973 resultados para Holstein


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Previous pollen analytical studies on sediments from the pleistocene lake basin at Samerberg, situated on the northern edge of the Bavarian Alps (47°45' N, 12°12' E, 607 m a.s.l.) had been performed on samples taken from cores and exposures close to the southern shore of the former lake. After geoelectric and refraction-seismic measurements had shown that the lake basin had been much deeper in its northern part, another core was taken where maximum depth could be expected. The corer penetrated three moraines, two of them lying above pollen-bearing sediments, and one below them, and reached the hard rock (Kössener Kalk) at a depth of 93 m. Two forest phases could be identified by pollen analysis. The pollen record begins abruptly in a forest phase at the end of a spruce-dominated period when fir started to spread (DA 1, DA = pollen zone). Following this, Abies (fir) was the main tree species at Samerberg, Picea being second, and deciduous trees were almost non-existent. First box (Buxus) was of major importance in the fir forests (DA 2), but later on beech (Fagus) and wing-nut (Pterocarya) spread (DA 3). Finally this forest gave way to a spruce forest with pine (DA 4). The beginning and the end of this interglacial cycle are not recorded. Its vegetational development is different from the eemian one known from earlier studies at Samerberg. It is characterized by the occurrence of Abies together with Buxus, Pterocarya and Fagus. A similar association of woody species is known only from the Holsteinian age deposits in an area ranging from England to Poland, though at no other place these species were such important constituents of the vegetation as at Samerberg. Therefore zone 1 to 4 are attributed to the Holsteinian interglacial period. The younger forest phase, separated from the interglacial by a stadial with open vegetation (DA 5), seems to be completely represented, though its sediments are disturbed, apparently by sliding which caused repetition of same-age-sediments in the core (DA 7a, b, c) The vegetational development is simple. A juniper phase (DA 6) was followed by reforestation with spruce, accompanied by some fir (DA 7, 9). Finally pine became the dominant species (DA 9). The simple vegetational development of this younger forest phase does not allow a safe correlation with one of the known pre-eemian interstadials, but for stratigraphical reasons it can be related best to the Dömnitz-interglacial, which among others is also known as Wacken- or Holstein-II-interglacial. Possibly another phase of reforestation is indicated at the end of the following stadial (DA 10). But due to an erosional unconformity nothing than the rise of the juniper curve can be stated. It was only after this sequence of forest phases and periods with open vegetation that glaciers reached the Samerberg area again.


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The aim of the present study is to investigate directional asymmetric properties and internal structures of the bedforms on the intertidal sand bars in comparison with the migration problems of the sand bodies developed in the channel systems of the tidal basin off the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein. The tidal channel sand bodies studied have 'V'-shaped outlines and are asymmetric in cross-section. Based on such knowledge it was hoped to understand and find possible factors for application to recent and ancient tidal depositional environments. The V-shaped intertidal channel sand bodies developed in the tidal environments between Sylt and Föhr Island are constantly migrating sand bars. The migration directions are in good agreement with the resultant vector mean directions of internal cross-stratification structures of asymmetric sedimentary bedforms. Finally, it is shown that the orientation of the apex of V-shaped sand bar as an equilibrium form alone can not indicate the migration direction, but that the orientation of the resultant vector mean of internal structures of sedimentary bedforms does indicate the migration direction. Based on the analyses of textural parameters of the migrating intertidal bar sands, it seems that sands of typical intertidal sand bars are negatively skewed and well sorted. The high rounding of quarz sand grains of these tidal channel sand bars seems to be an additional characteristical criterion for tidal depositional environments, as also indicated by Balazs and Klein (1972).


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Long-term surveys of the coast bordering the western Baltic Sea in Schleswig-Holstein yielded extensive information over the retreat and condition of active cliffs. 181 cliffs with a total length of 148 km are present along the 55 km coastline including Fehmarn lsland and the Schlei Fjord. Depending on their temporal and spatial evolution, and geomorphological stability, the cliffs are subdivided in three separate classes - actively retreating escarpments, cliff Segments with potential for retreat and stable cliffs. 85 sections of the coastline with a total length of 59 km are classified as ,,active cliffs" that are undergoing retreat through natural erosion, collapse, and disintegration.


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A comparison of a last interglacial annually laminated and varve counted maar lake record from the Eifel/Germany, with a laminated lake sediment record from Northern Germany shows, that high resolution cores can be correlated across central Europe by dust/loess content, if the resolution of grain size data is on the order of decades/centuries. Phases of widespread dust dispersal are the same as the cold events in the Greenland ice and North Atlantic sea surface temperature patterns. The first occurrence of dust in Northern Germany and in the Eifel is during the Late Eemian Aridity Pulse (LEAP, Sirocko et al. 2005) which is called C26 in ocean records (McManus, same vol.). This cold and arid event occurred exactly at the time of the last glacial inception at 118 kyr. Vegetation change in Northern Germany and the Eifel is out of phase after the LEAP. A taiga/tundra vegetation charcterizes Northern Germany between the LEAP and C24, whereas at the same time a Carpinus dominated temperate forest spread in the Eifel region, comparable to the Carpinus dominated forests in France (Sánchez Goñi et al., 2005). A drastic cooling, associated with widespread aridity, came with the C24 cold event, when the vegetation of central Europe changed to a tundra or shrub tundra.


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Geochemical and palynological data from an annually laminated core sequence (Lake Belau, Schleswig-Holstein) are interpreted with respect to vegetation and settlement history on the basis of a chronostratigraphical model and archaeological evidence. Most settlement periods indicated by pollen and archaeological data can be geochemically identified in the sediment sequence using tracer elements such as K, Rb, Zr and the K/Zr ratio. Whilst air-borne pollen carry a more regional signal, the sedimentary flux of these trace elements is determined by the allogenic input from the catchment area of the lake and, therefore, provides information about the local history of settlement and agricultural land use in the lake's vicinity. This is exemplified for the period of the middle Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture ('Iversen landnam'), where a time offset of 250 years between both signals has been detected. In contrast, both geochemical and pollen signals are highly synchronous during the Early Migration Period and the High Medieval Period. Additionally, the Fe/Ca and/or U/Fe ratio may serve as a sensitive tracer for human impact on the trophic state of the lake. The suggested impact of the Romans and the High Medieval civilization can clearly be seen (and quantified) from elevated lead input into Lake Belau sediments at this time. Effects of secular climatic changes on the sedimentary chemistry have not been detected and, if present, seem to have been obliterated by anthropogenic activity.


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Reinvestigation of the Odderade Interstadial in its type locality led to an augmentation of the flora list and correction of some misinterpretations (e.g. Omorica, Frangula). The Eemian, stadials FW 1 and 3, and the interstadials Amersfoort/Broerup and Odderade have been manifested by pollen analyses. FW 1 and FW 3 are probably not completely free from forested areas. The new pollen diagrams considered with older data from Odderade, and in comparison with other regions in Central Europe, fit essentially with the classification and development of Vegetation during the Early Weichselian in Oerel by Behre & Lade (1986).


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Pore water profiles from 24 stations in the South Atlantic (located in the Guinea, Angola, Cape, Guyana, and Argentine basins) show good correlations of oxygen and silicon, suggesting microbially mediated dissolution of biogenic silica. We used simple analytical transport and reaction models to show the tight coupling of the reconstructed process kinetics of aerobic respiration and silicon regeneration. A generic transport and reaction model successfully reproduced the majority of Si pore water profiles from aerobic respiration rates, confirming that the dissolution of biogenic silica (BSi) occurs proportionally to O2 consumption. Possibly limited to well-oxygenated sediments poor in BSi, benthic Si fluxes can be inferred from O2 uptake with satisfactory accuracy. Compared to aerobic respiration kinetics, the solubility of BSi emerged as a less influential parameter for silicon regeneration. Understanding the role of bacteria for silicon regeneration requires further investigations, some of which are outlined. The proposed aerobic respiration control of benthic silicon cycling is suitable for benthic-pelagic models. The empirical relation of BSi dissolution to aerobic respiration can be used for regionalization assessments and estimates of the silicon budget to increase the understanding of global primary and export production patterns.