997 resultados para Keisarillinen Ylisotaoikeus - 1816-1913
[from a disbound commercially produced album of football photos]
[from a disbound commercially produced album of football photos]
[scanned from photo album loaned to library]
[scanned from photo album loaned to library]
Top Row: Lorenzo Lapsley, Edward Green, st. mngr. Donald Denison, Harry C. Carver, Wilfred Cook
3rd Row: Coach Stephen Farrell, Roger Le Baron Waring, Herschel C. Smith, Howard Seward, Warren Sargent, Harry E. Brown, Charles S. White, Ath Dir. Phil Bartelme
2nd Row: Arthur Kohler, James Bond, Charles M. Smith, Carroll Haff, Raymond Haimbaugh, Philip Jansen, James Craig
Front Row: John Ferris, Arthur Lamey, Louis Baier, Edward Daskam
Top Row: Lorenzo Lapsley, Edward Green, st. mngr. Donald Denison, Harry C. Carver, Wilfred Cook
3rd Row: Coach Stephen Farrell, Roger Le Baron Waring, Herschel C. Smith, Howard Seward, Warren Sargent, Harry E. Brown, Charles S. White, Ath Dir. Phil Bartelme
2nd Row: Arthur Kohler, James Bond, Charles M. Smith, Carroll Haff, Raymond Haimbaugh, Philip Jansen, James Craig
Front Row: John Ferris, Arthur Lamey, Louis Baier, Edward Daskam
[Item loaned to library for scanning]
[Item loaned to library for scanning]
[Item loaned to library for scanning]
[Item loaned to library for scanning]
[Item loaned to library for scanning]
Back Row: trainer Steve Farrell, asst. coach Germany Schulz, Thomas Bushnell (?), coach Fielding Yost
Third Row: Everett Bentley, Spencer Scott, William Cochran, Efton James, ?, Cyril Quinn, ?, Martin Galt,
Second Row: Ernest Allmendinger, Ernest Hughitt, Roy Torbet, George Patterson, Miller Pontius, James Musser, James Raynsford, ?, Frank McHale, Henry Lightner
Front Row: Jack Benton, John Lyons, Frank Millard, Robert Watson, Lawrence Roehmm Royce Traphagen