954 resultados para LIE-ALGEBRA
The data obtained in the earlier parts of this series for the donor and acceptor end parameters of N-H. O and O-H. O hydrogen bonds have been utilised to obtain a qualitative working criterion to classify the hydrogen bonds into three categories: "very good" (VG), "moderately good" (MG) and weak (W). The general distribution curves for all the four parameters are found to be nearly of the Gaussian type. Assuming that the VG hydrogen bonds lie between 0 and ± la, MG hydrogen bonds between ± 1 and ± 2, W hydrogen bonds beyond ± 2 (where is the standard deviation), suitable cut-off limits for classifying the hydrogen bonds in the three categories have been derived. These limits are used to get VG and MG ranges for the four parameters 1 and θ (at the donor end) and ± and ± (at the acceptor end). The qualitative strength of a hydrogen bond is decided by the cumulative application of the criteria to all the four parameters. The criterion has been further applied to some practical examples in conformational studies such as α-helix and can be used for obtaining suitable location of hydrogen atoms to form good hydrogen bonds. An empirical approach to the energy of hydrogen bonds in the three categories has also been presented.
The ratio of diffusion coefficient to mobility (D/¿) for electrons has been measured in SF6-air and freon-nitrogen mixtures for various concentrations of SF6 and freon in the mixtures over the range 140¿ E/p¿ 220 V.cm-1 - torr-1. In SF6-air mixtures, the values of D/¿ were always observed to lie intermediate between the values for the pure gases. However, in freon-nitrogen mixtures, with a small concentration (10 percent) of freon in the mixture, the values of D/¿ are found to lie above the boundaries determined by the pure gases. In this mixture, over the lower E/p range (140 to 190) the electrons appear to lose a large fraction of their energy by the excitation of the complex freon molecules, while at higher E/p values (200 to 240), the excitation and consequent deexcitation of nitrogen molecules and its metastables seem to cause an increased rate of ionization of freon molecules.
A new approach to Penrose's twistor algebra is given. It is based on the use of a generalised quaternion algebra for the translation of statements in projective five-space into equivalent statements in twistor (conformal spinor) space. The formalism leads toSO(4, 2)-covariant formulations of the Pauli-Kofink and Fierz relations among Dirac bilinears, and generalisations of these relations.
Spiritualiteetti viittaa syvälliseen, inhimilliseen ulottuvuuteen ja ominaisuuteen, jonka tarkka määritteleminen on haasteellista, ellei mahdotonta. Sitä vastaa yhtäältä uskonnollisuuden kautta toteutuva, elämän tarkoitukseen ja syvemmän olemuksen etsintään liittyvä hengellisyys, mutta toisaalta myös kaikkea muuta hengen viljelyä ja mielekkään olemisen tavoittelua tarkoittava henkisyys. John Swintonin mukaan hengen ulottuvuus on se inhimilliseen olemukseen kuuluva, dynaaminen elinvoima, joka virkistää ja elävöittää ihmistä ja motivoi häntä etsimään Jumalaa, arvoja, merkitystä, tarkoitusta ja toivoa. Tämä tutkimus nostaa tarkastelun kohteeksi kokonaisvaltaisen hengellisyyden, jolloin huomio kiinnitetään niihin sidoksiin, joiden kautta hengen ulottuvuus liittyy muihin inhimillisen elämän olennaisiin toimintoihin ja näkökulmiin. Tällaisia ovat 1) ajattelu 2) teot ja käytännön toiminta 3) suhteet ja vuorovaikutusverkostot 4) tunteet ja kanssakäymistä ohjaavat asenteet 5) olemassaolon ja olemisen ulottuvuudet. Kokemusten merkitys, arvo ja mielekkyys hahmottuvat juuri hengen alueella, toisin sanoen sisäisesti, hengellisenä ja henkisenä asiana. Tutkimusmateriaalina tässä tutkimuksessa on amerikkalaisen vuosina 1827 1915 eläneen Ellen Whiten kuusi myöhäiskauden teosta vuosilta 1892 1905 ja tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty systemaattista analyysiä. Olennaista Whiten tavassa käsitellä uskonnon harjoitukseen liittyviä aiheita on hänen käytännöllinen ja elämän arkeen kiinteästi niveltyvä otteensa. Tutkimus paljastaa, että Martti Lutherin käsitykset ovat merkittävästi vaikuttaneet Whiten ajatteluun. Lähteistä paljastuu samankaltaisuutta hänen näkemystensä ja uusimman suomalaisen Luther-tutkimuksen Martti Lutherin tuotannosta esiin nostaman ajattelutavan välillä. Vaikka teologisen oppineisuuden kannalta White ja Luther ovat eri tasoilla, kummankin käsitys ihmisen ja Jumalan välisen suhteen perusolemuksesta on samankaltainen: Lähtökohtana sille on Jumalan rakkaus ja hänen armostaan lähtenyt toiminta. Toiseksi, ihmisen ja Kristuksen välinen, olemuksellinen yhteys, unio , on perustana sille, että Jumala hyväksyy ihmisen ja huolehtii hänestä nyt ja ikuisesti. Kolmanneksi, tämä ihmisen ja Kristuksen liittoutuminen ja yhdistyminen ilmenee yhteistoimintana ja kumppanuutena yhteisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi maailmassa. White korostaa ihmisen ja Kristuksen välisen hengellisen suhteen vuorovaikutteista ja toiminnallista luonnetta, joka tulee ilmi epäitsekkyytenä, toisten ihmisten ja heidän tarpeittensa huomioimisena sekä myötätuntona ja kykynä asettua toisen asemaan. Terveellistä elämäntapaa ja kasvatusta koskevat ajatuksensa White liittää siihen laaja-alaiseen näkemykseen hengellisyydestä, jonka tavoitteena on ihmisen kokonaisvaltainen hyvinvointi. Hän ei näe spiritualiteettia elämän arjesta irrallisena tai erillisenä saarekkeena, vaan ihmistä kaikessa ohjaavana, voimaannuttavana ja mielekkyyttä tuottavana, ensisijaisena ulottuvuutena. Tutkimuksen kuluessa myös Whiten usein käyttämät Jumalalle antautumisen ja luonteen käsitteet nousevat tarkastelun kohteiksi. Hänen mukaansa ihminen ei tahdonponnistuksillaan yksin pysty tavoittamaan Jumalaa vaan hänen on lakattava Jumalan rakastavan kutsun edessä itse tahtomasta ja suostuttava liittymään Jumalan tahtoon ja tarkoitukseen. Tämä liittyy siihen sisäiseen muutokseen, jota White kuvaa luonteen käsitteen avulla. Jumalan armon vaikuttama tahdon uudelleen suuntaaminen muuttaa ihmisen olemusta, arvoja, asennoitumisen tapaa ja myötätuntoisen vuorovaikutuksen kykyä niin ettei ihminen ole enää aivan sama kuin ennen. Kysymys on toisaalta yhtäkkisestä ja kertakaikkisesta olemuksellisesta muuttumisesta, mutta samalla myös hiljaisesta, elämänmittaisesta kasvusta ja kypsymisestä. Juuri luonteen käsitteen avulla White kuvaa hengellisyyttä ja siihen kuuluvaa sisästä matkaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa spiritualiteettia lähestytään yleisinhimillisenä piirteenä ja ominaisuutena, jolloin huomio ei ole ensisijaisesti yksittäisissä opillisissa käsityksissä tai uskonnollisuuden harjoittamisen muodoissa. Tarkoituksena on luoda kokoava rakenne, jonka puitteissa holistinen spiritualiteetti voidaan selkeämmin hahmottaa ja yksilöidymmin ymmärtää.
The spectrum of short-closed chains up to N=12 are studied by exact diagonalization to obtain the spin-wave spectrum of the Hamiltonian H=2J Sigma i=1Nsi.si+1+2J alpha Sigma i=1Nsi.si+2, -1.0
We study the properties of walls of marginal stability for BPS decays in a class of N = 2 theories. These theories arise in N = 2 string compactifications obtained as freely acting orbifolds of N = 4 theories, such theories include the STU model and the FHSV model. The cross sections of these walls for a generic decay in the axion-dilaton plane reduce to lines or circles. From the continuity properties of walls of marginal stability we show that central charges of BPS states do not vanish in the interior of the moduli space. Given a charge vector of a BPS state corresponding to a large black hole in these theories, we show that all walls of marginal stability intersect at the same point in the lower half of the axion-dilaton plane. We isolate a class of decays whose walls of marginal stability always lie in a region bounded by walls formed by decays to small black holes. This enables us to isolate a region in moduli space for which no decays occur within this class. We then study entropy enigma decays for such models and show that for generic values of the moduli, that is when moduli are of order one compared to the charges, entropy enigma decays do not occur in these models.
Construction of inverses with prescribed zero minors and applications to decentralized stabilization
We examine the following question: Suppose R is a principal ideal domain, and that F is an n × m matrix with elements in R, with n>m. When does there exist an m × n matrix G such that GF = Im, and such that certain prescribed minors of G equal zero? We show that there is a simple necessary condition for the existence of such a G, but that this condition is not sufficient in general. However, if the set of minors of G that are required to be zero has a certain pattern, then the condition is necessary as well as sufficient. We then show that the pattern mentioned above arises naturally in connection with the question of the existence of decentralized stabilizing controllers for a given plant. Hence our result allows us to derive an extremely simple proof of the fact that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of decentralized stabilizing controllers is the absence of unstable decentralized fixed modes, as well as to derive a very clean expression for these fixed modes. In addition to the application to decentralized stabilization, we believe that the result is of independent interest.
Adoptive cellular immunotherapy using in vitro expanded CD8+ T cells shows promise for tumour immunotherapy but is limited by eventual loss of function of the transferred T cells through factors that likely include inactivation by tolerogenic dendritic cells (DC). The coinhibitory receptor programmed death-1 (PD-1), in addition to controlling T-cell responsiveness at effector sites in malignancies and chronic viral diseases is an important modulator of dendritic cell-induced tolerance in naive T cell populations. The most potent therapeutic capacity amongst CD8+ T cells appears to lie within Tcm or Tcm-like cells but memory T cells express elevated levels of PD-1. Based on established trafficking patterns for Tcm it is likely Tcm-like cells interact with lymphoid-tissue DC that present tumour-derived antigens and may be inherently tolerogenic to develop therapeutic effector function. As little is understood of the effect of PD-1/PD-L1 blockade on Tcm-like CD8+ T cells, particularly in relation to inactivation by DC, we explored the effects of PD-1/PD-L1 blockade in a mouse model where resting DC tolerise effector and memory CD8+ T cells. Blockade of PD-1/PDL1 promoted effector differentiation of adoptively-transferred Tcm-phenotype cells interacting with tolerising DC. In tumour-bearing mice with tolerising DC, effector activity was increased in both lymphoid tissues and the tumour-site and anti-tumour activity was promoted. Our findings suggest PD-1/PD-L1 blockade may be a useful adjunct for adoptive immunotherapy by promoting effector differentiation in the host of transferred Tcmlike cells. © 2015 Blake et al.
Let X be a normal projective threefold over a field of characteristic zero and vertical bar L vertical bar be a base-point free, ample linear system on X. Under suitable hypotheses on (X, vertical bar L vertical bar), we prove that for a very general member Y is an element of vertical bar L vertical bar, the restriction map on divisor class groups Cl(X) -> Cl(Y) is an isomorphism. In particular, we are able to recover the classical Noether-Lefschetz theorem, that a very general hypersurface X subset of P-C(3) of degree >= 4 has Pic(X) congruent to Z.
All the non-H atoms of the title compound, C12H10ClNO, lie on a crystallographic mirror plane orientated perpendicular to the crystallographic b axis.
In a world consumed by quests for happiness and personal growth, Grant Stevens’ new exhibition, Dark Mess, delves into the psychic troubles that sometimes lie below the canopy. Working predominantly with video, photography and installation, Stevens’ practice explores how the verbal and non-verbal languages of popular screen culture interface with contemporary subjectivity. This exhibition continues Stevens’ interest in the natural environment as a catalyst and proxy for introspection and self-discovery. Pushing sound and image to distortion, Dark Mess offers a disquieting journey through the undergrowth.
CTRU, a public key cryptosystem was proposed by Gaborit, Ohler and Sole. It is analogue of NTRU, the ring of integers replaced by the ring of polynomials $\mathbb{F}_2[T]$ . It attracted attention as the attacks based on either LLL algorithm or the Chinese Remainder Theorem are avoided on it, which is most common on NTRU. In this paper we presents a polynomial-time algorithm that breaks CTRU for all recommended parameter choices that were derived to make CTRU secure against popov normal form attack. The paper shows if we ascertain the constraints for perfect decryption then either plaintext or private key can be achieved by polynomial time linear algebra attack.
A new form of a multi-step transversal linearization (MTL) method is developed and numerically explored in this study for a numeric-analytical integration of non-linear dynamical systems under deterministic excitations. As with other transversal linearization methods, the present version also requires that the linearized solution manifold transversally intersects the non-linear solution manifold at a chosen set of points or cross-section in the state space. However, a major point of departure of the present method is that it has the flexibility of treating non-linear damping and stiffness terms of the original system as damping and stiffness terms in the transversally linearized system, even though these linearized terms become explicit functions of time. From this perspective, the present development is closely related to the popular practice of tangent-space linearization adopted in finite element (FE) based solutions of non-linear problems in structural dynamics. The only difference is that the MTL method would require construction of transversal system matrices in lieu of the tangent system matrices needed within an FE framework. The resulting time-varying linearized system matrix is then treated as a Lie element using Magnus’ characterization [W. Magnus, On the exponential solution of differential equations for a linear operator, Commun. Pure Appl. Math., VII (1954) 649–673] and the associated fundamental solution matrix (FSM) is obtained through repeated Lie-bracket operations (or nested commutators). An advantage of this approach is that the underlying exponential transformation could preserve certain intrinsic structural properties of the solution of the non-linear problem. Yet another advantage of the transversal linearization lies in the non-unique representation of the linearized vector field – an aspect that has been specifically exploited in this study to enhance the spectral stability of the proposed family of methods and thus contain the temporal propagation of local errors. A simple analysis of the formal orders of accuracy is provided within a finite dimensional framework. Only a limited numerical exploration of the method is presently provided for a couple of popularly known non-linear oscillators, viz. a hardening Duffing oscillator, which has a non-linear stiffness term, and the van der Pol oscillator, which is self-excited and has a non-linear damping term.
Microcrystalline γ-Y2Si2O7 was indented at room temperature and the deformation microstructure was investigated by transmission electron microscopy in the vicinity of the indent. The volume directly beneath the indent comprises nanometer-sized grains delimited by an amorphous phase while dislocations dominate in the periphery either as dense slip bands in the border of the indent or, further away, as individual dislocations. The amorphous layers and the slip bands are a few nanometers thick. They lie along well-defined crystallographic planes. The microstructural organization is consistent with a stress-induced amorphization process whereby, under severe mechanical conditions, the crystal to amorphous transformation is mediated by slip bands containing a high density of dislocations. It is suggested that the damage tolerance of γ-Y2Si2O7, which is exceptional for a ceramic material, benefits from this transformation.
We report a combined experimental and computational study of a low constraint aluminum single crystal fracture geometry and investigate the near-tip stress and strain fields. To this end, a single edge notched tensile (SENT) specimen is considered. A notch, with a radius of 50 µm, is taken to lie in the (010) plane and its front is aligned along the [101] direction. Experiments are conducted by subjecting the specimen to tensile loading using a special fixture inside a scanning electron microscope chamber. Both SEM micrographs and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) maps are obtained from the near-tip region. The experiments are complemented by performing 3D and 2D plane strain finite element simulations within a continuum crystal plasticity framework assuming an isotropic hardening response characterized by the Pierce–Asaro–Needleman model. The simulations show a distinct slip band forming at about 55 deg with respect to the notch line corresponding to slip on (11-bar 1)[011] system, which corroborates well with experimental data. Furthermore, two kink bands occur at about 45 deg and 90 deg with respect to the notch line within which large rotations in the crystal orientation take place. These predictions are in good agreement with the EBSD observations. Finally, the near-tip angular variations of the 3D stress and plastic strain fields in the low constraint SENT fracture geometry are examined in detail.