934 resultados para Literary allusions
This issue is devoted to two special Focus sections: one on the radicalism and relevance still of Eleanor Dark's novels written in the early to mid- twentieth century, one on the perspectives and practices of 1990s and current third wave feminism.
The Australasian Book Society (ABS) was established in Melbourne in 1952 by a small group ofleft-leaning writers, unionists and literary supporters. It was inspired in part by the success of Frank Hardy's scandalous novel of Labar betrayal, Power Without Glory, which in 1950 had been published independently - and printed secretly - outside the commercial publishing networks. Many of those involved were communists but although the ABS came to operate in accord ,..rith Communist Party cultural politics it was never Simply a Party front nor did it publish only communist writers or communist texts. For the most part it operated under a broader notion of 'progressive' , nationalist or democratic literature.
This paper uses three films adapted from the novels of John Grisham, The Firm, The Rainmaker and A Time To Kill, as well as associated television series like Ed to map a vernacular theory of what I have termed the 'postmaterial' lawyer. Grisham's work has been the focus of much critique by legal scholars who suggests he hates lawyers, is critical of the concept of law, and provides 'outlandishly' happy endings. I will challenge these critiques and, in tracing the history of legal thrillers and trial movies, suggest that Grisham and the related texts' explorations of how a just practitioner can operate in an unjust system constitute a powerful interrogation of what law can be.
Este artigo ?? uma resenha da literatura sobre o Executivo que discute o impacto dos sistemas parlamentarista e presidencialista na capacidade governamental de formular e implementar pol??ticas p??blicas. Ao longo do texto, busca-se identificar fatores que permitem ou bloqueiam o exerc??cio de uma fun????o coordenadora e unificadora de a????es, analisando a rela????o entre os poderes Executivo e Legislativo, a estrutura do poder Executivo e as rela????es entre o Executivo pol??tico e a burocracia. Os estudos sobre parlamentarismo enfocam: import??ncia dos partidos, papel dos ministros, extens??o do poder do primeiro ministro e papel coletivo do gabinete. J?? os trabalhos sobre presidencialismo v??o de pesquisas sobre o Congresso norte-americano, envolvendo infer??ncias estat??sticas e an??lises baseadas na teoria institucional a estudos de caso sobre a American Politics (presid??ncia e lideran??a). Apesar das diferen??as entre parlamentarismo e presidencialismo, a literatura indica que mecanismos institucionais de controle de agenda produzem os mesmos efeitos nos dois sistemas.