995 resultados para Library cooperation.
An image of Hartley Library reception desk and turnstiles, taken 2009
An image of Hartley Library reception desk, taken 2009
Photos of the library by Andy Vowles
An image of Hartley Library reception desk, taken 2009
This presentation provides some basic information and orientation for the new cohort of Undergraduates entering the BSc (Hons) Programme in the School of Psychology, University of Southampton.
Finding journal articles from full text sources such as IEEEXplore, ACM and LNCS (Lecture Noters in Computer Science)
These slides support students in understanding how to respond to the challenge of: "I’ve been told not to use Google or Wikipedia to research my essay. What else is there?" The powerpoint guides students in how to identify high quality, up to date and relevant resources on the web that they can reliably draw upon for their academic assignments. The slides were created by the subject liaison librarian who supports the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, Fiona Nichols.
Dadas las relaciones de cooperación internacional que presentan las Repúblicas de Colombia y Corea que se evidencia en los fuertes vínculos comerciales existentes entre las dos naciones y aún más en la negociación de un TLC desde el 2009 y gracias al buen clima económico que presenta en la actualidad Colombia, surge este proyecto de investigación con el objetivo de analizar las relaciones bilaterales y contribuir al desarrollo de la economía emergente que presenta el país. Para ello, en primera instancia se realiza un proceso de contextualización desde aspectos demográficos hasta históricos. En seguida y a manera descriptiva, se expone los diversos bienes y servicios que se intercambian entre las dos naciones con el fin de identificar oportunidades que se podrían ofrecer y afectar una vez se firme el tratado. Finalmente, se evalúa y analiza cada uno de los sectores emergentes de Colombia con el objeto de motivar la inversión en el país para generar de tal manera, un incremento en la producción y por ende incrementos en la demanda agregada, logrando abrir las puertas de la economía colombiana a un socio estratégico como lo es la República de Corea y contribuir poco a poco a la reducción de la balanza comercial deficitaria que se presenta en la actualidad entre los dos países. Términos clave: Relaciones internacionales, Corea, oportunidades, economía, relaciones comerciales.
This presentation was used early in semester 1 2010-11 to introduce History first year student to the library catalogue (Webcat) and a range of other library resources
Induction and information skills sessions for first year undergraduate audiologists.
This lecture was given to new first year BSc Acoustic students in October 2010. It is an introduction to library resources including finding items from reading lists and online searching for journal articles.
Library induction given to the postgraduate audiology students in October 2010. Session covers an introduction to the Hartley library including Library of Congress classification, finding items from reading lists, print journals, e-journals, search strategies including boolean operators and truncation and using online databases, in particular Web of Science.
Library induction and information skills for MSc Sound and Vibration, given in October 2010. As well as an introduction to the hartley Library and the LoC classification scheme, it covers finding material from reading lists, e-journals, making up search strategies and searching online databases using boolean operators.
The guide takes you through the various steps required to request a book, journal article, conference paper, thesis or other documents that the library does not hold in stock.
A form for obtaining material from other libraries or institutions. Any type of material included.