1000 resultados para Litoral continental português
Resultado de uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo identificar os critérios que propiciaram a política de seleção do acervo do Real Gabinete Português de Leitura e, a partir deles, estabelecer a Política de Seleção que foi praticada pelo Gabinete. Por uma abordagem exploratório-descritiva, utilizando características do acervo, este artigo busca delinear a figura do leitor no período de 1837-1847. Identifica ainda algumas classes de leitores e suas leituras.
The Oligocene deposits of Montgat are integrated in a small outcrop made up of Cenozoic and Mesozoic rocks located in the Garraf-Montnegre horst, close to the major Barcelona fault. The Oligocene of Montgat consists of detrital sediments of continental origin mainly deposited in alluvial fan environments; these deposits are folded and affected by thrusts and strike-slip faults. They can be divided in two lithostratigraphic units separated by a minor southwest-directed thrust: (i) the Turó de Montgat Unit composed of litharenites and lithorudites with high contents of quartz, feldspar, plutonic and limestone rock fragments; and (ii) the Pla de la Concòrdia Unit composed of calcilitharenites and calcilithorudites with high contents of dolosparite and dolomicrite rock fragments. The petrological composition of both units indicates that sediments were derived from the erosion of Triassic (Buntsandstein, Muschelkalk and Keuper facies), Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rocks (Barremian to Aptian in age). Stratigraphic and petrological data suggest that these units correspond to two coalescent alluvial fans with a source area located northwestwards in the adjoining Collserola and Montnegre inner areas. Micromammal fossils (Archaeomys sp.) found in a mudstone layer of the Pla de la Concòrdia Unit assign a Chattian age (Late Oligocene) to the studied materials. Thus, the Montgat deposits are the youngest dated deposits affected by the contractional deformation that led to the development of the Catalan Intraplate Chain. Taking into account that the oldest syn-rift deposits in the Catalan Coastal Ranges are Aquitanian in age, this allows to precise that the change from a compressive to an extensional regime in this area took place during latest Oligocene-earliest Aquitanian times. This age indicates that the onset of crustal extension related to the opening of the western Mediterranean Basin started in southern France during latest Eocene-early Oligocene and propagated southwestward, affecting the Catalan Coastal Ranges and the northeastern part of the Valencia trough during the latest Chattian-earliest Aquitanian times.
In this study we analyze and explain the formation of the constructive micrite envelope in the vadose continental environment. This constructive micrite envelope shows a wide variety of textural components. The principal textural components are: microorganisms, micritic and microspar LMC cement, whisker crystals, microfibres and aggregates of LMC acicular crystals. The main microorganisms are hyphae fungi, although actynomicetes and bacteries also occur. The constructive micrite envelope is due to the action of calcified filaments (hyphae fungi) which collapse and coalesce forming an intertwined mesh as well as due to the precipitation of micritic and microspar cement. The whisker crystals, microfibres and aggregates of LMC acicular crystals are secondary microtextures. Constructive micrite envelopes does not indicate a specific diagenetic environment. The constructive micrite envelopes present irregularities or bumps at the outer surface of the grains, and the destructive micrite envelopes present irregularities towards the grain interior. This morphologic criterion is useful to differenciate the micrite envelope origin, constructive or destructive, in the fossil record.
As a result of recent deep reflection and refraction seismology the crustal structure of the Western Alps is now quite well-defined. However, this raises the question of what is present below the Moho, such as a crustal eclogitic root. This study attempts to estimate the volume of this eclogitic root on the basis of palinspastic reconstructions. Even with a minimum estimate of the crustal material involved in the subduction processes which took place during the Alpine orogeny, a significant eclogitized crustal root must be present down to depths of around 100 km below the Po plain. A maximum estimate suggests that a large part of this root could now be recycled in the asthenosphere.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a frequência e a riqueza de espécies de cupins que ocorrem em áreas de reflorestamento com eucalipto. As amostras foram coletadas em três áreas de Eucalyptus recém-colhido, em dezembro de 2005, por meio de seis transectos de 100 m de comprimento por 2-m de largura, subdivididos em 20 parcelas (2x5 m) contíguas. Cada parcela foi amostrada por uma hora por pessoa, e de cada subdivisão foram retiradas 12 amostras de 20x20x20 cm de profundidade, das quais foram coletadas 21-espécies de cupins, pertencentes a duas famílias e 16 gêneros. Dez espécies foram consideradas dominantes, todas da família Termitidae, das quais as de maior frequência foram Amitermes amifer e Nasutitermes corniger. O grupo funcional xilófago teve o maior número de espécies (11) e a maior frequência. Espécies conhecidas como pragas em eucalipto tiveram frequência abaixo do limite de dominância
São apresentados resultados pertinentes às culturas do milho (Z. mays), feijão (P. vulgaris) e caupi (V. unguiculata) consorciados com bananeira 'Terra' (Musa AAB) em Teolândia, Litoral Sul da Bahia, em cultivo simultâneo, no estabelecimento da bananeira e sucessivo logo após a colheita do primeiro. Os espaçamentos utilizados foram o 4,0 x 2,0 x 3,0 m, 4,0 x 2,0 x 2,6m e 4,0 x 2,0 x 2,8m em fileira dupla, o que permitiu melhor proveito da área pelas culturas intercalares. O milho, ou o feijão, ou o caupi ocupou apenas as ruas entre as fileiras duplas de bananeiras, ficando livres as ruas formadas pelas fileiras duplas, devido ao seu sombreamento pela bananeira ser mais rápido. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho das culturas do milho, feijão e caupi na agregação de valor à bananeira 'Terra', quando consorciadas com esta cultura. Nos melhores tratamentos (T9, T6, T8 e T4), o índice de rentabilidade-IR (receita total ÷ custos) alcançou valores expressivos, de 3,36 até 6,68, resultando em efeitos altamente positivos em decorrência das tecnologias e insumos utilizados, o que vai permitir a agregação de um elevado valor à bananeira e, conseqüentemente, uma boa remuneração ao produtor. Estes resultados indicam que, para cada real investido, houve um retorno de R$ 3,36 e R$ 6,68, respectivamente. O IR 0,91 (T2), relativo à cultura do milho, implica que houve prejuízo, o que significa que a receita líquida deste tratamento vai reduzir e não incrementar a receita líquida proporcionada pela cultura da bananeira.
We present a new bed of cold Malacological fauna of the Wrm in the Catalan littoral, one af its species is dated for the first time iii the hlediterranean (Sipho curtus). We point out the predorninance of Gasteropoda as regards Bivalves in comparison with the other cold beds known.
Outcrops of old strata at the shelf edge resulting from erosive gravity-driven flows have been globally described on continental margins. The reexposure of old strata allows for the reintroduction of aged organic carbon (OC), sequestered in marine sediments for thousands of years, into the modern carbon cycle. This pool of reworked material represents an additional source of C-14-depleted organic carbon supplied to the ocean, in parallel with the weathering of fossil organic carbon delivered by rivers from land. To understand the dynamics and implications of this reexposure at the shelf edge, a biogeochemical study was carried out in the Gulf of Lions (Mediterranean Sea) where erosive processes, driven by shelf dense water cascading, are currently shaping the seafloor at the canyon heads. Mooring lines equipped with sediment traps and current meters were deployed during the cascading season in the southwestern canyon heads, whereas sediment cores were collected along the sediment dispersal system from the prodelta regions down to the canyon heads. Evidence from grain-size, X-radiographs and Pb-210 activity indicate the presence in the upper slope of a shelly-coarse surface stratum overlying a consolidated deposit. This erosive discontinuity was interpreted as being a result of dense water cascading that is able to generate sufficient shear stress at the canyon heads to mobilize the coarse surface layer, eroding the basal strata. As a result, a pool of aged organic carbon (Delta C-14 = -944.5 +/- 24.7%; mean age 23,650 +/- 3,321 ybp) outcrops at the modern seafloor and is reexposed to the contemporary carbon cycle. This basal deposit was found to have relatively high terrigenous organic carbon (lignin = 1.48 +/- 0.14 mg/100 mg OC), suggesting that this material was deposited during the last low sea-level stand. A few sediment trap samples showed anomalously depleted radiocarbon concentrations (Delta C-14 = -704.4 +/- 62.5%) relative to inner shelf (Delta C-14 = -293.4 +/- 134.0%), mid-shelf (Delta C-14 = -366.6 +/- 51.1%), and outer shelf (Delta C-14 = -384 +/- 47.8%) surface sediments. Therefore, although the major source of particulate material during the cascading season is resuspended shelf deposits, there is evidence that this aged pool of organic carbon can be eroded and laterally advected downslope.
Article que descriu les algues bentòniques del litoral català