973 resultados para Howard Phillips Lovecraft
To explore the idea of education to close the ingenuity gap I use Thomas Homer-Dixon's work to define ingenuity. The notion that the supply of ingenuity to solve our technical and social problems is not keeping pace with the ingenuity required to solve those problems is called the ingenuity gap. Man-made technological developments are increasing the density, intensity, and pace of globalisation. People must reorganise decision-making organisations and problem-solving methods to pragmatically combat the growing ingenuity gap. John Dewey's work illustrates the fundamental attitudes for the thinking and judgment associated with educating for ingenuity. Howard Gardner's idea that truth, beauty, and morality ought to form the core values and tenets of the philosophy of educating for ingenuity is integral to this thesis. The act of teaching facilitates the invitation to the communication necessary to foster ingenuity. John Novak-discusses the five relationships of educational leadership that enhance an environment of ingenuity. The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an existing model of global education, one that defines some of the school experiences and academic development of core values of educating for ingenuity. Expanding upon the structure of the IB and other research within this thesis, I speculate upon what my school, where educating for ingenuity so as to close the ingenuity gap is the goal, would be like.
The role of the hospital-employed nurse educator is evolving. Factors influencing this change include the introduction of standards for nurse educators by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO), a change in the way nurses are educated, the emergence of nursing as a profession, and hospital restructuring as a result of budgetary constraints. Two of these influencing factors: the introduction of the updated Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses (1996) and hospital restructuring occurred over the last 7 years at several hospitals in southern Ontario. Current literature as well as the Standards of Practice (1996) were utilized to examine the current roles and responsibilities of nurse educators and subsequently develop a questionnaire to study the impact of these influencing factors on the role of the nurse educator. This questionnaire was piloted and revised before its distribution at 4 hospitals in southern Ontario. Twenty-five of the 41 surveys (61%) distributed were returned for analysis. The data reflected that the Standards of Practice had a positive influence on the role of the nurse educator, while hospital restructuring had a negative impact. In addition, many of the roles and responsibilities identified in the literature were indeed part of the current role of nurse educators, as well as several responsibilities not captured in the literature. The predictions for the future of this role in its current state were not positive given the financial status of the health care system as well as the lack of clarity for the role and the current level ofjob satisfaction among practicing nurse educators. However, a list of recommendations were generated which, if implemented, could add clarity to the role and improve job satisfaction. This could enhance the retention of current nurse educators and the possibility of recruiting competent nurse educators to the role in the future.
This study presents information gathered during personal interviews with dynamic and capable teachers in the areas of preparedness for teaching, teaching concerns, survival skills and strategies, and how these teachers support themselves and others in the teaching profession. The data are related to Purkey and Novak's work on invitational education and connections are made to Combs' perceptual orientation. Potential participants were gathered through personal recommendations from their colleagues. All teachers recommended were approached and asked for voluntary participation. Of those who agreed to participate, 6 were selected based on gender and years of experience. There was a male and female participant at each of the following career levels: early, mid, and late. The 4 major survival skills that became apparent were the ability to believe in oneself and others, to act decisively upon that belief through personal and professional goal-setting as well as accessing resources, to actively seek opportunities for interaction with other professionals, and to celebrate personal and professional successes.
The last several decades have been marked by tremendous changes in education - technological, pedagogical, administrative, and social. These changes have led to considerable increments in the budgets devoted to professional development for teachers ~ with the express purpose of helping them accommodate their practices to the new realities oftheir classrooms. However, research has suggested that, in spite of the emphasis placed on encouraging sustained change in teaching practices, little has been accomplished. This begs the question of what ought to be done to not only reverse this outcome, but contribute to transformational change. The literature suggests some possibilities including: a) considering teachers as learners and applying what, is known about cognition and learning; b) modifying the location and nature ofprofessional development so that it is authentic, based in the classroom and focusing on tasks meaningful to the teacher; c) attending to the infrastructure underlying professional development; and d) ensuring opportunities for reflective practice. This dissertation looks at the impact of each ofthese variables through an analysis ofthe learning journeys of a group ofteachers engaged in a program called GrassRoots in one midsized school board in Ontario. Action research was conducted by the researcher in his role as consultant facilitating teacher professional growth around the use of Web sites as culminating performance tasks by students. Research focused on the pedagogical approach to the learning of the teachers involved and the infrastructure underlying their learning. Using grounded theory, a model for professional development was developed that can be used in the future to inform practices and, hopefully, lead to sustained transformational school change.
A general derivation of the anharmonic coefficients for a periodic lattice invoking the special case of the central force interaction is presented. All of the contributions to mean square displacement (MSD) to order 14 perturbation theory are enumerated. A direct correspondance is found between the high temperature limit MSD and high temperature limit free energy contributions up to and including 0(14). This correspondance follows from the detailed derivation of some of the contributions to MSD. Numerical results are obtained for all the MSD contributions to 0(14) using the Lennard-Jones potential for the lattice constants and temperatures for which the Monte Carlo results were calculated by Heiser, Shukla and Cowley. The Peierls approximation is also employed in order to simplify the numerical evaluation of the MSD contributions. The numerical results indicate the convergence of the perturbation expansion up to 75% of the melting temperature of the solid (TM) for the exact calculation; however, a better agreement with the Monte Carlo results is not obtained when the total of all 14 contributions is added to the 12 perturbation theory results. Using Peierls approximation the expansion converges up to 45% of TM• The MSD contributions arising in the Green's function method of Shukla and Hubschle are derived and enumerated up to and including 0(18). The total MSD from these selected contributions is in excellent agreement with their results at all temperatures. Theoretical values of the recoilless fraction for krypton are calculated from the MSD contributions for both the Lennard-Jones and Aziz potentials. The agreement with experimental values is quite good.
The purpose of this study was to investigate Howard Gardner's (1983) Multiple Intelligences theory, which proposes that there are eight independent intelligences: Linguistic, Spatial, Logical/Mathematical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Bodily-Kinesthetic, and Musical. To explore Gardner's theory, two measures of each ability area were administered to 200 participants. Each participant also completed a measure of general cognitive ability, a personality inventory, an ability self-rating scale, and an ability self-report questionnaire. Nonverbal measures were included for most intelligence domains, and a wide range of content was sampled in Gardner's domains. Results showed that all tests of purely cognitive abilities were significantly correlated with the measure of general cognitive ability, whereas Musical, Bodily-Kinesthetic, and one of the Intrapersonal measures were not. Contrary to what Multiple Intelligences theory would seem to predict, correlations among the tests revealed a positive manifold and factor analysis indicated a large factor of general intelligence, with a mathematical reasoning test and a classification task from the Naturalistic domain having the highest ^- loadings. There were only minor sex differences in performance on the ability tests. Participants' self-estimates of ability were significantly and positively correlated with actual performance in some, but not all, intelligences. With regard to personality, a hypothesized association between Openness to Experience and crystallized intelligence was supported. The implications of the findings in regards to the nature of mental abilities were discussed, and recommendations for further research were made.
The 50th reunion of the Class of 1933, Chapman College, Orange, California, May 19, 1983. First row, left to right: Ruth (Mercer) Dorrance, Toribio Castillo, Melva (Carlmark) Haskell, Felix Pascua, Henry Searle, and Lois (Huntley) Todd. Back row, left to right: Ruta (Pelley) Upham, Paul Dear, John Parker, Howard Metzger, Irvin C. "Ernie" Chapman and Tom West.
A dispersal polymorphism may exist in emigrants from cyclic populations of Microtus '~nnsylvanicus biasing trap-revealed movements of unenclosed animals in favour of sedentary or colonizing individuals. The dispersal tendency of emigrants from an enclosed population was investigated by releasing animals via tubes into one of two adjacent enclosures, one vacant and one inhabited. Individuals from the enclosed population were monitored for age, sex, weight and electrophoretically detectable serum transferrin genotype in an intensive live-trapping program. In 1973 the minimum number alive in the introduced enclosed study population reached approximately l67/ha when breeding stopped in October. In 1974 intensive breeding increased the population density to 333/ha by mid-July when a long decline in numbers and breeding intensity began without an intervening plateau. An adjacent unenclosed area had a much lower density and longer breeding season in 1974. The growth rate of young males in the enclosed population tended to be lowest during the decline period in 1974. Survival of the enclosed population was high throughout but was lowest during the decline phase in both sexes, especially males. Low transferrin heterozygote survival during the decline coincided with a significant heterozygote deficiency in females whereas in males genotype frequencies did not depart from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium values throughout th.e study. Twenty-nine suitable ani.mals were released during the decline in five periods from July to November 1974. The proportions of males and transferrin heterozygotes in the released graun were generally greater than in the source population~ In the test enclosures 21% of the released animals continued their movement through the vacant area while 41% (no significant difference) moved through the inhabited enclosure. In the vacant test area, females had a greater tendency than males to continue dispersal whereas no difference was noted in the inhabited area. Low frequency of captures in the tubes, predator disturbances and cold weather forced the termination of the study. The role of dispersal as a population regulating mechanism was further substantiated. The genetic differences between emigrant and resident animals lend support to Howard's hypothesis that a genetic polymorphism influences the tendency to disperse. Support is also given to Myers' and Krebs' contention that among dispersers an additional density dependent polymorphism influences the distance dispersed.
This qualitative case study identifies and discusses the standards and risk management practices of the Ottawa Valley whitewater rafting industry and the impacts of the government enforced Special-purpose Vessels Regulations are discussed. Data collection occurred using a single case study design, which included interviews and document analysis. This study found that internal, industry, and actual standards are influenced through a variety of sources. These standards were found to affect the risk management practices of commercial whitewater rafting providers. In general, these standards promoted a high level of risk management within the Ottawa Valley rafting industry. The Special-purpose Vessels Regulations were found to be non-influential in raising the risk management standards of the Ottawa Valley whitewater rafting industry.
With repeated activity, force production, rate of force production, and relaxation time are impaired. These are characteristics ofa fatigued muscle (Vandenboom, 2004). However, brief bouts of near maximal to maximal activity results in the increased ability of the muscle to generate force, termed post activation potentiation (P AP)(V andervoort et aI., 1983). The purpose of the present study was to characterize motor unit firing rate (MUFR) in the unfatigued, potentiated tibialis anterior (TA). Using a quadrifilar needle electrode, MUFR was measured during a 5s 50% MVC in which the TA was either potentiated or unpotentiated; monopolar electrodes measured surface parameters. A lOs MVC was used to potentiate the muscle. Firing rate decreased significantly from 20.15±2.9Opps to 18.27±2.99pps, while mean power frequency decreased significantly from 60. 13±7.75 Hz to 53.62±8.56 Hz. No change in root mean square (RMS) was observed. Therefore, in the present study, MUFR decreases in response to a potentiated TA.
Hypertension is thought to exist in up to five percent of children. A select number of studies have
investigated the role elevated blood pressure plays in pediatric atherosclerotic progression.
However these studies contain significant methodological flaws and fail to recognize important
confounding factors. Therefore, the influence of elevated blood pressure on arterial health in
children remains to be clearly understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the
association between blood pressure (BP) and arterial thickness and stiffuess in children. Common
carotid artery (CCA) intima-media thickness (IMT) and distensibility (Dist), as well as systemic
pulse wave velocity (PWV) were measured in 21 elevated blood pressure (EBP; BP ~ 95th
percentile) and 83 normal blood pressure (NBP; BP < 90th percentile) children 11-14 years of age.
Both EBP and NBP groups demonstrated BP within the normal clinical range, but EBP showed
significantly elevated BP as compared to the NBP group. Independent t-tests failed to show
significant differences between the EBP and NBP groups for CCA IMT (0.43 ± 0.05 mm and
0.42 ± 0.06 mm, respectively) and Dist (0.0058 ± 0.0024 mmHg-1 and 0.0064 ± 0.0019 mmHil
respectively). In contrast, a significantly elevated PWV (p
Michael H. [Henry] Hogue (1878-1963) was the son of Lemuel and Frances Hogue of Wainfleet Township, Welland County. In 1901 Michael Hogue was married to Margaret Case and they had five sons, William, Lemuel, Harry, Ross and Frank. In the 1911 Census of Canada he is residing in Welland and working as a blacksmith for Howard H. Lymburner. At Lymburner’s retirement, Hogue purchased the business and moved it from 15 Niagara Street, Welland to 12 Frazer Street, Welland. Mr. Hogue’s blacksmith activities included work with various industries in Welland including the expansion of blacksmithing work into the automobile industry. Mr. Hogue also worked for subcontractors Canadian Dredge & Dock and G.L. Campbell. These jobs included work related to the Welland Ship Canal in 1923. The business ceased operation in 1956.
David Skene-Melvin, literary historian and bibliographer, donated his extensive collection of books on Crime, Mystery and Detective fiction to the Popular Culture Program at Brock University in July 2001. The donation forms a significant part of the Skene-Melvin Collection of Crime, Mystery and Detective Fiction, James A. Gibson Library, Brock University.
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal in the Village of Welland. Identified structures and features associated with the Canal include the towing path, the old canal, the aqueduct lock, the new aqueduct, the old aqueduct, Lock Tenders House, a waste weir, culvert, covered drain, drain, dam, flume, and the canal's New Line. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include bridges, roads, and streets (ex. Division Street and Main Street), Chippewa Creek, Mill Pond, Mill Race, Court House and Gaol, Seeley (Seely) and Dunlop Saw Mill, Seeley (Seely) and Dunlop (Burnt) Grist Mill, Montrose Grist Mill, M. Caferty (Cafferty) City Hotel, Welland House by Wilkerson, Eli Mead Wharf Lot, A. Sherwood Wharf Lot, D. P. Myers Store, M. Cook Grist Mill, A. H. Cosby Saw Mill, Betts Lumber Yard, T. Quinn Tavern, a Carding Mill, shed, several barns, a hotel, and several structures or properties belonging to: J. P Evans, W. A. Phillips, S. Hampton, M. Silverthorne, D. McEwing, W. B. Hendershott (Hendershot), T. Burgar, J. Brookfield, A. Hendershott, Joseph Burgar, C. Demrie, M. Cafferty, J. Spencer, Mrs. Curran, John Lemon, D. Cooper, H. A. Rose, J. Bridges, A. Chapman, and R. Morewood. A structure belonging to a D. McKelly or McKully, and a store belonging to a J. Fino or Finn are also present. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 247 and 248 of the Thorold Township, 5th Concession Lots 26 and 25 of the Crowland Township, Smith Shotwell, Eli Mead, D. P Myers, Donaldson, McFarland, Mrs. Silverthorne, Price, and Griffth. A County Court House Lot containing the Court House, Gaol and Gaol Yard is present.
An unidentified young woman is featured in this black and white cabinet card by photographer C. Arthur, of St. Catharines, Ontario. The address of Mr. Arthur's studio is printed along the bottom of the photograph. This photograph was among the family memorabilia owned by Iris Sloman Bell of St. Catharines. The Sloman - Bell families include relatives who were former African American slaves who settled in Canada.Charles A. Arthur is listed as a photographer in St. Catharines from 1880 - 1883 and Charles P. Arthur (possibly a son?) was a photographer in the same city in 1898. Source: Phillips, Glen C. The Ontario photographers list (1851-1900). Sarnia: Iron Gate Publishing Co., 1990.