921 resultados para Low-carbon production


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The objective of this work was to evaluate elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) genotypes for bioenergy production by direct biomass combustion. Five elephant grass genotypes grown in two different soil types, both of low fertility, were evaluated. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Agrobiologia field station in Seropédica, RJ, Brazil. The design was in randomized complete blocks, with split plots and four replicates. The genotypes studied were Cameroon, Bag 02, Gramafante, Roxo and CNPGL F06-3. Evaluations were made for biomass production, total biomass nitrogen, biomass nitrogen from biological fixation, carbon/nitrogen and stem/leaf ratios, and contents of fiber, lignin, cellulose and ash. The dry matter yields ranged from 45 to 67 Mg ha-1. Genotype Roxo had the lowest yield and genotypes Bag 02 and Cameroon had the highest ones. The biomass nitrogen accumulation varied from 240 to 343 kg ha-1. The plant nitrogen from biological fixation was 51% in average. The carbon/nitrogen and stem/leaf ratios and the contents of fiber, lignin, cellulose and ash did not vary among the genotypes. The five genotypes are suitable for energy production through combustion.


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Abstract:The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of grazing intensity on the decomposition of cover crop pasture, dung, and soybean residues, as well as the C and N release rates from these residues in a long-term integrated soybean-beef cattle system under no-tillage. The experiment was initiated in 2001, with soybean cultivated in summer and black oat + Italian ryegrass in winter. The treatments consisted of four sward heights (10, 20, 30, and 40 cm), plus an ungrazed area, as the control. In 2009-2011, residues from pasture, dung, and soybean stems and leaves were placed in nylon-mesh litter bags and allowed to decompose for up to 258 days. With increasing grazing intensity, residual dry matter of the pasture decreased and that of dung increased. Pasture and dung lignin concentrations and C release rates were lower with moderate grazing intensity. C and N release rates from soybean residues are not affected by grazing intensity. The moderate grazing intensity produces higher quality residues, both for pasture and dung. Total C and N release is influenced by the greater residual dry matter produced when pastures were either lightly grazed or ungrazed.


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Inclusive doubly differential cross sections d 2 σ pA /dx F   dp T 2 as a function of Feynman-x (x F ) and transverse momentum (p T ) for the production of K S 0 , Λ and Λ¯ in proton-nucleus interactions at 920 GeV are presented. The measurements were performed by HERA-B in the negative x F range (−0.12production cross sections are presented and discussed. The Cronin effect is clearly observed for all three V 0 species. The atomic number dependence is parameterized as σ pA =σ pN ⋅A α where σ pN is the proton-nucleon cross section. The measured values of α are all near one. The results are compared with EPOS 1.67 and PYTHIA 6.3. EPOS reproduces the data to within ≈20% except at very low transverse momentum.


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Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) exhibit special physicochemical properties and thus are finding their way into an increasing number of industries, enabling products with improved properties. Their increased use brings a greater likelihood of exposure to the nanoparticles (NPs) that could be released during the life cycle of nano-abled products. The field of nanotoxicology has emerged as a consequence of the development of these novel materials, and it has gained ever more attention due to the urgent need to gather information on exposure to them and to understand the potential hazards they engender. However, current studies on nanotoxicity tend to focus on pristine ENMs, and they use these toxicity results to generalize risk assessments on human exposure to NPs. ENMs released into the environment can interact with their surroundings, change characteristics and exhibit toxicity effects distinct from those of pristine ENMs. Furthermore, NPs' large surface areas provide extra-large potential interfaces, thus promoting more significant interactions between NPs and other co-existing species. In such processes, other species can attach to a NP's surface and modify its surface functionality, in addition to the toxicity in normally exhibits. One particular occupational health scenario involves NPs and low-volatile organic compounds (LVOC), a common type of pollutant existing around many potential sources of NPs. LVOC can coat a NP's surface and then dominate its toxicity. One important mechanism in nanotoxicology is the creation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on a NP's surface; LVOC can modify the production of these ROS. In summary, nanotoxicity research should not be limited to the toxicity of pristine NPs, nor use their toxicity to evaluate the health effects of exposure to environmental NPs. Instead, the interactions which NPs have with other environmental species should also be considered and researched. The potential health effects of exposure to NPs should be derived from these real world NPs with characteristics modified by the environment and their distinct toxicity. Failure to suitably address toxicity results could lead to an inappropriate treatment of nano- release, affect the environment and public health and put a blemish on the development of sustainable nanotechnologies as a whole. The main objective of this thesis is to demonstrate a process for coating NP surfaces with LVOC using a well-controlled laboratory design and, with regard to these NPs' capacity to generate ROS, explore the consequences of changing particle toxicity. The dynamic coating system developed yielded stable and replicable coating performance, simulating an important realistic scenario. Clear changes in the size distribution of airborne NPs were observed using a scanning mobility particle sizer, were confirmed using both liquid nanotracking analyses and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging, and were verified thanks to the LVOC coating. Coating thicknesses corresponded to the amount of coating material used and were controlled using the parameters of the LVOC generator. The capacity of pristine silver NPs (Ag NPs) to generate ROS was reduced when they were given a passive coating of inert paraffin: this coating blocked the reactive zones on the particle surfaces. In contrast, a coating of active reduced-anthraquinone contributed to redox reactions and generated ROS itself, despite the fact that ROS generation due to oxidation by Ag NPs themselves was quenched. Further objectives of this thesis included development of ROS methodology and the analysis of ROS case studies. Since the capacity of NPs to create ROS is an important effect in nanotoxicity, we attempted to refine and standardize the use of 2'7-dichlorodihydrofluorescin (DCFH) as a chemical tailored for the characterization of NPs' capacity for ROS generation. Previous studies had reported a wide variety of results, which were due to a number of insufficiently well controlled factors. We therefore cross-compared chemicals and concentrations, explored ways of dispersing NP samples in liquid solutions, identified sources of contradictions in the literature and investigated ways of reducing artificial results. The most robust results were obtained by sonicating an optimal sample of NPs in a DCFH-HRP solution made of 5,M DCFH and 0.5 unit/ml horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Our findings explained how the major reasons for previously conflicting results were the different experimental approaches used and the potential artifacts appearing when using high sample concentrations. Applying our advanced DCFH protocol with other physicochemical characterizations and biological analyses, we conducted several case studies, characterizing aerosols and NP samples. Exposure to aged brake wear dust engenders a risk of potential deleterious health effects in occupational scenarios. We performed microscopy and elemental analyses, as well as ROS measurements, with acellular and cellular DCFH assays. TEM images revealed samples to be heterogeneous mixtures with few particles in the nano-scale. Metallic and non-metallic elements were identified, primarily iron, carbon and oxygen. Moderate amounts of ROS were detected in the cell-free fluorescent tests; however, exposed cells were not dramatically activated. In addition to their highly aged state due to oxidation, the reason aged brake wear samples caused less oxidative stress than fresh brake wear samples may be because of their larger size and thus smaller relative reactive surface area. Other case studies involving welding fumes and differently charged NPs confirmed the performance of our DCFH assay and found ROS generation linked to varying characteristics, especially the surface functionality of the samples. Les nanomatériaux manufacturés (ENM) présentent des propriétés physico-chimiques particulières et ont donc trouvés des applications dans un nombre croissant de secteurs, permettant de réaliser des produits ayant des propriétés améliorées. Leur utilisation accrue engendre un plus grand risque pour les êtres humains d'être exposés à des nanoparticules (NP) qui sont libérées au long de leur cycle de vie. En conséquence, la nanotoxicologie a émergé et gagné de plus en plus d'attention dû à la nécessité de recueillir les renseignements nécessaires sur l'exposition et les risques associés à ces nouveaux matériaux. Cependant, les études actuelles sur la nanotoxicité ont tendance à se concentrer sur les ENM et utiliser ces résultats toxicologiques pour généraliser l'évaluation des risques sur l'exposition humaine aux NP. Les ENM libérés dans l'environnement peuvent interagir avec l'environnement, changeant leurs caractéristiques, et montrer des effets de toxicité distincts par rapport aux ENM originaux. Par ailleurs, la grande surface des NP fournit une grande interface avec l'extérieur, favorisant les interactions entre les NP et les autres espèces présentes. Dans ce processus, d'autres espèces peuvent s'attacher à la surface des NP et modifier leur fonctionnalité de surface ainsi que leur toxicité. Un scénario d'exposition professionnel particulier implique à la fois des NP et des composés organiques peu volatils (LVOC), un type commun de polluant associé à de nombreuses sources de NP. Les LVOC peuvent se déposer sur la surface des NP et donc dominer la toxicité globale de la particule. Un mécanisme important en nanotoxicologie est la création d'espèces réactives d'oxygène (ROS) sur la surface des particules, et les LVOC peuvent modifier cette production de ROS. En résumé, la recherche en nanotoxicité ne devrait pas être limitée à la toxicité des ENM originaux, ni utiliser leur toxicité pour évaluer les effets sur la santé de l'exposition aux NP de l'environnement; mais les interactions que les NP ont avec d'autres espèces environnementales doivent être envisagées et étudiées. Les effets possibles sur la santé de l'exposition aux NP devraient être dérivés de ces NP aux caractéristiques modifiées et à la toxicité distincte. L'utilisation de résultats de toxicité inappropriés peut conduire à une mauvaise prise en charge de l'exposition aux NP, de détériorer l'environnement et la santé publique et d'entraver le développement durable des industries de la nanotechnologie dans leur ensemble. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est de démontrer le processus de déposition des LVOC sur la surface des NP en utilisant un environnement de laboratoire bien contrôlé et d'explorer les conséquences du changement de toxicité des particules sur leur capacité à générer des ROS. Le système de déposition dynamique développé a abouti à des performances de revêtement stables et reproductibles, en simulant des scénarios réalistes importants. Des changements clairs dans la distribution de taille des NP en suspension ont été observés par spectrométrie de mobilité électrique des particules, confirmé à la fois par la méthode dite liquid nanotracking analysis et par microscopie électronique à transmission (MET), et a été vérifié comme provenant du revêtement par LVOC. La correspondance entre l'épaisseur de revêtement et la quantité de matériau de revêtement disponible a été démontré et a pu être contrôlé par les paramètres du générateur de LVOC. La génération de ROS dû aux NP d'argent (Ag NP) a été diminuée par un revêtement passif de paraffine inerte bloquant les zones réactives à la surface des particules. Au contraire, le revêtement actif d'anthraquinone réduit a contribué aux réactions redox et a généré des ROS, même lorsque la production de ROS par oxydation des Ag NP avec l'oxygène a été désactivé. Les objectifs associés comprennent le développement de la méthodologie et des études de cas spécifique aux ROS. Etant donné que la capacité des NP à générer des ROS contribue grandement à la nanotoxicité, nous avons tenté de définir un standard pour l'utilisation de 27- dichlorodihydrofluorescine (DCFH) adapté pour caractériser la génération de ROS par les NP. Des etudes antérieures ont rapporté une grande variété de résultats différents, ce qui était dû à un contrôle insuffisant des plusieurs facteurs. Nous avons donc comparé les produits chimiques et les concentrations utilisés, exploré les moyens de dispersion des échantillons HP en solution liquide, investigué les sources de conflits identifiées dans les littératures et étudié les moyens de réduire les résultats artificiels. De très bon résultats ont été obtenus par sonication d'une quantité optimale d'échantillons de NP en solution dans du DCFH-HRP, fait de 5 nM de DCFH et de 0,5 unité/ml de Peroxydase de raifort (HRP). Notre étude a démontré que les principales raisons causant les conflits entre les études précédemment conduites dans la littérature étaient dues aux différentes approches expérimentales et à des artefacts potentiels dus à des concentrations élevées de NP dans les échantillons. Utilisant notre protocole DCFH avancé avec d'autres caractérisations physico-chimiques et analyses biologiques, nous avons mené plusieurs études de cas, caractérisant les échantillons d'aérosols et les NP. La vielle poussière de frein en particulier présente un risque élevé d'exposition dans les scénarios professionnels, avec des effets potentiels néfastes sur la santé. Nous avons effectué des analyses d'éléments et de microscopie ainsi que la mesure de ROS avec DCFH cellulaire et acellulaire. Les résultats de MET ont révélé que les échantillons se présentent sous la forme de mélanges de particules hétérogènes, desquels une faible proportion se trouve dans l'échelle nano. Des éléments métalliques et non métalliques ont été identifiés, principalement du fer, du carbone et de l'oxygène. Une quantité modérée de ROS a été détectée dans le test fluorescent acellulaire; cependant les cellules exposées n'ont pas été très fortement activées. La raison pour laquelle les échantillons de vielle poussière de frein causent un stress oxydatif inférieur par rapport à la poussière de frein nouvelle peut-être à cause de leur plus grande taille engendrant une surface réactive proportionnellement plus petite, ainsi que leur état d'oxydation avancé diminuant la réactivité. D'autres études de cas sur les fumées de soudage et sur des NP différemment chargées ont confirmé la performance de notre test DCFH et ont trouvé que la génération de ROS est liée à certaines caractéristiques, notamment la fonctionnalité de surface des échantillons.


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Emission trading with greenhouse gases and green certificates are part if the climate policy the main target of which is reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon dioxide and fine particle emissions of energy production in Helsinki Metropolitan area are calculated in this study. The analysis is made mainly by district heating point of view and the changes of the district heating network are assessed. Carbon dioxide emissions would be a bit higher, if the district heating network is expanded, but then the fine particle emissions would be much lower. Carbon dioxide emissions are roughly 10 % higher, if the district heating network is expanded at same rate as it has in past five years in the year 2030. The expansion of district heating network would decrease the fine particle emissions about 40 %. The cost of the expansion is allocated to be reduction cost of the fine particle emissions, which is considerably higher than the traditional reduction methods costs. The possible new nuclear plant would reduce the emissions considerably and the costs of the nuclear plant would be relatively low comparing the other energy production methods.


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International energy and climate strategies also set Finland’s commitments to increasing the use of renewable energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The target can be achieved by, for example, increasing the use of energy wood. Finland’s forest biomass potential is significant compared with current use. Increased use will change forest management and wood harvesting methods however. The thesis examined the potential for integrated pulp and paper mills to increase bioenergy production. The effects of two bioenergy production technologies on the carbon footprint of an integrated LWC mill were studied at mill level and from the cradle-to-customer approach. The LignoBoost process and FT diesel production were chosen as bioenergy cases. The data for the LignoBoost process were obtained from Metso and for the FT diesel process from Neste Oil. The rest of the information is based on the literature and databases of the KCL-ECO life-cycle computer program and Ecoinvent. In both case studies, the carbon footprint was reduced. From the results, it can be concluded that it is possible to achieve a fossil-fuel-free pulp mill with the LignoBoost process. By using steam from the FT diesel process, the amount of auxiliary fuel can be reduced considerably and the bark boiler can be replaced. With a choice of auxiliary fuels for use in heat production in the paper mill and the production methods for purchased electricity, it is possible to affect the carbon footprints even more in both cases.


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The proper management of agricultural crop residues could produce benefits in a warmer, more drought-prone world. Field experiments were conducted in sugarcane production areas in the Southern Brazil to assess the influence of crop residues on the soil surface in short-term CO2 emissions. The study was carried out over a period of 50 days after establishing 6 plots with and without crop residues applied to the soil surface. The effects of sugarcane residues on CO2 emissions were immediate; the emissions from residue-covered plots with equivalent densities of 3 (D50) and 6 (D100) t ha-1 (dry mass) were less than those from non-covered plots (D0). Additionally, the covered fields had lower soil temperatures and higher soil moisture for most of the studied days, especially during the periods of drought. Total emissions were as high as 553.62 ± 47.20 g CO2 m-2, and as low as 384.69 ± 31.69 g CO2 m-2 in non-covered (D0) and covered plot with an equivalent density of 3 t ha-1 (D50), respectively. Our results indicate a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, indicating conservation of soil carbon over the short-term period following the application of sugarcane residues to the soil surface.


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ABSTRACT Cocoa is an important commercial crop in the tropics; and estimating the carbon emissions in the producing-areas is a worthwhile effort. The main goal of the current paper was to evaluate the carbon footprint (CF) per kilogram of Colombian cocoa bean produced under conventional and agroforestry managements, following the methods proposed by PAS 2050. In this research, we compared our results to other worldwide researches, showing an overview of the current limitations and challenges involving the CF researches. Our results showed that all calculated environmental burdens were lower for the conventional management. In the agroforestry practice, composting of cocoa pod husks contributed with approximately 34.00E+00 g methane and 2.55E+00 g nitrous oxide emissions per kilogram of cocoa grain produced. Therefore, such practice could reduce CF by 6.00E+00 kg CO2 Eq kg-1, which is certainly a significant amount. These cocoa residues left on the ground have a strong impact on CF of both studied managements due to the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter, which represents more than 85% of emissions. We concluded that both evaluated production processes can emit environmental burdens at the same magnitude. Definitely, there is a widespread need to improve cocoa production system by changing old and less productive plants to the so called clones to ensure cocoa yield and quality worldwide.


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The production of chemicals from sawdust by wet oxidation has been investigated. Two different concentrations of sawdust; 54054 mg/l and 32683 mg/l were used in the study. The wet oxidation operating conditions were; 175 deg.C – 225 deg.C, 1MPa Oxygen, and 40 minutes to 120 minutes reaction time. Carboxylic acids were among the chemicals produced in the process. The total yield of carboxylic acids was found to increase with temperature. Also, higher yields of carboxylic acids were observed at a lower sawdust concentration. This was probably due to the high oxygen-biomass ratio at lower sawdust concentration. Higher oxygen availability at low sawdust concentration resulted in increased conversion of the sawdust; hence the higher yields of carboxylic acids. At lower sawdust concentration, a total carboxylic acid yield of 25.59 wt% was attained at 200 deg.C and 40 minutes reaction time. At higher sawdust concentration, a total carboxylic acid yield of 15.57 wt% was attained at 200 deg.C and 40-minutes reaction time. The carboxylic acids identified include formic acid, acetic acid, succinic acid and oxalic acid. The optimum temperature for the production of formic acid was found to be 200 deg.C, while the optimum temperature for the production of acetic acid was found to be 225 deg.C. A temperature of 225 deg.C and relatively short reaction time of 10 minutes was found to be the optimal condition for the production of succinic acid. Formic acid was produced in the highest yield, with an optimal yield of 13.69wt %, when the reaction temperature and time are 200 deg.C and 40 minutes respectively. The yield of formic acid was found to decrease significantly when further increasing the temperature to 225 deg.C. This was presumably due to thermal decomposition of formic acid at relatively higher temperature. However, the yield of acetic acid was found to steadily increase with temperature. This is because acetic is more thermally stable than formic acid. The yield of acetic acid did not decrease after the temperature was increased to 225 deg.C. Optimal yield of acetic acid (7.98wt %) was achieved at; 225 deg.C, and 40 minutes reaction time. Succinic acid was produced only at temperatures of 200 deg.C and 225 deg.C. Optimal yield of succinic acid (5.66wt %) was attained under the following conditions; 32683 mg/l, 225 deg.C, 1MPa O2, and 10-minutes reaction time. Oxalic acid was produced in the lowest yield and, less frequently. The optimal yield of oxalic acid (4.02 wt%) was attained at 175 deg.C and 80-minutes of reaction time The Total Organic Carbon (TOC) is found to be higher when increasing the operating temperature, thus suggesting that more organic compounds are formed at higher temperatures. The identified carboxylic acids could only account for less than 30% of the measured COD content of the various wet oxidation samples. This implies that some other unidentified compounds (reaction products) must have been present. In general, wet oxidation seems to be an effective method for converting lignocellulosic biomass into useful chemicals. Relatively higher temperatures have been found to favor the production of carboxylic acids from sawdust.


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The steel industry produces, besides steel, also solid mineral by-products or slags, while it emits large quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2). Slags consist of various silicates and oxides which are formed in chemical reactions between the iron ore and the fluxing agents during the high temperature processing at the steel plant. Currently, these materials are recycled in the ironmaking processes, used as aggregates in construction, or landfilled as waste. The utilization rate of the steel slags can be increased by selectively extracting components from the mineral matrix. As an example, aqueous solutions of ammonium salts such as ammonium acetate, chloride and nitrate extract calcium quite selectively already at ambient temperature and pressure conditions. After the residual solids have been separated from the solution, calcium carbonate can be precipitated by feeding a CO2 flow through the solution. Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) is used in different applications as a filler material. Its largest consumer is the papermaking industry, which utilizes PCC because it enhances the optical properties of paper at a relatively low cost. Traditionally, PCC is manufactured from limestone, which is first calcined to calcium oxide, then slaked with water to calcium hydroxide and finally carbonated to PCC. This process emits large amounts of CO2, mainly because of the energy-intensive calcination step. This thesis presents research work on the scale-up of the above-mentioned ammonium salt based calcium extraction and carbonation method, named Slag2PCC. Extending the scope of the earlier studies, it is now shown that the parameters which mainly affect the calcium utilization efficiency are the solid-to-liquid ratio of steel slag and the ammonium salt solvent solution during extraction, the mean diameter of the slag particles, and the slag composition, especially the fractions of total calcium, silicon, vanadium and iron as well as the fraction of free calcium oxide. Regarding extraction kinetics, slag particle size, solid-to-liquid ratio and molar concentration of the solvent solution have the largest effect on the reaction rate. Solvent solution concentrations above 1 mol/L NH4Cl cause leaching of other elements besides calcium. Some of these such as iron and manganese result in solution coloring, which can be disadvantageous for the quality of the PCC product. Based on chemical composition analysis of the produced PCC samples, however, the product quality is mainly similar as in commercial products. Increasing the novelty of the work, other important parameters related to assessment of the PCC quality, such as particle size distribution and crystal morphology are studied as well. As in traditional PCC precipitation process, the ratio of calcium and carbonate ions controls the particle shape; a higher value for [Ca2+]/[CO32-] prefers precipitation of calcite polymorph, while vaterite forms when carbon species are present in excess. The third main polymorph, aragonite, is only formed at elevated temperatures, above 40-50 °C. In general, longer precipitation times cause transformation of vaterite to calcite or aragonite, but also result in particle agglomeration. The chemical equilibrium of ammonium and calcium ions and dissolved ammonia controlling the solution pH affects the particle sizes, too. Initial pH of 12-13 during the carbonation favors nonagglomerated particles with a diameter of 1 μm and smaller, while pH values of 9-10 generate more agglomerates of 10-20 μm. As a part of the research work, these findings are implemented in demonstrationscale experimental process setups. For the first time, the Slag2PCC technology is tested in scale of ~70 liters instead of laboratory scale only. Additionally, design of a setup of several hundreds of liters is discussed. For these purposes various process units such as inclined settlers and filters for solids separation, pumps and stirrers for material transfer and mixing as well as gas feeding equipment are dimensioned and developed. Overall emissions reduction of the current industrial processes and good product quality as the main targets, based on the performed partial life cycle assessment (LCA), it is most beneficial to utilize low concentration ammonium salt solutions for the Slag2PCC process. In this manner the post-treatment of the products does not require extensive use of washing and drying equipment, otherwise increasing the CO2 emissions of the process. The low solvent concentration Slag2PCC process causes negative CO2 emissions; thus, it can be seen as a carbon capture and utilization (CCU) method, which actually reduces the anthropogenic CO2 emissions compared to the alternative of not using the technology. Even if the amount of steel slag is too small for any substantial mitigation of global warming, the process can have both financial and environmental significance for individual steel manufacturers as a means to reduce the amounts of emitted CO2 and landfilled steel slag. Alternatively, it is possible to introduce the carbon dioxide directly into the mixture of steel slag and ammonium salt solution. The process would generate a 60-75% pure calcium carbonate mixture, the remaining 25-40% consisting of the residual steel slag. This calcium-rich material could be re-used in ironmaking as a fluxing agent instead of natural limestone. Even though this process option would require less process equipment compared to the Slag2PCC process, it still needs further studies regarding the practical usefulness of the products. Nevertheless, compared to several other CO2 emission reduction methods studied around the world, the within this thesis developed and studied processes have the advantage of existing markets for the produced materials, thus giving also a financial incentive for applying the technology in practice.


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The aim of this study is to assess sugar cane juice and sucrose as substrates, the batch and fed batch processes and their interaction in the levan production using a complete factorial design. Zymomonas mobilis was cultivated in different sugar cane juice and sucrose concentrations in two fermentation processes at 25 °C for 20 h. A complete factorial design (2³) was used to analyze the effects of the type and concentration of the substrate, as well as the batch and fed batch processes. A complete second factorial design (2²) was used to observe the importance of sugar cane juice. The results indicated that the batch process improved the levan production reaching 40.14 g/L. The addition of sugar cane juice was not statistically significant for levan formation, however sugar cane juice stimulated biomass, sorbitol and ethanol production. The best medium for levan production was 150 g/L sucrose in batch.


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The objective of this research was to produce and characterize lipid particles (MpLs) that may be used as carriers of high amounts of hydrophilic core and evaluate the influence of the core amount on the performance of lipid microparticles. The MpLs were produced by spray cooling from solid and liquid lipid mixtures (stearic and oleic fatty acids and partly hydrogenated vegetable fat) containing glucose solution as core and soy lecithin as surfactant. The performance of MpLs was evaluated by means of the effective amount of encapsulated core, the core amount present on the surface of MpLs (superficial glucose) and the core release profile in aqueous solution. Morphological observations showed that MpLs presented spherical shape and a rugged and continuous surface, and an average diameter between 25 and 32 µm. The effective amount of encapsulated core was greater than 78% for all formulations evaluated. Larger amounts of superficial glucose were found in formulations in which more concentrated glucose solutions were used, regardless of the glucose lipid-solution ratio. The release results showed that core retention was significantly influenced by the glucose solution concentration, whereas release modulation was influenced by the glucose lipid-solution ratio.


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Global warming is one of the most alarming problems of this century. Initial scepticism concerning its validity is currently dwarfed by the intensification of extreme weather events whilst the gradual arising level of anthropogenic CO2 is pointed out as its main driver. Most of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from large point sources (heat and power production and industrial processes) and the continued use of fossil fuels requires quick and effective measures to meet the world’s energy demand whilst (at least) stabilizing CO2 atmospheric levels. The framework known as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) – or Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) – comprises a portfolio of technologies applicable to large‐scale GHG sources for preventing CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Amongst them, CO2 capture and mineralisation (CCM) presents the highest potential for CO2 sequestration as the predicted carbon storage capacity (as mineral carbonates) far exceeds the estimated levels of the worldwide identified fossil fuel reserves. The work presented in this thesis aims at taking a step forward to the deployment of an energy/cost effective process for simultaneous capture and storage of CO2 in the form of thermodynamically stable and environmentally friendly solid carbonates. R&D work on the process considered here began in 2007 at Åbo Akademi University in Finland. It involves the processing of magnesium silicate minerals with recyclable ammonium salts for extraction of magnesium at ambient pressure and 400‐440⁰C, followed by aqueous precipitation of magnesium in the form of hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, and finally Mg(OH)2 carbonation in a pressurised fluidized bed reactor at ~510⁰C and ~20 bar PCO2 to produce high purity MgCO3. Rock material taken from the Hitura nickel mine, Finland, and serpentinite collected from Bragança, Portugal, were tested for magnesium extraction with both ammonium sulphate and bisulphate (AS and ABS) for determination of optimal operation parameters, primarily: reaction time, reactor type and presence of moisture. Typical efficiencies range from 50 to 80% of magnesium extraction at 350‐450⁰C. In general ABS performs better than AS showing comparable efficiencies at lower temperature and reaction times. The best experimental results so far obtained include 80% magnesium extraction with ABS at 450⁰C in a laboratory scale rotary kiln and 70% Mg(OH)2 carbonation in the PFB at 500⁰C, 20 bar CO2 pressure for 15 minutes. The extraction reaction with ammonium salts is not at all selective towards magnesium. Other elements like iron, nickel, chromium, copper, etc., are also co‐extracted. Their separation, recovery and valorisation are addressed as well and found to be of great importance. The assessment of the exergetic performance of the process was carried out using Aspen Plus® software and pinch analysis technology. The choice of fluxing agent and its recovery method have a decisive sway in the performance of the process: AS is recovered by crystallisation and in general the whole process requires more exergy (2.48–5.09 GJ/tCO2sequestered) than ABS (2.48–4.47 GJ/tCO2sequestered) when ABS is recovered by thermal decomposition. However, the corrosive nature of molten ABS and operational problems inherent to thermal regeneration of ABS prohibit this route. Regeneration of ABS through addition of H2SO4 to AS (followed by crystallisation) results in an overall negative exergy balance (mainly at the expense of low grade heat) but will flood the system with sulphates. Although the ÅA route is still energy intensive, its performance is comparable to conventional CO2 capture methods using alkanolamine solvents. An energy‐neutral process is dependent on the availability and quality of nearby waste heat and economic viability might be achieved with: magnesium extraction and carbonation levels ≥ 90%, the processing of CO2‐containing flue gases (eliminating the expensive capture step) and production of marketable products.


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Rats emit two distinct types of ultrasonic vocalizations in adulthood: 22 kHz (aversive situation), and 50 kHz calls (appetitive situation). The present project is focussed on pharmacological studies of 50 kHz vocalizations. The 50 kHz calls are elicited from dopaminergic activation in the meso limbic pathway and are emitted in such appetitive situations as social contact(s), sexual encounters, food reward, etc. Eighty-five male rats were stereotaxically implanted with bilateral guide cannulae in the nucleus accumbens shell (A= 9.7, L= 1.2, V= 6.7). Quinpirole, a D2/D3 dopaminergic agonist, was injected in low doses to the nucleus accumbens shell in an attempt to elicit 50 kHz vocalizations. A dose response was obtained for the low dose range of quinpirole for six doses: 0.025 Jlg, 0.06 Jlg, 0.12 Jlg, 0.25 Jlg, 0.5 Jlg, and 1.0 Jlg. It was found that only application of the 0.25 Jlg dose of quinpirole and the 7 Jlg dose of amphetamine (positive control) significantly increased the total number of 50 kHz calls (p < 0.006 and p < 0.004 respectively); and particularly significantly increased the frequency modulated type of these calls (p < 0.01, and p < 0.006 respectively). In a double injection procedure, the dose of 0.25 Jlg quinpirole was antagonized with raclopride (D2 antagonist) or U99194A maleate (D3 antagonist) in an attempt to antagonize the response. The 0.25 Jlg dose of quinpirole was successfully antagonized by pre-treatment with an equimolar dose of U99194A maleate (p < 0.008) but not with raclopride. The 7Jlg amphetamine response was also antagonized with an equimolar dose of raclopride. Based on these results, it seems that low doses of quinpirole, particularly the 0.25 Jlg dose, are capable of increasing 50 kHz vocalizations in rats and do so by activation of the D3 dopamine receptor. This is not a biphasic response as seen with locomotor studies. Also noteworthy is the increase in frequency modulated 50 kHz calls elicited by the 0.25 Jlg dose of quinpirole indicating a possible increase in positive affect.