922 resultados para Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional


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A discoespondilite é uma doença infecciosa rara que afecta, de forma crónica, os discos intervertebrais e as extremidades adjacentes dos corpos vertebrais. Geralmente advém de uma infecção disseminada por via hematógena e os agentes mais frequentes são bacterianos e são principalmente Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., E. Coli e Brucella spp. Também pode ser devida a infecções fúngicas, parasitárias ou migração de corpos estranhos. É caracterizada pela degenerescência do disco intervertebral e lesões escleróticas e proliferativas das extremidades dos corpos vertebrais. O principal sinal clínico desta doença é a hiperestesia paravertebral e alterações da marcha ou relutância ao movimento. Febre e anorexia são menos frequentes do que seria de esperar e os sinais neurológicos são considerados raros. O diagnóstico desta doença é geralmente radiográfico e a determinação do agente pode ser conseguida por cultura de material discal, hemocultura ou urocultura. Podem ser usados meios de imagiologia avançada como TAC e RM para melhor avaliar a extensão das lesões e o envolvimento dos tecidos circunvizinhos. A realização de hemogramas raramente revela alterações significativas embora possa existir leucocitose. O tratamento médico é eficaz em aproximadamente 76% dos casos e deve ser feito com base em cultura e TSA mas, de forma empírica, as cefalosporinas de primeira geração são frequentemente utilizadas. Em alguns casos pode ser necessária a estabilização ou desbridamento cirúrgicos. O estudo retrospectivo realizado no âmbito deste trabalho, teve como objectivo avaliar os sinais clínicos, radiográficos e laboratoriais , assim como o maneio médico e cirúrgico de 10 casos de discoespondilite confirmada radiográfica e clinicamente, num período de 2 anos. Observou-se maior prevalência da doença em machos, em cães jovens e adultos, e raças de grande porte. A região mais afectada foi a junção lombossagrada, e o sinal mais observado foi a dor paraespinhal. No entanto os sinais neurológicos foram mais frequentes do que o descrito. Os agentes isolados em cultura de material discal não foram os mais comuns. O tratamento médico instituído pelos veterinários foi eficaz em 6 dos casos, Foi necessária intervenção cirúrgica em 3 e 1 animal não recuperou totalmente até à conclusão deste estudo.


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A nanotecnologia, e a sua aplicação na área da biomedicina, em particular na terapêutica e diagnóstico oncológico, tem sido alvo de um desenvolvimento exponencial, com impacto profundo no que respeita a cuidados de saúde. O cancro é uma das doenças que afecta mais pessoas a nível mundial, com elevados índices de mortalidade, níveis de sofrimento físico e emocional e, encargos para o doente, família e sociedade. É uma doença complexa, e a prática clínica convencional constitui um paradigma, na medida em que se revela insuficiente e extremamente agressiva, expondo o doente a medicamentos citotóxicos, não específicos, com elevada toxicidade sistémica e efeitos adversos. A Nanomedicina, e a exploração das propriedades únicas das nanopartículas, apresenta a potencialidade de melhorar a capacidade de detecção e diagnóstico do cancro e, aumentar a especificidade e efectividade no tratamento das células tumorais. No entanto, o recurso a nanotecnologias continua a ser alvo de alguma controvérsia e cepticismo por parte de alguns elementos das comunidades científicas e académica. Com nanoprodutos já aprovados e utilizados em prática clínica e muitos outros em desenvolvimento e investigação em ensaios clínicos, a realização deste trabalho tem como objectivo compreender os conceitos de nanotecnologia e Nanomedicina, perceber o estado da arte, ponderando as vantagens e desvantagens da abordagem “nano” e a sua real aplicação à terapêutica oncológica.


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Increases in Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens) populations and large-scale habitat changes in North America have contributed to the concentration of migratory waterfowl on fewer wetlands, reducing resource availability, and enhancing risks of disease transmission. Predicting wintering locations of migratory individuals is critical to guide wildlife population management and habitat restoration. We used stable carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N), and hydrogen (δ2H) isotope ratios in muscle tissue of wintering Snow Geese to discriminate four major wintering areas, the Playa Lake Region, Texas Gulf Coast, Louisiana Gulf Coast, and Arkansas, and infer the wintering locations of individuals collected later during the 2007 and 2008 spring migrations in the Rainwater Basin (RWB) of Nebraska. We predicted the wintering ground derivation of migrating Snow Geese using a likelihood-based approach. Our three-isotope analysis provided an efficient discrimination of the four wintering areas. The assignment model predicted that 53% [95% CI: 37-69] of our sample of Snow Geese from the RWB in 2007 had most likely originated in Louisiana, 38% [23-54] had wintered on Texas Gulf Coast, and 9% [0-20] in Arkansas; the assessment suggested that 89% [73-100] of our 2008 sample had most likely come from Texas Gulf Coast, 9% [0-27] from Louisiana Gulf Coast, and 2% [0-9] from Arkansas. Further segregation of wintering grounds and additional sampling of spring migrating Snow Geese would refine overall assignment and help explain interannual variations in migratory connectivity. The ability to distinguish origins of northbound geese can support the development of spatially-adaptive management strategies for the midcontinent Snow Goose population. Establishing migratory connectivity using isotope assignment techniques can be extended to other waterfowl species to determine critical habitat, evaluate population energy requirements, and inform waterfowl conservation and management strategies.


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This study compares associations between demographic profiles, long bone lengths, bone mineral content, and frequencies of stress indicators in the preadult populations of two medieval skeletal assemblages from Denmark. One is from a leprosarium, and thus probably represents a disadvantaged group (Naestved). The other comes from a normal, and in comparison rather privileged, medieval community (AEbelholt). Previous studies of the adult population indicated differences between the two skeletal collections with regard to mortality, dental size, and metabolic and specific infectious disease. The two samples were analyzed against the view known as the "osteological paradox" (Wood et al. [1992] Curr. Anthropol. 33:343-370), according to which skeletons displaying pathological modification are likely to represent the healthier individuals of a population, whereas those without lesions would have died without acquiring modifications as a result of a depressed immune response. Results reveal that older age groups among the preadults from Naestved are shorter and have less bone mineral content than their peers from AEbelholt. On average, the Naestved children have a higher prevalence of stress indicators, and in some cases display skeletal signs of leprosy. This is likely a result of the combination of compromised health and social disadvantage, thus supporting a more traditional interpretation. The study provides insights into the health of children from two different biocultural settings of medieval Danish society and illustrates the importance of comparing samples of single age groups.


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Background: Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder that affects an increasing number of older people every year. Dysphagia is not only a common feature, but one that results in poor nutrition and an increased risk of bronchopneumonia. Previous work has suggested that the oral flora is altered in patients with oral pathology. Methods: Fifty patients were assessed to quantify the incidence of oral Gram-negative bacteria. Results: Sixteen of the patients with Parkinson's disease were found to have six different Gram-negative bacilli in their oral cavities. The 20 different Gram-negative bacteria present were Escherichia coli (n=7), Klebsiella spp. (n=3), Kluyvera spp. (n=3), Serratia spp. (n=3), Proteus spp. (n=2) and Enterobacter spp. (n=2). We found that the oral cavity of 16 (32%) of the patients with Parkinson's disease was abnormally colonised with Gram-negative bacteria and that Gram-negative bacteria were more likely to occur in those patients in whom oromuscular dysfunction was present (88% vs. 21%; p<0.05). Conclusion: Further work is required to determine the association between oral flora and the pathogenic organisms found in aspiration pneumonia as well as work on innovative treatments to reduce oral Gram-negative bacteria in those patients at particular risk of aspiration pneumonia.


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Abstract: Modulation of presynaptic voltage-dependent Ca+ channels is a major means of controlling neurotransmitter release. The CaV 2.2 Ca2+ channel subunit contains several inhibitory interaction sites for Gβγ subunits, including the amino terminal (NT) and I–II loop. The NT and I–II loop have also been proposed to undergo a G protein-gated inhibitory interaction, whilst the NT itself has also been proposed to suppress CaV 2 channel activity. Here, we investigate the effects of an amino terminal (CaV 2.2[45–55]) ‘NT peptide’ and a I–II loop alpha interaction domain (CaV 2.2[377–393]) ‘AID peptide’ on synaptic transmission, Ca2+ channel activity and G protein modulation in superior cervical ganglion neurones (SCGNs). Presynaptic injection of NT or AID peptide into SCGN synapses inhibited synaptic transmission and also attenuated noradrenaline-induced G protein modulation. In isolated SCGNs, NT and AID peptides reduced whole-cell Ca2+ current amplitude, modified voltage dependence of Ca2+ channel activation and attenuated noradrenaline-induced G protein modulation. Co-application of NT and AID peptide negated inhibitory actions. Together, these data favour direct peptide interaction with presynaptic Ca2+ channels, with effects on current amplitude and gating representing likely mechanisms responsible for inhibition of synaptic transmission. Mutations to residues reported as determinants of Ca2+ channel function within the NT peptide negated inhibitory effects on synaptic transmission, Ca2+ current amplitude and gating and G protein modulation. A mutation within the proposed QXXER motif for G protein modulation did not abolish inhibitory effects of the AID peptide. This study suggests that the CaV 2.2 amino terminal and I–II loop contribute molecular determinants for Ca2+ channel function; the data favour a direct interaction of peptides with Ca2+ channels to inhibit synaptic transmission and attenuate G protein modulation. Non-technical summary: Nerve cells (neurones) in the body communicate with each other by releasing chemicals (neurotransmitters) which act on proteins called receptors. An important group of receptors (called G protein coupled receptors, GPCRs) regulate the release of neurotransmitters by an action on the ion channels that let calcium into the cell. Here, we show for the first time that small peptides based on specific regions of calcium ion channels involved in GPCR signalling can themselves inhibit nerve cell communication. We show that these peptides act directly on calcium channels to make them more difficult to open and thus reduce calcium influx into native neurones. These peptides also reduce GPCR-mediated signalling. This work is important in increasing our knowledge about modulation of the calcium ion channel protein; such knowledge may help in the development of drugs to prevent signalling in pathways such as those involved in pain perception.


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Background: The response of plasma lipids to dietary fat manipulation is highly heterogeneous, with some indications that APOE genotype may be important. Objective: The objective was to use a prospective recruitment approach to determine the effect of dietary fat quantity and composition on both lipid and nonlipid cardiovascular disease biomarkers according to APOE genotype. Design: Participants had a mean (±SD) age of 51 ± 9 y and a BMI (in kg/m2) of 26.0 ± 3.8 (n = 44 E3/E3, n = 44 E3/E4) and followed a sequential dietary intervention (the SATgenϵ study) in which they were assigned to a low-fat diet, a high-fat high-SFA (HSF) diet, and the HSF diet with 3.45 g DHA/d (HSF-DHA), each for 8 wk. Fasting blood samples were collected at the end of each intervention arm. Results: An overall diet effect was evident for all cholesterol fractions (P < 0.01), with no significant genotype × diet interactions observed. A genotype × diet interaction (P = 0.033) was evident for plasma triglycerides, with 17% and 30% decreases in APOE3/E3 and APOE3/E4 individuals after the HSF-DHA diet relative to the low-fat diet. A significant genotype × diet interaction (P = 0.009) was also observed for C-reactive protein (CRP), with only significant increases in concentrations after the HSF and HSF-DHA diets relative to the low-fat diet in the APOE3/E4 group (P < 0.015). Conclusions: Relative to the wild-type APOE3/E3 group, our results indicate a greater sensitivity of fasting triglycerides and CRP to dietary fat manipulation in those with an APOE3/E4 genotype (25% population), with no effect of this allelic profile on cholesterol concentrations. The SATgenϵ study was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01384032.


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Abstract: Movements away from the natal or home territory are important to many ecological processes, including gene flow, population regulation, and disease epidemiology, yet quantitative data on these behaviors are lacking. Red foxes exhibit 2 periods of extraterritorial movements: when an individual disperses and when males search neighboring territories for extrapair copulations during the breeding season. Using radiotracking data collected at 5-min interfix intervals, we compared movement parameters, including distance moved, speed of movement, and turning angles, of dispersal and reproductive movements to those made during normal territorial movements; the instantaneous separation distances of dispersing and extraterritorial movements to the movements of resident adults; and the frequency of locations of 95%, 60%, and 30% harmonic mean isopleths of adult fox home territories to randomly generated fox movements. Foxes making reproductive movements traveled farther than when undertaking other types of movement, and dispersal movements were straighter. Reproductive and dispersal movements were faster than territorial movements and also differed in intensity of search and thoroughness. Foxes making dispersal movements avoided direct contact with territorial adults and moved through peripheral areas of territories. The converse was true for reproductive movements. Although similar in some basic characteristics, dispersal and reproductive movements are fundamentally different both behaviorally and spatially and are likely to have different ultimate purposes and contrasting effects on spatial processes such as disease transmission


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Studying the pathogenesis of an infectious disease like colibacillosis requires an understanding of the responses of target hosts to the organism both as a pathogen and as a commensal. The mucosal immune system constitutes the primary line of defence against luminal micro-organisms. The immunoglobulin-superfamily-based adaptive immune system evolved in the earliest jawed vertebrates, and the adaptive and innate immune system of humans, mice, pigs and ruminants co-evolved in common ancestors for approximately 300 million years. The divergence occurred only 100 mya and, as a consequence, most of the fundamental immunological mechanisms are very similar. However, since pressure on the immune system comes from rapidly evolving pathogens, immune systems must also evolve rapidly to maintain the ability of the host to survive and reproduce. As a consequence, there are a number of areas of detail where mammalian immune systems have diverged markedly from each other, such that results obtained in one species are not always immediately transferable to another. Thus, animal models of specific diseases need to be selected carefully, and the results interpreted with caution. Selection is made simpler where specific host species like cattle and pigs can be both target species and reservoirs for human disease, as in infections with Escherichia coli.


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Abstract BACKGROUND: Cinnamon has been shown to delay gastric emptying of a high-carbohydrate meal and reduce postprandial glycemia in healthy adults. However, it is dietary fat which is implicated in the etiology and is associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. We aimed to determine the effect of 3 g cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) on GE, postprandial lipemic and glycemic responses, oxidative stress, arterial stiffness, as well as appetite sensations and subsequent food intake following a high-fat meal. METHODS: A single-blind randomized crossover study assessed nine healthy, young subjects. GE rate of a high-fat meal supplemented with 3 g cinnamon or placebo was determined using the 13C octanoic acid breath test. Breath, blood samples and subjective appetite ratings were collected in the fasted and during the 360 min postprandial period, followed by an ad libitum buffet meal. Gastric emptying and 1-day fatty acid intake relationships were also examined. RESULTS: Cinnamon did not change gastric emptying parameters, postprandial triacylglycerol or glucose concentrations, oxidative stress, arterial function or appetite (p < 0.05). Strong relationships were evident (p < 0.05) between GE Thalf and 1-day palmitoleic acid (r = -0.78), eiconsenoic acid (r = -0.84) and total omega-3 intake (r = -0.72). The ingestion of 3 g cinnamon had no effect on GE, arterial stiffness and oxidative stress following a HF meal. CONCLUSIONS: 3 g cinnamon did not alter the postprandial response to a high-fat test meal. We find no evidence to support the use of 3 g cinnamon supplementation for the prevention or treatment of metabolic disease. Dietary fatty acid intake requires consideration in future gastrointestinal studies.


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Culex pipiens s.l. is one of the primary vectors of West Nile Virus in the USA and Continental Europe. The seasonal abundance and eco-behavioural characteristics of the typical form, Cx. pipiens pipiens, make it a key putative vector in Britain. Surveillance of Culex larvae and adults is essential to detect any changes to spatial and seasonal activity or morphological traits that may increase the risk of disease transmission. Here we report the use of the modified Reiter gravid box trap, which is commonly used in the USA but scarcely used in the UK, to assess its suitability as a tool for British female Culex mosquito surveillance. Trapping was carried out at 110 sites in urban and rural gardens in Berkshire in May, July and September 2013. We tested if reproductively active adult female Culex are more abundant in urban than rural gardens and if wing characteristic traits and egg raft size are influenced by location and seasonal variations. Gravid traps were highly selective for Culex mosquitoes, on average catching significantly more per trap in urban gardens (32.4 ± 6.2) than rural gardens (19.3 ± 4.0) and more in July than in May or September. The majority of females were caught alive in a good condition. Wing lengths were measured as an indicator of size. Females flying in September were significantly smaller than females in May or July. Further non-significant differences in morphology and fecundity between urban and rural populations were found that should be explored further across the seasons.


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The essay uncovers evidence for the construction of the ‘woman author’ in the largely male vogue for bawdy burlesque poetry by tracing the circulation of a pair of verses through seventeenth-century manuscript and print miscellanies. It argues that just as these verses are reworked and recontextualised through the process of transmission, so to their ‘authors’ are re-embodied and ascribed different identities in different publication contexts. Female-voiced bawdy poetry raises particular problems for authorial attribution, rather than searching for the real woman behind the text, the essay examines how the ‘authors’ of female-voiced bawdy poetry were produced and reproduced through shifting formal frameworks and socioliterary networks.


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A brief history of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) and its control in Great Britain is presented. Numerous diverse policies to control the disease in man, cattle and wildlife have been pursued over the last 100 years and many millions of pounds have been spent. After notable success in reducing the incidence and prevalence of bTB in cattle in GB from the 1950s to the mid-1980s, the number of cattle slaughtered has increased with increased geographical spread continually since that time with a high point of bTB incidence in 2008. This increase appeared to coincide with changing policy regarding the control of the disease in badgers with a more humane approach adopted and with strengthened protection for badgers through legislation. Indeed, much controversy has been involved in the debate on the role of badgers in disease transmission to cattle and the need for their control as vectors of the disease with various commissioned research projects, trials, public consultations and media attention. The findings of two social science investigations presented as examples showed that citizens generally believed that bTB in cattle is an important issue that needs to be tackled but objected to badgers being killed, whilst cattle farmers were willing to pay around £17/animal/year for a bTB cattle vaccine. It is noted that successes regarding the control of bTB in other countries have combined both cattle and wildlife controls and had strong involvement from industry working with government.


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We report our pediatric experience with lacosarnide, a new antiepileptic drug, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as adjunctive therapy in focal epilepsy in patients more than 17 years old. We retrospectively reviewed charts for lacosamide use and seizure frequency outcome in patients with focal epilepsy (Wilcoxon signed rank test). Sixteen patients (7 boys) were identified (median dose 275 mg daily, 4.7 mg/kg daily; mean age 14.9 years, range 8-21 years). Patients were receiving a median of 2 antiepileptic drugs (interquartile range [IQR] 1.7-3) in addition to having undergone previous epilepsy surgery (n = 3), vagus nerve stimulation (n = 9), and ketogenic diet (n = 3). Causes included structural (encephalomalacia and diffuse encephalitis, 1 each; stroke in 2) and genetic abnormalities (Aarskog and Rett syndromes, 1 each) or cause not known (n = 10). Median seizure frequency at baseline was 57 per month (IQR 7-75), and after a median follow-up of 4 months (range 1-13 months) of receiving lacosamide, it was 12.5 per month (IQR 3-75), (P < 0.01). Six patients (37.5%; 3 seizure free) were classified as having disease that responded to therapy (>= 50% reduction seizure frequency) and 10 as having disease that did not respond to therapy (<50% in 3; increase in 1; unchanged in 6). Adverse events (tics, behavioral disturbance, seizure worsening, and depression with suicidal ideation in 1 patient each) prompted lacosamide discontinuation in 4/16 (25%). This retrospective study of 16 children with drug-resistant focal epilepsy demonstrated good response to adjunctive lacosamide therapy (median seizure reduction of 39.6%; 37.5% with >= 50% seizure reduction) without severe adverse events. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.