991 resultados para K-plane Radon Transform


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A utilização de resíduos orgânicos de origem animal na adubação das culturas demanda informações sobre a dinâmica de decomposição e mineralização de nutrientes neles contidos. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a decomposição e a liberação de N, P e K dos resíduos orgânicos esterco bovino e cama de frango isolados ou misturados, em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo, da região de Tabuleiros Costeiros paraibanos. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, utilizando-se o método das sacolas de decomposição (litterbag), com os tratamentos arranjados em esquema fatorial 3 × 2 × 6, referentes a três resíduos orgânicos: esterco bovino (EB), cama de frango (CF) e a mistura desses resíduos na proporção de 1:1, denominada de esterco misto (EM); duas camadas de incorporação (0-10 e 10-20 cm); e seis períodos de avaliação (0, 30, 90, 150, 210 e 270 dias após a aplicação - DAA) com três repetições. Os resultados revelaram que a profundidade de incorporação não influenciou a decomposição dos resíduos EB e EM, que essa foi mais rápida na CF (0,0035 g dia-1), mais lenta no EB (0,0010 g dia-1) e ocorreu numa velocidade intermediária no EM (0,0020 g dia-1). Houve liberação mais rápida de N no EM (0,0011 g dia-1), de P no EB (0,0040 g dia-1) e de K na CF (0,0025 g dia-1), com tendência de aumento na liberação de N na CF e de P em todos os resíduos com a incorporação desses na camada de 10-20 cm. Após 270 DAP, estimou-se que a liberação de nutrientes pelos resíduos EB, CF e EM, em relação ao teor inicial, foi de 5,0; 15,0; e 28,0 %, para N; 80,0; 68,0; e 47,0 %, para P; e 20,0; 53,0; e 32,0 %, para K. Em valores absolutos, esses percentuais representaram, respectivamente, 19,0; 103,5; e 149,5 kg ha-1 de N; 28,0; 18,0; e 15,0 kg ha-1 de P; e 75,0; 493,0; e 209,0 kg ha-1 de K. Os resíduos orgânicos se evidenciaram fontes inadequadas para suprir isoladamente a demanda nutricional de culturas de ciclo curto nesses solos.


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CoFe-Ag-Cu granular films, prepared by rf sputtering, displayed magnetic domain microstructures for ferromagnetic concentrations above about 32% at, and below the percolation threshold. All samples have a fcc structure with an (111) texture perpendicular to the film plane. Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) showed a variety of magnetic domain microstructures, extremely sensitive to the magnetic history of the sample, which arise from the balance of the ferromagnetic exchange, the dipolar interactions and perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy, MFM images indicate that in virgin samples, magnetic bubble domains with an out-of-plane component of the magnetization are surrounded by a quasicontinuous background of opposite magnetization domains. The application of a magnetic field in different geometries drastically modifies the microstructure of the system in the remanent state: i) for an in-plane field, the MFM images show that most of the magnetic moments are aligned along the film plane, ii) for an out-of-plane field, the MFM signal increases about one order of magnitude, and out-of-plane striped domains with alternating up and down magnetization are stabilized. Numerical simulations show that a variety of metastable domain structures (similar to those observed experimentally) can be reached, depending on magnetic history, in systems with competing perpendicular anisotropy, exchange and dipolar interactions.


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Both structural and dynamical properties of 7Li at 470 and 843 K are studied by molecular dynamics simulation and the results are comapred with the available experimental data. Two effective interatomic potentials are used, i.e., a potential derived from the Ashcroft pseudopotential [Phys. Lett. 23, 48 (1966)] and a recently proposed potential deduced from the neutral pseudoatom method [J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 5, 4283 (1993)]. Although the shape of the two potential functions is very different, the majority of the properties calculated from them are very similar. The differences among the results using the two interaction models are carefully discussed.


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CoFe-AgCu granular films of compositions ranging from 0.17-0.44 ferromagnetic atomic concentration were prepared by rf sputtering. The microstructure and the transport and magnetic properties suggested that this family of samples can be classified into two groups with a crossover concentration at about 32 at. %. The experimental results for samples Co34Fe8Ag54Cu4 and Co18Fe8Ag70Cu4, which are representative of both different behaviors, are discussed. For the as-prepared sample with higher CoFe content, an uncompensated out-of-plane antiferromagneticlike microstructure with dominant demagnetizing interactions was observed. The particle growth through the annealing led to large in-plane ferromagneticlike clusters with dominant magnetizing interactions. The thermal dependence of the remanence-to-saturation ratio of the as-prepared and annealed samples indicated the existence of a high degree of magnetic correlations leading to a very low magnetoresistivity: In none of the cases was a Stoner¿Wohlfarth behavior observed. On the contrary, for the sample with lower CoFe content, the magnetoresistivity change was much higher, and the remanence followed the expected behavior, since magnetic correlations were strongly reduced through dilution.


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A integração de métodos químicos de extração e a difração de raios-X podem ampliar o entendimento das formas de reserva de K+ nas frações do solo e o seu potencial de liberação para as plantas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram empregar os métodos de extração química para estimar a reserva mineral de K+ das frações areia, silte e argila de solos subtropicais, associar os mecanismos de extração com as formas liberadas do nutriente e acompanhar a dinâmica dessa liberação em estudo de cinética. As frações areia, silte e argila dos horizontes A e Bt de três Argissolos subtropicais foram submetidas à extração de formas não trocáveis e estruturais de K+pelos métodos: ácido oxálico 0,01 mol L-1 (cinética de liberação até o tempo acumulado de 2.889 h); HNO3 1 mol L-1 fervente; NaHSO4 na forma de cristais; e HNO3/HF/H2SO4 concentrados (teores totais). A fração argila também foi submetida a tratamento com NaOH 5 mol L-1. As esmectitas dioctaedrais na fração argila foram consideradas importantes na dinâmica de liberação de formas de reserva de K+. A maior e menor liberação de formas não trocáveis e estruturais de K+ foram pela extração com NaHSO4 e pelo ataque ácido com HNO3, respectivamente. Com os dados da cinética de liberação de K+ é possível concluir que as plantas cultivadas, nos Argissolos estudados, no longo dos anos nos solos estariam bem nutridas a partir de formas não trocáveis e estruturais de K+.


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RESUMO O conhecimento dos solos é cada vez mais importante para que o uso dele seja realizado corretamente na agropecuária, no crescimento urbano, na conservação dos recursos naturais, entre outros. Entretanto, verifica-se carência de profissionais qualificados para a caracterização e os mapeamentos pedológicos, particularmente em escalas de maior detalhamento. Essa carência, aliada aos avanços das ferramentas computacionais e do sensoriamento remoto, promoveu o surgimento do Mapeamento Digital de Solos (MDS), que busca auxiliar e agilizar as atividades de levantamento pedológico. Assim, este trabalho objetivou desenvolver uma metodologia de delimitaçao de unidades de solos em topossequências por meio do comportamento espectral dos solos no comprimento de onda do Visível-Infravermelho Próximo (Vis-NIR). A metodologia espectral consistiu na obtenção das curvas espectrais dos solos por meio do espectrorradiômetro FieldSpecPro e da redução do número de informações espectrais por meio da análise de Componentes Principais, seguida de agrupamento das amostras mediante método fuzzy k-médias. Foram selecionadas cinco topossequências com pontos equidistantes de 30 m para caracterizar as classes de solos e amostragens. Foram descritas oito classes de solos distintas, que tiveram caracterização detalhada e classificação em perfis pedológicos. No restante dos pontos, a caracterização das classes de solos foi feita com base na classificação dos solos realizada nos perfis pedológicos, com coleta de amostras por meio de tradagens nas profundidades de 0,00-0,20 e 0,80-1,00 m, perfazendo o total de 162 amostras ao longo das cinco topossequências. As amostras foram analisadas pelas metodologias convencional e espectral, para que os resultados pudessem ser comparados e avaliados. Dessa forma, foram realizadas análises morfológicas, físicas (textura) e químicas nas amostras de solo. Das cinco topossequências estudadas, os resultados foram satisfatoriamente semelhantes; alguns solos não foram perfeitamente individualizados pela metodologia espectral, em razão da grande semelhança em seus comportamentos espectrais, como demonstrado pelo Latossolo Vermelho Férrico e Nitossolo Vermelho Férrico. A metodologia espectral foi capaz de diferenciar solos com resposta espectral distinta e estabelecer limites nas topossequências, apresentando grande potencial para ser implementada em levantamentos pedológicos.


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Short- and long-term effect of oxytocin on Na+ transport and Na-K-ATPase biosynthesis in the toad bladder, and the potential interaction of this hormone with aldosterone have been studied, leading to the following observations. An early Na+ transport response (oxytocin, 50 mU/ml) peaked at 10-15 min of hormone addition. At maximal stimulation a three- to fourfold increase in Na+ transport was observed, a sustained Na+ transport response (about two-fold control base line) was observed as long as the hormone was present in the medium and for up to 20 h of incubation. Pretreatment for 30 min with actinomycin D (2 micrograms/ml) did not inhibit the early response, but significantly impaired the sustained response, suggesting that de novo protein synthesis was required. The simultaneous addition of the two hormones led within 60 min to a marked potentiation of the action on Na+ transport. This synergism could be mimicked by exogenous cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Oxytocin alone (18 h exposure, 50 mU/ml) increased the relative rate of synthesis of both alpha and beta subunits of Na-K-ATPase (1.9- and 1.6-fold, respectively; P less than 0.05), whereas aldosterone (80 nM) increased the relative rate of synthesis of the same subunits (2.6- and 2.2-fold, respectively; P less than 0.02). Finally, in contrast to what was observed at the physiological level, the interaction of oxytocin and aldosterone did not lead to a similar potentiation at the biochemical level, i.e., induction of Na-K-ATPase biosynthesis (2.7- and 2.9-fold, for alpha and beta subunits, respectively; P less than 0.025).


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Several NdFeB compositionally modulated thin films are studied by using both conversion electron Mossbauer spectra and SQUID (superconducting quantum-interference-device) magnetometry. Both the hyperfine fields and the easy magnetization magnitude are not correlated with the modulation characteristic length (lambda) while the magnetization perpendicular to the thin-film plane decreases as lambda increases. The spectra were recorded at room temperature being the gamma rays perpendicular to the substrate plane. The magnetization measurements were recorded by using a SHE SQUID magnetometer in applied magnetic fields up to 5.5 T and in the temperature range between 1.8 and 30 K.


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El autor ofrece un intento de reconstrucción lógicamente consistente e históricamenteplausible del argumento con que probaba Meliso la infinitud de lo que es (Mel. B 2-4 D-K), argumento tradicionalmente considerado como un manualístico ejemplo de falacia. La auténtica demostración de la infinitud por Meliso es la que menciona Aristóteles en De gen. et corr. 1 8, 325 a 13 (= Mel. B 4 a Reale), mientras que B 2, donde se la ha solido querer ver, tan sólo contiene una previa enunciación (primera frase) de los dos argumentos que van a seguir y el desarrollo del primero de ellos; el segundo, sobre la infinitud espacial, se desarrollaría en la segunda parte del fragmento, parte que, excepto la primera frase (B 3), se ha perdido. La reinterpretación de la primera partecomo una prueba de la infinitud se debe a Aristóteles, quien logró sacar magisteril partido de los defectos formales del argumento para echar por tierra la más importante tesis de su adversario atribuyéndole una demostración lógicamente inconsistente, de la que, en realidad, Meliso nunca se sirvió.


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This study investigates the effects of digoxin, an inhibitor of the Na+ pump (Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase), on resting metabolic rate (RMR), respiratory quotient (RQ), and nutrient oxidation rate. Twelve healthy male subjects followed a double-blind protocol design and received either 1 mg/day digoxin or a placebo 2 days before indirect calorimetry measurements. Digoxin induced a 0.22 +/- 0.07 kJ/min or 3.8 +/- 1.5% (mean +/- SE, P = 0.01) decrease in RMR and a 0.40 +/- 0.13 kJ/min (P = 0.01) decrease in fat oxidation rate, whereas carbohydrate and protein oxidation rates did not change significantly. A dose-response relationship between serum digoxin and RQ was observed. These results suggest that digoxin reduces not only RMR but also fat oxidation rate by mechanisms that remain to be elucidated. Because a linkage and an association between genes coding the Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase and the RQ have been previously observed, the present demonstration of an effect of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase inhibition on fat oxidation rate strengthens the concept that the activity of this enzyme may play a role in body weight regulation.


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Résumé La Na,K-ATPase est une protéine transmembranaire, présente dans toutes les cellules de mammifères et indispensable à la viabilité cellulaire. Elle permet le maintien des gradients sodiques et potassiques à l'origine du potentiel membranaire en transportant 3 Na+ en dehors de la cellule contre 2 K+, grâce à l'énergie fournie par l'hydrolyse d'une molécule d'ATP. Le potentiel membranaire est indispensable au maintien de l'excitabilité cellulaire et à la transmission de l'influx nerveux. Il semblerait que la Na,K-ATPase soit liée à l'hypertension et à certains troubles neurologiques comme la Migraine Familiale Hémiplégique (1VIFH). La MFH est une forme de migraine avec aura, qui se caractérise par une hémiparésie. Cette forme de migraine est très rare. Elle se transmet génétiquement sur un mode autosomique dominant. Plusieurs mutations localisées dans le gène de la Na,K-ATPase ont été identifiées durant ces 3 dernières années. C'est la première fois qu'une maladie génétique est associée au gène de la Na,K-ATPase. La compréhension du fonctionnement de cette protéine peut donner des informations sur les mécanismes conduisant à ces pathologies. On sait que la fonction d'une protéine est liée à sa structure. L'étude de sa fonction nécessite donc l'étude de sa structure. Alors que la structure de la SERCA a été déterminée à haute résolution, par cristallographie, celle de la Na,K-ATPase ne l'est toujours pas. Mais ces 2 ATPases présentent une telle homologie qu'un modèle de la Na,K-ATPase a pu être élaboré à partir de la structure de la SERCA. Les objectifs de cette étude sont d'une part, de comprendre le contrôle de l'accessibilité du K+ extracellulaire àses sites de liaison. Pour cela, nous avons ciblé cette étude sur la 2ìème et la 31eme boucle extracellulaire, qui relient respectivement les segments transmembranaires (STM) 3-4 et 5-6. Le choix s'est porté sur ces 2 boucles car elles bordent le canal des cations formés des 4ième' Sième et 6'ème hélices. D'autre part, nous avons également essayer de comprendre les effets des mutations, liées à la Migraine Familiale Hémiplégique de type 2 (MFH2), sur la fonctionnalité de la Na,K-ATPase. Alors que les STM et les domaines cytoplasmiques sont relativement proches entre la Na,KATPase et la SERCA, les boucles extracellulaires présentent des différences. Le modèle n'est donc pas une approche fiable pour déterminer la structure et la fonction des régions extracellulaires. Nous avons alors utilisé une approche fonctionnelle faisant appel à la mutation dirigée puis à l'étude de l'activité fonctionnelle de la Na,K ATPase par électrophysiologie sur des ovocytes de Xenopus. En conclusion, nous pouvons dire que la troisième boucle extracellulaire participerait à la structure de la voie d'entrée des cations et que la deuxième boucle extracellulaire semble impliquée dans le contrôle de l'accessibilité des ions K+àses sites de liaison. Concernant les mutations associées à la MFH2, nos résultats ont montré une forte diminution de l'activité fonctionnelle de la pompe Na,K, inférieure aux conditions physiologiques de fonctionnement, et pour une des mutations nous avons observés une diminution de l'affmité apparente au K+ externe. Nous poumons faire l'hypothèse que l'origine pathologique de la migraine est liée à une diminution de l'activité de la pompe à Na+. Summary The Na,K-ATPase is a transmembrane protein, present in all mammalian cells and is necessary for the viability of the cells. It maintains the gradients of Na+ and K+ involved in the membrane potential, by transporting 3Na+ out the cell, and 2K+ into the cell, using the energy providing from one ATP molecule hydrolysis. The membrane potential is necessary for the cell excitability and for the transmission of the nervous signal. Some evidence show that Na,K-ATPase is involved in hypertension and neurological disorders like the Familial Hemiplegic Migraine (FHM). La FHM is a rare form of migraine characterised by aura and hemiparesis and an autosomal dominant transmission. Several mutations linked to the Na,KATPase gene have been identified during these 3 last years. It's the first genetic disorder associated with the Na,K-ATPase gene. Understand the function of this protein is important to elucidate the mechanisms implicated in these pathologies. The function of a protein is linked with its structure. Thus, to know the function of a protein, we need to know its structure. While the Ca-ATPase (SERCA) has been crystallised with a high resolution, the structure of the Na,K-ATPase is not known. Because of the great homology between these 2 ATPases, a model of the Na,K-ATPase was realised by comparing with the structure of the SERCA. The aim of this study is on one side, understand the control of the extracellular K+ accessibility to their binding sites. Because of theirs closed proximity with the cation pathway, located between the 4th, 5th and 6th helices, we have targeted this study on the 2nd and the 3rd extracellular loops linking respectively the transmembrane segment (TMS) 3 and 4, and the TMS 5 and 6. And on the other side, we have tried to understand the functional effects of mutations linked with the Familial Hemiplegic Migraine Type 2 (FHM2). In contrast with the transmembrane segments and the cytoplasmic domains, the extracellular loops show lots of difference between Na,K-ATPase and SERCA, the model is not a good approach to know the structure and the function of the extracellular loops. Thus, we have used a functional approach consisting in directed mutagenesis and the study of the functional activity of the Na,K-ATPase by electrophysiological techniques with Xenopus oocytes. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the third extracellular loop could participate in the structure of the entry of the cations pathway and that the second extracellular loop could control the K+ accessibility to their binding sites. Concerning the mutations associated with the FHM2, our results showed a strong decrease in the functional activity of the Na,K-pump under physiological conditions and for one of mutations, induce a decrease in the apparent external K+ affinity. We could make the hypothesis that the pathogenesis of migraine is related to the decrease in Na,K-pump activity. Résumé au large publique De la même manière que l'assemblage des mots forme des phrases et que l'assemblage des phrases forme des histoires, l'assemblage des cellules forme des organes et l'ensemble des organes constitue les êtres vivants. La fonction d'une cellule dans le corps humain peut se rapprocher de celle d'une usine hydroélectrique. La matière première apportée est l'eau, l'usine électrique va ensuite convertir l'eau en énergie hydraulique pour fournir de l'électricité. Le fonctionnement de base d'une cellule suit le même processus. La cellule a besoin de matières premières (oxygène, nutriments, eau...) pour produire une énergie sous forme chimique, l'ATP. Cette énergie est utilisée par exemple pour contracter les muscles et permet donc à l'individu de se déplacer. Morphologiquement la cellule est une sorte de petit sac rempli de liquide (milieu intracellulaire) baignant elle-même dans le liquide (milieu extracellulaire) composant le corps humain (un adulte est constitué environ de 65 % d'eau). La composition du milieu intracellulaire est différente de celle du milieu extracellulaire. Cette différence doit être maintenue pour que l'organisme fonctionne correctement. Une des différences majeures est la quantité de sodium. En effet il y a beaucoup plus de sodium à l'extérieur qu'à l'intérieur de la cellule. Bien que l'intérieur de la cellule soit isolé de l'extérieur par une membrane, le sodium arrive à passer à travers cette membrane, ce qui a tendance à augmenter la quantité de sodium dans la cellule et donc à diminuer sa différence de concentration entre le milieu extracellulaire et le milieu intracellulaire. Mais dans les membranes, il existe des pompes qui tournent et dont le rôle est de rejeter le sodium de la cellule. Ces pompes sont des protéines connues sous le nom de pompe à sodium ou Na,K-ATPase. On lui attribue le nom de Na,K-ATPase car en réalité elle rejette du sodium (Na) et en échange elle fait entrer dans la cellule du potassium (K), et pour fonctionner elle a besoin d'énergie (ATP). Lorsque les pompes à sodium ne fonctionnent pas bien, cela peut conduire à des maladies. En effet la Migraine Familiale Hémiplégique de type 2, est une migraine très rare qui se caractérise par l'apparition de la paralysie de la moitié d'un corps avant l'apparition du mal de tête. C'est une maladie génétique (altération qui modifie la fonction d'une protéine) qui touche la pompe à sodium située dans le cerveau. On a découvert que certaines altérations (mutations) empêchent les pompes à sodium de fonctionner correctement. On pense alors que le développement des migraines est en partie dû au fait que ces pompes fonctionnent moins bien. Il est important de bien connaître la fonction de ces pompes car cela permet de comprendre des mécanismes pouvant conduire à certaines maladies, comme les migraines. En biologie, la fonction d'une protéine est étudiée à travers sa structure. C'est pourquoi l'objectif de cette thèse a été d'étudier la structure de la Na,K-ATPase afin de mieux comprendre son mécanisme d'action.