1000 resultados para Médio Paranapanema
This paper appears in order to promote a discussion on the use and ways of working with the land. For this, we present a scenario of conflict initiated in Pontal do Parananema, São Paulo, Brazil, between the peasantry and the agrohidronegócio. The Pontal is a territory marked by agrarian and land conflicts, originated by the illegal occupation of land by the squatters, the decimation / expropriation of indigenous, and deforestation and environmental devastation. This conflict is represented today by the sugarcane agro-industrial capital companies on one side, and the other peasants. The expansion occurs agrohidronegócio strongly from 2005, due mainly to the change in the energy matrix of the country and state incentives with strong momentum in the production of flex-fuel vehicles. Rural agrarian reform settlements, made possible by the state under pressure from social movements, are spatialized in 16 municipalities with a total of 112 settlements, occupying an area of 139. 682 hectares, seating 5. 892 families. These families have seen their possibilities of social reproduction increasingly suppressed by the advance of sugarcane agrohidronegócio in the region, which suffocates the living spaces and work of these peasants. Front of it, agroecology is an alternative for these workers to ensure their reproductive possibilities. Agroecology also arises as a means of confronting agribusiness model, adding elements to the environment, such as the eradication of the use of pesticides and considering the dynamics of nature to promote agriculture, and social order, contributing food sovereignty and the production of healthy food and diversity to the population...
We performed in this study an analysis of Curriculum Astronomy contents the public schools of São Paulo from the available educational materials to teachers and students by the state board of education. We analyzed the conditions that teachers carry out the activities suggested to the teaching-learning situations, considering factors such as time available for classes, available material and the general technical condition to perform the activities suggested by the material. Thereafter, we conducted a search with teachers from public of São Paulo, than three cities in the Vale do Paraíba, in order to trace a general framework of the perception of these teachers about the introduction of Astronomy in Physical during the implementation of the new curriculum
A luta em defesa da Sociologia no Ensino Médio: 1996-2007 : um estudo sobre a invenção das tradições
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Ichthyofaunistic studies aims to broad the knowledge of composition, abundance and distribution of species in certain areas, and when possible, to infer patterns of distribution, as well as extrinsic factors that affect these patterns in space and time. The Paranapanema River suffers the impact of the construction of hydroelectric power plants in cascade system along its main channel, changing the characteristics of lotic to lentic and semi-lentic. These changes affect the entire biocenosis and the surroundings of the reservoir and, in particular, the fish fauna. In this context, the aim of this study was to characterize the fish assemblage in two lakes and stretches of the main channel, located near the outfall of the Paranapanema River, Jurumirim reservoir area, comparing them to their composition and structure, using ecological indices as tools. Fish were caught every three months from April 2011 to January 2013, using gill nets of various mesh openings in four stretches: Environment 1 - Calha Sete Ilhas, Environment 2 - Calha Poço da Pedra, Environment 3 - Lagoa Sete Ilhas and Environment 4 - Lagoa Poço de Pedra. After the capture, the specimens were identified and biometric analysis was performed (total and standard length weight). We captured 4,006 individuals belonging to four orders and 34 species, 31 native species and three non-native species. In abundance (n) and number of species (S), there was a predominance of Characiformes (57 %) followed by Siluriformes (31%). Overall, most of the species was constant concerning the frequency of capture. The five most representative species in abundance were Schizodon intermedius, Cyphocarax modestus, Pimelodus maculatus, Hoplosternum littorale and Serrasalmus maculatus, contributing with 60% of total individuals captured. Regarding the stretches, these species present diversity (H'), evenness (E), dominance (D) and richness (d) of similar species, since the abundance was higher in ...
The present study aimed to survey the medium and large land mammals in three fragments at the Fazenda Experimental Lageado - UNESP/Botucatu, through the method of sand plots. 48 plots were used in total, 16 on each track. The paw prints found were photographed and identified from specific guides. 12 different species of mammals were found, these, 7 were classified at the level of species belonging to 9 families and 6 orders. The most representative order was Carnivora. Most of the species found have a generalist or omnivore habit, which can be related with the degree of the forest fragmentation. The only fragment of natural forest (semideciduous), presented the fewer numbers of species, which can be explained due to its isolation. The other fragment, which has near highway and other large fragment (Fazenda Experimental Edgárdia) was the most representative fragment, demonstrating the importance of nearest fragments to the continuity and survival of medium and large mammals
The education research guidelines have shown the important contribution of the investigations that focus on analysis of the discursive dimension of teaching and learning of Science in actual classroom. An interesting proposal to analyze the effectiveness of an educational activity is to assess the potential of investigative activities in the development of argumentation in science classes. Several studies have taken into account the use of argument in the classroom as a way to provide students with new ways to know the science. Argument refers to the process of associating components that play a central role in the construction of explanations, models and theories. In order to investigate the potential of these activities took place the application of investigative activities with third-year high school students, recorded in audio and video, focusing on the development of the argument. The search, conducted ranks as a qualitative research with characteristics of a case study. The arguments collected during the activities contained the students' conceptions about the concepts discussed and all were recorded in audio and video. With the encouragement of the argument by the investigative activity we evaluate the learning experienced by the speech of students. It may be noted that students have appropriated the concept of oxidation involving electron transfer, thus the activity reached the goal, so that was planned, making it effective for the introduction of electrochemical concepts
Teaching cases are records, through written narratives, of an academic episode or incident, they appear in educational scenery as a rich strategy not only for the teacher's conformation but also for their investigation. The bibliography shows that young students are still not very much investigated and it contributes to the establishment of negative images of this social subject. In this sense, the objective of this work is to analyze the stories and episodes, called teaching cases, in narrative style, written by students from High School about their physical education classes. The participants of this study are High School students from two public schools from two cities in the countryside of São Paulo state. The researcher stayed in the schools for nine months and in this meantime she made contact with the students, asking, for the ones who showed interest, the construction of teaching cases. For this interested students, the researcher explained researcher explained what teaching cases are, as well as, she presented a template to guide them in the production. At the end of this process, twenty teaching cases were delivered to the researcher. They were analyzed under the qualitative approach, valuing the expressive wealth in the narratives, complemented by the interviews with the authors. Inset the mosaic of narratives and interviews, showing a variety of experiences and possibilities of distance and approximation of the students to the physical education classes, we can indicate that from the 20 cases, only one was set as a total distance from the physical education classes (this is the student's situation since she was in the second grade from elementary school). Mentioning the positive experiences and the approximation to the physical education classes, the association of teaching cases and interviews showed that seven students lived the context and until today present an affective proximity to the classes. These evidences can help...
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC