky model. Interestingly,the coercivity evolution with annealing deduced frommagneto-opticalKerreffectstudies indicates areversetrendcomparedtomagetisationobservedinthebulk.Thiscanbeattributedtoa domain wallpinningatnativeoxidelayeronthesurfaceofthin films. Theevolutionofsurfacemagnetic properties iscorrelatedwithmorphologyevolutionprobedusingatomicforcemicroscopy.The morphology aswellasthepresenceofthenativeoxidelayerdictatesthesurfacemagneticproperties and this is corroborated by the apparent difference in the bulk and surface magnetic properties
The magnetic properties of amorphous Fe–Ni–B based metallic glass nanostructures were investigated. The nanostructures underwent a spin-glass transition at temperatures below 100 K and revealed an irreversible temperature following the linear de Almeida–Thouless dependence. When the nanostructures were cooled below 25 K in a magnetic field, they exhibited an exchange bias effect with enhanced coercivity. The observed onset of exchange bias is associated with the coexistence of the spin-glass phase along with the appearance of another spin-glass phase formed by oxidation of the structurally disordered surface layer, displaying a distinct training effect and cooling field dependence. The latter showed a maximum in exchange bias field and coercivity, which is probably due to competing multiple equivalent spin configurations at the boundary between the two spin-glass phases
Lead free magneto electrics with a strong sub resonant (broad frequency range) magneto electric coupling coefficient (MECC) is the goal of the day which can revolutionise the microelectronics and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) industry. We report giant resonant MECC in lead free nanograined Barium Titanate–CoFe (Alloy)-Barium Titanate [BTO-CoFe-BTO] sandwiched thin films. The resonant MECC values obtained here are the highest values recorded in thin films/ multilayers. Sub-resonant MECC values are quite comparable to the highest MECC reported in 2-2 layered structures. MECC got enhanced by two orders at a low frequency resonance. The results show the potential of these thin films for transducer, magnetic field assisted energy harvesters, switching devices, and storage applications. Some possible device integration techniques are also discussed
Digitales stochastisches Magnetfeld-Sensorarray Stefan Rohrer Im Rahmen eines mehrjährigen Forschungsprojektes, gefördert von der Deutschen Forschungsgesellschaft (DFG), wurden am Institut für Mikroelektronik (IPM) der Universität Kassel digitale Magnetfeldsensoren mit einer Breite bis zu 1 µm entwickelt. Die vorliegende Dissertation stellt ein aus diesem Forschungsprojekt entstandenes Magnetfeld-Sensorarray vor, das speziell dazu entworfen wurde, um digitale Magnetfelder schnell und auf minimaler Fläche mit einer guten räumlichen und zeitlichen Auflösung zu detektieren. Der noch in einem 1,0µm-CMOS-Prozess gefertigte Test-Chip arbeitet bis zu einer Taktfrequenz von 27 MHz bei einem Sensorabstand von 6,75 µm. Damit ist er das derzeit kleinste und schnellste digitale Magnetfeld-Sensorarray in einem Standard-CMOS-Prozess. Konvertiert auf eine 0,09µm-Technologie können Frequenzen bis 1 GHz erreicht werden bei einem Sensorabstand von unter 1 µm. In der Dissertation werden die wichtigsten Ergebnisse des Projekts detailliert beschrieben. Basis des Sensors ist eine rückgekoppelte Inverter-Anordnung. Als magnetfeldsensitives Element dient ein auf dem Hall-Effekt basierender Doppel-Drain-MAGFET, der das Verhalten der Kippschaltung beeinflusst. Aus den digitalen Ausgangsdaten kann die Stärke und die Polarität des Magnetfelds bestimmt werden. Die Gesamtanordnung bildet einen stochastischen Magnetfeld-Sensor. In der Arbeit wird ein Modell für das Kippverhalten der rückgekoppelten Inverter präsentiert. Die Rauscheinflüsse des Sensors werden analysiert und in einem stochastischen Differentialgleichungssystem modelliert. Die Lösung der stochastischen Differentialgleichung zeigt die Entwicklung der Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung des Ausgangssignals über die Zeit und welche Einflussfaktoren die Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit des Sensors beeinflussen. Sie gibt Hinweise darauf, welche Parameter für das Design und Layout eines stochastischen Sensors zu einem optimalen Ergebnis führen. Die auf den theoretischen Berechnungen basierenden Schaltungen und Layout-Komponenten eines digitalen stochastischen Sensors werden in der Arbeit vorgestellt. Aufgrund der technologisch bedingten Prozesstoleranzen ist für jeden Detektor eine eigene kompensierende Kalibrierung erforderlich. Unterschiedliche Realisierungen dafür werden präsentiert und bewertet. Zur genaueren Modellierung wird ein SPICE-Modell aufgestellt und damit für das Kippverhalten des Sensors eine stochastische Differentialgleichung mit SPICE-bestimmten Koeffizienten hergeleitet. Gegenüber den Standard-Magnetfeldsensoren bietet die stochastische digitale Auswertung den Vorteil einer flexiblen Messung. Man kann wählen zwischen schnellen Messungen bei reduzierter Genauigkeit und einer hohen lokalen Auflösung oder einer hohen Genauigkeit bei der Auswertung langsam veränderlicher Magnetfelder im Bereich von unter 1 mT. Die Arbeit präsentiert die Messergebnisse des Testchips. Die gemessene Empfindlichkeit und die Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeit sowie die optimalen Arbeitspunkte und die Kennliniencharakteristik werden dargestellt. Die relative Empfindlichkeit der MAGFETs beträgt 0,0075/T. Die damit erzielbaren Fehlerwahrscheinlichkeiten werden in der Arbeit aufgelistet. Verglichen mit dem theoretischen Modell zeigt das gemessene Kippverhalten der stochastischen Sensoren eine gute Übereinstimmung. Verschiedene Messungen von analogen und digitalen Magnetfeldern bestätigen die Anwendbarkeit des Sensors für schnelle Magnetfeldmessungen bis 27 MHz auch bei kleinen Magnetfeldern unter 1 mT. Die Messungen der Sensorcharakteristik in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur zeigen, dass die Empfindlichkeit bei sehr tiefen Temperaturen deutlich steigt aufgrund der Abnahme des Rauschens. Eine Zusammenfassung und ein ausführliches Literaturverzeichnis geben einen Überblick über den Stand der Technik.
The classical scattering cross section of two colliding nuclei at intermediate and relativistic energies is reevaluated. The influence of retardation and magnetic field effects is taken into account. Corrections due to electron screening as well as due to attractive nuclear forces are discussed. This paper represents an addendum to [l].