993 resultados para Library and Information Science Professionals
By the time you read this column this story may have lost all it relevance but it has made a bit of a dust up lately and so I think it deserves some further treatment. About two weeks ago, the cyberverse was all a twitter about naked selfies, mainly of celebrities, that had been hacked right out of the cloud. Imagine that. What goes online isn’t exactly private. Doh!
During the Spring Semester 2014 at Winthrop University an E-book survey was administered to Winthrop faculty, staff, and students. The objectives of the survey were (1) to inform the patrons that the library does have e-books available to them, (2) to ascertain if they have used any of the e-books for their research, (3) to determine which format, print or e-book, is their primary preference and (4) which format do they think is most important as part of the permanent library collection. The results, including comments from the faculty, staff and students, were compiled and are presented in this paper.
The Ithaka US Faculty Survey 2012 (http://bit.ly/10NnQw9) is out, and by the time you read my blurb, it will have cobwebs on it, and the 2013 will be well on the way. So, why write about it at all? It’s always important to find out what people think of you, in this case libraries and their main clientele, faculty, even if what you find out may have to have a dozen qualifications surrounding it. Libraries and librarians are either on the cusp of something new and exciting, or on the edge of the abyss, soon to fall into oblivion, so finding out what people think should be important to us. So why not take a peek?
Orange may be the new black, but as I have seen only five minutes of that show, I can’t really use it here. Besides, based on the five minutes I saw, I would assume it is a series written by males. Not since the Victoria’s Secret catalog have I seen so many women wearing fewer clothes, or engaging in so many unmentionable acts. I’ll stop there because my Victorianism is showing, I’m sure.
Digitization is big news; it's a good idea; and it's inevitable. But let's not get all goggle-eyed over Google right away. Here are five reasons not to tear up your library card quite yet.
The roots of librarianship have been sorely shaken by the Internet, but to what extent and how much remains to be seen.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The use of indexing language in university libraries collective catalogs and the socio-cognitive context of indexing and users were evaluated. The methodology consisted of a diagnostic study elaboration of the functioning and treatment procedures of the indexing information from nine libraries of the UNESP Network, representing the Civil Engineering, Pedagogy and Dentistry areas from a data collection using the Verbal Protocol introspective technique in the Individual and Group forms. The study conducted a reflection upon the statements issued by the seventy-two participating individuals whose the results revealed unsatisfactory results about the use of the Subject Headings List of the BIBLIODATA Network, indexing language utilizing by the UNESP Libraries Network, Brazil, in the representation and in the information retrieval process in the ATHENA catalog, about the sequent aspects of the language: lack of specialized vocabulary as well as updated; lack of remissives and of specific headings, and others. We have concluded that the adequate use of indexing languages of specialized scientific areas becomes by means of evaluation as to updating, specificity and compatibility in order to meet the needs of indexing and information retrieval.
The Frances Lander Spain Papers consists of correspondence, clippings, photographs, memorabilia, and copies of her publications relating to her involvement with professional library organizations such as the American Library Association; her library work in Thailand as a Fulbright and Rockefeller Foundation grantee (1951-1952 and 1964-1965); and her work as coordinator of children’s services at the N.Y. Public Library (1953-1961). Correspondents include librarian Louis Round Wilson. There is also a family history which includes the family names Chambers, Collier, Cook, Crossland, Dantzler, Gran, Hardeman, Lander, McDaniel, McPherson, Miller, Pearce, Pierce, Schenk, Snead, Spain, Sparks, Warlick and Zimmerman.
The Mary Elizabeth Frayser Papers consist of correspondence, related records, and newspaper and magazine clippings. Most of the correspondence is between Estellene Walker and Mary Frayser concerning the work of the State Library Board and the movement for better libraries in South Carolina.
The Susie Norwood McKeown Papers consist of correspondence, lists, statements and other papers mainly concerned with her work on the nominating executive committees of South Carolina Library Association.
In this issue: Beach House Raffle Planned "The End of the Affair" -- Dean Herring Note From the Chair: "Reflections on Reading"-- Dr. Jane J. White Membership Form
Data was collected from 22 selected medical college libraries and 526 undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, using a survey. The article presents a list of findings and recommendations based on them to improve the services of medical college libraries in Andhra Pradesh.
This paper investigates postgraduate students' perceptions of the Internet as an enabler of scholarship.The specific objectives of the study are: to ascertain the perception held by the postgraduate students on the Internet usage as an enabler of scholarship, and to determine what interventions are necessary to facilitate postgraduate students' adoption of the Internet as a tool for learning and research. The subjects of study are the postgraduate students of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. A random sample of 100 students was selected with representation from each faculty of the university. A questionnaire instrument with a 12-item scale was designed and administered. Data analysis was done using the chi-square statistical method. The results show that majority of the postgraduate students have positive perceptions of the Internet as an enabler of information sourcing for learning and research. However some of these students have low self-efficacy in Internet use for information sourcing.