954 resultados para Local policies


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Climate change is projected to lead to shift of forest types leading to irreversible damage to forests by rendering several species extinct and potentially affecting the livelihoods of local communities and the economy. Approximately 47% and 42% of tropical dry deciduous grids are projected to undergo shifts under A2 and B2 SRES scenarios respectively, as opposed to less than 16% grids comprising of tropical wet evergreen forests. Similarly, the tropical thorny scrub forest is projected to undergo shifts in majority of forested grids under A2 (more than 80%) as well as B2 scenarios (50% of grids). Thus the forest managers and policymakers need to adapt to the ecological as well as the socio-economic impacts of climate change. This requires formulation of effective forest management policies and practices, incorporating climate concerns into long-term forest policy and management plans. India has formulated a large number of innovative and progressive forest policies but a mechanism to ensure effective implementation of these policies is needed. Additional policies and practices may be needed to address the impacts of climate change. This paper discusses an approach and steps involved in the development of an adaptation framework as well as policies, strategies and practices needed for mainstreaming adaptation to cope with projected climate change. Further, the existing barriers which may affect proactive adaptation planning given the scale, accuracy and uncertainty associated with assessing climate change impacts are presented.


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Due to large scale afforestation programs and forest conservation legislations, India's total forest area seems to have stabilized or even increased. In spite of such efforts, forest fragmentation and degradation continues, with forests being subject to increased pressure due to anthropogenic factors. Such fragmentation and degradation is leading to the forest cover to change from very dense to moderately dense and open forest and 253 km(2) of very dense forest has been converted to moderately dense forest, open forest, scrub and non-forest (during 2005-2007). Similarly, there has been a degradation of 4,120 km(2) of moderately dense forest to open forest, scrub and non-forest resulting in a net loss of 936 km(2) of moderately dense forest. Additionally, 4,335 km(2) of open forest have degraded to scrub and non-forest. Coupled with pressure due to anthropogenic factors, climate change is likely to be an added stress on forests. Forest sector programs and policies are major factors that determine the status of forests and potentially resilience to projected impacts of climate change. An attempt is made to review the forest policies and programs and their implications for the status of forests and for vulnerability of forests to projected climate change. The study concludes that forest conservation and development policies and programs need to be oriented to incorporate climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation.


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Structure comparison tools can be used to align related protein structures to identify structurally conserved and variable regions and to infer functional and evolutionary relationships. While the conserved regions often superimpose well, the variable regions appear non superimposable. Differences in homologous protein structures are thought to be due to evolutionary plasticity to accommodate diverged sequences during evolution. One of the kinds of differences between 3-D structures of homologous proteins is rigid body displacement. A glaring example is not well superimposed equivalent regions of homologous proteins corresponding to a-helical conformation with different spatial orientations. In a rigid body superimposition, these regions would appear variable although they may contain local similarity. Also, due to high spatial deviation in the variable region, one-to-one correspondence at the residue level cannot be determined accurately. Another kind of difference is conformational variability and the most common example is topologically equivalent loops of two homologues but with different conformations. In the current study, we present a refined view of the ``structurally variable'' regions which may contain local similarity obscured in global alignment of homologous protein structures. As structural alphabet is able to describe local structures of proteins precisely through Protein Blocks approach, conformational similarity has been identified in a substantial number of `variable' regions in a large data set of protein structural alignments; optimal residue-residue equivalences could be achieved on the basis of Protein Blocks which led to improved local alignments. Also, through an example, we have demonstrated how the additional information on local backbone structures through protein blocks can aid in comparative modeling of a loop region. In addition, understanding on sequence-structure relationships can be enhanced through our approach. This has been illustrated through examples where the equivalent regions in homologous protein structures share sequence similarity to varied extent but do not preserve local structure.


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The anomalous X-ray scattering (AXS) method using Cu and Mo K absorption edges has been employed for obtaining the local structural information of superionic conducting glass having the composition (CuI)(0.3)(Cu2O)(0.35)(MoO3)(0.35). The possible atomic arrangements in near-neighbor region of this glass were estimated by coupling the results with the least-squares analysis so as to reproduce two differential intensity profiles for Cu and Mo as well as the ordinary scattering profile. The coordination number of oxygen around Mo is found to be 6.1 at the distance of 0.187 nm. This implies that the MoO6 octahedral unit is a more probable structural entity in the glass rather than MoO4 tetrahedra which has been proposed based on infrared spectroscopy. The pre-peak shoulder observed at about 10 nm(-1) may be attributed to density fluctuation originating from the MoO6 octahedral units connected with the corner sharing linkage, in which the correlation length is about 0.8 nm. The value of the coordination number of I- around Cu+ is estimated as 4.3 at 0.261 nm, suggesting an arrangement similar to that in molten CuI.


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We consider the following question: Let S (1) and S (2) be two smooth, totally-real surfaces in C-2 that contain the origin. If the union of their tangent planes is locally polynomially convex at the origin, then is S-1 boolean OR S-2 locally polynomially convex at the origin? If T (0) S (1) a (c) T (0) S (2) = {0}, then it is a folk result that the answer is yes. We discuss an obstruction to the presumed proof, and provide a different approach. When dim(R)(T0S1 boolean AND T0S2) = 1, we present a geometric condition under which no consistent answer to the above question exists. We then discuss conditions under which we can expect local polynomial convexity.


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Measurement of dipolar couplings using separated local field (SLF) NMR experiment is a powerful tool for structural and dynamics studies of oriented molecules such as liquid crystals and membrane proteins in aligned lipid bilayers. Enhancing the sensitivity of such SLF techniques is of significant importance in present-day solid-state NMR methodology. The present study considers the use of adiabatic cross-polarization for this purpose, which is applied for the first time to one of the well-known SLF techniques, namely, polarization inversion spin exchange at the magic angle (PISEMA). The experiments have been carried out on a single crystal of a model peptide, and a dramatic enhancement in signal-to-noise up to 90% has been demonstrated.


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Consider a single-server multiclass queueing system with K classes where the individual queues are fed by K-correlated interrupted Poisson streams generated in the states of a K-state stationary modulating Markov chain. The service times for all the classes are drawn independently from the same distribution. There is a setup time (and/or a setup cost) incurred whenever the server switches from one queue to another. It is required to minimize the sum of discounted inventory and setup costs over an infinite horizon. We provide sufficient conditions under which exhaustive service policies are optimal. We then present some simulation results for a two-class queueing system to show that exhaustive, threshold policies outperform non-exhaustive policies.


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We report here the role of remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS) in the identification of geomorphic records and understanding of the local controls on the retreat of glaciers of the Baspa Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India. The geomorphic records mapped are accumulation zone, exposed ablation zone, moraine-covered ablation zone, snout, deglaciated valley, lateral moraine, medial moraine, terminal moraine and hanging glacier. Details of these features and stages of deglaciation have been extracted from RS data and mapped in a GIS environment. Glacial geomorphic data have been generated for 22 glaciers of the Baspa Valley. The retreat of glaciers has been estimated using the glacial maxima observed on satellite images. On the basis of percentage of retreat and the critical analysis of glacial geomorphic data for 22 glaciers of the Baspa Valley, they are classified into seven categories of very low to very very high retreat. From the analysis of the above 22 glaciers, it has been found that other than global warming, the retreat of glaciers of the Baspa Valley is inversely proportional to the size of the accumulation zone and the ratio of the moraine covered ablation/exposed ablation zone.


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The anomalous X-ray scattering (AXS) method using Mo K absorption edges has been employed for obtaining the local structural information of superionic conducting glass having the composition (AgI)(0.6)(Ag2MoO4)(0.4). The possible atomic arrangements in the near-neighbor region of this glass were estimated by coupling the results with the least-squares variational analysis so as to reproduce the differential intensity profile for Mo as well as the ordinary scattering profile. The coordination number of oxygen around Mo is found to be about 4 at the distance of 0.180 mn. This implies that the most probable structural entity in the glass is the MoO4 tetrahedral unit which has been proposed based on infrared spectroscopy. The value of the coordination number of I- around Ag+ is estimated as 4.4 at 0.287 nm, suggesting an arrangement similar to that of crystalline or molten AgI.


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The statistical thermodynamics of adsorption in caged zeolites is developed by treating the zeolite as an ensemble of M identical cages or subsystems. Within each cage adsorption is assumed to occur onto a lattice of n identical sites. Expressions for the average occupancy per cage are obtained by minimizing the Helmholtz free energy in the canonical ensemble subject to the constraints of constant M and constant number of adsorbates N. Adsorbate-adsorbate interactions in the Brag-Williams or mean field approximation are treated in two ways. The local mean field approximation (LMFA) is based on the local cage occupancy and the global mean field approximation (GMFA) is based on the average coverage of the ensemble. The GMFA is shown to be equivalent in formulation to treating the zeolite as a collection of interacting single site subsystems. In contrast, the treatment in the LMFA retains the description of the zeolite as an ensemble of identical cages, whose thermodynamic properties are conveniently derived in the grand canonical ensemble. For a z coordinated lattice within the zeolite cage, with epsilon(aa) as the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction parameter, the comparisons for different values of epsilon(aa)(*)=epsilon(aa)z/2kT, and number of sites per cage, n, illustrate that for -1 0. We compare the isotherms predicted with the LMFA with previous GMFA predictions [K. G. Ayappa, C. R. Kamala, and T. A. Abinandanan, J. Chem. Phys. 110, 8714 (1999)] (which incorporates both the site volume reduction and a coverage-dependent epsilon(aa)) for xenon and methane in zeolite NaA. In all cases the predicted isotherms are very similar, with the exception of a small steplike feature present in the LMFA for xenon at higher coverages. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(99)70333-8].


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We report an extended x-ray absorption fine-structure investigation on the Mn K absorption edge in La1-xCaxMnO3 as a function of temperature and magnetic field. The results provide microscopic evidence that the modifications in the local structure around Mn atomic sites, as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field, are directly related to the magneto-transport properties of these materials.


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The combustion synthesized Ag/CeO2 catalysts have been characterized by Extended Xray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy at the Ag K-edge. It has been found that Ag+ like species is present in 1% Ag/CeO2 catalyst, whereas mostly Ag metal clusters are found in 3% Ag/CeO2. The analysis of EXAFS spectra indicates that about one oxygen atom is coordinated to Ag central atom at a distance of 2.19 Angstrom in 1% Ag/CeO2 catalyst along with eight coordinated Ag-Ag bond at 2.86 Angstrom. The Ag-O bond is absent in 3% Ag/CeO2. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the local electronic properties and the spatially resolved magnetoresistance of a nanostructured film of a colossal magnetoresistive (CMR) material by local conductance mapping (LCMAP) using a variable temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) operating in a magnetic field. The nanostructured thin films (thickness ≈500nm) of the CMR material La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) on quartz substrates were prepared using chemical solution deposition (CSD) process. The CSD grown films were imaged by both STM and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Due to the presence of a large number of grain boundaries (GB's), these films show low field magnetoresistance (LFMR) which increases at lower temperatures. The measurement of spatially resolved electronic properties reveal the extent of variation of the density of states (DOS) at and close to the Fermi level (EF) across the grain boundaries and its role in the electrical resistance of the GB. Measurement of the local conductance maps (LCMAP) as a function of magnetic field as well as temperature reveals that the LFMR occurs at the GB. While it was known that LFMR in CMR films originates from the GB, this is the first investigation that maps the local electronic properties at a GB in a magnetic field and traces the origin of LFMR at the GB.