993 resultados para Laser spot


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High-energy ion emission from intense-ultrashort (30fs) laser-pulse- cooled deuterium-cluster (80K) interaction is measured. The deuterium ions have an average energy 20keV, which greatly exceeds Zweiback's expectation [Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 2634]. These fast deuterium ions can be used to drive fusion and have a broad prospect.


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Conical emission is investigated for Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser pulses propagating in water. The colored rings can be observed in the forward direction due to the constructive and destructive interference of transverse wavevector, which are induced by the spatio-temporal gradient of the free-electron density. With increasing input laser energy, due to filamentation and pulse splitting induced by the plasma created by multiphoton excitation of electrons from the valence band to the conduction band, the on-axis spectrum of the conical emission is widely broadened and strongly modulated with respect to input laser spectrum, and finally remains fairly constant at higher laser energy due to intensity clamping in the filaments.


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An erratum is presented to correct the propagation loss of the freestanding optical fibers fabricated in glass chip. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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A Fourier analysis method is used to accurately determine not only the absolute phase but also the temporal-pulse phase of an isolated few-cycle (chirped) laser pulse. This method is independent of the pulse shape and can fully characterize the light wave even though only a few samples per optical cycle are available. It paves the way for investigating the absolute phase-dependent extreme nonlinear optics, and the evolutions of the absolute phase and the temporal-pulse phase of few-cycle laser pulses.


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Uniform arrays of periodic nanoparticles with 80-nm period are formed on 6H-SiC crystal irradiated by circularly polarized 400-nm femtosecond laser pulses. In order to understand the formation mechanism, the morphology evolvement as a function of laser pulse energy and number is studied. Periodic nanoripples are also formed on the sample surface irradiated by linearly polarized 400-, 510- and 800-nm femtosecond laser pulses. All these results support well the mechanism that second-harmonic generation plays an important role in the formation of periodic nanostructures.


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Multiple refocusing of a tightly focused femtosecond laser due to the dynamic transformation between self-focusing and self-defocusing is employed to provide a novel method to produce quasi-periodic voids in glass. It is found that the diameter or the interval of the periodic voids increases with the increasing pulse energy of the laser. The detailed course for producing periodic voids is discussed by analysing the damaged track induced by the tightly focused femtosecond laser pulses. It is suggested that this periodic structure has potential applications in fabrication of three-dimensional optical devices.


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We investigate the mechanism of formation of periodic void arrays inside fused silica and BK7 glass irradiated by a tightly focused femtosecond (fs) laser beam. Our results show that the period of each void array is not uniform along the laser propagation direction, and the average period of the void array decreases with increasing pulse number and pulse energy. We propose a mechanism in which a standing electron plasma wave created by the interference of a fs-laser-driven electron wave and its reflected wave is responsible for the formation of the periodic void arrays.


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Periodic nanostructures are observed on the surface of ZnSe after irradiation by a focused beam of a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser, which are aligned perpendicular to the laser polarization direction. The period of self-organized grating structures is about 160 nm. The phenomenon is interpreted in terms of interference between the incident light field and the surface scattered wave of 800-nm laser pulses. With the laser polarization parallel to the moving direction we produce long-range Bragg-like gratings by slowly moving the crystal under a fixed laser focus. The nanograting orientation is adjusted by laser polarization and the accumulation effect.


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To attempt to control the quantum state of a physical system with a femtosecond two-colour laser field, a model for the two-level system is analysed as a first step. We investigate the coherent control of the two-colour laser pulses propagating in a two-level medium. Based on calculating the influence of the laser field with various laser parameters on the electron dynamics, it is found the electronic state can be changed up and down by choosing the appropriate laser pulses and the coherent control of the two-colour laser pulses can substantially modify the behaviour of the electronic dynamics: a quicker change of two states can be produced even for small pulse duration. Moreover, the oscillatory structures around the resonant frequency and the propagation features of the laser pulses depend sensitively on the relative phase of the two-colour laser pulses. Finally, the influence of a finite lifetime of the upper level is discussed in brief.


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High-order harmonics and single attosecond pulse generation by using an infrared laser pulse combined with attosecond pulse trains (APT) interacting with He+ have been investigated. We show that the ionization for different instant time intervals can be controlled by altering the time delay between the APT and the infrared pulse. Consequently, APT can be used as a tool to control the efficiency of high-order harmonics emitted at different times. By choosing appropriate APT and time delay, the driving pulse width for single attosecond pulse generation can be extended up to six optical cycles. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The dependence of the maximum and average energies of protons, which were produced in the interaction of an intense laser pulse (similar to 1 x 10(16) W cm(-2), 65 fs) with hydrogen clusters in a gas jet backed up to 80 bar at liquid nitrogen temperature (similar to 80 K), on the backing pressure has been studied. The general trend of the proton energy dependence on the square of the average cluster radius, which is determined by a calibrated Rayleigh scattering measurement, is similar to that described by theory under the single size approximation. Calculations are made to fit the experimental results under a simplified model by taking into account both a log-normal cluster size distribution and the laser intensity attenuation in the interaction volume. A very good agreement between the experimental proton energy spectra and the calculations is obtained in the high- energy part of the proton energy distributions, but a discrepancy of the fits is revealed in the low-energy part at higher backing pressures which are associated with denser flows. A possible mechanism which would be responsible for this discrepancy is discussed. Finally, from the fits, a variation of the cluster size distributions was revealed to be dependent on the gas backing pressure as well as on the evolving time of the gas flow of clusters.


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Self-trapping, stopping, and absorption of an ultrashort ultraintense linearly polarized laser pulse in a finite plasma slab of near-critical density is investigated by particle-in-cell simulation. As in the underdense plasma, an electron cavity is created by the pressure of the transmitted part of the light pulse and it traps the latter. Since the background plasma is at near-critical density, no wake plasma oscillation is created. The propagating self-trapped light rapidly comes to a stop inside the slab. Subsequent ion Coulomb explosion of the stopped cavity leads to explosive expulsion of its ions and formation of an extended channel having extremely low plasma density. The energetic Coulomb-exploded ions form shock layers of high density and temperature at the channel boundary. In contrast to a propagating pulse in a lower density plasma, here the energy of the trapped light is deposited onto a stationary and highly localized region of the plasma. This highly localized energy-deposition process can be relevant to the fast ignition scheme of inertial fusion.


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This paper deals with the distribution of generated microcrystallites in borate glass irradiated by 120 fs laser pulses at a central wavelength of 800 nm. Raman spectroscopy is used to investigate the distribution of the high and low temperature phases of barium metaborate crystals generated in the borate glass. In combination with a microexplosion model, bond-breaking induced by laser irradiation is served as the origin of the formation of BBO crystals. Depending on the laser fluence and cooling conditions, the distribution mechanisms have been discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we report the laser-induced periodic structure with different spatial characteristics on the surface of polished ZnO single-crystalline by high repetition rate femtosecond laser pulses. This study demonstrates that, using different laser parameters and irradiation conditions, ZnO nanoripples and nanorods were successfully prepared. We have investigated the surface by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM), Raman scattering and photoluminescence (PL). We propose that second-order harmonic has a strong influence on the formation of nanostructures. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.