866 resultados para Infrastructures sanitaires


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Le logiciel est devenu omniprésent dans nos vies de sorte qu'on le retrouve dans plusieurs domaines de la vie courante. Cependant cette omniprésence, n'est pas sans conséquences. Les bogues de logiciel peuvent causer de vrais désastres, économiques, écologiques voire sanitaires. Vu la forte omniprésente du logiciel dans nos vies, le fonctionnement de nos sociétés dépend fortement de sa qualité. La programmation par contrat a pour but de produire des logiciels fiables, c'est-à-dire corrects et robustes. En effet, ce paradigme de programmation vise à introduire des assertions qui sont des spécifications de services. Ces spécifications représentent une forme de contrat. Les contrats définissent les responsabilités entre le client et le fournisseur. Le respect des contrats permet de garantir que le logiciel ne fait ni plus ni moins que ce que l'on attend de lui qu'il fasse. Le test unitaire est un test qui permet de s'assurer du bon fonctionnement d'une partie précise d'un logiciel. C'est un test dont la vérification se fait en exécutant une petite unité de code. En somme, un test unitaire est un code qui exécute de manière indirecte le code d'une classe pour vérifier que le code fonctionne bien. L'outil Génération de Squelettes des Contrats de classes et des tests unitaires (GACTUS) permet la génération automatique de squelettes de contrats de classes et celles des classes des tests unitaires d'un projet Java. La génération automatique du code source permet d'obtenir un code uniforme. GACTUS est un plug-in pour l'environnement de développement Eclipse écrit en Java. L'objectif principal de GACTUS est de faciliter la réalisation de logiciel de qualité grâce à la génération automatique des squelettes de contrats de classe et celui des tests unitaires et aussi d'accroître la productivité des développeurs. Pour faciliter son utilisation, GACTUS dispose d'une interface graphique permettant de guider l'utilisateur.


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The explosion in mobile data traffic is a driver for future network operator technologies, given its large potential to affect both network performance and generated revenue. The concept of distributed mobility management (DMM) has emerged in order to overcome efficiency-wise limitations in centralized mobility approaches, proposing not only the distribution of anchoring functions but also dynamic mobility activation sensitive to the applications needs. Nevertheless, there is not an acceptable solution for IP multicast in DMM environments, as the first proposals based on MLD Proxy are prone to tunnel replication problem or service disruption. We propose the application of PIM-SM in mobility entities as an alternative solution for multicast support in DMM, and introduce an architecture enabling mobile multicast listeners support over distributed anchoring frameworks in a network-efficient way. The architecture aims at providing operators with flexible options to provide multicast mobility, supporting three modes: the first one introduces basic IP multicast support in DMM; the second improves subscription time through extensions to the mobility protocol, obliterating the dependence on MLD protocol; and the third enables fast listener mobility by avoiding potentially slow multicast tree convergence latency in larger infrastructures, by benefiting from mobility tunnels. The different modes were evaluated by mathematical analysis regarding disruption time and packet loss during handoff against several parameters, total and tunneling packet delivery cost, and regarding packet and signaling overhead.


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The occurrence frequency of failure events serve as critical indexes representing the safety status of dam-reservoir systems. Although overtopping is the most common failure mode with significant consequences, this type of event, in most cases, has a small probability. Estimation of such rare event risks for dam-reservoir systems with crude Monte Carlo (CMC) simulation techniques requires a prohibitively large number of trials, where significant computational resources are required to reach the satisfied estimation results. Otherwise, estimation of the disturbances would not be accurate enough. In order to reduce the computation expenses and improve the risk estimation efficiency, an importance sampling (IS) based simulation approach is proposed in this dissertation to address the overtopping risks of dam-reservoir systems. Deliverables of this study mainly include the following five aspects: 1) the reservoir inflow hydrograph model; 2) the dam-reservoir system operation model; 3) the CMC simulation framework; 4) the IS-based Monte Carlo (ISMC) simulation framework; and 5) the overtopping risk estimation comparison of both CMC and ISMC simulation. In a broader sense, this study meets the following three expectations: 1) to address the natural stochastic characteristics of the dam-reservoir system, such as the reservoir inflow rate; 2) to build up the fundamental CMC and ISMC simulation frameworks of the dam-reservoir system in order to estimate the overtopping risks; and 3) to compare the simulation results and the computational performance in order to demonstrate the ISMC simulation advantages. The estimation results of overtopping probability could be used to guide the future dam safety investigations and studies, and to supplement the conventional analyses in decision making on the dam-reservoir system improvements. At the same time, the proposed methodology of ISMC simulation is reasonably robust and proved to improve the overtopping risk estimation. The more accurate estimation, the smaller variance, and the reduced CPU time, expand the application of Monte Carlo (MC) technique on evaluating rare event risks for infrastructures.


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Participation Space Studies explore eParticipation in the day-to-day activities of local, citizen-led groups, working to improve their communities. The focus is the relationship between activities and contexts. The concept of a participation space is introduced in order to reify online and offline contexts where people participate in democracy. Participation spaces include websites, blogs, email, social media presences, paper media, and physical spaces. They are understood as sociotechnical systems: assemblages of heterogeneous elements, with relevant histories and trajectories of development and use. This approach enables the parallel study of diverse spaces, on and offline. Participation spaces are investigated within three case studies, centred on interviews and participant observation. Each case concerns a community or activist group, in Scotland. The participation spaces are then modelled using a Socio-Technical Interaction Network (STIN) framework (Kling, McKim and King, 2003). The participation space concept effectively supports the parallel investigation of the diverse social and technical contexts of grassroots democracy and the relationship between the case-study groups and the technologies they use to support their work. Participants’ democratic participation is supported by online technologies, especially email, and they create online communities and networks around their goals. The studies illustrate the mutual shaping relationship between technology and democracy. Participants’ choice of technologies can be understood in spatial terms: boundaries, inhabitants, access, ownership, and cost. Participation spaces and infrastructures are used together and shared with other groups. Non-public online spaces, such as Facebook groups, are vital contexts for eParticipation; further, the majority of participants’ work is non-public, on and offline. It is informational, potentially invisible, work that supports public outputs. The groups involve people and influence events through emotional and symbolic impact, as well as rational argument. Images are powerful vehicles for this and digital images become an increasingly evident and important feature of participation spaces throughout the consecutively conducted case studies. Collaboration of diverse people via social media indicates that these spaces could be understood as boundary objects (Star and Griesemer, 1989). The Participation Space Studies draw from and contribute to eParticipation, social informatics, mediation, social shaping studies, and ethnographic studies of Internet use.


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El transporte aéreo es un sector caracterizado por ser uno de los de más rápido crecimiento en la economía mundial. Este aumento explosivo constituye un desafío para los aeropuertos en términos de desarrollo de la capacidad y la gestión. La conversión hacia la comercialización y privatización de la infraestructura aeroportuaria ha seguido los procesos de desregulación y privatización de las aerolíneas, aunque con un importante retraso. Entre los motivos que han conducido a estos procesos se encuentra la necesidad de mejorar su eficiencia para enfrentar una industria aeronáutica altamente competitiva. Este artículo de reflexión tiene como punto de partida la idea, generalmente aceptada, de que la privatización como modelo de propiedad o gestión está asociada con una mayor productividad. Los trabajos de referencia abordados hacen mención a aquellos cuyo análisis de la eficiencia es hecho a través de la técnica DEA por ser una de las más consolidadas y aceptadas en la literatura.


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Le développement de la production d’énergie éolienne et son transport fait partie des orientations du gouvernement québécois depuis plusieurs années, autant en ce qui a trait aux domaines énergétiques que de développement durable. L’implantation de parcs éoliens issus des appels d’offres d’Hydro-Québec se heurte pourtant à un certain degré d’opposition de la part des collectivités qui accueillent les infrastructures. Cette opposition fait en sorte qu’un appui majoritaire ne peut être observé pour aucun des projets. L’hypothèse de l’essai est que l’évaluation des paysages, dans le cadre des études d’impacts de parcs éoliens, demeure inadéquate, d’où le manque d’acceptabilité sociale ou tout au moins un des facteurs le déterminant. La considération du paysage comme faisant partie d’un écosystème dynamique est ici le moyen envisagé pour améliorer son évaluation lors des études d’impacts de parcs éoliens. L’objectif général de l’essai est ainsi d’explorer le concept d’écosystème paysager et d’évaluer dans quelle mesure il pourrait être mieux cerné par les outils traditionnels d’évaluation des projets. Les concepts d’écologie du paysage et d’acceptabilité sociale sont circonscrits afin d’identifier leur degré d’intégration aux outils québécois d’évaluation et de gestion qui encadrent le développement éolien. Une identification des bouleversements de l’écosystème paysager, occasionnés par les parcs éoliens, démontre qu’aucun des outils gouvernementaux ne permet d’assurer adéquatement l’intégrité naturelle ou anthropique du paysage. Trois projets québécois, réalisés entre 2012 et 2016, servent pour l’évaluation de liens entre les impacts de bouleversements à l’écosystème paysager, considérés lors des études d’impact, et leur acceptabilité sociale. Les valeurs de critères d’analyse, en lien aux impacts de bouleversements à l’écosystème paysager, sont comparées aux valeurs d’indices d’acceptabilité sociale à travers les trois projets. Les résultats démontrent que 49 % des critères d’analyse permettent d’expliquer en partie l’acceptabilité sociale observée pour les projets étudiés. 74 % des liens observés entre les critères d’analyse et les indices d’acceptabilité mettent en relation un impact négatif minimal (ou un impact positif maximal) sur l’écosystème paysager avec une acceptabilité sociale maximale. En considérant les résultats observés lors de l’étude des projets de développement éolien, certaines recommandations destinées aux autorités gouvernementales peuvent être faites afin d’assurer l’intégration du concept d’écosystème paysager à l’élaboration de parcs éoliens par les promoteurs. Une priorisation de l’étude des critères d’analyse en lien aux impacts de bouleversement à l’écosystème paysager doit être faite, autant dans les outils d’évaluation et de gestion que lors des discussions entre autorités municipales et promoteurs. Une amélioration de la mesure de l’acceptabilité sociale des projets de parcs éoliens dans les collectivités affectées doit également être faite, un effort d’information supplémentaire de la part des promoteurs et un échantillonnage plus représentatif de la population pouvant mener à une mesure plus objective de l’acceptabilité sociale.


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As passagens em grelha são infra-estruturas largamente utilizadas para impedir a deslocação do gado, mas que permitem a circulação de viaturas. Porém, também resultam numa armadilha de fosso onde pequenos animais terrestres podem cair inadvertidamente. O principal objectivo deste estudo foi verificar o efeito que as passagens em grelha têm sobre as populações de anfíbios, aquando das suas deslocações sazonais. Estudaram-se 18 passagens em grelha localizadas em duas zonas de amostragem - Elvas e Alandroal - no Alto Alentejo (Portugal). Esta investigação revelou que a principal espécie encarcerada nestas infra-estruturas é o sapo-de-unha-negra (Pelobates cultripes). Em termos gerais, os anfíbios mais terrestres são significativamente (teste do x2) mais afectados do que os anfíbios marcadamente aquáticos. O teste de Mantel mostrou que não existe correlação entre o tipo de passagem em grelha e os anfíbios encontrados nessas infra-estruturas. Para mitigar o aprisionamento de anfíbios nas passagens em grelha, são propostas cinco medidas. ABSTRACT; Cattle grids are infrastructures widely used to avoid the movement of cattle along a road, though allowing the circulation of vehicles. However, they also result in a pit trap where small terrestrial animals may inadvertently fall. The main objective of this study was to check the effect that cattle grids have on amphibian populations, during their seasonal migrations. 18 cattle grids, located in two sampling zones - Elvas and Alandroal- in Alto Alentejo (Portugal), were studied. This investigation showed that the main species imprisoned in these devices is the iberian spadefoot toad (Pelobates cultripes). Generally, the more terrestrial amphibians are significantly (x2 test) more affected than markedly aquatic amphibians. Mantel test showed that there is no correlation between different kinds of cattle grids and the amphibians found in these infrastructures. To mitigate the imprisonment of amphibians in cattle grids, five measures are proposed.


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La municipalité de Weedon, en Estrie, a récemment acquis un terrain vacant à proximité du village. La municipalité désire un développement intégrant le concept de développement durable dans le plan d’aménagement du terrain et dans la construction des infrastructures. L’objectif général de ce travail est de recommander à la municipalité de Weedon des moyens pour adapter l’écoquartier aux caractéristiques hydrographiques et biophysiques du milieu. Premièrement, le milieu biophysique et hydrographique est caractérisé grâce à l’analyse de données géospatiales et par photointerprétation de photographies aériennes. Le potentiel de développement est analysé grâce à l’outil ArcGIS afin de déterminer les zones propices à l’urbanisation ainsi que les zones à exclure. Il est recommandé de concentrer le développement du site dans la zone n’ayant aucune contrainte et de limiter la densité des habitations dans les espaces présentant des contraintes. Selon ces suggestions, il sera possible de développer environ 40 bâtiments sur le site. Deuxièmement, les systèmes de gestion des eaux usées (le système septique individuel, le système décentralisé et le système centralisé) sont décrits en fonction de leurs avantages, de leurs inconvénients et de leurs limites. Ces points sont ensuite comparés et la création d’un arbre de décision permet de recommander le système le mieux adapté au milieu. Les zones avec contraintes de développement devraient utiliser des systèmes de traitement septiques. Pour ce qui est de la zone sans contraintes, le système de traitement septique est recommandé uniquement si la densité est égale ou inférieure à 5 unités d’habitations par hectare. Si la densité désirée par la municipalité est plus élevée pour cette zone, le raccordement au système de traitement centralisé est recommandé. Troisièmement, les mesures de gestion des eaux pluviales sont présentées selon différentes caractéristiques adaptées au site. Leur recommandation est basée sur une analyse multicritère pondérée. Les pratiques de gestion optimales qui devraient être utilisées conjointement sur le site sont la collecte et la réutilisation de l’eau de pluie pour la gestion sur le site, la noue engazonnée avec drain pour la gestion en réseau et le marais artificiel pour la gestion en fin de réseau. Les recommandations présentées dans ce travail visent à privilégier des modes de développement alternatifs à l’urbanisation classique afin d’établir les bases pour le développement d’un quartier durable à Weedon.


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Biobanks represent key resources for clinico-genomic research and are needed to pave the way to personalised medicine. To achieve this goal, it is crucial that scientists can securely access and share high-quality biomaterial and related data. Therefore, there is a growing interest in integrating biobanks into larger biomedical information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructures. The European project p-medicine is currently building an innovative ICT infrastructure to meet this need. This platform provides tools and services for conducting research and clinical trials in personalised medicine. In this paper, we describe one of its main components, the biobank access framework p-BioSPRE (p-medicine Biospecimen Search and Project Request Engine). This generic framework enables and simplifies access to existing biobanks, but also to offer own biomaterial collections to research communities, and to manage biobank specimens and related clinical data over the ObTiMA Trial Biomaterial Manager. p-BioSPRE takes into consideration all relevant ethical and legal standards, e.g., safeguarding donors’ personal rights and enabling biobanks to keep control over the donated material and related data. The framework thus enables secure sharing of biomaterial within open and closed research communities, while flexibly integrating related clinical and omics data. Although the development of the framework is mainly driven by user scenarios from the cancer domain, in this case, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and Wilms tumour, it can be extended to further disease entities.


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Critical infrastructures are based on complex systems that provide vital services to the nation. The complexities of the interconnected networks, each managed by individual organisations, if not properly secured, could offer vulnerabilities that threaten other organisations’ systems that depend on their services. This thesis argues that the awareness of interdependencies among critical sectors needs to be increased. Managing and securing critical infrastructure is not isolated responsibility of a government or an individual organisation. There is a need for a strong collaboration among critical service providers of public and private organisations in protecting critical information infrastructure. Cyber exercises have been incorporated in national cyber security strategies as part of critical information infrastructure protection. However, organising a cyber exercise involved multi sectors is challenging due to the diversity of participants’ background, working environments and incidents response policies. How well the lessons learned from the cyber exercise and how it can be transferred to the participating organisations is still a looming question. In order to understand the implications of cyber exercises on what participants have learnt and how it benefits participants’ organisation, a Cyber Exercise Post Assessment (CEPA) framework was proposed in this research. The CEPA framework consists of two parts. The first part aims to investigate the lessons learnt by participants from a cyber exercise using the four levels of the Kirkpatrick Training Model to identify their perceptions on reaction, learning, behaviour and results of the exercise. The second part investigates the Organisation Cyber Resilience (OCR) of participating sectors. The framework was used to study the impact of the cyber exercise called X Maya in Malaysia. Data collected through interviews with X Maya 5 participants were coded and categorised based on four levels according to the Kirkpatrick Training Model, while online surveys distributed to ten Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII) sectors participated in the exercise. The survey used the C-Suite Executive Checklist developed by World Economic Forum in 2012. To ensure the suitability of the tool used to investigate the OCR, a reliability test conducted on the survey items showed high internal consistency results. Finally, individual OCR scores were used to develop the OCR Maturity Model to provide the organisation cyber resilience perspectives of the ten CNII sectors.


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Forested areas within cities host a large number of species, responsible for many ecosystem services in urban areas. The biodiversity in these areas is influenced by human disturbances such as atmospheric pollution and urban heat island effect. To ameliorate the effects of these factors, an increase in urban green areas is often considered sufficient. However, this approach assumes that all types of green cover have the same importance for species. Our aim was to show that not all forested green areas are equal in importance for species, but that based on a multi-taxa and functional diversity approach it is possible to value green infrastructure in urban environments. After evaluating the diversity of lichens, butterflies and other-arthropods, birds and mammals in 31 Mediterranean urban forests in south-west Europe (Almada, Portugal), bird and lichen functional groups responsive to urbanization were found. A community shift (tolerant species replacing sensitive ones) along the urbanization gradient was found, and this must be considered when using these groups as indicators of the effect of urbanization. Bird and lichen functional groups were then analyzed together with the characteristics of the forests and their surroundings. Our results showed that, contrary to previous assumptions, vegetation density and more importantly the amount of urban areas around the forest (matrix), are more important for biodiversity than forest quantity alone. This indicated that not all types of forested green areas have the same importance for biodiversity. An index of forest functional diversity was then calculated for all sampled forests of the area. This could help decision-makers to improve the management of urban green infrastructures with the goal of increasing functionality and ultimately ecosystem services in urban areas.


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O Empreendimento de Fins Múltiplos de Alqueva (EFMA) é um projecto estruturante centrado na barragem do Alqueva, que pretende garantir o recurso Água na região e com isso viabilizar uma série de infra-estruturas que contribuirão para o desenvolvimento, em termos económicos e sociais, de uma das regiões mais desfavorecidas da Europa. O EFMA é constituído pelo "Reservatório Mãe" e por um conjunto de outras albufeiras de menor dimensão, interligados por uma rede com cerca de dois mil quilómetros de canais e condutas e mais de meia centena de estações de bombagem, contemplando os seguintes usos da água: - Abastecimento público. - Fornecimento de água para o desenvolvimento de actividades agrícolas e agro-industriais; - Produção de energia; Este trabalho tem por objectivo avaliar a adequabilidade da qualidade da água para o uso rega na origem e produzir informação adequada de suporte à decisão. Os resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que de um modo geral a qualidade da água captada no sistema Alqueva- Pedrógão é adequada para o uso rega, apesar de se verificar uma persistente contaminação de coliformes fecais. ABSTRACT; The Multipurpose Alqueva Project (EFMA- Empreendimento de Fins Múltiplos de Alqueva) is a groundwork project centred in Alqueva dam and its reservoir, which intends to guarantee a strategic water reserve in the region, and therefore making possible a series of associated infrastructures, contributing for the potential development of the region, in economic and social terms, in one of the most poorest regions of Europe. The EFMA includes a "Main Reservoir" and set of other dams with lesser dimension, connected by a several canals and pipelines about two thousand kilometers long (including Primary and Secondary Network), and about 50 pumping stations, with the goal of attaining the following main objectives: - Water supply for the development of agricultural and agro-industrial activities; - Production of energy; - Public Water Supply. This study intends to evaluate the suitability of water quality in the origin for irrigation use and to achieve adequate information for support decision. The results have revealed that the quality of water abstracted in the Alqueva - Pedrógão System is suitable for irrigation, although the persistent contamination of fecal coliforms.


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This study is aimed to model and forecast the tourism demand for Mozambique for the period from January 2004 to December 2013 using artificial neural networks models. The number of overnight stays in Hotels was used as representative of the tourism demand. A set of independent variables were experimented in the input of the model, namely: Consumer Price Index, Gross Domestic Product and Exchange Rates, of the outbound tourism markets, South Africa, United State of America, Mozambique, Portugal and the United Kingdom. The best model achieved has 6.5% for Mean Absolute Percentage Error and 0.696 for Pearson correlation coefficient. A model like this with high accuracy of forecast is important for the economic agents to know the future growth of this activity sector, as it is important for stakeholders to provide products, services and infrastructures and for the hotels establishments to adequate its level of capacity to the tourism demand.