984 resultados para Jennings, Al, b. 1863.
W1-xAlx (x=0-0.86) alloys were synthesized by mechanically alloying the pure metal powder mixtures at designated compositions by conventional high-energy ball milling. The W-Al alloys were stable under high pressure and high temperature. The alloys were lighter than W. The hardness and oxidation resistance of the alloys was greatly improved compared to both W and Al. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Well-defined block copolymers of L-lactide-b-epsilon-caprolactone were synthesized by sequential polymerization using a rare earth complex, Y(CF3COO)(3)/Al(iso-Bu)(3), as catalyst system. The compositions of the block copolymers could be adjusted by manipulating the feeding ratio of comonomers. The characterizations by GPC, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, and DSC displayed that the block copolymer, poly(epsilon-caprolactone-b-L-lactide) [P(CL-b-LLA)], had a narrow molecular weight distribution and well-controlled sequences without random placement.
The impact of starvation on larvae of Ivory shell Babylonia formosae habei was studied in a laboratory experiment. Newly hatched veligers showed considerable tolerance to starvation due to their endogenous yolk material, and time to the point-of-no-return (PNR; the threshold point during starvation after which larvae can longer metamorphose even if food is provided) was calculated to be 104.5 h. However, starvation still affected larval growth, survival, and metamorphosis. Mean shell length of larvae increased 49.77 mum day(-1) for nonstarved, but only 11.13 mum day (-1) for larvae starved for 108 h. After larvae began feeding, their growth rates rapidly recovered to the level of the nonstarved following short periods of starvation (less than 48 h), but were inhibited and unable to ever reach the level of the nonstarved when being starved beyond 48 h. Percent metamorphosis was 53.75% for the nonstarved, but all larvae died before 10 days for those starved for 108 h. Starvation not only affected larval time to reach metamorphosis, but also caused the delay in the time to metamorphosis. For the nonstarved, larvae took only 11.5 days to reach spontaneous metamorphosis, but they took 20 days to reach spontaneous metamorphosis when starved for 96 h, and this duration of delayed metamorphosis reached 8.5 days. Furthermore, the importance of yolk material for maintaining larval survival of B. formosae habei during starvation periods is also discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Simultaneous NO reduction and CO oxidation in the presence of O-2,H2O and SO2 over Cu/Mg/AUO (Cu-cat), Ce/Mg/Al/O (Ce-cat) and Cu/Ce/Mg/Al/O (CuCe-cat) were studied. At low temperatures (<340 degreesC), the presence of O-2 or H2O enhanced the activity of CuCe-cat for NO and CO conversions, but significantly suppressed the activity of Cu-cat and Ce-cat, At high temperature (720 degreesC), the presence of O-2 or H2O had no adverse effect on the NO and CO conversions over these catalysts. The addition of SO2 to NO + CO + O-2 + H2O system had no effect on the, reaction of CO + O-2 over Cu-cat, but deactivated this catalyst for NO + CO and CO + H2O reactions; over Ce-cat, all of these reactions of NO + CO, CO + O-2 and CO + H2O were suppressed significantly; over CuCe-cat, NO + CO and CO + O-2 reactions were not affected while the reaction of CO + H2O was slightly inhibited. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
O conhecimento dos solos que ocorrem em uma propriedade e/ou região, noque tange à sua classificação, distribuição e quantificação espacial, constitui elemento bsico e essencial para avaliação das terras, planejamento de pesquisas e de projetos agrossilvipastoris, zoneamentos agrícolas, seleção de áreas para expansão agrícola e planejamento de sistemas urbanos, rodoviários, açudes etc. Para o estudo dos solos foram utilizadas como material bsico cartas planialtimétricas da SUDENE na escala 1:100.000 e informações geológicas obtidas em mapas disponíveis. Para a identificação dos solos do município de Pariconha-AL, a área foi intensamente percorridal sendo os solos examinados através de tradagens e em trincheiras abertas em locais representativos, seguindo a metodologia proposta pela Embrapa. Para a avaliação agrícola das terras utilizou-se a metodologia preconizada pelo Sistema de Avaliação de Aptidão Agrícola das terras, e para a indicação das classes de terras para irrigação foram adotados os critérios do documento. Avaliação do Potencial das Terras para Irrigação no Nordeste. No levantamento foram identificadas 11 unidades de mapeamento, compostas por associações cujos componentes são representadas por Neossolos, Regolíticos, Neossolos Litólicos, Cambissolos, Planossolos e Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelos. Cerca de 98% das terras do município apresentam aptidão restrita para lavouras em pelo menos um dos níveis de manejo A e B, e 1% aptidão regular para lavouras em pelo menos um dos níveis de manejo A e B. Cerca de 60% da área do município foram consideradas como classe de irrigação 4s, que compreende terras aráveis e, por apresentarem deficiência relacionada ao solo (baixa fertilidade natural e textura arenosa), requerem estudos e pesquisas especiais.
El presente artículo es un documento conjunto de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, la Sociedad Española de Cuidados Paliativos y la Sección de Cardiología Geriátrica de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Su objetivo es paliar la laguna que existe en España en lo que respecta al manejo de los desfibriladores automáticos implantables (DAI) en las fases finales de la vida. Cada vez es más frecuente encontrarse enfermos portadores de DAI en fase terminal de una enfermedad avanzada, como insuficiencia cardíaca refractaria, enfermedades oncológicas, otras insuficiencias orgánicas o enfermedades neurodegenerativas con mal pronóstico a corto plazo. La enorme mayoría de estos pacientes tiene más de 65 años, por ello el documento se enfoca de forma particular a los ancianos que se encuentran en esta situación, aunque el proceso de toma de decisiones es similar en portadores de DAI más jóvenes que están en la fase final de su vida.
A partir del triunfo de la Revolución Cubana las acciones de propaganda indirecta devinieron ejercicio profesional dentro de la gama de acciones de los medios de comunicación masivos, asociados a la construcción y afianzamiento de la ideología socialista imperante en nuestro país y al mismo tiempo, aferrados a los preceptos de la comunicación política.Este factor ha influido en que esta tipología comunicativa en la emisora Radio Vitral de Sancti Spíritus constituya un quehacer imprescindible en los mensajes, lo cual se convirtió en punto de partida para, mediante una metodología de corte cualitativo y con los merecidos referentes teóricos, realizar un diagnóstico de cada una de las particularidades, dígase categoría, subcategorías e indicadores de la propaganda indirecta en este medio de comunicación del centro de Cuba, lo cual sirvió de soporte para la validación teórico metodológica de este instrumento evaluador.Asimismo, con los resultados analizados en el diagnóstico de la propaganda indirecta se determinó que se carecía, a diferencia de la creación directa, de herramientas para evaluar la eficacia de los mensajes comunicativos, acordes con las características propias del sistema radiofónico, lo cual devino motivo para proponer una herramienta científica y teórico metodológica que permita evaluar el quehacer propagandístico indirecto en el medio radiofónico, que des las miradas de las mediaciones sociales y la recepción activa garantice su aplicación en cada una de las emisoras cubanas.
El Ebro (1917-1936) was a magazine published in Barcelona by Aragonese emigrants at the beginning of the 20th century. It was the first experience of coexistence of different dialectal varieties of the Aragonese language in the same media. El Ebro was an experience that has gone virtually unnoticed in the recent history of one of the most minority languages, and with minor media presence, of Western Europe. In its pages El Ebro mixed dialects spoken in different regions of linguistic Aragonese area together with transcripts of medieval documents. At the same time, this newspaper raised debates about the language issue that they were truncated due to disappearance of the publication and the lack of theoretical realization
High-resolution UCLES/AAT spectra are presented for nine B-type supergiants in the SMC, chosen on the basis that they may show varying amounts of nuclear-synthetically processed material mixed to their surface. These spectra have been analysed using a new grid of approximately 12 000 non-LTE line blanketed tlusty model atmospheres to estimate atmospheric parameters and chemical composition. The abundance estimates for O, Mg and Si are in excellent agreement with those deduced from other studies, whilst the low estimate for C may reflect the use of the C II doublet at 4267 Å. The N estimates are approximately an order of magnitude greater than those found in unevolved B-type stars or H II regions but are consistent with the other estimates in AB-type supergiants. These results have been combined with results from a unified model atmosphere analysis of UVES/VLT spectra of B-type supergiants (Trundle et al. 2004, A&A, 417, 217) to discuss the evolutionary status of these objects. For two stars that are in common with those discussed by Trundle et al., we have undertaken a careful comparison in order to try to understand the relative importance of the different uncertainties present in such analyses, including observational errors and the use of static or unified models. We find that even for these relatively luminous supergiants, tlusty models yield atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions similar to those deduced from the unified code fastwind.
Absolute and differential chemical abundances are presented for the largest group of massive stars in M31 studied to date. These results were derived from intermediate resolution spectra of seven B-type supergiants, lying within four OB associations covering a galactocentric distance of 5-12 kpc. The results are mainly based on an LTE analysis, and we additionally present a full non-LTE, unified model atmosphere analysis of one star (OB 78-277) to demonstrate the reliability of the differential LTE technique. A comparison of the stellar oxygen abundance with that of previous nebular results shows that there is an off set of between similar to0.15-0.4 dex between the two methods which is critically dependent on the empirical calibration adopted for the R 23 parameter with [O/H]. However within the typical errors of the stellar and nebular analyses (and given the strength of dependence of the nebular results on the calibration used) the oxygen abundances determined in each method are fairly consistent. We determine the radial oxygen abundance gradient from these stars, and do not detect any systematic gradient across this galactocentric range. We find that the inner regions of M31 are not, as previously thought, very "metal rich". Our abundances of C, N, O, Mg, Si, Al, S and Fe in the M31 supergiants are very similar to those of massive stars in the solar neighbourhood.
La globalización ha recrudecido más si cabe la competencia en los mercados y las empresas deben afianzar y mejorar su posición competitiva para asegurar la supervivencia. Para ello resulta vital, entre otras cuestiones, velar por los intereses de los inversores al tiempo que cuidan de sus clientes. Las cooperativas sufren una coyuntura semejante respecto a sus socios y el mercado, es decir respecto a sus clientes internos (socios) y externos (mercado). El enfoque de las actividades y la estrategia de la cooperativa frente a esta dualidad determina su grado de orientación al mercado.Los estudios relacionados con la orientación al mercado en cooperativas son escasos en comparación con otras formas empresariales y han estado normalmente centrados en la figura de las cooperativas de segundo grado y circunscritos a sectores muy específicos.El sector citrícola español es uno de los más dinámicos y desarrollados del panorama productivo agrario. Su extensa experiencia comercial tanto a nivel doméstico como internacional confiere un carácter diferenciador a las entidades que operan en este subsector. Este trabajo analiza la posición de las cooperativas citrícolas españolas en relación a la orientación al mercado así como los factores de gestión y estrategia que están relacionadoscon ella. Para ello se utiliza una escala MARKOR, validada en estudios anteriores, sobre una muestra de 45 cooperativas.Se establece además una tipología de cooperativas citrícolas en base a los factores de competitividad que permiten ahondar en el conocimiento que existe sobre esta cuestión en entidades de economía social. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto un elevado grado de relación entre la innovación, el perfil del empresario y el conocimiento del entorno en relación con el grado de orientación al mercado.