975 resultados para Leaf-cutter ants
A partir de um acidente causado pela picada de uma formiga falsa tocandira na mão de um pescador amador, os autores descrevem os achados clínicos locais observados, tais como edema, eritema e dor excruciante e a evolução do envenenamento, que cursou com fenômenos sistêmicos imediatos, como sudorese fria, náuseas, vômitos, mal estar, taquicardia e linfadenopatia axilar à esquerda. Após três horas, a dor intensa persistia e o paciente apresentou um episódio de hematoquesia, sem história anterior de enfermidades do trato digestivo, hematológicas ou vasculares. O uso de analgésicos (Tramal® 300 mg/dia), água quente e gelo não melhorou a dor, que arrefeceu em oito horas, tendo permanecido por cerca de 24 horas. São apresentados ainda os aspectos folclóricos, farmacológicos e clínicos relacionados às picadas de tocandiras.
Malva sylvestris é comumente confundida com Pelargonium graveolens e Pelargonium odoratissimum devido às semelhanças na morfologia foliar. As folhas de M. sylvestris possuem antocianinas com propriedades citotóxicas, antiinflamatória, antitumoral e antioxidante já comprovadas cientificamente. As folhas de P. odoratissimum apresentam óleo essencial com propriedades antibacteriana e espasmolítica, e o óleo essencial da folha de P. graveolens possui atividade antimicrobiana e antifúngica. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar morfo-anatomicamente as folhas destas espécies, apontando diferenças que possam ser utilizadas para esclarecer controvérsias na sua utilização como planta medicinal. Com a finalidade de se comparar anatomicamente a estrutura de cada planta, as amostras foram observadas por Microscopia de Luz e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). A anatomia foliar entre as espécies foi bem distinta. Malva sylvestris apresentou tricomas do tipo capitado, estrelado e tector, além de drusas e células mucilaginosas. A distinção entre P. graveolens e P. odoratissimum foi observada em relação aos tricomas. Ambas as espécies apresentaram tricomas glandulares e tectores, sendo que P. graveolens se diferencia pela maior altura dos tricomas tectores e menor quantidade destes em relação ao P. odoratissimum. Este trabalho permitiu constatar diferenças anatômicas, auxiliando na taxonomia e classificação entre estas espécies.
The prominent nests mounds of many ant species are one of the most obvious signs of their presence, yet the subterranean architecture of nests is often poorly known. The present work aimed to establish the external and internal structure of nests of a species of leaf-cutting ant, Acromyrmex rugosus rugosus, by either marking the interior of nests with talcum powder, or forming casts with cement. Twelve nests were excavated and surveyed, with eight being marked with talcum powder and four cast with cement. The external and internal structure of the nests was highly variable. The largest and smallest nests had mound areas of 9.89 m(2) and 0.01 m(2) respectively. The number of chambers found ranged from I to 26, with maximum dimensions of between 6 and 70 cm. Chambers were found close to the soil surface (6 cm) down to a maximum depth of 3.75 m. In addition to chambers containing fungus garden, some chambers were found to be empty, filled with soil or filled with waste, the first time this has been recorded in a species of Acromyrmex. The nests of A. rugosus rugosus appear to be unusually complex for the genus, containing a diversity of irregular chambers and tunnels.
After exposure of Solenopsis saevissima colonies maintained in plastic trays to phorid attack in the field, and subsequent transfer of colonies to covered plastic buckets, we confirmed that P. wasmanni and P. litoralis are indeed parasitoids of fire ant workers. The period from attack to emergence of phorid adults ranged from 35 to 46 days. Adult phorids were maintained live in glass vials with sugar water as a food source for 5 days. These results indicate that Pseudaceton can be reared for biological control release programs with minimal difficulty. Furthermore, parasitized workers could be easily transferred from South America to quarantine laboratories within the egg to adult emergence time period.
We describe, for the first time, the predatory behaviour of Thaumatomyrmex ants on millipedes of the family Polyxenidae, based on field observations of T. atrox and a field and laboratory study of T. contumax. The capture of the prey and the removal process of its body-covering setae by the ants before they eat the millipede are described. This specialized behaviour in at least two species of the genus, belonging to two distinct groups of species, indicates a general trend in Thaumatomyrmex. We coupled this study with a comparative morphological analysis of the mouthparts and digestive tube of these and other Thaumatomyrmex species. Also, we report the first case of sympatry in the genus, which suggests that Thaumatomyrmex includes several species. and not only one highly variable taxon, as hypothesized earlier.
We tested the host specificity of several parasitic Pseudacteon scuttle flies in South America with 23 species of ants in 13 genera. None of these ant species attracted Pseudacteon parasites except Solenopsis saevissima (F. Smith) and to a lesser extent Solenopsis geminata (Fab.). This result is encouraging because it indicates that the Pseudacteon flies tested in this study would not pose an ecological danger to other ant genera if these flies were introduced into the United States as classical biological control agents of imported fire ants. This prediction of host specificity will, of course, need to be validated with potential hosts in the United States before these flies can be released.
The population status of the endemic leaf-cutting ant Atta robusta was assessed using extensive field surveys. In the coastal plain of the state of Rio de Janeiro, we found localized populations of A. robusta, bur no evidence of population recruitment. In disturbed habitats, A. robusta is apparently being displaced by Atta sexdens rubropilosa.
A total of 9 ant species were sampled from four sites covering 2000 km in the Amazon Basin using banana fruit baits: two sites on the Jurua River, one site on the Xingu River and in a dry forest of eastern Amazon, Paragominas. Camponotus abdominalis was present in all sites, and Camponotus sericeiventris, Camponotus sp. and Crematogaster sp. were present in two sites. All other species were present in only one site. Paragominas had the highest species richness because of a higher number of site restricted species. However, Jaccard faunas similarities among sites were not significantly related with distance between sites. Mosaic diversity showed a relatively simple taxonomic composition. The strong differences of the fauna sampled at banana fruit baits from other reported Neotropical ant faunas suggests that the fauna represents widespread fugitive species in an apparently complex environment.
Elephant-grass is known as a great feed to dairy and beef cattle at tropical regions. Its agricultural aspects have been very observed. However, its botanical, mainly anatomical characteristics, are few studied. The objective of this work was to investigate the anatomical changes occurred in leaves (leaf blades and sheaths) of three elephant-grass cultivars (Pennisetum purpureum Schum. cultivar Roxo, EMPASC 307 Testo and EMPASC 309 Areia) at three stages of physiological maturity (4, 8 and 16 weeks after sprouting). In general, the three cultivars presented similar anatomy. A unique feature, the presence of aerenchyma was found in the leaf sheath of all three cultivars, at the second harvest (a weeks).
Volume changes of the vitellarium components of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa are reported. The oocyte grew to approximately 409 times of its initial volume and reached a maximum value of 1.2 x 10(7) mu m(3). The follicle increase in size at a more or less constant rate up to the 12(th), showing an elevated growth rate thereafter. The mean number of follicles per ovariole was 16.42 +/- 3.58.
Fallen cocoa pods serve as nesting and foraging sites for litter and ground ants in southeastern Brazil. The distribution of the number of species per pod deviated significantly from a Poisson distribution, with a prevalence of one species per pod. Only 17 species of a much larger fauna were present in pods, with the dominant species being Gnamptogenys striatula, and Oligomyrmex sp. Colony populations for 13 species are given.
Logistic regression analysis was used to analyse sex allocation in a population of the leaf-cutting ant Acromyrmex balzani occurring in a pasture in southern Brazil. The field sample consisted of 151 fungus-garden chambers (18 queenright and 133 queenless), belonging to 50 nests with three vertically stacked chambers per nest on average. Taking nest chamber as the unit of analysis, seven predictor variables were considered: sampling date, chamber depth, chamber volume, weight of fungus garden, presence of a queen, number of large workers, and number of small to medium workers. The population-level numerical proportion of females was 0.548 and the inferred proportional energetic investment in females 0.672. The former was not significantly different from 0.5 (P=0.168), but the latter was (P=0.0003). The proportional investment in females per fungus garden increased with the number of large workers present (P=0.0002) and decreased with the dry weight of the fungus garden (P=0.012). This implies that resource acquisition through foraging is likely to be a major proximate determinant of sex allocation. The negative correlation between female bias and fungus garden weight might be due to developing adult females requiring more food than males, but this hypothesis could not be confirmed by direct statistical evidence.