1000 resultados para Honras fúnebres - Medellín (Antioquia, Colombia) 


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ABSTRACTThe weed communities of agricultural systems are dynamic and respond to changes in agronomic practices. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of post-emergence herbicide control programs made by farmers on weed communities and commercial lots of rice. The evaluations were carried out in 96 commercial lots located in the Centro, Meseta and Norte zones of the department of Tolima. In each lot, 1 ha was marked off, in which the evaluations were carried out by randomly throwing a 0.2 x 0.2 m sampling-square 5 times. Samples were taken before the first post-emergence application, after the first post-emergence application, after the second post-emergence application, and once the post-emergence applications were finished. The evaluated variables included density and cover of the weeds and the crops. The IVI of each species was calculated and the control program was analyzed in terms of decreases in the number of individuals for the 15 more encountered species. Before the applications, higher density values were found. The first and second post-emergence applications reduced the average density by 41% and 12%, respectively, throughout the department. Between the first and fourth evaluations, the density of the weeds and crops decreased throughout the department by 51.7% and 39%, respectively. The weed density variable proved to be the most influential in the populations after the herbicide programs were carried out.


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Basado en una reciente investigacion etnografica entre los Embera-Chami de la région plurietnica del Valle del Cauca (Colombia) el examen de escenarios de encuentros interénicos encuadrados por la legislacion multicultural permite vislumbrar la paradojica interdependencia entre la institucionalizacion de un concepto culturalista singularizante de "la" cultura y la homogeneizacion politica de los grupos etnicos. La "estatizacion" de las relaciones inter-étnicas, concomitante a la competicion por la visibilidad, entre grupos de igual estatus en la legislacion nacional e internacional aparecen como dimensiones emergentes del campo interétnico, mientras que se confirma el papel performativo de la ritualizacion en la circulacion y la apropriacion de discursos y practicas. Los escenarios descritos que corresponden a múltiples situaciones semejantes evidencian también que la apropiación multidireccional y uso contextual de conceptos genéricos provenientes del espacio académico, nacional e internacional - como "médico tradicional", "derecho ancestral", "reforzamiento cultural", o "chamanismo" - construyen campos de paradojas. Permiten a los actores étnicos de construir y visibilizar una singularidad cultural aislacionista conforme al concepto oficializado de "cultura" pero al mismo tiempo empujan a una mayor apertura de las "zonas de contacto" interétnicas donde circulan una mayor variedad de prácticas y discursos que antes de la institucionalización del multiculturalismo.


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Resumo Concepções e rituais associados à morte ocupam uma importante dimensão nas diferentes construções da tradição islâmica, criando não apenas sentido/orientação a respeito do fim inevitável da vida física, mas também canais para afirmação pública de crenças e pertencimentos religiosos para muçulmanos em diferentes contextos históricos e culturais. Seguindo nesta direção, o artigo pretende abordar concepções e práticas associadas à morte no islã, tendo como foco os rituais de preparação e o destino final do corpo do morto. O universo etnográfico em que esta pesquisa se baseia compreende as comunidades muçulmanas do Rio de Janeiro e Paraná, em diferentes momentos de trabalho de campo (2012 a 2014). Com isso, espera-se explorar como objetos e espaços funerários fazem o “morto muçulmano” em contextos nos quais o islã ocupa uma posição de minoria religiosa, como no Brasil.


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Three horse-derived antivenoms were tested for their ability to neutralize lethal, hemorrhagic, edema-forming, defibrinating and myotoxic activities induced by the venom of Bothrops atrox from Antioquia and Chocó (Colombia). The following antivenoms were used: a) polyvalent (crotaline) antivenom produced by Instituto Clodomiro Picado (Costa Rica), b) monovalent antibothropic antivenom produced by Instituto Nacional de Salud-INS (Bogotá), and c) a new monovalent anti-B. atrox antivenom produced with the venom of B. atrox from Antioquia and Chocó. The three antivenoms neutralized all toxic activities tested albeit with different potencies. The new monovalent anti-B. atrox antivenom showed the highest neutralizing ability against edema-forming and defibrinating effects of B. atrox venom (41 ± 2 and 100 ± 32 µl antivenom/mg venom, respectively), suggesting that it should be useful in the treatment of B. atrox envenomation in Antioquia and Chocó


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We determined the neutralizing activity of 12 ethanolic extracts of plants against the edema-forming, defibrinating and coagulant effects of Bothrops asper venom in Swiss Webster mice. The material used consisted of the leaves and branches of Bixa orellana (Bixaceae), Ficus nymphaeifolia (Moraceae), Struthanthus orbicularis (Loranthaceae) and Gonzalagunia panamensis (Rubiaceae); the stem barks of Brownea rosademonte (Caesalpiniaceae) and Tabebuia rosea (Bignoniaceae); the whole plant of Pleopeltis percussa (Polypodiaceae) and Trichomanes elegans (Hymenophyllaceae); rhizomes of Renealmia alpinia (Zingiberaceae), Heliconia curtispatha (Heliconiaceae) and Dracontium croatii (Araceae), and the ripe fruit of Citrus limon (Rutaceae). After preincubation of varying amounts of each extract with either 1.0 µg venom for the edema-forming effect or 2.0 µg venom for the defibrinating effect, the mixture was injected subcutaneously (sc) into the right foot pad or intravenously into the tail, respectively, to groups of four mice (18-20 g). All extracts (6.2-200 µg/mouse) partially neutralized the edema-forming activity of venom in a dose-dependent manner (58-76% inhibition), with B. orellana, S. orbicularis, G. panamensis, B. rosademonte, and D. croatii showing the highest effect. Ten extracts (3.9-2000 µg/mouse) also showed 100% neutralizing ability against the defibrinating effect of venom, and nine prolonged the coagulation time induced by the venom. When the extracts were administered either before or after venom injection, the neutralization of the edema-forming effect was lower than 40% for all extracts, and none of them neutralized the defibrinating effect of venom. When they were administered in situ (sc at the same site 5 min after venom injection), the neutralization of edema increased for six extracts, reaching levels up to 64% for C. limon.


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Bogotá Emprende


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Bogotá Emprende


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Bogotá Emprende


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