971 resultados para Inversão da forma de onda
RACIONAL: O carcinoma basalóide escamoso ocorre com maior freqüência no trato aerodigestivo superior e raramente acomete o esôfago. OBJETIVO: Apresentar os aspectos clínico-patológicos e os atributos imunoistoquímicos de um paciente com carcinoma basalóide escamoso do esôfago. RELATO do CASO: Dos 134 pacientes com câncer do esôfago atendidos no Hospital Universitário de Botucatu-Unesp, São Paulo, de 1990 a 1999, somente um paciente (0,74%) apresentou carcinoma basalóide escamoso do esôfago. Tratava-se de paciente masculino, 41 anos, branco, lavrador com disfagia, regurgitação e emagrecimento há três meses. Referia tabagismo e etilismo há muitos anos. O esofagograma e o exame endoscópico revelaram lesão vegetante no terço distal do esôfago. A biópsia demonstrou neoplasia intraepitelial de alto grau associada a blocos de células basalóides que infiltravam o cório da mucosa, caracterizando o carcinoma basalóide escamoso. Os marcadores imunoistoquímicos foram positivos para o antígeno carcinoembriônico e para citoceratinas de alto peso molecular. A tomografia computadorizada revelou múltiplas metástases nos pulmões, fígado, e nódulos linfáticos regionais, documentando a fase avançada de evolução da doença. O tratamento consistiu apenas na realização de gastrostomia. O paciente apresentou queda acentuada do estado geral e evoluiu para óbito com quadro de melena quatro meses após o diagnóstico. CONCLUSÃO: O carcinoma basalóide escamoso é uma forma rara e agressiva de câncer do esôfago e o prognóstico depende do estadiamento da lesão e das condições clínicas do paciente no momento do diagnóstico.
Conselho Nacional do Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de cordeiros em creep feeding e confinados, foram realizados dois experimentos. No primeiro, 32 cordeiros ¾ mestiços Suffolk foram criados em creep feeding, desmamados aos 56 dias de idade e, em seguida, confinados. Os cordeiros receberam os seguintes tratamentos: 1. sem suplementação; 2. suplementação com ração à base de milho e soja; 3. ração à base de milho e soja com 15% de feno de alfafa; 4. ração à base de milho e soja com 30% de feno de alfafa. Após o desmame, os cordeiros suplementados foram confinados, recebendo a mesma ração do creep feeding até atingirem de 30 a 32 kg de peso vivo. No segundo experimento, foram utilizados 32 cordeiros ¾ mestiços Suffolk, alimentados em creep feeding, recebendo ração farelada ou peletizada até os pesos de abate: 26 e 28 kg. As dietas eram isoprotéicas (21% PB) e isoenergéticas (2,9 Mcal EM/kg MS). Os animais suplementados na fase de aleitamento obtiveram ganho de peso de 147,4g/dia a mais, quando comparados aos não suplementados. Não houve efeito dos níveis de feno de alfafa na ração sobre o desempenho dos animais. Entretanto, no confinamento, a máxima eficiência de ganho de peso esperada para os machos, conforme a análise de regressão, situou-se em 18,7% de inclusão de feno de alfafa na ração. A ração peletizada propiciou maior desenvolvimento dos animais, quando comparada à ração farelada. Os machos que receberam ração peletizada atingiram os pesos de abate de 26 e 28 kg aos 55 e 60 dias de idade, respectivamente.
Os efeitos de prostaglandina (PGF2a) vs CIDR e eCG (gonadotrofina coriônica eqüina) na dinâmica folicular da primeira onda e sua relação com as concentrações plasmáticas de P4 e E2 foram investigadas em ovelhas cíclicas. Foram utilizadas 14 fêmeas ovinas da raça Bergamascia; o Grupo 1 (G1) foi submetido a duas aplicações de PGF2alfa e o Grupo 2 (G2), tratado com CIDR durante 14 dias, sendo que, no momento de sua retirada, administraram-se 500 UI de eCG. A dinâmica folicular ovariana foi monitorada por meio de ultra-som. Monitoraram-se todos os folículos > 2mm e mapeou-se sua posição diariamente, observando-se o desenvolvimento individual de cada folículo. Desde o dia anterior à aplicação da segunda dose de PGF2alfa (G1) e desde a administração de eCG (G2) até o décimo dia do ciclo estral, foram coletadas amostras de sangue para análise de P4 e E2. Houve diferença significativa nas concentrações plasmáticas de P4 e E2 entre os tratamentos. A sincronização de estro e ovulação, utilizando CIDR + 500 UI de eCG, incrementou a quantidade de folículos recrutados, além de aumentar o diâmetro máximo e a taxa de crescimento dos folículos grandes na primeira onda folicular.
Este experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar os efeitos de diferentes granulometrias, expressa em Diâmetro Geométrico Médio (DGM) do milho (0,336mm, 0,585mm, 0,856 mm e 1,12 mm) de dietas fornecidas na forma farelada (FAR) e peletizada (PEL), no desempenho e no rendimento de carcaça e de cortes de frangos de corte de 21 a 42 dias de idade. Dietas FAR, produzidas com DGM de 0,336 mm resultaram em um menor consumo (p<0,001), ganho de peso (p<0,001) e pior conversão alimentar (p<0,001) do que as PEL de mesmo DGM. Os demais DGM não mostraram diferenças entre ração FAR e PEL. Quando avaliada somente a granulometria, observou-se que o aumento no DGM melhorou o ganho de peso linearmente e de forma quadrática o consumo e a conversão alimentar. Não houve influência da forma física ou DGM em rendimento de carcaça e rendimento de perna+coxa. Porém foi verificada uma redução em rendimento de peito com DGM 0,336 mm (p<0,001), na forma FAR.
A greenhouse investigation was carried out to study the effects of liming on the dry matter (DM) production of the grasses Brachiaria brizantha (Hoscht.) Stapf. cv. Marandu, Andropogon gayanus Kunth cv. Planaltina and Panicum maximum Jacq cv. Aruana, cultivated on a Dark-Red Latosol, medium texture. The liming levels were obtained through the addition of carbonates in a Ca:Mg ratio of 4:1, necessary to increase the degree of base saturation (V%) to the following values; 4% (control), 20%, 36%, 52%, 68% and 84%. During the experimental period (180 days), four cuts were done to determine the DM production. The results indicated that the DM production was increased (P<0,05) with the liming-levels increased to the three grasses. Panicum maximum cv. Aruana yielded the lower DM quantity, but it presented a better response to liming. The inverse was observed in relation to A. gayanus. The data allowed to conclude that the DM production increased by liming and when the V% level was lower than 50%, it will be increased to 70% for establishment.
The aim of this study was to compare the chemical composition, in vitro dry matter disappearance (IVDMD) and ruminal degradation of Panicum maximum, J. cv. Tanzania samples obtained by clipping (square method) or extrusa collection (animal selection). In the in situ trial, three ruminal fistulated dry crossbred cows, with 499 kg LW, were used in a completely randomized block design with split-plot arrangement design. Five grams of clipped (+/- 2 cm) grass or extrusa samples were placed in nylon bags (7 x 14 cm) and rumen incubated during 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 120 hours. The IVDMD and the CP, NDF and ADF content were, respectively, 55.8, 7.6, 81.9 e 43.6%, for the clipped grass and .66.5, 12.1, 78.8 e 39.5%, for the extrusa samples. The potential degradability of DM, C P, NDF and ADF were 62.59, 80.88, 50.73 and 46.65%, for clipped grass; and 79.53, 90.97, 71.21 and 65.68%, for extrusa samples. The quality of the selected animal diet (extrusa) was better than the available forage in terms of IVDMD and chemical composition (high protein and low fiber content). In situ degradability trials carried out with clipped samples, and non selected by animal, could not supply reliable results closed to the animal diet.
It was evaluated the Vickers hardness of five high-copper casting alloys, in their original package form and after casting, according to the casting method used. That way, ten ingots, supplied by the manufacturers of each alloy, were included in self-curing acrylic resin, polished, numerated and submitted to Vickers hardness test at load of 200 g during 30 seconds. Afterwards the numerated ingots were removed from the acrylic resin and five of those were cast in an electrical casting machine and the other five in a centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch. The specimens obtained were included in self-curing acrylic resin, polished and submitted to Vickers hardness test. As a result it was verified that there is a variation of hardness among the alloys tested, and the use of the electrical casting machine produced lower hardness values than those produced when used the centrifugal casting machine with an air/gas torch. Also, there is a decrease of hardness of the cast alloys when they are tested in their original form and after casting.
The prototyping is a method for reconstruction of human body segments by computer software. It has been used in neurosurgery for cranial reproduction in patients allowing the programming of surgical procedures and the production of prosthesis to reconstruct bone failures in the skull. We present two cases of cranioplasty performed with the use of acrylic prosthesis constructed by prototyping. After 10 months of follow-up, they donot present signs of infection and show good aesthetic result. The advantages pointed at the literature for this method (reduction of surgical time, easy technical handle, and good aesthetic result) were confirmed.
The goal of this research was to determine the density distribution in medium density fiberboard (MDF), manufactured with polyurethane derived from castor oil using, ultrasonic wave technique. The equipment used in this test is Steinkamp BP7 with plan and exponential transducers, both with 45 kHz frequencies, located in several zones on the plate in order to determine wave ultrasonic velocity. The Pinus caribaea and Eucalyptus grandis fiberboard were manufactured in the quality control and products development laboratory of Duratex with 500 mm long, 500 mm large, 8 and 15 mm of thickness. Three MDF for each fiber specimen and thickness were fabricated, totalizing twelve plates tested. The MDF were produced with 5% polyurethane addition, in temperature of 160°C, tension press of 53 bars and addition of moisture content of 12%. For determination of fiberboard density, samples were extracted from the same zones where the wave ultrasonic velocity was determined. In this case, DAX-Ray equipment was used. Statistical analysis shows good agreement with wave ultrasonic velocity and the density profile, validating the application of non-destructive technique in order to determine the density profile of MDF's.
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With recent advances in technology and research into drug delivery, the modernization of tests and greater emphasis on the predictability of therapeutic effect by means of in vitro tests, the dissolution test and the study of dissolution profiles are gaining more and more importance. Though introduced initially as a way of characterizing the release profile of poorly soluble drugs, dissolution tests are currently part of pharmacopoeial monographs on almost all the oral solid pharmaceutical forms. The objective of this study was to determine the dissolution profile (percent drug dissolved versus time) of the pioneer brand, generic and similar pharmaceutical capsules containing 500mg cephalexin. Three pharmaceutical brands (reference, generic and similar) were subjected to the dissolution test and in vitro dissolution profiles were recorded. From the results of the dissolution test, it was concluded that the samples met the acceptance criterion, as no difference was observed in the percentage of the drug dissolved in a standard time. The dissolution profile indicated that this medicine, in this pharmaceutical form, dissolves readily (85% of the drug dissolved in 15 minutes) and the curves showed great similarity, suggesting that the 3 brands are pharmaceutically equivalent.
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