932 resultados para Insulin receptor substrate- 1


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Details about the parameters of kinetic systems are crucial for progress in both medical and industrial research, including drug development, clinical diagnosis and biotechnology applications. Such details must be collected by a series of kinetic experiments and investigations. The correct design of the experiment is essential to collecting data suitable for analysis, modelling and deriving the correct information. We have developed a systematic and iterative Bayesian method and sets of rules for the design of enzyme kinetic experiments. Our method selects the optimum design to collect data suitable for accurate modelling and analysis and minimises the error in the parameters estimated. The rules select features of the design such as the substrate range and the number of measurements. We show here that this method can be directly applied to the study of other important kinetic systems, including drug transport, receptor binding, microbial culture and cell transport kinetics. It is possible to reduce the errors in the estimated parameters and, most importantly, increase the efficiency and cost-effectiveness by reducing the necessary amount of experiments and data points measured. (C) 2003 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Insulin is a prebiotic food ingredient, which suppresses colon tumour growth and development in rats. In the gut lumen, it is fermented to lactic acid and short chain fatty acids (SCFA). Of these, butyrate has suppressing agent activities, but little is known concerning cellular responses to complex fermentation samples. To investigate the effects of fermentation products of insulin on cellular responses related to colon carcinogenesis. Fermentations were performed in anaerobic batch cultures or in a three-stage fermentation model that simulates conditions in colon-segments (proximal, transverse, distal). Substrate was insulin enriched with oligofructose (Raftilose® Synergy1), fermented with probiotics (Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12, Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG), and/or faecal inocula. HT29 or CaCo-2 cells were incubated with supernatants of the fermented samples (2.5%-25% v/v, 24-72 hours). Cellular parameters of survival, differentiation, tumour progression, and invasive growth were determined. Fermentation supernatants derived from probiotics and Synergy1 were more effective than with glucose. The additional fermentation with faecal slurries produced supernatants with lower toxicity, higher SCFA contents, and distinct cellular functions. The supernatant derived from the gut model vessel representing the distal colon, was most effective for all parameters, probably on account of higher butyrate-concentrations. Biological effects of insulin upon colon cells may be mediated not only by growth stimulation of the lactic acid-producing bacteria and/or production of butyrate, but also by other bacteria and products of the gut lumen. These newly reported properties of the supernatants to inhibit growth and metastases in colon tumour cells are important mechanisms of tumour suppression.


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Interaction of G-protein-coupled receptors with beta-arrestins is an important step in receptor desensitization and in triggering "alternative" signals. By means of confocal microscopy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer, we have investigated the internalization of the human P2Y receptors 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, and 12 and their interaction with beta-arrestin-1 and -2. Co-transfection of each individual P2Y receptor with beta-arrestin-1-GFP or beta-arrestin-2-YFP into HEK-293 cells and stimulation with the corresponding agonists resulted in a receptor-specific interaction pattern. The P2Y(1) receptor stimulated with ADP strongly translocated beta-arrestin-2-YFP, whereas only a slight translocation was observed for beta-arrestin-1-GFP. The P2Y(4) receptor exhibited equally strong translocation for beta-arrestin-1-GFP and beta-arrestin-2YFP when stimulated with UTP. The P2Y(6), P2Y(11), and P2Y(12) receptor internalized only when GRK2 was additionally cotransfected, but beta-arrestin translocation was only visible for the P2Y(6) and P2Y(11) receptor. The P2Y(2) receptor showed a beta-arrestin translocation pattern that was dependent on the agonist used for stimulation. UTP translocated beta-arrestin-1-GFP and beta-arrestin-2-YFP equally well, whereas ATP translocated beta-arrestin-1-GFP to a much lower extent than beta-arrestin2- YFP. The same agonist-dependent pattern was seen in fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments between the fluorescently labeled P2Y(2) receptor and beta-arrestins. Thus, the P2Y(2) receptor would be classified as a class A receptor when stimulated with ATP or as a class B receptor when stimulated with UTP. The ligand-specific recruitment of beta-arrestins by ATP and UTP stimulation of P2Y(2) receptors was further found to result in differential stimulation of ERK phosphorylation. This suggests that the two different agonists induce distinct active states of this receptor that show differential interactions with beta-arrestins.


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We reported previously that bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) potently suppress CYP17 expression and androgen production by bovine theca interna cells (TC) in vitro. In this study, real-time PCR was used to analyse gene expression in TC and granulosa cell (GC) layers from developing bovine antral follicles (1-18 mm). Abundance of mRNA transcripts for four BMPs (BMP2, BMP4, BMP6, and BMP7) and associated type I (BMPR1A, BMPR1B, ACVR1 and ACVR1B) and type II (BMPR2, ACVR2A and ACVR2B) receptors showed relatively modest, though significant, changes during follicle development. BMP2 was selectively expressed in GC, while BMP6, BMP7 and betaglycan (TGFBR3) were more abundant in TC. Abundance of betaglycan mRNA (inhibin co-receptor) in TC increased progressively (fivefold; P<0.001) as follicles grew from 1-2 to 9-10 mm. This suggests a shift in thecal responsiveness to GC-derived inhibin, produced in increasing amounts as follicles achieve dominance. This prompted us to investigate whether inhibin can function as a physiological antagonist of BMP action on bovine TC in vitro, in a manner comparable to that for activin signalling. BMP4, BMP6 and BMP7 abolished LH-induced androstenedione secretion and suppressed CYP17 mRNA >200-fold (P<0.001), while co-treatment with inhibin-A reversed the suppressive action of BMP in each case (P<0.001). Results support a physiological role for granulosa-derived inhibin as an antagonist of BMP action on thecal androgen synthesis. A shift in intrafollicular balance between thecal BMP signalling (inhibitory for androgen synthesis) and betaglycan-dependent inhibin signalling (stimulatory for androgen synthesis) accords with the physiological requirement to deliver an adequate supply of aromatase substrate to GC of developing follicles.


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Background: Changes in cellular phenotype result from underlying changes in mRNA transcription and translation. Endothelin-1 stimulates cardiomyocyte hypertrophy with associated changes in mRNA/protein expression and an increase in the rate of protein synthesis. Insulin also increases the rate of translation but does not promote overt cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. One mechanism of translational regulation is through 5' terminal oligopyrimidine tracts (TOPs) that, in response to growth stimuli, promote mRNA recruitment to polysomes for increased translation. TOP mRNAs include those encoding ribosomal proteins, but the full panoply remains to be established. Here, we used microarrays to compare the effects of endothelin-1 and insulin on the global transcriptome of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, and on mRNA recruitment to polysomes (i.e. the translatome). Results: Globally, endothelin-1 and insulin (1 h) promoted >1.5-fold significant (false discovery rate < 0.05) changes in expression of 341 and 38 RNAs, respectively. For these transcripts with this level of change there was little evidence of translational regulation. However, 1336 and 712 RNAs had >1.25-fold significant changes in expression in total and/or polysomal RNA induced by endothelin-1 or insulin, respectively, of which ~35% of endothelin-1-responsive and ~56% of insulin-responsive transcripts were translationally regulated. Of mRNAs for established proteins recruited to polysomes in response to insulin, 49 were known TOP mRNAs with a further 15 probable/possible TOP mRNAs, but 49 had no identifiable TOP sequences or other consistent features in the 5' untranslated region. Conclusions: Endothelin-1, rather than insulin, substantially affects global transcript expression to promote cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. Effects on RNA recruitment to polysomes are subtle, with differential effects of endothelin-1 and insulin on specific transcripts. Furthermore, although insulin promotes recruitment of TOP mRNAs to cardiomyocyte polysomes, not all recruited mRNAs are TOP mRNAs.


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Background: Vagal stimulation in response to nutrients is reported to elicit an array of digestive and endocrine responses, including an alteration in postprandial lipid metabolism. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess whether neural stimulation could alter hormone and substrate metabolism during the late postprandial phase, with implications for body fat mobilization. Design: Vagal stimulation was achieved by using the modified sham feeding (MSF) technique, in which nutrients are chewed and tasted but not swallowed. Ten healthy subjects were studied on 3 separate occasions, 4 wk apart. Five hours after a high-fat breakfast (56 g fat), the subjects were given 1 of 3 test meals allocated in random order: water, a lunch containing a modest amount of fat (38 g), or MSF (38 g fat). Blood was collected for 3 h poststimulus for hormone and metabolite analyses. Results: Plasma insulin and pancreatic polypeptide concentrations peaked at 250% and 209% of baseline concentrations within 15 min of MSF. The plasma glucose concentration increased significantly (P = 0.038) in parallel with the changes observed in the plasma insulin concentration. The nonesterified fatty acid concentration was significantly suppressed (P = 0.006); maximum suppression occurred at a mean time of 114 min after MSF. This fall in nonesterified fatty acid was accompanied by a fall in the plasma glucagon concentration from 122 to 85 pmol/L (P = 0.018) at a mean time of 113 min after MSF. Conclusions: Effects on substrate metabolism after MSF in the postprandial state differ from those usually reported in the postabsorptive state. The effects of MSF were prolonged beyond the period of the cephalic response and these may be relevant for longer-term metabolic regulation.


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The addition of oligofructose as a dietary fiber decreases the serum concentration and the hepatic release of VLDL-triglycerides in rats. Because glucose, insulin, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and gut peptides [i.e., glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)]) are factors involved in the metabolic response to nutrients, this paper analyzes their putative role in the hypolipidemic effect of oligofructose. Male Wistar rats were fed a nonpurified diet with or without 10% oligofructose for 30 d. Glucose, insulin, IGF-I and GIP concentrations were measured in the serum of rats after eating. GIP and GLP-1 contents were also assayed in small intestine and cecal extracts, respectively. A glucose tolerance test was performed in food-deprived rats. Serum insulin level was significantly lower in oligofructose-fed rats both after eating and in the glucose tolerance test, whereas glycemia was lower only in the postprandial state. IGF-I serum level did not differ between groups. GIP concentration was significantly higher in the serum of oligofructose-fed rats. The GLP-1 cecal pool was also significantly higher. In this study, we have shown that cecal proliferation induced by oligofructose leads to an increase in GLP-1 concentration. This latter incretin could be involved in the maintenance of glycemia despite a lower insulinemia in the glucose tolerance test in oligofructose-fed rats. We discuss also the role of hormonal changes in the antilipogenic effect of oligofructose.


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Background FFAR1 receptor is a long chain fatty acid G-protein coupled receptor which is expressed widely, but found in high density in the pancreas and central nervous system. It has been suggested that FFAR1 may play a role in insulin sensitivity, lipotoxicity and is associated with type 2 diabetes. Here we investigate the effect of three common SNPs of FFAR1 (rs2301151; rs16970264; rs1573611) on pancreatic function, BMI, body composition and plasma lipids. Methodology/Principal Findings For this enquiry we used the baseline RISCK data, which provides a cohort of overweight subjects at increased cardiometabolic risk with detailed phenotyping. The key findings were SNPs of the FFAR1 gene region were associated with differences in body composition and lipids, and the effects of the 3 SNPs combined were cumulative on BMI, body composition and total cholesterol. The effects on BMI and body fat were predominantly mediated by rs1573611 (1.06 kg/m2 higher (P = 0.009) BMI and 1.53% higher (P = 0.002) body fat per C allele). Differences in plasma lipids were also associated with the BMI-increasing allele of rs2301151 including higher total cholesterol (0.2 mmol/L per G allele, P = 0.01) and with the variant A allele of rs16970264 associated with lower total (0.3 mmol/L, P = 0.02) and LDL (0.2 mmol/L, P<0.05) cholesterol, but also with lower HDL-cholesterol (0.09 mmol/L, P<0.05) although the difference was not apparent when controlling for multiple testing. There were no statistically significant effects of the three SNPs on insulin sensitivity or beta cell function. However accumulated risk allele showed a lower beta cell function on increasing plasma fatty acids with a carbon chain greater than six. Conclusions/Significance Differences in body composition and lipids associated with common SNPs in the FFAR1 gene were apparently not mediated by changes in insulin sensitivity or beta-cell function.


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PSNCBAM-1 has recently been described as a cannabinoid CB1 receptor allosteric antagonist associated with hypophagic effects in vivo; however, PSNCBAM-1 effects on CB1 ligand-mediated modulation of neuronal excitability remain unknown. Here, we investigate PSNCBAM-1 actions on CB1 receptor-stimulated [35S]GTPγS binding in cerebellar membranes and on CB1 ligand modulation of presynaptic CB1 receptors at inhibitory interneurone-Purkinje cell (IN-PC) synapses in the cerebellum using whole-cell electrophysiology. PSNCBAM-1 caused non-competitive antagonism in [35S]GTPγS binding studies, with higher potency against the CB receptor agonist CP55940 than for WIN55,212-2 (WIN55). In electrophysiological studies, WIN55 and CP55940 reduced miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) frequency, but not amplitude. PSNCBAM-1 application alone had no effect on mIPSCs; however, PSNCBAM-1 pre-treatment revealed agonist-dependent functional antagonism, abolishing CP55940-induced reductions in mIPSC frequency, but having no clear effect on WIN55 actions. The CB1 antagonist/inverse agonist AM251 increased mIPSC frequency beyond control, this effect was reversed by PSNCBAM-1. PSNCBAM-1 pre-treatment also attenuated AM251 effects. Thus, PSNCBAM-1 reduced CB1 receptor ligand functional efficacy in the cerebellum. The differential effect of PSNCBAM-1 on CP55940 versus WIN55 actions in [35S]GTPγS binding and electrophysiological studies and the attenuation of AM251 effects are consistent with the ligand-dependency associated with allosteric modulation. These data provide the first description of functional PSNCBAM-1 allosteric antagonist effects on neuronal excitability in the mammalian CNS. PSNCBAM-1 allosteric antagonism may provide viable therapeutic alternatives to orthosteric CB1 antagonists/inverse agonists in the treatment of CNS disease.


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A two-phase system composed by a leach bed and a methanogenic reactor was modified for the first time to improve volumetric substrate degradation and methane yields from a complex substrate (maize; Zea mays). The system, which was operated for consecutive feed cycles of different durations for 120 days, was highly flexible and its performance improved by altering operational conditions. Daily substrate degradation was higher the shorter the feed cycle, reaching 8.5 g TSdestroyed d�1 (7-day feed cycle) but the overall substrate degradation was higher by up to 55% when longer feed cycles (14 and 28 days) were applied. The same occurred with volumetric methane yields, reaching 0.839 m3 (m3)�1 d�1. The system performed better than others on specific methane yields, reaching 0.434 m3 kg�1 TSadded, in the 14-day and 28-day systems. The UASB and AF designs performed similarly as second stage reactors on methane yields, SCOD and VFA removal efficiencies.


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Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) exerts its diverse effects on vasodilation, nociception, secretion, and motor function through a heterodimeric receptor comprising of calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR) and receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1). Despite the importance of CLR.RAMP1 in human disease, little is known about its distribution in the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract, where it participates in inflammation and pain. In this study, we determined that CLR and RAMP1 mRNAs are expressed in normal human stomach, ileum and colon by RT-PCR. We next characterized antibodies that we generated to rat CLR and RAMP1 in transfected HEK cells. Having characterized these antibodies in vitro, we then localized CLR-, RAMP1-, CGRP- and intermedin-immunoreactivity (IMD-IR) in various human GI segments. In the stomach, nerve bundles in the myenteric plexus and nerve fibers throughout the circular and longitudinal muscle had prominent CLR-IR. In the proximal colon and ileum, CLR was found in nerve varicosities of the myenteric plexus and surrounding submucosal neurons. Interestingly, CGRP expressing fibers did not co-localize, but were in close proximity to CLR. However, CLR and RAMP1, the two subunits of a functional CGRP receptor were clearly localized in myenteric plexus, where they may form functional cell-surface receptors. IMD, another member of calcitonin peptide family was also found in close proximity to CLR, and like CGRP, did not co-localize with either CLR or RAMP1 receptors. Thus, CGRP and IMD appear to be released locally, where they can mediate their effect on their receptors regulating diverse functions such as inflammation, pain and motility.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The metalloendopeptidase endothelin-converting enzyme 1 (ECE-1) is prominently expressed in the endothelium where it converts big endothelin to endothelin-1, a vasoconstrictor peptide. Although ECE-1 is found in endosomes in endothelial cells, the role of endosomal ECE-1 is unclear. ECE-1 degrades the pro-inflammatory neuropeptide substance P (SP) in endosomes to promote recycling and re-sensitization of its neurokinin 1 (NK(1)) receptor. We investigated whether ECE-1 regulates NK(1) receptor re-sensitization and the pro-inflammatory effects of SP in the endothelium. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: We examined ECE-1 expression, SP trafficking and NK(1) receptor re-sensitization in human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1), and investigated re-sensitization of SP-induced plasma extravasation in rats. KEY RESULTS: HMEC-1 expressed all four ECE-1 isoforms (a-d), and fluorescent SP trafficked to early endosomes containing ECE-1b/d. The ECE-1 inhibitor SM-19712 prevented re-sensitization of SP-induced Ca2+ signals in HMEC-1 cells. Immunoreactive ECE-1 and NK(1) receptors co-localized in microvascular endothelial cells in the rat. SP-induced extravasation of Evans blue in the urinary bladder, skin and ears of the rat desensitized when the interval between two SP injections was 10 min, and re-sensitized after 480 min. SM-19712 inhibited this re-sensitization. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: By degrading endocytosed SP, ECE-1 promotes the recycling and re-sensitization of NK(1) receptors in endothelial cells, and thereby induces re-sensitization of the pro-inflammatory effects of SP. Thus, ECE-1 inhibitors may ameliorate the pro-inflammatory actions of SP.


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Somatostatin-receptor 1 (sst1) is an autoreceptor in the central nervous system that regulates the release of somatostatin. Sst1 is present intracellularly and at the cell surface. To investigate sst1 trafficking, rat sst1 tagged with epitope was expressed in rat insulinoma cells 1046-38 (RIN-1046-38) and tracked by antibody labeling. Confocal microscopic analysis revealed colocalization of intracellularly localized rat sst1-human simplex virus (HSV) with Rab5a-green fluorescent protein and Rab11a-green fluorescent protein, indicating the distribution of the receptor in endocytotic and recycling organelles. Somatostatin-14 induced internalization of cell surface receptors and reduction of binding sites on the cell surface. It also stimulated recruitment of intracellular sst1-HSV to the plasma membrane. Confocal analysis of sst1-HSV revealed that the receptor was initially transported within superficial vesicles. Prolonged stimulation of the cells with the peptide agonist induced intracellular accumulation of somatostatin-14. Because the number of cell surface binding sites did not change during prolonged stimulation, somatostatin-14 was internalized through a dynamic process of continuous endocytosis, recycling, and recruitment of intracellularly present sst1-HSV. Accumulated somatostatin-14 bypassed degradation via the endosomal-lysosomal route and was instead rapidly released as intact and biologically active somatostatin-14. Our results show for the first time that sst1 mediates a dynamic process of endocytosis, recycling, and re-endocytosis of its cognate ligand.


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Neuropeptide signaling requires the presence of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) at the cell surface. Activated GPCRs interact with beta-arrestins, which mediate receptor desensitization, endocytosis, and mitogenic signaling, and the peptide-receptor-arrestin complex is sequestered into endosomes. Although dissociation of beta-arrestins is required for receptor recycling and resensitization, the critical event that initiates this process is unknown. Here we report that the agonist availability in the endosomes, controlled by the membrane metalloendopeptidase endothelin-converting enzyme 1 (ECE-1), determines stability of the peptide-receptor-arrestin complex and regulates receptor recycling and resensitization. Substance P (SP) binding to the tachykinin neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R) induced membrane translocation of beta-arrestins followed by trafficking of the SP-NK1R-beta-arrestin complex to early endosomes containing ECE-1a-d. ECE-1 degraded SP in acidified endosomes, disrupting the complex; beta-arrestins returned to the cytosol, and the NK1R, freed from beta-arrestins, recycled and resensitized. An ECE-1 inhibitor, by preventing NK1R recycling in endothelial cells, inhibited resensitization of SP-induced inflammation. This mechanism is a general one because ECE-1 similarly regulated NK3R resensitization. Thus, peptide availability in endosomes, here regulated by ECE-1, determines the stability of the peptide-receptor-arrestin complex. This mechanism regulates receptor recycling, which is necessary for sustained signaling, and it may also control beta-arrestin-dependent mitogenic signaling of endocytosed receptors. We propose that other endosomal enzymes and transporters may similarly control the availability of transmitters in endosomes to regulate trafficking and signaling of GPCRs. Antagonism of these endosomal processes represents a strategy for inhibiting sustained signaling of receptors, and defects may explain the tachyphylaxis of drugs that are receptor agonists.


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Although cell surface metalloendopeptidases degrade neuropeptides in the extracellular fluid to terminate signaling, the function of peptidases in endosomes is unclear. We report that isoforms of endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1a-d) are present in early endosomes, where they degrade neuropeptides and regulate post-endocytic sorting of receptors. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) co-internalizes with calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR), receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1), beta-arrestin2, and ECE-1 to early endosomes, where ECE-1 degrades CGRP. CGRP degradation promotes CLR/RAMP1 recycling and beta-arrestin2 redistribution to the cytosol. ECE-1 inhibition or knockdown traps CLR/RAMP1 and beta-arrestin2 in endosomes and inhibits CLR/RAMP1 recycling and resensitization, whereas ECE-1 overexpression has the opposite effect. ECE-1 does not regulate either the resensitization of receptors for peptides that are not ECE-1 substrates (e.g., angiotensin II), or the recycling of the bradykinin B(2) receptor, which transiently interacts with beta-arrestins. We propose a mechanism by which endosomal ECE-1 degrades neuropeptides in endosomes to disrupt the peptide/receptor/beta-arrestin complex, freeing internalized receptors from beta-arrestins and promoting recycling and resensitization.