975 resultados para Inter-firm Project


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Doping with natural steroids can be detected by evaluating the urinary concentrations and ratios of several endogenous steroids. Since these biomarkers of steroid doping are known to present large inter-individual variations, monitoring of individual steroid profiles over time allows switching from population-based towards subject-based reference ranges for improved detection. In an Athlete Biological Passport (ABP), biomarkers data are collated throughout the athlete's sporting career and individual thresholds defined adaptively. For now, this approach has been validated on a limited number of markers of steroid doping, such as the testosterone (T) over epitestosterone (E) ratio to detect T misuse in athletes. Additional markers are required for other endogenous steroids like dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). By combining comprehensive steroid profiles composed of 24 steroid concentrations with Bayesian inference techniques for longitudinal profiling, a selection was made for the detection of DHT and DHEA misuse. The biomarkers found were rated according to relative response, parameter stability, discriminative power, and maximal detection time. This analysis revealed DHT/E, DHT/5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol and 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol/5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol as best biomarkers for DHT administration and DHEA/E, 16α-hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone/E, 7β-hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone/E and 5β-androstane-3α,17β-diol/5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol for DHEA. The selected biomarkers were found suitable for individual referencing. A drastic overall increase in sensitivity was obtained. The use of multiple markers as formalized in an Athlete Steroidal Passport (ASP) can provide firm evidence of doping with endogenous steroids.


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Genetic Epidemiology of Metabolic Syndrome is a multinational, family-based study to explore the genetic basis of the metabolic syndrome. Atherogenic dyslipidemia (defined as low plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with elevated triglycerides (<25th and >75th percentile for age, gender, and country, respectively) identified affected subjects for the metabolic syndrome. This report examines the frequency at which atherogenic dyslipidemia predicts the metabolic syndrome of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP-III). One thousand four hundred thirty-six (854 men/582 women) affected patients by our criteria were compared with 1,672 (737 men/935 women) unaffected persons. Affected patients had more hypertension, obesity, and hyperglycemia, and they met a higher number of ATP-III criteria (3.2 +/- 1.1 SD vs 1.3 +/- 1.1 SD, p <0.001). Overall, 76% of affected persons also qualified for the ATP-III definition (Cohen's kappa 0.61, 95% confidence interval 0.59 to 0.64), similar to a separate group of 464 sporadic, unrelated cases (75%). Concordance increased from 41% to 82% and 88% for ages < or =35, 36 to 55, and > or =55 years, respectively. Affected status was also independently associated with waist circumference (p <0.001) and fasting glucose (p <0.001) but not systolic blood pressure (p = 0.43). Thus, the lipid-based criteria used to define affection status in this study substantially parallels the ATP-III definition of metabolic syndrome in subjects aged >35 years. In subjects aged <35 years, atherogenic dyslipidemia frequently occurs in the absence of other metabolic syndrome risk factors.


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Objectives The site of pharmacological activity of raltegravir is intracellular. Our aim was to determine the extent of raltegravir cellular penetration and whether raltegravir total plasma concentration (C(tot)) predicts cellular concentration (C(cell)). Methods Open-label, prospective, pharmacokinetic study on HIV-infected patients on a stable raltegravir-containing regimen. Plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells were simultaneously collected during a 12 h dosing interval after drug intake. C(tot) and C(cell) of raltegravir, darunavir, etravirine, maraviroc and ritonavir were measured by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry after protein precipitation. Longitudinal mixed effects analysis was applied to the C(cell)/C(tot) ratio. Results Ten HIV-infected patients were included. The geometric mean (GM) raltegravir total plasma maximum concentration (C(max)), minimum concentration (C(min)) and area under the time-concentration curve from 0-12 h (AUC(0-12)) were 1068 ng/mL, 51.1 ng/mL and 4171 ng·h/mL, respectively. GM raltegravir cellular C(max), C(min) and AUC(0-12) were 27.5 ng/mL, 2.9 ng/mL and 165 ng·h/mL, respectively. Raltegravir C(cell) corresponded to 5.3% of C(tot) measured simultaneously. Both concentrations fluctuate in parallel, with C(cell)/C(tot) ratios remaining fairly constant for each patient without a significant time-related trend over the dosing interval. The AUC(cell)/AUC(tot) GM ratios for raltegravir, darunavir and etravirine were 0.039, 0.14 and 1.55, respectively. Conclusions Raltegravir C(cell) correlated with C(tot) (r = 0.86). Raltegravir penetration into cells is low overall (∼5% of plasma levels), with distinct raltegravir cellular penetration varying by as much as 15-fold between patients. The importance of this finding in the context of development of resistance to integrase inhibitors needs to be further investigated.


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Final report of the eKnowledge's project, an online forum tool that offers consultants and students the chance to create spaces for asynchronous communication and collaboration.


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Many firms around the world are managed and partially owned by entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs hold under diversified portfolios and, therefore, bear idiosyncratic risk in addition to systematic risk. To compensate the additional risk borne, they extract private benefits. In this paper, we analyse how an entrepreneur's overconfidence affects the market performance of the firm, through the channel of private benefits. We show that two dimensions of overconfidence, namely overestimation of future cash-flows and underestimation of idiosyncratic risk (called miscalibration), have opposite effects on the private benefits extracted by the entrepreneur. As a consequence, firms managed and partially owned by overconfident entrepreneurs can deliver overperformance or underperformance, depending on the prevalence of overestimation or miscalibration of the beliefs of the entrepreneur.


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This paper presents a first approach of Evaluation Engine Architecture (EEA) as proposal to support adaptive integral assessment, in the context of a virtual learning environment. The goal of our research is design an evaluation engine tool to assist in the whole assessment process within the A2UN@ project, linking that tool with the other key elements of a learning design (learning task, learning resources and learning support). The teachers would define the relation between knowledge, competencies, activities, resources and type of assessment. Providing this relation is possible obtain more accurate estimations of student's knowledge for adaptive evaluations and future recommendations. The process is supported by usage of educational standards and specifications and for an integral user modelling


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Sixth Judicial District Pilot Project treats probation violation hearings in the same manner as parole violation hearings. When a probationer is serving a suspended prison sentence, the project permits an administrative law judge to dispose of the case rather than requiring the District Court to adjudicate the violation.


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Report produced by Iowa Departmment of Agriculture and Land Stewardship


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This paper examines empirically the determinants of decentralization of decision- making in the firm for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that tend to be highly centralized. By decentralization of decisions we mean the delegation of decision rights from the owner or manager to the plant supervisor or even to floor workers. Our findings show that the allocation of authority to basic workers or a team of workers depends on firm characteristics such as firm size, the use of internal networks or the number of workplaces, and workers characteristics, in particular, the composition of the laborforce in terms of education and seniority and whether or not workers receive pay incentives. External factors such as the intensity of competition and the firm s export intensity are also important determinants of the allocation of authority.


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This paper explores the relationship between firm growth, innovation and firm age. We hypothesize that young firms undertake riskier innovation activities and are more oriented towards employment growth than towards harvesting returns in the form of sales growth. Using an extensive sample of Community Innovation Survey for the period 2004-2010, we apply quantile regressions and a Heckman sample selection technique to study the impact of R&D activities on firm growth according to firm age. Our results show that R&D intensity is positively associated with firm growth. However, for young firms R&D shows an increasing influence across the quantiles, while for old firms R&D shows a stable or perhaps decreasing effect over the quantiles. Firm age shows a significant negative impact among young firms, while for the sample of old firms the impact of firm age becomes non-significant. Our Heckman estimations show the evolution of the impact of the R&D on firm growth confirming a significant impact on sales and productivity growth, while the impact is negligible for employment growth. Keywords: firm age, firm growth, innovation, quantile regression. JEL CODES: L25, L20


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With the widespread availability of high-throughput sequencing technologies, sequencing projects have become pervasive in the molecular life sciences. The huge bulk of data generated daily must be analyzed further by biologists with skills in bioinformatics and by "embedded bioinformaticians," i.e., bioinformaticians integrated in wet lab research groups. Thus, students interested in molecular life sciences must be trained in the main steps of genomics: sequencing, assembly, annotation and analysis. To reach that goal, a practical course has been set up for master students at the University of Lausanne: the "Sequence a genome" class. At the beginning of the academic year, a few bacterial species whose genome is unknown are provided to the students, who sequence and assemble the genome(s) and perform manual annotation. Here, we report the progress of the first class from September 2010 to June 2011 and the results obtained by seven master students who specifically assembled and annotated the genome of Estrella lausannensis, an obligate intracellular bacterium related to Chlamydia. The draft genome of Estrella is composed of 29 scaffolds encompassing 2,819,825 bp that encode for 2233 putative proteins. Estrella also possesses a 9136 bp plasmid that encodes for 14 genes, among which we found an integrase and a toxin/antitoxin module. Like all other members of the Chlamydiales order, Estrella possesses a highly conserved type III secretion system, considered as a key virulence factor. The annotation of the Estrella genome also allowed the characterization of the metabolic abilities of this strictly intracellular bacterium. Altogether, the students provided the scientific community with the Estrella genome sequence and a preliminary understanding of the biology of this recently-discovered bacterial genus, while learning to use cutting-edge technologies for sequencing and to perform bioinformatics analyses.


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The aim of ORAMED work package 4 was the optimization of the medical practices in nuclear medicine during the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and their administration to the patient. During the project a wide campaign of measurements was performed in the nuclear medicine departments of the collaborating hospitals. Such data were intrinsically characterized by a large variability that depended on the procedure, the employed techniques and the operator's habits. That variability could easily hide some important parameter, for example, the effectiveness of the adopted shielding (for syringe and vial) or the effect of the distances from the source. This information is necessary for a valuable optimization purpose of radiation protection. To this end a sensitivity analysis was carried out through Monte Carlo simulations employing voxel models, representing operator's hand during the considered practices. Such analysis allowed understanding at what extent the range of personal dose equivalent evaluated during measurements can be considered intrinsically related to the procedures. Furthermore, with the Monte Carlo simulations it was possible to study the appropriateness of the shielding usually utilized in these practices.