967 resultados para Hydrological fluctuation


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A perda de vegetação natural e o aumento das superfícies impermeáveis decorrentes da expansão urbana têm mostrado que os tradicionais sistemas de drenagem urbana são insuficientes e pouco adaptáveis às alterações de uso do solo. Uma das consequências disso é o aumento da velocidade do escoamento superficial (runoff) que favorece as inundações, com enormes prejuízos materiais e ambientais. As inundações ocorrem geralmente quando ha ocorrência de chuvas de alta intensidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a contribuição dos telhados verdes modulares submetidos a chuvas de alta intensidade, 155mm/h com duração de 7,0 minutos para retenção e retardo do escoamento superficial. Além disso, foram determinados valores para parâmetros de modelos clássicos chuva-vazão: Método Racional (C) e CN (SCS), que poderá, futuramente, servir de modelagem hidrológica dos impactos da adoção de telhados verdes no controle das enchentes urbanas. A metodologia adotada foi de natureza experimental e envolveu a construção de bancadas com inclinação regulável para suporte dos módulos experimentais e um sistema para indução de chuvas com intensidade controlada. Foram estudados três modelos de sistema modular para telhado verde que permitem o armazenamento de água no fundo da bandeja que compõe os módulos, sendo 2 de 17,0 L (M-17 e F-17) e 1 de 4,0 L (M-4), nas condições de solo seco e solo úmido. Em cada módulo vegetado foram utilizadas 3 espécies de vegetação: Portulaca oleracea (Onze horas), Callisia repens (Dinheiro em penca) e Apnia cordfolia (Rosinha do sol). Os resultados demonstraram que os volumes retidos, calculados a partir da observação do runoff, nas diferentes situações, foram coerentes entre si e com dados relatados na literatura. Os módulos vegetados produziram os melhores resultados com solo seco e os piores resultados com solo úmido. O percentual médio de retenção, considerando todos os tipos de módulos, foi de 58% do volume total de água induzida, com retardo médio de 12 minutos no runoff. Os valores médios de C (Método Racional) foram 0,4, 0,48, 0,36, para os módulos M-17, M-4 e F-17, respectivamente e os de CN (SCS) foram 93, 95, 93, para os mesmos módulos. Conforme esperado, os maiores valores de CN foram para solos úmidos, mantendo a relação que quanto menor o volume retido, maior o runoff e o CN. O módulo F-17 foi o que apresentou melhor desempenho em todos os aspectos (redução do escoamento, retenção hídrica e retardo do runoff). Este estudo demonstra a boa contribuição que esse tipo de sistema pode proporcionar na retenção e retardo do escoamento superficial, mesmo para chuvas intensas de curta duração, principalmente após período de curta estiagem, situação comum em locais de clima tropical. Futuros estudos deverão avaliar o desempenho dos sistemas modulares de telhados verdes com outras características e intensidades de chuvas. A adoção de telhados verdes deve ser cautelosa, sobretudo pela carga extra que esse tipo de sistema representa.


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Latin America has been shown to be susceptible to climatic anomalies during El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events (eg, Aceituno 1988; Ropelewshi and Halpert 1987; Kiladis and Diaz 1989). While these studies have emphasized ENSO-related rainfall and temperature anomalies over Central and South America, less work has been done on the climatic effects of ENSO over the Mexican region. In this study we are investigating interannual and intraseasonal fluctuation in temperature and precipitation over the southwestern United States and Mexico since the turn of the century. We are particularly interested in the effects of ENSO on the interannual variability over this region. This report focuses on the association between ENSO and interannual variability of precipitation over Mexico.


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Recruitment of bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) in Chesapeake is related to variability in hydrological conditions and to abundance and spatial distribution of spawning stock biomass (SSB). Midwater-trawl surveys conducted for six years, over the entire 320-km length of the bay, provided information on anchovy SSB, annual spatial patterns of recruitment, and their relationships to variability in the estuarine environment. SSB of anchovy varied sixfold in 1995–2000; it alone explained little variability in young-of-the-year (YOY) recruitment level in October, which varied ninefold. Recruitments were low in 1995 and 1996 (47 and 31 Z 109) but higher in 1997–2000 (100 to 265 Z 109). During the recruitment process the YOY population migrated upbay before a subsequent fall-winter downbay migration. The extent of the downbay migration by maturing recruits was greatest in years of high freshwater input to the bay. Mean dissolved oxygen (DO) was more important than freshwater input in controlling distribution of SSB and shifts in SSB location between April– May (prespawning) and June–August (spawning) periods. Recruitments of bay anchovy were higher when mean DO was lowest in the downbay region during the spawning season. It is hypothesized that anchovy recruitment level is inversely related to mean DO concentration because low DO is associated with high plankton productivity in Chesapeake Bay. Additionally, low DO conditions may confine most bay anchovy spawners to the downbay region, where production of larvae and juveniles is enhanced. A modified Ricker stock-recruitment model indicated density-compensatory recruitment with respect to SSB and demonstrated the importance of spring-summer DO levels and spatial distribution of SSB as controllers of bay anchovy recruitment.


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A density prediction model for juvenile brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) was developed by using three bottom types, five salinity zones, and four seasons to quantify patterns of habitat use in Galveston Bay, Texas. Sixteen years of quantitative density data were used. Bottom types were vegetated marsh edge, submerged aquatic vegetation, and shallow nonvegetated bottom. Multiple regression was used to develop density estimates, and the resultant formula was then coupled with a geographical information system (GIS) to provide a spatial mosaic (map) of predicted habitat use. Results indicated that juvenile brown shrimp (<100 mm) selected vegetated habitats in salinities of 15−25 ppt and that seagrasses were selected over marsh edge where they co-occurred. Our results provide a spatially resolved estimate of high-density areas that will help designate essential fish habitat (EFH) in Galveston Bay. In addition, using this modeling technique, we were able to provide an estimate of the overall population of juvenile brown shrimp (<100 mm) in shallow water habitats within the bay of approximately 1.3 billion. Furthermore, the geographic range of the model was assessed by plotting observed (actual) versus expected (model) brown shrimp densities in three other Texas bays. Similar habitat-use patterns were observed in all three bays—each having a coefficient of determination >0.50. These results indicate that this model may have a broader geographic application and is a plausible approach in refining current EFH designations for all Gulf of Mexico estuaries with similar geomorphological and hydrological characteristics.


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本文的研究是中国科学院院重大项目“暖温带森林生态系统结构、功能及生产力持续发展”的主要内容之一。作者以详实的第一手资料,从森林小气候及环境特征、森林降水的水文学效应及降水化学、森林的热量平衡及蒸发散、树木个体的水分生理生态学几个方面阐述、分析了暖温带山地森林生态系统主要林分的水分及其相关生态学问题。 在森林小气候及环境特征一章,作者从不同季节的日变化和生长季的月际变化两个视角,以落叶阔叶混交林和油松林为研究对象,考察了林冠上和林下四个不同梯度的风速、气温、湿度、地温的时空动态。 在森林降水的水文学效应和降水化学一章,笔者以1993、1994年试验年度的83次降雨观测资料为基础,分析了暖温带落叶阔叶混交林、辽东栎林、油松林、落叶松林、次生灌丛降水总量与各降水分量的关系,建立了单次降雨与各降雨分量的经验模型,并给出了生长季林冠作用层和林地作用层的水量分配的月际动态。在探讨上述水量关系的同时,作者还分析了前四类林分大气降水及各降水分量中N、K、Ca、S、Mg、P、Al七种元素的浓度及含量变化,就不同树种对上述元素的选择性交换作了探讨,比较了不同林分的降水化学效应差异。 在第四章,作者以落叶阔叶混交林和油松林为研究对象,分析了两类林分在94试验年度生长季辐射平衡、显热通量、潜热通量、蒸发散以及土壤热通量的季节变化和日变化特征。 在树木个体的水分生理生态部分,作者应用压力室一容积技术测定了暖温带落叶阔叶林、油松林和次生灌丛10种主要树种的水分生理指标:日最低水势值、最大膨压时的渗透势、膨压为零时的渗透势、初始质壁分离时渗透水的相对含量、初始质壁分离时的相对含水量、质外体水的相对含量、细胞最大弹性模量,并比较了不同树种间上述指标与抗旱性的关系。此外,作者还应用Li-1600稳态气孔计测定了上述林分中主要树种的日均蒸腾强度的季节动态,并比较了上下两面叶片蒸腾特性的差异。最后,作者采用九种水分生理指标对10种主要树种的抗旱性作了主分量分析,给出了综合性抗旱指标。 在第六章,作者应用热脉冲技术系统地研究了暖温带山地森林主要乔木树种的树干液流的时空变化特征,并应用时序分析方法对上述树种的树液流量变化建立了自回归模型,在此基础上提出了生理惯性指标,给予了生理学解释。


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东灵山地区年均降水量659.7mm,单次降水以雨量小、雨强低的降水为主。水汽压(年均17.7mb)、相对湿度(年均66%)的季节变化呈现生长季高、冬季低的趋势。年均蒸发量1019.5mm;气温、风速、日照时间和水压与月蒸发量和日蒸量相关显著;气温、日照时间和水压分别在11-6月、7-8月和9-10月为决定蒸发量的首要因子。枯枝落叶层、土壤层湿度主要受前十日降水量和坡向影响。 植物体含水量生长季节较高,冬季较低;含水量随径级的增大而降低。六个灌木树种的平均含水量大小顺序为:毛榛(48.62%)最高荆条(36.32%)最低;七个乔木树种水分含量为油松,56.14%;蒙椴,54.19%;华北落叶松,52.91%;五角枫,43.64%;辽东栎,41.87%;棘皮桦,41.13%;大叶白腊,37.79%。几种植被类型的储水量为:辽东栎林,82.08mm;华北落叶松林,47.35mm;混交林,34.60mm;油松林,31.33mm;灌丛,12.40mm。各树种叶片日最低水势的季节均值为:辽东栎,-16.1bar;五角枫,-15.8bar;大叶白腊,-15.1bar;糠椴,-13.4bar;棘皮桦,-12.3bar;蒙椴,-12.2bar。叶片水势的日间变化均呈一“V”形曲线;光照在叶片水势的日间变化中起着决定性作用。 96年各树种平均单株树干茎流量为辽东栎,30.3mm(4.19%);华北落叶松,16.1mm(2.22%);油松,8.9mm(1.23%);棘皮桦,2.9mm(0.40%)。两个生长季各林分冠层的水量平衡为:辽东栎林,树干流茎量101.87mm(9.18%),穿透降水量823.08mm(74.15%),截留量185.05mm(16.67%);华北落叶松林,树干径流量66.88mm(6.03%),穿透降水量836.92mm(75.40%),截留量206.20mm(18.58);混交林,树干径流量50.13(4.52%),穿透降水量846.78mm(76.29%),截留量212.20mm(19.12%);油松林,树干径流量33.90mm(3.05%),穿透降水量934.88mm(84.22%),截留量141.22mm(12.72%)。多元回归分析表明,树干流茎量S与降水量P和前24小时降水量P_1呈显著正相关关系;穿透降水量T与降水量P和最大雨强M正相关显著。附加截留量与降水时间成正比。 枯枝落叶层的生物量为:油松林,25.56t/hm~2;华北落叶松林20.01t/hm~2;辽东栎林,8.31t/hm~2;混交林,7.98t/hm~2。枯枝落叶层的平均实际持水量和有效持水量均以油松林最大,其次是华北落叶松林,而混交林和辽东栎林较低;枯枝落叶层的实际持水量和有效持水量的季节变化分别与前十日降水量P10成正相关和负相关关系。枯枝落叶层的截留量为油松林>华北落叶松林>辽东栎林>混交林;油松林(145.632mm和90.800mm)混交林(61.816mm和54.504mm)。油松林、辽东栎林、混交林和华北落叶松林去除枯枝落叶层后,土壤入渗量比对照平均降低100mm以上;表层土壤含水量分别比对照土壤下降了6.26、18.26、15.06和15.07个百分点。地表径流量分别增加了,辽东栎林34.299mm(603%)和15.816mm(525%);油松林14.593mm(732%)和10.584mm(1321%);混交林12.004mm(181%)和7.275mm(364%);华北落叶松林3.555mm(118%),3.275mm(229%)。96年生长季,各土壤流失量分别增加了:油松林172.751t/hm~2(124倍);辽东栎林836.500t/hm~2(119倍);混交林172.499t/hm~2(47倍);华北落叶松林11.557t/hm~2(11倍)。表层土壤容重分别增加了:油松林15.0%和20.6%,辽东栎林18.4%和28.2%,混交林11.5%和38.5%,华北落叶松林4.3%和17.1%。 0-60cm深度土壤容重平均值的大小顺序为:草地>灌丛>辽东栎林>油松林>混交林>华北落叶松林;而土壤孔隙度的大小顺序为华北落叶松林>混交林>油松林>辽东栎林>灌丛>草地。两个生长季为土壤实际储水量的均值:油松林,124.45mm,78.62mm;辽东栎林,131.23mm,87.72mm;混交林,180.41mm,113.90mm;华北落叶松林,165.53mm,127.95mm;灌丛,172.50mm,89.81mm;草地,152.92mm,89.59 mm分别比干旱年份97年高出45.83mm、43.51mm、51.63mm、37.58mm、82.69mm和63.33mm。两个生长季的地表径流量为草地,30.930mm(2.79%);灌丛,16.321mm(147%);油松林,2.911mm(0.26%);辽东栎林,8.703mm(0.78%);混交林,8.625mm(0.78%);华北落叶松林,4.447mm(0.40%)。油松林、混交林和华北落叶松林地表径流量与降水量P(mm)和最大雨强(mm/h)正相关显著;而辽东栎林、灌丛和草地的地表径流量则与降水量P(mm)、平均雨强Q(mm/hr)和最大雨强M(mm/hr)三者之间呈显著正相关关系。与草地相比(1220.093kg/hm~2,100%),灌丛、辽东栎林、混交林、油松林和华北落叶松林96年生长季的土壤流失量分别降低了85.05%、94.26%、96.99%、98.86和99.14%。 降水量是影响小流域径流量时间变化的主要因素;南沟和马牙石沟96年的径流量分别是97年的8.19倍和7.87倍,而径流深(46.25mm,52.75mm)分别比97年(5.65mm,6.70mm)高出40.60mm和46.05mm。两个小流域由于面积的差异而使南沟两年的径流量分别比马牙石沟高出2773.136m~3(13.15%)和235.434m~3(8.79%)。96年和97年马牙石沟径流深比南沟高出6.5mm(14.05%)和1.05mm(18.58%)。在地处大陆性季风气候区的东灵山地区,用0.010m~3/min/km~2/hr能较好地分割小流域的洪峰和基流。在五次暴雨水文曲线中,马牙石沟的快速径流量分别比南沟高出25.00%到143.33%。五次洪水水文响应R的平均值南沟为0.218%,马牙石沟为0.404%;与海洋性气候地区相比,东灵山地区小流域的R值要低一到两个数量级。马牙石沟洪峰流量Qp的平均值为418.772L/min要比南沟(281.191L/min)大48.9%。东灵山地区小流域的洪水径流过程可分为三种类型。


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Powai Lake, an impoundment, came into existence in 1891 when the riverlet Dhanisar was dammed to conserve rainwater for drinking purpose. However, the water was found to be unpotable and the lake was leased out to the Angling Association, Bombay, exclusively for angling and sports. The lake is located about 27 km in the northeast of Bombay city at a height of 55m above MSL. It is rainfed with an average rainfall of 2,400 mm. The maximum waterspread area is 220 ha with a maximum capacity of 8.11 million m super(3) in the peak monsoon period when the water overflows the dam. There is no drawdown from the lake. Fluctuation in the water level is mainly due to evaporation and percolation. Transparency is low mainly due to suspended organic particles. There is hardly any difference in the water temperatures of surface and bottom, hence the annual heat budget is low at 2,818 cal m super(-2).


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Majority of the prawn catch of the Kerala coast comes from the inshore regions within the 10 fathom line. A bottom deposit formed of fine mud rich in humus is found to be the ideal condition for the penaeid prawns. Similarly the lobster is observed in large numbers at localised areas very near the coast in the crevices of rocks. Though it has been observed that prawns and lobsters exist in deep water as well under different conditions, our knowledge about these forms along the Indian coasts is very scanty, being restricted to the works of Spence Bate, Alcock, De Man and Ramadan. Recently, during the cruises of the University Research Vessel Conch off the Kerala Coast (1958-1963) two species of deep water prawns and one species of lobster were collected from depths 100 - 180 fathoms. Of these, Penaeopsis philippi is found in large numbers occupying an almost continuous bed extending from Anjengo to Mangalore, while P. rectacutus has a restricted appearance between Cochin and Calicut. However, some sort of year to year variation has also been observed regarding the abundance of the species at various stations. Peurulus sewelli has a more restricted distribution, the maximum number being found between Puvar and Cochin. Attempt has been made to correlate the occurrence of the species with the hydrological conditions at the bottom and the nature of the substratum. It is observed that Peurulus sewelli occupies a more or less hard bed formed of sand with shell fragments or stones and small percentage of silt, the bottom temperature at the stations varying from 11°C to l4°C. P. sewelli is a more or less permanent inhabitant of the edge of the continental shell off the Kerala Coast worthy of attention for detailed investigation with a view to explore the possibilities of commercial exploitation.


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The paper represents results on the studies undertaken to find out the causes of irregular drained weight conditions in commercial canned prawn samples. The tendency of cooked prawn to attain the equilibrium moisture content (72-74% in M. affinis and M. dobsoni) when in contact with brine has been found to be mainly responsible for the loss and gaine in drained weight. Underblanching results in loss of moistures from the meat during processing. It has been found that under standard blanching conditions, which is independent of initial moisture content, salt concentration of the blanch liquor and the temperature of sterilisation, the fluctuation in the drained weight could be avoided.


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The purpose of this paper is to add to the identification of planktonic forms found in Monterey Bay, and also to compare the composition and population fluctuation with findings of previous years.


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Under stable conditions of stratification of the sea, evidence of generic differences of the associated bacterial flora of the water masses has been obtained, between surface and sub-surface water. Gram negative rods, especially pseudomonads and achromobacters were more frequent at the surface. The fermentative and oxidase negative flora was more frequent in sub-surface water. The surface water in general had a greater variety of bacterial types while the sub-surface water had a flora with a greater range of biochemical activity. These results are discussed in relation to the hydrological condition of the water masses and the bacterial flora of freshly caught fish.


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During a study of the distribution of penaeid prawns in Sri Lanka waters a difference was noticed in the species composition from one estuary to another. Moreover, a marked monthly fluctuation in the relative abundance of the different penaied species was also observed. This indicated migratory behaviour. In order to study this phenomenon in the different species of prawns, regular samples of prawns were collected from two estuaries on the south-west coast of Sri Lanka, namely at Moratuwa/Panadura and at Negombo. The investigation was spread over a period of three years from 1957-1959.


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The examination of a considerable amount of data has led to the conclusion that Lake Victoria should be considered as many lakes within a lake. This is not a vague and seemingly obvious remark based on the superficial observation that it is a very large lake containing numerous islands and with a highly indented coastline, and therefore providing variable local conditions. Such local conditions would exist in any lake whose basin departed from a simple geometric form. But evidence has now been collected to show that really significant differences occur between different regions within the lake. These differences are apparent from a variety of data, including the nature of the bottom deposits, the chemical and hydrological condition of the water, the amount and kind of plankton and the distribution and abundance of the fauna. Our findings are as yet somewhat sketchy, and it will be a long time before it will be possible to draw an adequate picture of the various regions of the lake; it is however, of great value to have reached a position enabling us to form this general concept. The most striking and definite evidence is derived, as might be expected, from hydrological data. Details of this work are contained in the hydrological section of this report. Any data recorded below should be considered as applying only to the particular areas mentioned. In other words it would, to draw an obvious example be wrong to suppose that because fish grow at a particular rate in one part of the lake they will grow at the same rate or to the same size in other regions of the lake.