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Circular disulfide-rich polypeptides were unknown a decade ago but over recent years a large family of such molecules has been discovered, which we now refer to as the cyclotides. They are typically about 30 amino acids in size, contain an N- to C-cyclised backbone and incorporate three disulfide bonds arranged in a cystine knot motif. In this motif, an embedded ring in the structure formed by two disulfide bonds and their connecting backbone segments is penetrated by the third disulfide bond. The combination of this knotted and strongly braced structure with a circular backbone renders the cyclotides impervious to enzymatic breakdown and makes them exceptionally stable. This article describes the discovery of the cyclotides in plants from the Rubiaceae and Violaceae families, their chemical synthesis, folding, structural characterisation, and biosynthetic origin. The cyclotides have a diverse range of biological applications, ranging from uterotonic action, to anti-HIV and neurotensin antagonism. Certain plants from which they are derived have a history of uses in native medicine, with activity being observed after oral ingestion of a tea made from the plants. This suggests the possibility that the cyclotides may be orally bioavailable. They therefore have a range of potential applications as a stable peptide framework.
We have developed a software application to enable interactive rehabilitation via the Internet. The reliability of the telemedicine application was examined by comparing it with face-to-face assessment. The physical outcome measures assessed were knee range of motion, quadriceps muscle strength, limb girth and an assessment of gait. One therapist performed both in-person and Internet-based measurements of all outcome measures on 20 normal subjects. There was good agreement between the two techniques (the 95% limits of agreement included zero for all the variables studied). Internet assessments were conducted at two bandwidths: ISDN at 128 kbit/s and the telephone network at 17 kbit/s. Bandwidth had no significant influence on any of the measures. This study suggests that Internet-based physiotherapy interventions delivered to the home are suitable for further development.
Solid solution effects on the hardness and flow stress have been studied for zinc contents between 0.2 and 2.4 at% (0.5 and 6.9 wt%) in Mg. The alloys were grain refined with 0.6 wt% zirconium to ensure a similar grain size at all compositions. The hardness increases with the zinc content as Hv(10) (kg mm(-2)) = 9 Zn (at%) + 33. At low solute concentrations the (0.2%) proof strength does not change significantly with concentration. At concentrations above 0.7 at%, within the supersaturated solid solution region, the rate of solid solution hardening is high, following a c(2) rule, where c is the atom fraction of Zn. It is suggested that short-range order may account for most of the observed strengthening in concentrated Mg-Zn alloys.
The effect of heat treatment on the structure of an Australian semi-anthracite char was studied in detail in the 850-1150degreesC temperature range using XRD, HRTEM, and electrical resistivity techniques. It was found that the carbon crystallite size in the char does not change significantly during heat treatment in the temperature range studied, for both the raw coal and its ash-free derivative obtained by acid treatment. However, the fraction of the organized carbon in the raw coal chars, determined by XRD, increased with increase of heat treatment time and temperature, while that for the ash-free coal chars remained almost unchanged. This suggests the occurrence of catalytic ordering during heat treatment, supported by the observation that the electrical resistivity of the raw coal chars decreased with heat treatment, while that of the ash-free coal chars did not vary significantly. Further confirmatory evidence was provided by high resolution transmission electron micrographs depicting well-organized carbon layers surrounding iron particles. It is also found that the fraction of organized carbon does not reach unity, but attains an apparent equilibrium value that increases with increase in temperature, providing an apparent heat of ordering of 71.7 kJ mol(-1) in the temperature range studied. Good temperature-independent correlation was found between the electrical resistivity and the organized carbon fraction, indicating that electrical resistivity is indeed structure sensitive. Good correlation was also found between the electrical resistivity and the reactivity of coal char. All these results strongly suggest that the thermal deactivation is the result of a crystallite-perfecting process, which is effectively catalyzed by the inorganic matter in the coal char. Based on kinetic interpretation of the data it is concluded that the process is diffusion controlled, most likely involving transport of iron in the inter-crystallite nanospaces in the temperature range studied. The activation energy of this transport process is found to be very low, at about 11.8 kJ mol(-1), which is corroborated by model-free correlation of the temporal variation of organized carbon fraction as well as electrical resistivity data using the superposition method, and is suggestive of surface transport of iron. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A heterogeneous modified vacancy solution model of adsorption developed is evaluated. The new model considers the adsorption process through a mass-action law and is thermodynamically consistent, while maintaining the simplicity in calculation of multicomponent adsorption equilibria, as in the original vacancy solution theory. It incorporates the adsorbent heterogeneity through a pore-width-related potential energy, represented by Steele's 10-4-3 potential expression. The experimental data of various hydrocarbons, CO2 and SO2 on four different activated carbons - Ajax, Norit, Nuxit, and BPL - at multiple temperatures over a wide range of pressures were studied by the heterogeneous modified VST model to obtain the isotherm parameters and micropore-size distribution of carbons. The model successfully correlates the single-component adsorption equilibrium data for all compounds studied on various carbons. The fitting results for the vacancy occupancy parameter are consistent with the pressure change on different carbons, and the effect of pore heterogeneity is important in adsorption at elevated pressure. It predicts binary adsorption equilibria better than the IAST scheme, reflecting the significance of molecular size nonideality.
We conducted a review to establish the range and scope of current telemedicine guidelines and standards. Published guidelines were identified by searching the Medline and Telemedicine Information Exchange (TIE) databases, and by performing a Google search using the term 'telemedicine guidelines'. Three types of guidelines were identified, namely clinical, operational and technical. Clinical guidelines included those for teleradiology, telepsychiatry, home telenursing, minor injuries telemedicine, surgical telemedicine, teledermatology and telepathology. Operational guidelines included those for email communication, Internet access and videoconferencing. Technical guidelines included those from the American Telemedicine Association and the US Office for the Advancement of Telehealth. The main standards relevant to telemedicine include those of the International Telecommunication Union and the DICOM standard. The scarcity of guidelines and standards suggests that telemedicine is not yet near to routine use. If an international telemedicine organization were to take responsibility for defining guidelines, under the direction of clinicians with appropriate telemedicine experience, this might speed up their development.
Predicting plant leaf area production is required for modelling carbon balance and tiller dynamics in plant canopies. Plant leaf area production can be studied using a framework based on radiation intercepted, radiation use efficiency (RUE) and leaf area ratio (LAR) (ratio of leaf area to net above-ground biomass). The objective of this study was to test this framework for predicting leaf area production of sorghum during vegetative development by examining the stability of the contributing components over a large range of plant density. Four densities, varying from 2 to 16 plants m(-2), were implemented in a field experiment. Plants were either allowed to tiller or were maintained as uniculm by systematic tiller removal. In all cases, intercepted radiation was recorded daily and leaf area and shoot dry matter partitioning were quantified weekly at individual culm level. Up to anthesis, a unique relationship applied between fraction of intercepted radiation and leaf area index, and between shoot dry weight accumulation and amount of intercepted radiation, regardless of plant density. Partitioning of shoot assimilate between leaf, stem and head was also common across treatments up to anthesis, at both plant and culm levels. The relationship with thermal time (TT) from emergence of specific leaf area (SLA) and LAR of tillering plants did not change with plant density. In contrast, SLA of uniculm plants was appreciably lower under low-density conditions at any given TT from emergence. This was interpreted as a consequence of assimilate surplus arising from the inability of the plant to compensate by increasing the leaf area a culm could produce. It is argued that the stability of the extinction coefficient, RUE and plant LAR of tillering plants observed in these conditions provides a reliable way to predict leaf area production regardless of plant density. Crown Copyright (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Most studies of tiller development have not related the physiological and morphological features of each calm to its subsequent fertility. This introduced problems when trying to account for the effects of tillering on yield in crop models. The objective of this study was to detect the most likely early determinants of tiller fertility in sorghum by identifying hierarchies for emergence, fertility and grain number of tillers over a wide range of assimilate availabilities. Emergence, phenology, leaf area development and dry weight partitioning were quantified weekly for individual tillers and main culms of tillering and uniculm plants grown at one of four densities, from two to 16 plants m(-2). For a given plant in any given density, the same tiller hierarchy applied for emergence of tillers, fertility of the emerged tillers and their subsequent grain number. These results were observed over a range of tiller fertility rates (from 7 to 91%), fertile tiller number per plant at maturity (from 0.2 to 4.7), and tiller contribution to grain yield (from 5 to 78%). Tiller emergence was most probably related to assimilate supply and light quality. Development, fertility and contribution to yield of a specific tiller were highly dependent on growing conditions at the time of tiller emergence, particularly via early leaf area development of the tiller, which affected its subsequent leaf area accumulation. Assimilate availability in the main culm at the time of tiller emergence was the most likely early determinant of subsequent tiller fertility in this study. (C) 2002 Annals of Botany Company.
The prediction of tillering is poor or absent in existing sorghum crop models even though fertile tillers contribute significantly to grain yield. The objective of this study was to identify general quantitative relationships underpinning tiller dynamics of sorghum for a broad range of assimilate availabilities. Emergence, phenology, leaf area development and fertility of individual main calms and tillers were quantified weekly in plants grown at one of four plant densities ranging from two to 16 plants m(-2). On any given day, a tiller was considered potentially fertile (a posteriori) if its number of leaves continued to increase thereafter. The dynamics of potentially fertile tiller number per plant varied greatly with plant density, but could generally be described by three determinants, stable across plant densities: tiller emergence rate aligned with leaf ligule appearance rate; cessation of tiller emergence occurred at a stable leaf area index; and rate of decrease in potentially fertile tillers was linearly related to the ratio of realized to potential leaf area growth. Realized leaf area growth is the measured increase in leaf area, whereas potential leaf area growth is the estimated increase in leaf area if all potentially fertile tillers were to continue to develop. Procedures to predict this ratio, by estimating realized leaf area per plant from intercepted radiation and potential leaf area per plant from the number and type of developing axes, are presented. While it is suitable for modelling tiller dynamics in grain sorghum, this general framework needs to be validated by testing it in different environments and for other cultivars. (C) 2002 Annals of Botany Company.
Inconclusive findings have been shown in previous studies comparing lumbar range of movement (LROM) and lumbar lordosis between back pain patients and healthy subjects. In these studies, confounding variables such as age, gender, height, obesity, and pain level were usually not well controlled. The present study aimed to compare LROM and lumbar lordosis between back pain patients and matched controls. Fifteen male back pain patients and 15 age-, height-, obesity-, and physical activity-matched male controls were investigated. To minimize the effect of pain on the measurements, only patients with minimal or no pain at the time of testing were included in the study. Inclinometer technique was used for the evaluation of LROM in flexion, extension and lateral flexion as well as lumbar lordosis. A lumbar rotameter was used for measuring axial rotation. Pelvic motion was limited by a pelvic restraint device during LROM measurements. Results showed that there were no significant differences between the back pain and control groups in flexion, extension, lateral flexion and axial rotation LROM and also in lumbar lordosis. This may indicate that when a back pain patient is not in pain, LROM and lumbar lordosis may not be the measures that distinguish between back pain patients and subjects without back pain.
In this paper the diffusion and flow of carbon tetrachloride, benzene and n-hexane through a commercial activated carbon is studied by a differential permeation method. The range of pressure is covered from very low pressure to a pressure range where significant capillary condensation occurs. Helium as a non-adsorbing gas is used to determine the characteristics of the porous medium. For adsorbing gases and vapors, the motion of adsorbed molecules in small pores gives rise to a sharp increase in permeability at very low pressures. The interplay between a decreasing behavior in permeability due to the saturation of small pores with adsorbed molecules and an increasing behavior due to viscous flow in larger pores with pressure could lead to a minimum in the plot of total permeability versus pressure. This phenomenon is observed for n-hexane at 30degreesC. At relative pressure of 0.1-0.8 where the gaseous viscous flow dominates, the permeability is a linear function of pressure. Since activated carbon has a wide pore size distribution, the mobility mechanism of these adsorbed molecules is different from pore to pore. In very small pores where adsorbate molecules fill the pore the permeability decreases with an increase in pressure, while in intermediate pores the permeability of such transport increases with pressure due to the increasing build-up of layers of adsorbed molecules. For even larger pores, the transport is mostly due to diffusion and flow of free molecules, which gives rise to linear permeability with respect to pressure. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A thermodynamic approach based on the Bender equation of state is suggested for the analysis of supercritical gas adsorption on activated carbons at high pressure. The approach accounts for the equality of the chemical potential in the adsorbed phase and that in the corresponding bulk phase and the distribution of elements of the adsorption volume (EAV) over the potential energy for gas-solid interaction. This scheme is extended to subcritical fluid adsorption and takes into account the phase transition in EAV The method is adapted to gravimetric measurements of mass excess adsorption and has been applied to the adsorption of argon, nitrogen, methane, ethane, carbon dioxide, and helium on activated carbon Norit R I in the temperature range from 25 to 70 C. The distribution function of adsorption volume elements over potentials exhibits overlapping peaks and is consistently reproduced for different gases. It was found that the distribution function changes weakly with temperature, which was confirmed by its comparison with the distribution function obtained by the same method using nitrogen adsorption isotherm at 77 K. It was shown that parameters such as pore volume and skeleton density can be determined directly from adsorption measurements, while the conventional approach of helium expansion at room temperature can lead to erroneous results due to the adsorption of helium in small pores of activated carbon. The approach is a convenient tool for analysis and correlation of excess adsorption isotherms over a wide range of pressure and temperature. This approach can be readily extended to the analysis of multicomponent adsorption systems. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
Anew thermodynamic approach has been developed in this paper to analyze adsorption in slitlike pores. The equilibrium is described by two thermodynamic conditions: the Helmholtz free energy must be minimal, and the grand potential functional at that minimum must be negative. This approach has led to local isotherms that describe adsorption in the form of a single layer or two layers near the pore walls. In narrow pores local isotherms have one step that could be either very sharp but continuous or discontinuous benchlike for a definite range of pore width. The latter reflects a so-called 0 --> 1 monolayer transition. In relatively wide pores, local isotherms have two steps, of which the first step corresponds to the appearance of two layers near the pore walls, while the second step corresponds to the filling of the space between these layers. All features of local isotherms are in agreement with the results obtained from the density functional theory and Monte Carlo simulations. The approach is used for determining pore size distributions of carbon materials. We illustrate this with the benzene adsorption data on activated carbon at 20, 50, and 80 degreesC, argon adsorption on activated carbon Norit ROX at 87.3 K, and nitrogen adsorption on activated carbon Norit R1 at 77.3 K.