997 resultados para Levi, Giovanni


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Until recently, morphotyping, a method evaluating fringe and surface characteristics of streak colonies grown on malt agar, has been recommended as a simple and unexpensive typing method for Candida albicans isolates. The discriminatory power and reproducibility of Hunter's modified scheme of Phongpaichit's morphotyping has been evaluated on 28 C. albicans isolates recovered from the oral cavity of asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus-positive subjects, and compared to two molecular typing methods: randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting, and contour clamped homogeneous electric field (CHEF) electrophoretic karyotyping. Morphological features of streak colonies allowed to distinguish 11 different morphotypes while RAPD fingerprinting yielded 25 different patterns and CHEF electrophoresis recognized 9 karyotypes. The discriminatory power calculated with the formula of Hunter and Gaston was 0.780 for morphotyping, 0.984 for RAPD fingerprinting, and 0.630 for karyotyping. Reproducibility was tested using 43 serial isolates from 15 subjects (2 to 6 isolates per subject) and by repeating the test after one year storage of the isolates. While genetic methods generally recognized a single type for all serial isolates from each of the subjects studied, morphotyping detected strain variations in five subjects in the absence of genetic confirmation. Poor reproducibility was demonstrated repeating morphotyping after one year storage of the isolates since differences in at least one character were detected in 92.9% of the strains.


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The aim of this study was to demonstrate the DNA of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in human serum samples of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) was defined by microscopic observation of the fungus on direct exam or histopathology, culture, and serological positivity. DNA from serum of 33 patients with PCM was extracted and submitted to nested-PCR using primers from the gp 43 gene. Only one sample was positive on nested-PCR. We conclude that the prevalence of fungemia in patients with different clinical forms of PCM is low, limiting the use of serum DNA detection as an alternative diagnostic tool.


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Scanty data are available on the incidence (i.e., the absolute risk) of second cancers of the head and neck (HN) and its pattern with age. We investigated this issue using data from a multicentric study of 13 population-based cancer registries from Europe, Canada, Australia and Singapore for the years 1943-2000. A total of 99,257 patients had a first primary HN cancer (15,985 tongue, 22,378 mouth, 20,758 pharyngeal, and 40,190 laryngeal cancer), contributing to 489,855 person-years of follow-up. A total of 1,294 of the patients (1.3%) were diagnosed with second HN cancers (342 tongue, 345 mouth, 418 pharynx and 189 larynx). Male incidence rates of first HN cancer steeply increased from 0.68/100,000 at age 30-34 to 46.2/100,000 at age 70-74, and leveled off at older age; female incidence increased from 0.50/100,000 at age 30-34 to 16.5/100,000 at age 80-84. However, age-specific incidence of second HN cancers after a first HN cancer in men was around 200-300/100,000 between age 40-44 and age 70-74 and tended to decline at subsequent ages (150/100,000 at age 80-84); in women, incidence of second HN cancers was around 200-300/100,000 between age 45-49 and 80-84. The patterns of age-specific incidence were consistent for different subsites of second HN cancer and sexes; moreover, they were similar for age-specific incidence of first primary HN cancer in patients who subsequently developed a second HN cancer. The incidence of second HN cancers does not increase with age, but remains constant, or if anything, decreases with advancing age.


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The objective of this study was to provideinformation on recent trends in cancer mortality in Mexico. We analyzed data provided by the World Health Organization, using joinpoint analysis to detect changes in trends between 1981 and 2007. For most cancers, mortality was upward but started to decline in the late 1980's/early 1990's for both sexes. Overall cancer mortality was 75.53/100 000 men, world standard, and 69.2/100 000 women in 2005-2007. Mortality from uterine cancer declined by approximately 2.5% per year in the 1990s, and by approximately 5% per year in the last decade, but its rates remained exceedingly high (9.7/100 000 in 2005-2007). Other major declines over recent years were those of stomach cancer (approximately 2.5% per year, with rates of 6.6/100 000 in men and 4.9/100 000 in women in 2005-2007) and lung cancer (2-2.5% per year, 11.0/100 000 in men and 4.5/100 000 in women in 2005-2007). Mortality leveled off only since the early 1990s for breast and prostate, and since the late 1990s for colorectal cancer. Death rates from cancer in Mexico remained low on a worldwide scale and showed favorable trends over more recent calendar years. Mortality from (cervix) uterine cancer still represents a major public health priority in this country.


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Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated fungal organism that can cause disease in apparently immunocompetent, as well as immunocompromised, hosts. Since 1930, successive subculture has been used to preserve C. neoformans isolates in our Fungus Collection. In the 1970s, some of these Fungus Collection samples were selected to be subjected to a different methods of maintenance - that of lyophilized. Our objective was to analyze C. neoformans isolates in order to make a comparative evaluation between these two methods of preservation. The overall aim of this study was to qualify the preservation technique used in our mycology laboratory since the technique used might affect the survival, stability and purity of the primary isolates in culture. The samples were analyzed using classical mycology methods and using the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA technique In the analysis of phenotypes and genotypes, the typical characteristics of C. neoformans were found to differ in relation to the different methods of preservation employed. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the importance of selecting the appropriate method of preservation for fungus collections. This selection can affect the survival and purity of the cultures, and preserve the stability of their physiological, biochemical, and genetic characteristics.


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Résumé : En littérature comme dans les arts figuratifs, voire dans la réalité vécue, l'Antiquité se révèle avoir une proximité plus ou moins grande selon les périodes et les auteurs, mais elle a toujours été présente, toujours féconde. La frontière poreuse entre l'ancien et le moderne fait de l'Antiquité et du Moyen Âge, puis de l'Antiquité et de l'early modern des vases communicants. C'est là une conviction aujourd'hui largement partagée et plusieurs manifestations récentes ont eu pour objet cet aspect-clé de la culture occidentale. Les contributions réunies dans les présents Actes sont le fruit d'un colloque interdisciplinaire de deux jours (13 et 14 mai 2011) organisé par le Centre d'Études Médiévales et Post-Médiévales (CEMEP) de l'Université de Lausanne ; elles ont, chacune, apporté leur pierre à une réflexion en marche en portant des regards croisés sur les formes d'actualisation que connaissent - entre continuités et discontinuités - les figures antiques du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance. Le volume s'articule en trois parties, dans lesquelles le lecteur trouvera des contributions dues à la plume de spécialistes de l'histoire, de l'histoire de l'art et de la littérature : I. Réécritures : entre éthique et esthétique II. Translations politiques III. Actualisation : du Moyen Âge à la modernité


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Quintessence: L'impact du dépistage sur la mortalité du cancer du sein est avéré. Il baisse, indépendamment de la qualité du dépistage, en raison des importants progrès thérapeutiques des 20 dernières années.Les programmes de dépistage ont contribué à sensibiliser à la détection précoce, à améliorer la qualité de la mammographie et la prise en charge du cancer mammaire. Ces bénéfices s'étendent au-delà du dépistage et conduisent à sous-estimer l'effet du dépistage sur la mortalité.Les risques et les bénéfices du dépistage sont plus complexes à quantifier dans les programmes que dans les essais randomisés ; le recours à des méthodes appropriées et rigoureuses est nécessaire.Les faux-positifs et le surdiagnostic liés au dépistage n'ont pas diminué, augmentant le rapport risque/bénéfice de la mammographie.


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BACKGROUND: Quitting tobacco or alcohol use has been reported to reduce the head and neck cancer risk in previous studies. However, it is unclear how many years must pass following cessation of these habits before the risk is reduced, and whether the risk ultimately declines to the level of never smokers or never drinkers. METHODS: We pooled individual-level data from case-control studies in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology Consortium. Data were available from 13 studies on drinking cessation (9167 cases and 12 593 controls), and from 17 studies on smoking cessation (12 040 cases and 16 884 controls). We estimated the effect of quitting smoking and drinking on the risk of head and neck cancer and its subsites, by calculating odds ratios (ORs) using logistic regression models. RESULTS: Quitting tobacco smoking for 1-4 years resulted in a head and neck cancer risk reduction [OR 0.70, confidence interval (CI) 0.61-0.81 compared with current smoking], with the risk reduction due to smoking cessation after >/=20 years (OR 0.23, CI 0.18-0.31), reaching the level of never smokers. For alcohol use, a beneficial effect on the risk of head and neck cancer was only observed after >/=20 years of quitting (OR 0.60, CI 0.40-0.89 compared with current drinking), reaching the level of never drinkers. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support that cessation of tobacco smoking and cessation of alcohol drinking protect against the development of head and neck cancer.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Il "Commento a Giovanni" si presenta con caratteri di eccezionalità nell'ambito di una produzione origeniana, da collocare sotto il segno del genio.


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Des de l'origen de les llengües, els pobles han tingut la necessitat de fer-se entendre. La traducció és una eina fonamental en la difusió i el coneixement de la diversitat, i el traductor, la peça que facilita l'apropament de les cultures. Però a l'hora de portar a terme el seu objectiu, no tots els traductors ho fan de la mateixa manera. Cal tenir en compte factors temporals, culturals, històrics, referencials, lingüístics, socials... elements que determinen el resultat final d'una traducció i les diferències entre les traduccions d'un mateix text. En aquest treball em proposo determinar les diferents estratègies que els traductors han seguit a l'hora de traduir al català el conte novè de la quarta jornada del Decameró de Giovanni Boccaccio.


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Nel secolo scorso è emersa in Italia un'originale modalité di rappresentazione letteraria che trasfigura i caratteri dell'identità per costruire una particolare forma di alterità, un "altro sé". Infatti, a causa di uno stato di crisi identitaria dello scrittore, in Silo ne e in Carlo Levi si assiste alla costruzione di figure di alterità (il "cafone", i contadini del Sud), rappresentazioni letterarie di quei soggetti socialmente subalterni che questi scrittori volevano riscattare ed emancipare. La tematizzazione dell'autorappresentazione che si riscontra in Brancati e in Pasolini va invece in un'altra direzione, diventa il progetto di una scoperta: la formalizzazione retorica di un'identità "altra" all'interno della propria individualità, letterariamente oggettivata e formalizzata. Brancati, cosi riletto e rivalutato, mostra la crisi dell'autorappresentazione, cioè del posizionamento d'autore nel momento del passaggio dal fascismo all'antifascismo, e quindi il processo di costruzione di un'identità "altra", più forte, che renda possibile la scrittura. Il brancatismo, cioè quel fenomeno culturale legato alia fortuna della narrativa brancatiana, ha anestetizzato questa dimensione critica della scrittura brancatiana riconducendo le sue figure e le sue trame narrative all'interno del discorso dell'alterità, iunzionale a una normalizzazione e borghesizzazione della società italiana del dopoguerra.La tesi propone quindi una teoria della rappresentazione italiana nel Novecento che, prendendo le mosse dalla critica postcoloniale, individua un'originale modalità di rappresentazione per cui gli elementi di "identità" vengono letterariamente trasfigurati in un'"alterità". Individuata questa esperienza, spiccano con inedita intensità le proposte di Carlo Levi per una nuova Italia, che incorporasse il sostrato "primitivo" nell'Italia contemporanea e futura; la progettualità delle esperienze artistiche di Pasolini dagli anni '50 alia sua scomparsa; e il percorso di Sciascia dall'acuta e innovativa riflessione sul pirandellismo degli esordi al ripiegamento sulla "sicilitudine" degli anni '80.


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Estimates have recently been made of the incidence of cancers in the countries of the European Community. Similar estimates are given for Switzerland, based on data from the six Swiss cantonal cancer registries, all of which have been operating for at least 12 years. These registries cover Basel, Geneva, Neuchatel, St Gall and Appenzell, Vaud and Zurich, which account for about 50% of the Swiss population as a whole. Two different methods were used to extrapolate from the incidences observed in the regions covered by cancer registration to the entire country. The first method is based solely on the distribution of populations according to the country's main linguistic groups, whereas the second relies on mortality data. Estimates obtained by the second approach are presented and their reliability is discussed. Comparison of the age incidence curve with that of Denmark tends to confirm the validity of the estimations. Estimated standardised rates (world population) for all sites except nonmelanomatous skin cancer are 294.3 for males and 214.2 for females. Comparisons with other European countries show that in males, lung cancer is relatively less common in Switzerland, whereas in females, breast cancer is relatively more frequent.