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The aim of this work is an approach using multisensor remote sensing techniques to recognize the potential remains and recreate the original landscape of three archaeological sites. We investigate the spectral characteristics of the reflectance parameter and emissivity in the pattern recognition of archaeological materials in several hyperspectral scenes of the prehispanic site in Palmar Sur (Costa Rica), the Jarama Valley site and the celtiberian city of Segeda in Spain. Spectral ranges of the visible-near infrared (VNIR), shortwave infrared (SWIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) from hyperspectral data cubes of HyMAP, AHS, MASTER and ATM have been used. Several experiments on natural scenarios of Costa Rica and Spain of different complexity, have been designed. Spectral patterns and thermal anomalies have been calculated as evidences of buried remains and change detection. First results, land cover change analyses and their consequences in the digital heritage registration are discussed.


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In the framework ofthe National Research Plan2008-2011, our research poses estrategy for the design and evaluation of plans and programmes of urban integrated regeneration. The objective is to develop a study on the role of rehabilitation of buildings in concepts like urban integration, social cohesion and environmental responsibility. The research proposes a methodological tool for evaluating urban regeneration processes from a holistic perspective that can serve as a guide for governments and technical teams to address intervention in consolidated urban areas with physical and socio-economic problems. The development of the tool has inevitably led to delve into different areas where you can intervene but has not lost sight of the complex interplay of factors involved in the process.It is an open source tool to visualize Urban Integrated Rehabilitation processes.


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Actualmente, la gestión de sistemas de Manejo Integrado de Plagas (MIP) en cultivos hortícolas tiene por objetivo priorizar los métodos de control no químicos en detrimento del consumo de plaguicidas, según recoge la directiva europea 2009/128/CE ‘Uso Sostenible de Plaguicidas’ (OJEC, 2009). El uso de agentes de biocontrol como alternativa a la aplicación de insecticidas es un elemento clave de los sistemas MIP por sus innegables ventajas ambientales que se utiliza ampliamente en nuestro país (Jacas y Urbaneja, 2008). En la región de Almería, donde se concentra el 65% de cultivo en invernadero de nuestro país (47.367 ha), MIP es la principal estrategia en pimiento (MAGRAMA, 2014), y comienza a serlo en otros cultivos como tomate o pepino. El cultivo de pepino, con 8.902 ha (MAGRAMA, 2013), tiene un protocolo semejante al pimiento (Robledo et al., 2009), donde la única especie de pulgón importante es Aphis gossypii Glover. Sin embargo, pese al continuo incremento de la superficie de cultivo agrícola bajo sistemas MIP, los daños originados por virosis siguen siendo notables. Algunos de los insectos presentes en los cultivos de hortícolas son importantes vectores de virus, como los pulgones, las moscas blancas o los trips, cuyo control resulta problemático debido a su elevada capacidad para transmitir virus vegetales incluso a una baja densidad de plaga (Holt et al., 2008; Jacas y Urbaneja, 2008). Las relaciones que se establecen entre los distintos agentes de un ecosistema son complejas y muy específicas. Se ha comprobado que, pese a que los enemigos naturales reducen de manera beneficiosa los niveles de plaga, su incorporación en los sistemas planta-insecto-virus puede desencadenar complicadas interacciones con efectos no deseables (Dicke y van Loon, 2000; Jeger et al., 2011). Así, los agentes de biocontrol también pueden inducir a que los insectos vectores modifiquen su comportamiento como respuesta al ataque y, con ello, el grado de dispersión y los patrones de distribución de las virosis que transmiten (Bailey et al., 1995; Weber et al., 1996; Hodge y Powell, 2008a; Hodge et al., 2011). Además, en ocasiones el control biológico por sí solo no es suficiente para controlar determinadas plagas (Medina et al., 2008). Entre los métodos que se pueden aplicar bajo sistemas MIP están las barreras físicas que limitan la entrada de plagas al interior de los invernaderos o interfieren con su movimiento, como pueden ser las mallas anti-insecto (Álvarez et al., 2014), las mallas fotoselectivas (Raviv y Antignus, 2004; Weintraub y Berlinger, 2004; Díaz y Fereres, 2007) y las mallas impregnadas en insecticida (Licciardi et al., 2008; Martin et al., 2014). Las mallas fotoselectivas reducen o bloquean casi por completo la transmisión de radiación UV, lo que interfiere con la visión de los insectos y dificulta o impide la localización del cultivo y su establecimiento en el mismo (Raviv y Antignus, 2004; Weintraub, 2009). Se ha comprobado cómo su uso puede controlar los pulgones y las virosis en cultivo de lechuga (Díaz et al., 2006; Legarrea et al., 2012a), así como la mosca blanca, los trips y los ácaros, y los virus que estos transmiten en otros cultivos (Costa y Robb, 1999; Antignus et al., 2001; Kumar y Poehling, 2006; Doukas y Payne, 2007a; Legarrea et al., 2010). Sin embargo, no se conoce perfectamente el modo de acción de estas barreras, puesto que existe un efecto directo sobre la plaga y otro indirecto mediado por la planta, cuya fisiología cambia al desarrollarse en ambientes con falta de radiación UV, y que podría afectar al ciclo biológico de los insectos fitófagos (Vänninen et al., 2010; Johansen et al., 2011). Del mismo modo, es necesario estudiar la compatibilidad de esta estrategia con los enemigos naturales de las plagas. Hasta la fecha, los estudios han evidenciado que los agentes de biocontrol pueden realizar su actividad bajo ambientes pobres en radiación UV (Chyzik et al., 2003; Chiel et al., 2006; Doukas y Payne, 2007b; Legarrea et al., 2012c). Otro método basado en barreras físicas son las mallas impregnadas con insecticidas, que se han usado tradicionalmente en la prevención de enfermedades humanas transmitidas por mosquitos (Martin et al., 2006). Su aplicación se ha ensayado en agricultura en ciertos cultivos al aire libre (Martin et al., 2010; Díaz et al., 2004), pero su utilidad en cultivos protegidos para prevenir la entrada de insectos vectores en invernadero todavía no ha sido investigada. Los aditivos se incorporan al tejido durante el proceso de extrusión de la fibra y se liberan lentamente actuando por contacto en el momento en que el insecto aterriza sobre la malla, con lo cual el riesgo medioambiental y para la salud humana es muy limitado. Los plaguicidas que se emplean habitualmente suelen ser piretroides (deltametrina o bifentrín), aunque también se ha ensayado dicofol (Martin et al., 2010) y alfa-cipermetrina (Martin et al., 2014). Un factor que resulta de vital importancia en este tipo de mallas es el tamaño del poro para facilitar una buena ventilación del cultivo, al tiempo que se evita la entrada de insectos de pequeño tamaño como las moscas blancas (Bethke y Paine, 1991; Muñoz et al., 1999). Asimismo, se plantea la necesidad de estudiar la compatibilidad de estas mallas con los enemigos naturales. Es por ello que en esta Tesis Doctoral se plantea la necesidad de evaluar nuevas mallas impregnadas que impidan el paso de insectos de pequeño tamaño al interior de los invernaderos, pero que a su vez mantengan un buen intercambio y circulación de aire a través del poro de la malla. Así, en la presente Tesis Doctoral, se han planteado los siguientes objetivos generales a desarrollar: 1. Estudiar el impacto de la presencia de parasitoides sobre el grado de dispersión y los patrones de distribución de pulgones y las virosis que éstos transmiten. 2. Conocer el efecto directo de ambientes pobres en radiación UV sobre el comportamiento de vuelo de plagas clave de hortícolas y sus enemigos naturales. 3. Evaluar el efecto directo de la radiación UV-A sobre el crecimiento poblacional de pulgones y mosca blanca, y sobre la fisiología de sus plantas hospederas, así como el efecto indirecto de la radiación UV-A en ambas plagas mediado por el crecimiento de dichas planta hospederas. 4. Caracterización de diversas mallas impregnadas en deltametrina y bifentrín con diferentes propiedades y selección de las óptimas para el control de pulgones, mosca blanca y sus virosis asociadas en condiciones de campo. Estudio de su compatibilidad con parasitoides. ABSTRACT Insect vectors of plant viruses are the main agents causing major economic losses in vegetable crops grown under protected environments. This Thesis focuses on the implementation of new alternatives to chemical control of insect vectors under Integrated Pest Management programs. In Spain, biological control is the main pest control strategy used in a large part of greenhouses where horticultural crops are grown. The first study aimed to increase our knowledge on how the presence of natural enemies such as Aphidius colemani Viereck may alter the dispersal of the aphid vector Aphis gossypii Glover (Chapter 4). In addition, it was investigated if the presence of this parasitoid affected the spread of aphid-transmitted viruses Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, Cucumovirus) and Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV, Polerovirus) infecting cucumber (Cucumis sativus L). SADIE methodology was used to study the distribution patterns of both the virus and its vector, and their degree of association. Results suggested that parasitoids promoted aphid dispersal in the short term, which enhanced CMV spread, though consequences of parasitism suggested potential benefits for disease control in the long term. Furthermore, A. colemani significantly limited the spread and incidence of the persistent virus CABYV in the long term. The flight activity of pests Myzus persicae (Sulzer), Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and Tuta absoluta (Meyrick), and natural enemies A. colemani and Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Weidemann) under UV-deficient environments was studied under field conditions (Chapter 5). One-chamber tunnels were covered with cladding materials with different UV transmittance properties. Inside each tunnel, insects were released from tubes placed in a platform suspended from the ceiling. Specific targets were located at different distances from the platform. The ability of aphids and whiteflies to reach their targets was diminished under UV-absorbing barriers, suggesting a reduction of vector activity under this type of nets. Fewer aphids reached distant traps under UV-absorbing nets, and significantly more aphids could fly to the end of the tunnels covered with non-UV blocking materials. Unlike aphids, differences in B. tabaci captures were mainly found in the closest targets. The oviposition of lepidopteran T. absoluta was also negatively affected by a UV-absorbing cover. The photoselective barriers were compatible with parasitism and oviposition of biocontrol agents. Apart from the direct response of insects to UV radiation, plant-mediated effects influencing insect performance were investigated (Chapter 6). The impact of UV-A radiation on the performance of aphid M. persicae and whitefly B. tabaci, and growth and leaf physiology of host plants pepper and eggplant was studied under glasshouse conditions. Plants were grown inside cages covered by transparent and UV-A-opaque plastic films. Plant growth and insect fitness were monitored. Leaves were harvested for chemical analysis. Pepper plants responded directly to UV-A by producing shorter stems whilst UV-A did not affect the leaf area of either species. UV-A-treated peppers had higher content of secondary metabolites, soluble carbohydrates, free amino acids and proteins. Such changes in tissue chemistry indirectly promoted aphid performance. For eggplants, chlorophyll and carotenoid levels decreased with supplemental UVA but phenolics were not affected. Exposure to supplemental UV-A had a detrimental effect on whitefly development, fecundity and fertility presumably not mediated by plant cues, as compounds implied in pest nutrition were unaltered. Lastly, the efficacy of a wide range of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLITNs) was studied under laboratory and field conditions. This strategy aimed to prevent aphids and whiteflies to enter the greenhouse by determining the optimum mesh size (Chapter 7). This new approach is based on slow release deltamethrin- and bifenthrin-treated nets with large hole sizes that allow improved ventilation of greenhouses. All LLITNs produced high mortality of M. persicae and A. gossypii although their efficacy decreased over time with sun exposure. It was necessary a net with hole size of 0.29 mm2 to exclude B. tabaci under laboratory conditions. The feasibility of two selected nets was studied in the field under a high insect infestation pressure in the presence of CMV- and CABYV-infected cucumber plants. Besides, the compatibility of parasitoid A. colemani with bifenthrin-treated nets was studied in parallel field experiments. Both nets effectively blocked the invasion of aphids and reduced the incidence of both viruses, however they failed to exclude whiteflies. We found that our LLITNs were compatible with parasitoid A. colemani. As shown, the role of natural enemies has to be taken into account regarding the dispersal of insect vectors and subsequent spread of plant viruses. The additional benefits of novel physicochemical barriers, such as photoselective and insecticide-impregnated nets, need to be considered in Integrated Pest Management programs of vegetable crops grown under protected environments.


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In this paper, we report on the progresses of the BRITESPACE Consortium in order to achieve space-borne LIDAR measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration based on an all semiconductor laser source at 1.57 ?m. The complete design of the proposed RM-CW IPDA LIDAR has been presented and described in detail. Complete descriptions of the laser module and the FSU have been presented. Two bended MOPAs, emitting at the sounding frequency of the on- and off- IPDA channels, have been proposed as the transmitter optical sources with the required high brightness. Experimental results on the bended MOPAs have been presented showing a high spectral purity and promising expectations on the high output power requirements. Finally, the RM-CW approach has been modelled and an estimation of the expected SNR for the entire system is presented. Preliminary results indicate that a CO2 retrieval precision of 1.5 ppm could be achieved with an average output power of 2 W for each channel.


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Disponer de información precisa y actualizada de inventario forestal es una pieza clave para mejorar la gestión forestal sostenible y para proponer y evaluar políticas de conservación de bosques que permitan la reducción de emisiones de carbono debidas a la deforestación y degradación forestal (REDD). En este sentido, la tecnología LiDAR ha demostrado ser una herramienta perfecta para caracterizar y estimar de forma continua y en áreas extensas la estructura del bosque y las principales variables de inventario forestal. Variables como la biomasa, el número de pies, el volumen de madera, la altura dominante, el diámetro o la altura media son estimadas con una calidad comparable a los inventarios tradicionales de campo. La presente tesis se centra en analizar la aplicación de los denominados métodos de masa de inventario forestal con datos LIDAR bajo diferentes condiciones y características de masa forestal (bosque templados puros y mixtos) y utilizando diferentes bases de datos LiDAR (información proveniente de vuelo nacionales e información capturada de forma específica). Como consecuencia de lo anterior, se profundiza en la generación de inventarios forestales continuos con LiDAR en grandes áreas. Los métodos de masa se basan en la búsqueda de relaciones estadísticas entre variables predictoras derivadas de la nube de puntos LiDAR y las variables de inventario forestal medidas en campo con el objeto de generar una cartografía continua de inventario forestal. El rápido desarrollo de esta tecnología en los últimos años ha llevado a muchos países a implantar programas nacionales de captura de información LiDAR aerotransportada. Estos vuelos nacionales no están pensados ni diseñados para fines forestales por lo que es necesaria la evaluación de la validez de esta información LiDAR para la descripción de la estructura del bosque y la medición de variables forestales. Esta información podría suponer una drástica reducción de costes en la generación de información continua de alta resolución de inventario forestal. En el capítulo 2 se evalúa la estimación de variables forestales a partir de la información LiDAR capturada en el marco del Plan Nacional de Ortofotografía Aérea (PNOA-LiDAR) en España. Para ello se compara un vuelo específico diseñado para inventario forestal con la información de la misma zona capturada dentro del PNOA-LiDAR. El caso de estudio muestra cómo el ángulo de escaneo, la pendiente y orientación del terreno afectan de forma estadísticamente significativa, aunque con pequeñas diferencias, a la estimación de biomasa y variables de estructura forestal derivadas del LiDAR. La cobertura de copas resultó más afectada por estos factores que los percentiles de alturas. Considerando toda la zona de estudio, la estimación de la biomasa con ambas bases de datos no presentó diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Las simulaciones realizadas muestran que las diferencias medias en la estimación de biomasa entre un vuelo específico y el vuelo nacional podrán superar el 4% en áreas abruptas, con ángulos de escaneo altos y cuando la pendiente de la ladera no esté orientada hacia la línea de escaneo. En el capítulo 3 se desarrolla un estudio en masas mixtas y puras de pino silvestre y haya, con un enfoque multi-fuente empleando toda la información disponible (vuelos LiDAR nacionales de baja densidad de puntos, imágenes satelitales Landsat y parcelas permanentes del inventario forestal nacional español). Se concluye que este enfoque multi-fuente es adecuado para realizar inventarios forestales continuos de alta resolución en grandes superficies. Los errores obtenidos en la fase de ajuste y de validación de los modelos de área basimétrica y volumen son similares a los registrados por otros autores (usando un vuelo específico y parcelas de campo específicas). Se observan errores mayores en la variable número de pies que los encontrados en la literatura, que pueden ser explicados por la influencia de la metodología de parcelas de radio variable en esta variable. En los capítulos 4 y 5 se evalúan los métodos de masa para estimar biomasa y densidad de carbono en bosques tropicales. Para ello se trabaja con datos del Parque Nacional Volcán Poás (Costa Rica) en dos situaciones diferentes: i) se dispone de una cobertura completa LiDAR del área de estudio (capitulo 4) y ii) la cobertura LiDAR completa no es técnica o económicamente posible y se combina una cobertura incompleta de LiDAR con imágenes Landsat e información auxiliar para la estimación de biomasa y carbono (capitulo 5). En el capítulo 4 se valida un modelo LiDAR general de estimación de biomasa aérea en bosques tropicales y se compara con los resultados obtenidos con un modelo ajustado de forma específica para el área de estudio. Ambos modelos están basados en la variable altura media de copas (TCH por sus siglas en inglés) derivada del modelo digital LiDAR de altura de la vegetación. Los resultados en el área de estudio muestran que el modelo general es una alternativa fiable al ajuste de modelos específicos y que la biomasa aérea puede ser estimada en una nueva zona midiendo en campo únicamente la variable área basimétrica (BA). Para mejorar la aplicación de esta metodología es necesario definir en futuros trabajos procedimientos adecuados de medición de la variable área basimétrica en campo (localización, tamaño y forma de las parcelas de campo). La relación entre la altura media de copas del LiDAR y el área basimétrica (Coeficiente de Stock) obtenida en el área de estudio varía localmente. Por tanto es necesario contar con más información de campo para caracterizar la variabilidad del Coeficiente de Stock entre zonas de vida y si estrategias como la estratificación pueden reducir los errores en la estimación de biomasa y carbono en bosques tropicales. En el capítulo 5 se concluye que la combinación de una muestra sistemática de información LiDAR con una cobertura completa de imagen satelital de moderada resolución (e información auxiliar) es una alternativa efectiva para la realización de inventarios continuos en bosques tropicales. Esta metodología permite estimar altura de la vegetación, biomasa y carbono en grandes zonas donde la captura de una cobertura completa de LiDAR y la realización de un gran volumen de trabajo de campo es económica o/y técnicamente inviable. Las alternativas examinadas para la predicción de biomasa a partir de imágenes Landsat muestran una ligera disminución del coeficiente de determinación y un pequeño aumento del RMSE cuando la cobertura de LiDAR es reducida de forma considerable. Los resultados indican que la altura de la vegetación, la biomasa y la densidad de carbono pueden ser estimadas en bosques tropicales de forma adecuada usando coberturas de LIDAR bajas (entre el 5% y el 20% del área de estudio). ABSTRACT The availability of accurate and updated forest data is essential for improving sustainable forest management, promoting forest conservation policies and reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD). In this sense, LiDAR technology proves to be a clear-cut tool for characterizing forest structure in large areas and assessing main forest-stand variables. Forest variables such as biomass, stem volume, basal area, mean diameter, mean height, dominant height, and stem number can be thus predicted with better or comparable quality than with costly traditional field inventories. In this thesis, it is analysed the potential of LiDAR technology for the estimation of plot-level forest variables under a range of conditions (conifer & broadleaf temperate forests and tropical forests) and different LiDAR capture characteristics (nationwide LiDAR information vs. specific forest LiDAR data). This study evaluates the application of LiDAR-based plot-level methods in large areas. These methods are based on statistical relationships between predictor variables (derived from airborne data) and field-measured variables to generate wall to wall forest inventories. The fast development of this technology in recent years has led to an increasing availability of national LiDAR datasets, usually developed for multiple purposes throughout an expanding number of countries and regions. The evaluation of the validity of nationwide LiDAR databases (not designed specifically for forest purposes) is needed and presents a great opportunity for substantially reducing the costs of forest inventories. In chapter 2, the suitability of Spanish nationwide LiDAR flight (PNOA) to estimate forest variables is analyzed and compared to a specifically forest designed LiDAR flight. This study case shows that scan angle, terrain slope and aspect significantly affect the assessment of most of the LiDAR-derived forest variables and biomass estimation. Especially, the estimation of canopy cover is more affected than height percentiles. Considering the entire study area, biomass estimations from both databases do not show significant differences. Simulations show that differences in biomass could be larger (more than 4%) only in particular situations, such as steep areas when the slopes are non-oriented towards the scan lines and the scan angles are larger than 15º. In chapter 3, a multi-source approach is developed, integrating available databases such as nationwide LiDAR flights, Landsat imagery and permanent field plots from SNFI, with good resultos in the generation of wall to wall forest inventories. Volume and basal area errors are similar to those obtained by other authors (using specific LiDAR flights and field plots) for the same species. Errors in the estimation of stem number are larger than literature values as a consequence of the great influence that variable-radius plots, as used in SNFI, have on this variable. In chapters 4 and 5 wall to wall plot-level methodologies to estimate aboveground biomass and carbon density in tropical forest are evaluated. The study area is located in the Poas Volcano National Park (Costa Rica) and two different situations are analyzed: i) available complete LiDAR coverage (chapter 4) and ii) a complete LiDAR coverage is not available and wall to wall estimation is carried out combining LiDAR, Landsat and ancillary data (chapter 5). In chapter 4, a general aboveground biomass plot-level LiDAR model for tropical forest (Asner & Mascaro, 2014) is validated and a specific model for the study area is fitted. Both LiDAR plot-level models are based on the top-of-canopy height (TCH) variable that is derived from the LiDAR digital canopy model. Results show that the pantropical plot-level LiDAR methodology is a reliable alternative to the development of specific models for tropical forests and thus, aboveground biomass in a new study area could be estimated by only measuring basal area (BA). Applying this methodology, the definition of precise BA field measurement procedures (e.g. location, size and shape of the field plots) is decisive to achieve reliable results in future studies. The relation between BA and TCH (Stocking Coefficient) obtained in our study area in Costa Rica varied locally. Therefore, more field work is needed for assessing Stocking Coefficient variations between different life zones and the influence of the stratification of the study areas in tropical forests on the reduction of uncertainty. In chapter 5, the combination of systematic LiDAR information sampling and full coverage Landsat imagery (and ancillary data) prove to be an effective alternative for forest inventories in tropical areas. This methodology allows estimating wall to wall vegetation height, biomass and carbon density in large areas where full LiDAR coverage and traditional field work are technically and/or economically unfeasible. Carbon density prediction using Landsat imaginery shows a slight decrease in the determination coefficient and an increase in RMSE when harshly decreasing LiDAR coverage area. Results indicate that feasible estimates of vegetation height, biomass and carbon density can be accomplished using low LiDAR coverage areas (between 5% and 20% of the total area) in tropical locations.


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Premature termination of protein synthesis by nonsense mutations is at the molecular origin of a number of inherited disorders in the family of G protein-coupled seven-helix receptor proteins. To understand how such truncated polypeptides are processed by the cell, we have carried out COS-1 cell expression studies of mutants of bovine rhodopsin truncated at the first 1, 1.5, 2, 3, or 5 transmembrane segments (TMS) of the seven present in wild-type opsin. Our experiments show that successful completion of different stages in the cellular processing of the protein [membrane insertion, N-linked glycosylation, stability to proteolytic degradation, and transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane] requires progressively longer lengths of the polypeptide chain. Thus, none of the truncations affected the ability of the polypeptides to be integral membrane proteins. C-terminal truncations that generated polypeptides with fewer than two TMS resulted in misorientation and prevented glycosylation at the N terminus, whereas truncations that generated polypeptides with fewer than five TMS greatly destabilized the protein. However, all of the truncations prevented exit of the polypeptide from the ER. We conclude that during the biogenesis of rhodopsin, proper integration into the ER membrane occurs only after the synthesis of at least two TMS is completed. Synthesis of the next three TMS confers a gradual increase in stability, whereas the presence of more than five TMS is necessary for exit from the ER.


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Three studies investigated the relation between symbolic gestures and words, aiming at discover the neural basis and behavioural features of the lexical semantic processing and integration of the two communicative signals. The first study aimed at determining whether elaboration of communicative signals (symbolic gestures and words) is always accompanied by integration with each other and, if present, this integration can be considered in support of the existence of a same control mechanism. Experiment 1 aimed at determining whether and how gesture is integrated with word. Participants were administered with a semantic priming paradigm with a lexical decision task and pronounced a target word, which was preceded by a meaningful or meaningless prime gesture. When meaningful, the gesture could be either congruent or incongruent with word meaning. Duration of prime presentation (100, 250, 400 ms) randomly varied. Voice spectra, lip kinematics, and time to response were recorded and analyzed. Formant 1 of voice spectra, and mean velocity in lip kinematics increased when the prime was meaningful and congruent with the word, as compared to meaningless gesture. In other words, parameters of voice and movement were magnified by congruence, but this occurred only when prime duration was 250 ms. Time to response to meaningful gesture was shorter in the condition of congruence compared to incongruence. Experiment 2 aimed at determining whether the mechanism of integration of a prime word with a target word is similar to that of a prime gesture with a target word. Formant 1 of the target word increased when word prime was meaningful and congruent, as compared to meaningless congruent prime. Increase was, however, present for whatever prime word duration. In the second study, experiment 3 aimed at determining whether symbolic prime gesture comprehension makes use of motor simulation. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation was delivered to left primary motor cortex 100, 250, 500 ms after prime gesture presentation. Motor Evoked Potential of First Dorsal Interosseus increased when stimulation occurred 100 ms post-stimulus. Thus, gesture was understood within 100ms and integrated with the target word within 250 ms. Experiment 4 excluded any hand motor simulation in order to comprehend prime word. The effect of the prior presentation of a symbolic gesture on congruent target word processing was investigated in study 3. In experiment 5, symbolic gestures were presented as primes, followed by semantically congruent target word or pseudowords. In this case, lexical-semantic decision was accompanied by a motor simulation at 100ms after the onset of the verbal stimuli. Summing up, the same type of integration with a word was present for both prime gesture and word. It was probably subsequent to understanding of the signal, which used motor simulation for gesture and direct access to semantics for words. However, gesture and words could be understood at the same motor level through simulation if words were preceded by an adequate gestural context. Results are discussed in the prospective of a continuum between transitive actions and emblems, in parallelism with language; the grounded/symbolic content of the different signals evidences relation between sensorimotor and linguistic systems, which could interact at different levels.


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Action selection and organization are very complex processes that need to exploit contextual information and the retrieval of previously memorized information, as well as the integration of these different types of data. On the basis of anatomical connection with premotor and parietal areas involved in action goal coding, and on the data about the literature it seems appropriate to suppose that one of the most candidate involved in the selection of neuronal pools for the selection and organization of intentional actions is the prefrontal cortex. We recorded single ventrolateral prefrontal (VLPF) neurons activity while monkeys performed simple and complex manipulative actions aimed at distinct final goals, by employing a modified and more strictly controlled version of the grasp-to-eat(a food pellet)/grasp-to-place(an object) paradigm used in previous studies on parietal (Fogassi et al., 2005) and premotor neurons (Bonini et al., 2010). With this task we have been able both to evaluate the processing and integration of distinct (visual and auditory) contextual sequentially presented information in order to select the forthcoming action to perform and to examine the possible presence of goal-related activity in this portion of cortex. Moreover, we performed an observation task to clarify the possible contribution of VLPF neurons to the understanding of others’ goal-directed actions. Simple Visuo Motor Task (sVMT). We found four main types of neurons: unimodal sensory-driven, motor-related, unimodal sensory-and-motor, and multisensory neurons. We found a substantial number of VLPF neurons showing both a motor-related discharge and a visual presentation response (sensory-and-motor neurons), with remarkable visuo-motor congruence for the preferred target. Interestingly the discharge of multisensory neurons reflected a behavioural decision independently from the sensory modality of the stimulus allowing the monkey to make it: some encoded a decision to act/refraining from acting (the majority), while others specified one among the four behavioural alternatives. Complex Visuo Motor Task (cVMT). The cVMT was similar to the sVMT, but included a further grasping motor act (grasping a lid in order to remove it, before grasping the target) and was run in two modalities: randomized and in blocks. Substantially, motor-related and sensory-and-motor neurons tested in the cVMTrandomized were activated already during the first grasping motor act, but the selectivity for one of the two graspable targets emerged only during the execution of the second grasping. In contrast, when the cVMT was run in block, almost all these neurons not only discharged during the first grasping motor act, but also displayed the same target selectivity showed in correspondence of the hand contact with the target. Observation Task (OT). A great part of the neurons active during the OT showed a firing rate modulation in correspondence with the action performed by the experimenter. Among them, we found neurons significantly activated during the observation of the experimenter’s action (action observation-related neurons) and neurons responding not only to the action observation, but also to the presented cue stimuli (sensory-and-action observation-related neurons. Among the neurons of the first set, almost the half displayed a target selectivity, with a not clear difference between the two presented targets; Concerning to the second neuronal set, sensory-and-action related neurons, we found a low target selectivity and a not strictly congruence between the selectivity exhibited in the visual response and in the action observation.


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The optimal integration between heat and work may significantly reduce the energy demand and consequently the process cost. This paper introduces a new mathematical model for the simultaneous synthesis of heat exchanger networks (HENs) in which the pressure levels of the process streams can be adjusted to enhance the heat integration. A superstructure is proposed for the HEN design with pressure recovery, developed via generalized disjunctive programming (GDP) and mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation. The process conditions (stream temperature and pressure) must be optimized. Furthermore, the approach allows for coupling of the turbines and compressors and selection of the turbines and valves to minimize the total annualized cost, which consists of the operational and capital expenses. The model is tested for its applicability in three case studies, including a cryogenic application. The results indicate that the energy integration reduces the quantity of utilities required, thus decreasing the overall cost.


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A set of ten RADARSAT-2 images acquired in fully polarimetric mode over a test site with rice fields in Seville, Spain, has been analyzed to extract the main features of the C-band radar backscatter as a function of rice phenology. After observing the evolutions versus phenology of different polarimetric observables and explaining their behavior in terms of scattering mechanisms present in the scene, a simple retrieval approach has been proposed. This algorithm is based on three polarimetric observables and provides estimates from a set of four relevant intervals of phenological stages. The validation against ground data, carried out at parcel level for a set of six stands and up to nine dates per stand, provides a 96% rate of coincidence. Moreover, an equivalent compact-pol retrieval algorithm has been also proposed and validated, providing the same performance at parcel level. In all cases, the inversion is carried out by exploiting a single satellite acquisition, without any other auxiliary information.


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Information of crop phenology is essential for evaluating crop productivity. In a previous work, we determined phenological stages with remote sensing data using a dynamic system framework and an extended Kalman filter (EKF) approach. In this paper, we demonstrate that the particle filter is a more reliable method to infer any phenological stage compared to the EKF. The improvements achieved with this approach are discussed. In addition, this methodology enables the estimation of key cultivation dates, thus providing a practical product for many applications. The dates of some important stages, as the sowing date and the day when the crop reaches the panicle initiation stage, have been chosen to show the potential of this technique.


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The Santas Justa and Rufina Gothic church (fourteenth century) has suffered several physical, mechanical, chemical, and biochemical types of pathologies along its history: rock alveolization, efflorescence, biological activity, and capillary ascent of groundwater. However, during the last two decades, a new phenomenon has seriously affected the church: ground subsidence caused by aquifer overexploitation. Subsidence is a process that affects the whole Vega Baja of the Segura River basin and consists of gradual sinking in the ground surface caused by soil consolidation due to a pore pressure decrease. This phenomenon has been studied by differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry techniques, which illustrate settlements up to 100 mm for the 1993–2009 period for the whole Orihuela city. Although no differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry information is available for the church due to the loss of interferometric coherence, the spatial analysis of nearby deformation combined with fieldwork has advanced the current understanding on the mechanisms that affect the Santas Justa and Rufina church. These results show the potential interest and the limitations of using this remote sensing technique as a complementary tool for the forensic analysis of building structures.


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In this study, a methodology based in a dynamical framework is proposed to incorporate additional sources of information to normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) time series of agricultural observations for a phenological state estimation application. The proposed implementation is based on the particle filter (PF) scheme that is able to integrate multiple sources of data. Moreover, the dynamics-led design is able to conduct real-time (online) estimations, i.e., without requiring to wait until the end of the campaign. The evaluation of the algorithm is performed by estimating the phenological states over a set of rice fields in Seville (SW, Spain). A Landsat-5/7 NDVI series of images is complemented with two distinct sources of information: SAR images from the TerraSAR-X satellite and air temperature information from a ground-based station. An improvement in the overall estimation accuracy is obtained, especially when the time series of NDVI data is incomplete. Evaluations on the sensitivity to different development intervals and on the mitigation of discontinuities of the time series are also addressed in this work, demonstrating the benefits of this data fusion approach based on the dynamic systems.