903 resultados para LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: 2B
Background: Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are one of the main causes of adverse reactions related to medications, being responsible for up to 23% of hospital admissions. However, only a few studies have evaluated this problem in elderly Brazilians. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of potential DDIs (PDDIs) in community-dwelling elderly people in Brazil, analyse these interactions with regard to severity and clinical implications, and identify associated factors. Methods: A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out involving 2143 elderly (aged 60 years) residents of the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Data were obtained from the SABE (Saude, Bem estar e Envelhecimento [Health, Well-Being, and Aging]) survey, which is a multicentre study carried out in seven countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, coordinated by the Pan-American Health Organization. PDDIs were analysed using a computerized program and categorized according to level of severity, onset, mechanism and documentation in the literature. The STATA software statistical package was used for data analysis, and logistic regression was conducted to determine whether variables were associated with PDDIs. Results: Analysis revealed that 568 (26.5%) of the elderly population included in the study were taking medications that could lead to a DDI. Almost two-thirds (64.4%) of the elderly population exposed to PDDIs were women, 50.7% were aged >= 75 years, 71.7% reported having fair or poor health and 65.8% took 2-5 medications. A total of 125 different PDDIs were identified; the treatment combination of an ACE inhibitor with a thiazide or loop diuretic (associated with hypotension) was the most frequent cause of PDDIs (n=322 patients; 56.7% of individuals with PDDIs). Analysis of the PDDIs revealed that 70.4% were of moderate severity, 64.8% were supported by good quality evidence and 56.8% were considered of delayed onset. The multivariate analysis showed that the risk of a PDDI was significantly increased among elderly individuals using six or more medications (odds ratio [OR] 3.37) and in patients with hypertension (OR 2.56), diabetes mellitus (OR 1.73) or heart problems (OR 3.36). Conclusions: Approximately one-quarter of the elderly population living in Sao Paulo could be taking two or more potentially interacting medicines. Polypharmacy predisposes elderly individuals to PDDIs. More than half of these drug combinations (57.6%, n = 72) were part of commonly employed treatment regimens and may be responsible for adverse reactions that compromise the safety of elderly individuals, especially at home. Educational initiatives are needed to avoid unnecessary risks.
Objective: To test the feasibility of an evidence-based clinical literature search service to help answer general practitioners' (GPs') clinical questions. Design: Two search services supplied GPs who submitted questions with the best available empirical evidence to answer these questions. The GPs provided feedback on the value of the service, and concordance of answers from the two search services was assessed. Setting: Two literature search services (Queensland and Victoria), operating for nine months from February 1999. Main outcome measures: Use of the service; time taken to locate answers; availability of evidence; value of the service to GPs; and consistency of answers from the two services. Results: 58 GPs asked 160 questions (29 asked one, 11 asked five or more). The questions concerned treatment (65%), aetiology (17%), prognosis (13%), and diagnosis (5%). Answering a question took a mean of 3 hours 32 minutes of personnel time (95% Cl, 2.67-3.97); nine questions took longer than 10 hours each to answer, the longest taking 23 hours 30 minutes. Evidence of suitable quality to provide a sound answer was available for 126 (79%) questions. Feedback data for 84 (53%) questions, provided by 42 GPs, showed that they appreciated the service, and asking the questions changed clinical care. There were many minor differences between the answers from the two centres, and substantial differences in the evidence found for 4/14 questions. However, conclusions reached were largely similar, with no or only minor differences for all questions. Conclusions: It is feasible to provide a literature search service, but further assessment is needed to establish its cost effectiveness.
The Cenozoic Victoria Land Basin (VLB) stratigraphic section penetrated by CRP-3 is mostly of Early Oligocene age. It contains an array of lithofacies comprising fine-grained mudrocks, interlaminated and interbedded mudrocks/sandstones, mud-rich and mud-poor sandstones, conglomerates and diametites that are together interpreted as the products of shallow marine to possibly non-marine environments of deposition, affected by the periodic advance and retreat of tidewater glaciers. This lithofacies assemblage can be readily rationalised using the facies scheme designed originally for CRP-2/2A, and published previously. The uppermost 330 metres below sea floor (mbsf) shows a cyclical arrangement of lithofacies also similar to that recognised throughout CRP-2/2A, and interpreted to reflect cyclical variations in relative sea-level driven by ice volume fluctuations ("Motif A"). Between 330 and 480 mbsf, a series of less clearly cyclical units, generally fining-upward but nonetheless incorporating a significant subset of the facies assemblage, has been identified and noted in the Initial Report as "Motif B. Below 480 mbsf, the section is arranged into a repetitive succession of fining-upward units, each of which comprises dolerite clast conglomerate at the base passing upward into relatively thick intervals of sandstones. The cycles present down 480 mbsf are defined as sequences, each interpreted to record cyclical variation of relative sea-level. The thickness distribution of sequences in CRP-3 provides some insights into the geological variables controlling sediment accumulation in the Early Oligocene section. The uppermost part of the section in CRP-3 comprises two or three thick, complete sequences that show a broadly symmetrical arrangement of lithofacies (similar to Sequences 9-11 in CRP-2/2A). This suggests a period of relatively rapid tectonic subsidence, which allowed preservation of the complete facies cycle. Below Sequence 3, however, is a considerable interval of thin, incomplete and erosionally truncated sequences (4-23), which incorporates both the remainder of Motif A sequences and all Motif B sequences recognised. The thinner and more truncated sequences suggest sediment accumulation under conditions of reduced accommodation, and given the lack of evidence for glacial conditions (see Powell et al., this volume) tends to argue for a period of reduced tectonic subsidence. The section below 480 mbsf consists of a series of fining-upward, conglomerate to sandstone intervals which cannot be readily interpreted in terms of relative sea-level change. A relatively mudrock-rich interval above the basal conglomerate/breccia (782-762 mbsf) may record initial flooding of the basin during early rift subsidence. The lithostratigraphy summarised above has been linked to seismic reflection data using depth conversion techniques (Henrys et al., this volume). The three uppermost reflectors ("o", "p" and "q") correlate to the package of thick sequences 1-3, and several deeper reflectors can also be correlated to sequence boundaries. The package of thick Sequences 1-3 shows a sheet-like cross-sectional geometry on seismic reflection lines, unlike the similar package recognised in CRP-2/2A.
In a previous study (Jones and Smith, 1999) we established that much the same core pattern of national identity characterizes many developed countries. Using the national identity module from the 1995 International Social Survey Programme, we identified two dimensions of national identity: an ascriptive dimension resembling the concept of ethnic identity described in the historical and theoretical literature, and a voluntarist dimension closer to the notion of civic identity. Some writers view these dimensions in terms of a historical sequence but we find that both constructs coexist in the minds of individual respondents in the nations we examine (we exclude Bulgaria and the Philippines from the present but not the earlier analysis). The dataset used for the multilevel analyses reported here consists of 28 589 respondents in the remaining 21 countries included in the national identity database for the 1995 round of surveys. The macrosociological literature on national identity does not offer well-defined predictions about what precise patterns of national identification we might expect to find among the masses of the developed countries. There are, however, recurring themes from which one can construct plausible hypotheses about how countries might differ according to their level of development, broadly conceived. Thus, we hypothesize that forces such as post-industrialism and globalization tend to favour the more open voluntaristic form of national identity over the more restrictive ascribed form. We develop different multi-level models in order to evaluate specific hypotheses pertaining to such issues, by simultaneously relating individual and societal characteristics to the relative strength of individual commitment to these different types of national identity.
There is evidence that ATM plays a wider role in intracellular signalling in addition to DNA damage recognition and cell cycle control, In this report we show that activation of the EGF receptor is defective in ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) cells and that sustained stimulation of cells with EGF downregulates ATM protein in control cells but not in A-T cells expressing mutant protein, Concomitant with the downregulation of ATM, DNA-binding activity of the transcription factor Spl decreased in controls after EGF treatment but increased from a lower basal level in A-T cells to that in untreated control cells, Mutation in two Spl consensus sequences in the ATM promoter reduced markedly the capacity of the promoter to support luciferase activity in a reporter assay. Overexpression of anti-sense ATM cDNA in control cells decreased the;basal level of Spl, which in turn was increased by subsequent treatment of cells with EGF, similar to that observed in,A-T cells. On the other hand full-length ATM cDNA increased the basal level of Spl binding in A-T cells, and in response to EGF Spl binding decreased, confirming that this is an ATR I-dependent process. Contrary to that observed in control cells there was no radiation-induced change in ATM protein in EGF-treated A-T cells and likewise no alteration in Spl binding activity. The results demonstrate that EGF-induced downregulation of ATM (mutant) protein in A-T cells is defective and this appears to be due to less efficient EGFR activation and abnormal Spl regulation.
This paper reports the introduction of an evidence-based medicine fellowship in a children’s teaching hospital. The results are presented of a self-reported ‘evidence-based medicine’ questionnaire, the clinical questions requested through the information retrieval service are outlined and the results of an information retrieval service user questionnaire are reported. It was confirmed that clinicians have frequent clinical questions that mostly remain unanswered. The responses to four questions with ‘good quality’ evidence-based answers were reviewed and suggest that at least one-quarter of doctors were not aware of the current best available evidence. There was a high level of satisfaction with the information retrieval service; 19% of users indicated that the information changed their clinical practice and 73% indicated that the information confirmed their clinical practice. The introduction of an evidence-based medicine fellowship is one method of disseminating the practice of evidence-based medicine in a tertiary children’s hospital.
This report outlines the development of optimized particle inflow gun (PIG) parameters for producing transgenic sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). Both transient and stable expression were examined when determining these parameters. The uidA reporter gene (GUS) encoding beta -glucuronidase was used in transient experiments and the green fluorescent protein (GFP) used to monitor stable expression. Initially, optimization was conducted using leaf segments, as the generation of sorghum callus in sufficiently large quantities is time-consuming. Following leaf optimization, experiments were conducted using callus, identifying a high similarity between the two tissue types (r(s) = 0.83). High levels of GUS expression were observed in both leaf and callus material when most distant from the DNA expulsion point, and using a pressure greater than 1800 kPa. A higher level of expression was also observed when the aperture of the helium inlet valve was constricted. Using the optimized conditions (pressure of 2200 kPa, distance to target tissue of 15 cm from the expulsion point, and the aperture of the helium inlet valve at one full turn), three promoters (Ubiquitin, Actin1 and CaMV 35S) were evaluated over a 72-h period using GUS as the reporter gene. A significantly higher number of GUS foci were counted with the Ubiquitin construct over this period, compared to the Actin1 and CaMV 35S constructs. Stable callus sectors (on 2 mg l(-1) bialaphos) with GFP expression were visualized for as long as 6 wk post-bombardment. Using this optimized protocol, several plants were regenerated after having been bombarded with the pAHC20 construct (containing the bar gene), with molecular evidence confirming integration.
Excessive consumption of alcohol is a serious public health problem. While intensive treatments are suitable for those who are physically dependent on alcohol, they are not cost-effective options for the vast majority of problem drinkers who are not dependent. There is good evidence that brief interventions are effective in reducing overall alcohol consumption, alcohol-related problems, and health-care utilisation among nondependent problem drinkers. Psychologists are in an ideal position to opportunistically detect people who drink excessively and to offer them brief advice to reduce their drinking. In this paper we outline the process involved in providing brief opportunistic screening and intervention for problem drinkers. We also discuss methods that psychologists can employ if a client is not ready to reduce drinking, or is ambivalent about change. Depending on the client's level of motivation to change, psychologists can engage in either an education-clarification approach, a commitment-enhancement approach, or a skills-training approach. Routine engagement in opportunistic intervention is an important public-health approach to reducing alcohol-related harm in the community.
We tested the hypothesis that tree species in a subtropical rain forest in south-east Queensland are ecologically equivalent and therefore have identical environmental requirements for their regeneration. We assessed the evidence that juveniles of species differed in their distributions in treefall gap microsites and along gradients of light availability, soil pH, soil PO4-P availability and soil NO3-N availability. Pairwise comparisons were made on a subset of the common species selected on the basis that they showed a relatively high level of positive association, and would therefore, a priori, be expected to have similar regeneration requirements. Detailed comparisons between the species failed to demonstrate evidence for species differentiation with respect to their tolerance of the disturbance associated with gap microsites or to the gradient of NO3-N availability. However, species differed markedly in their distributions along the soil pH gradient and along the gradients of light availability and soil PO4-P availability. The overall level of ecological differentiation between the species is high: seven out of the 10 possible species pairings showed evidence for ecological differentiation. Such niche differentiation amongst the juveniles of tree species may play an important role in maintaining the species richness of rain-forest communities.
The phylogenetic relationships amongst 29 species of Carlia and Lygisaurus were estimated using a 726-base-pair segment of the protein-coding mitochondrial ND4 gene. Results do not support the recent resurrection of the genus Lygisaurus. Although most Lygisaurus species formed a single clade, this clade is nested within Carlia and includes Carlia parrhasius. Due to this new molecular evidence, and the paucity of diagnostic morphological characters separating the genera, Lygisaurus de Vis 1884 is re-synonymised with Carlia Gray 1845. Our analysis is also inconsistent with a previous suggestion that Lygisaurus timlowi should be removed to Menetia, a genus that is distantly related relative to outgroups used here. Intraspecific variation in Carlia is, in several instances, greater than interspecific distance. The most strikingly divergent lineages are found within C. rubrigularis, which appears to be paraphyletic, with southern populations more closely related to C. rhomboidalis than to northern populations of C. rubrigularis. The two C. rubrigularis-C. rhomboidalis lineages form part of a major polytomy at an intermediate level of divergence. Lack of resolution at this level, however, does not appear to be due to saturation or loss of phylogenetic signal. Rather, the polytomy probably reflects a period of relatively rapid diversification that occurred sometime during the Miocene.
The introduction of new asset/income tested charges for high care residents was the 1997-98 Commonwealth government policy response to concerns about financing residential aged care. This in-depth study of residents, families, staff and managers in three aged care facilities explores issues of equity, access and empowerment arising when some residents pay more for the same level of care and amenity. The study reports little evidence of financial contributions affecting access to high care places and the delivery of care, the potential for differential access to amenities such as single rooms linked to the extra payments, and no evidence of a sense of empowerment linked to payment of the new charges. The complexity of current financial arrangements, access to appropriate financial advice at the time of entry, and the potential for an informal two tier system in relation to the allocation Of amenities are identified as developing policy issues.
In this study, we explore the relative importance of the several documented factors in explaining the behaviour of stock returns for a sample of 157 Australian companies over the period 1993–9. In line with prior evidence, we contend that the influence of global (market, industry and currency) factors is related to the extent of a firm's international activity. We find that Australian firms are in large part impacted by domestic factors with the level of sensitivity declining as the level of international activity increases. In contrast to prior literature, we also show that Australian firm returns are related to regional market, global industry and currency factors and the firm's sensitivity to these factors is an increasing function of its level of international activities.
Objective. A pilot investigation of the influence of different force levels on a treatment technique's hypoalgesic effect. Design. Randomised single blind repeated measures. Background. Optimisation of such biomechanical treatment variables as the point of force application, direction of force application and the level of applied manual force is classically regarded as the basis of best practice manipulative therapy. Manipulative therapy is frequently used to alleviate pain, a treatment effect that is often studied directly in the neurophysiological, paradigm and seldom in biomechanical research. The relationship between the level of force applied by a technique (e.g. biomechanics) and its hypoalgesic effect was the focus of this study. Method. The experiment involved the application of a lateral glide mobilisation with movement treatment technique to the symptomatic elbow of six subjects with lateral epicondylalgia. Four different levels of force, which were measured with a flexible pressure-sensing mat, were randomly applied while the subject performed a pain free grip strength test. Results. Standardised manual force data varied from 0.76 to 4.54 N/cm, lower-upper limits 95 Cl, respectively. Pain free grip strength expressed as a percentage change from pre-treatment values was significantly greater with manual forces beyond 1.9 N/cm (P = 0.014). Conclusions. This study, albeit a pilot, provides preliminary evidence that in terms of the hypoalgesic effect of a mobilisation with movement treatment technique, there may be an optimal level of applied manual force.
The aims of this paper are (1) to comment on the evidence relating to the health risks and benefits of physical activity (PA) for pregnant women and their unborn foetuses, and (2) to discuss the public health benefits of participation in appropriate physical activity during pregnancy. Evidence from recent original research and review papers suggests that there are potential benefits of appropriate PA in terms of maternal weight control and fitness, which are likely to have significant long term public health benefits. Concerns about the potential ill-effects of PA during pregnancy, such as hyperthermia, shortened gestational age and decreased birth weight are not supported by the most recent scientific reviews. The physiological adaptations to exercise during pregnancy appear to protect the foetus from potential harm and, while an upper level of safe activity has not been established, the benefits of continuing to be active during pregnancy appear to outweigh any potential risks. All decisions about participation in physical activity during pregnancy should however be made by women in consultation with their medical advisers.
This article addresses the effect of parenthood on pay, examining potential reasons for-differences between Australia and the UK that are evident in spite of their similarly minimalist. male, breadwinner style approaches to work/family issues, Although cross-national differences reflect complex intersections of policy combinations, institutional frameworks, patterns of employment and gender contracts that cannot be assessed in a single analysis, the data used in this analysis uncover some of the factors that contribute to different outcomes. Motherhood penalties in the UK appear to be associated primarily with the comparatively low level of part-time earnings in that country, while higher premiums to fatherhood at least in part reflect a wider overall wage distribution. These findings reinforce the heed to interpret earnings effects of parenthood within the context of national patterns of employment and wage distribution; and highlight the breadth of strategies needed to deliver more equitable outcomes.