996 resultados para Holmes, Oliver Wendell


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Chicken is the most widely consumed meat all over the world due to chickens being easy to rear, their fast growth rate and the meat having good nutritional characteristics. The main objective of this paper was to study the effects of dietary fatty by-products in low, medium and high levels of oxidized lipids and trans fatty acids (TFAs) on the contents of cholesterol and oxycholesterols in meat, liver, and plasma of chickens. A palm fatty acid distillate, before and after hydrogenation, and a sunflower-olive oil blend (70/30, v/v) before and after use in a commercial frying process were used in feeding trials after adding 6% of the fats to the feeds. Highly oxidized lipid and TFA feeds significantly increased the contents of cholesterol and oxycholesterols in all tissues of chicken (0.01 < p <= 0.05). The contents of oxycholesterols in chicken meat, liver and plasma obtained from TFA feeding trials varied between 17 and 48 μg/100 g in meat, 19-42 μg/100 g in liver and 105-126 μg/dL in plasma. In contrast, in the oxidized lipid feeding trials, oxycholesterols varied between 13 and 75 μg/100 g in meat, 30-58 μg/100 g in liver and 66-209 μg/dL in plasma. Meat from chickens fed with feeds containing high levels of TFAs or oxidized lipids may contribute to higher ingestion of cholesterol and oxycholesterols by humans.


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The aim of this study was to assess the alterations in plasma, liver, and meat oxidative stability and R-tocopherol content when moderately oxidized sunflower oils were added to feeds and when feeds were supplemented with R-tocopheryl acetate (100 mg/kg) and Zn (200 mg/kg). The effects of cooking the meat and its subsequent refrigeration were also studied. When the content of primary oxidation compounds of the oil was high, rabbit plasma, liver, and meat R-tocopherol content was reduced and meat susceptibility to oxidation increased. The addition of oil with a high content of secondary oxidation compounds (oil heated at 140 'C, 31 h) to feed also led to an increase in meat susceptibi- lity to oxidation, although it presented an R-tocopherol content similar to that of nonheated oil. Feed supplementation with R-tocopheryl acetate increased tissue R-tocopherol content and improved the oxidative stability of liver and meat. However, in the latter, it was less effective when oil heated at 55 'C was added.


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A statistical indentation method has been employed to study the hardness value of fire-refined high conductivity copper, using nanoindentation technique. The Joslin and Oliver approach was used with the aim to separate the hardness (H) influence of copper matrix, from that of inclusions and grain boundaries. This approach relies on a large array of imprints (around 400 indentations), performed at 150 nm of indentation depth. A statistical study using a cumulative distribution function fit and Gaussian simulated distributions, exhibits that H for each phase can be extracted when the indentation depth is much lower than the size of the secondary phases. It is found that the thermal treatment produces a hardness increase, due to the partly re-dissolution of the inclusions (mainly Pb and Sn) in the matrix.


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RESUMO A olivicultura é uma atividade recente no Rio Grande do Sul, com poucas informações sobre os insetos associados. A dinâmica populacional de Saissetia oleae (Oliver) e seu parasitismo natural foram avaliados em pomar de Olea europaea L., cultivar Arbequina, mantidos sob manejo convencional, situado em Caçapava do Sul (30°30'43? S, 53°29'27? O)-RS, Brasil. As amostragens foram mensais, de abril de 2012 a março de 2013. Em cada ocasião, em 20 plantas sorteadas, e dos quadrantes da copa (norte, sul, leste e oeste), foram retirados dois ramos aleatórios (20 a 30 cm de comprimento, com no mínimo 20 folhas), um interno e outro externo. A maior abundância de S. oleae foi na primavera e no verão, e a temperatura foi o fator que interferiu nesta dinâmica. Saissetia oleae distribuiu-se de forma uniforme entre os quadrantes e entre os ramos internos e externos da copa. Nas folhas, observou-se maior abundância de ninfas de primeiro e segundo instares, e nos ramos de ninfas de terceiro instar, adultos e adultos com ovos. A taxa de parasitismo foi de 3,40%.


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“Decidida a viure al preu que sigui” underscores contemporary writer Maria-Antònia Oliver in her prologue to Aurora Bertrana’s fourth book, El Marroc sensual i fanàtic (1936). The urge to travel, to explore the world and to slake her thirst for new experiences shaped much of the personality and the work of this Girona-born writer. Taking her own travels as a starting point, Bertrana distinguished herself in the genre of travel writing on exotic countries, which at that time underwent a significant revival in Catalonia. Bertrana’s originality lies partly in the image of the woman traveller that she consciously cultivated for herself, and partly in the way she narrates her travels. This article seeks to recover this author and make visible her singular way of presenting otherness.


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The effects of the addition of heated oils to feeds (3%, w/w) and the dietary supplementation with a-tocopheryl acetate (TA; 100 mg/kg) and Zn (200 mg/kg) on rabbit tissue fatty acid (FA) composition and on the Zn, Cu, Fe and Se content in meat were assessed. Heating unrefined sunflower oil (SO) at 558C for 245 h increased its content in primary oxidation products and reduced its a-tocopherol content. However, this did not significantly affect tissue FA composition. Heating SO at 1408C for 31 h increased its content in secondary oxidation products and in some FA isomers asc9,t11-CLA and di-trans CLA. This led to increases in di-trans CLA in liver and in t9,c12-18:2 in meat. The c9,t11-CLA was the most incorporated CLA isomer in tissues. The dietary supplementation with a-TA did not affect the FA composition of plasma, liver or meat. The cooking of vacuum-packed rabbit meat at 788C for 5 min reduced significantly but slightly its polyunsaturated FA content. The dietary supplementation with Zn did not modify the content of Zn, Fe or Se in meat, but it reduced its Cu content. On the other hand, it increased the content of some FAs in meat when SO heated at 1408C for 31 h was added to feeds.


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Aquest treball pretén ampliar els estudis relacionats amb la lingüística cognitiva en la llengua catalana, en aquest cas en el camp d'experiència de la publicitat televisiva, i complementar els existents sobre el llenguatge publicitari i la comunicació dels mitjans audiovisuals.


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La sociología actual se sitúa ante el reto actual de contribuir con nuevas formulaciones y alternativas emancipadoras a las desigualdades y opresiones que emergen de las instituciones y organizaciones sociales. Diferentes autores de las Ciencias Sociales reconocen el dualismo de las sociedades: Habermas (1999) diferencia entre sistema y mundo de la vida, Giddens (1984) entre estructura y agencia humana, Beck (1998) analiza la emergencia de la subpolítica en la sociedad del riesgo, Touraine (1997) discute el rol de la subjetividad. Sus contribuciones destacan la capacidad de los agentes sociales no sólo de reproducir las estructuras sociales, sino de transformarlas en contextos en los que nos encontramos.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar las propiedades mecánicas, así como los diferentes mecanismos de fractura activados mediante ensayos de indentación instrumentada, de electrolitos basados en circona estabilizada con itria ("yttria stabilized zirconia",YSZ) y ceria dopada con gadolinia ("gadolinia doped ceria", GDC), para pilas de combustible de óxido sólido, SOFCs. Ambos materiales, con un espesor final de 200 ¿m, se conformaron mediante prensado uniaxial a 500 MPa y se sinterizaron a 1400ºC. Propiedades mecánicas tales como la dureza (H) y el módulo de Young (E) han sido estudiadas a diferentes profundidades de penetración utilizando el algoritmo de Oliver y Pharr.


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Aim: We have previously documented the feasibility of neoadjuvant chemotherapy and EPP in a multicenter trial of MPM (Weder, Ann Oncol 18: 1196, 2007). The objectives of the trimodality trial SAKK17/04 (NCT00334594) were to evaluate the time to loco-regional relapse with or without high dose hemithoracic radiotherapy in a prospective multicenter randomized phase II trial in patients with R0 and R1 resection after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and EPP. Methods: Eligible patients had pathologically confirmed MPM, surgically resectable TNM stage (T1-3 N0-2 M0), PS0-1, ages 18-70 years. Part 1 had a phase II design, and included neoadjuvant chemotherapy with 3 cycles of cisplatin and pemetrexed, followed by restaging and EPP. The primary endpoint of part 1 was complete macroscopic resection (R0-1). Part 2 randomized consenting patients with R0-1 resection into two parallel phase II arms (control arm A and radiotherapy arm B). The primary endpoint for part 2 was loco-regional relapse-free survival (RFS). To detect a 1 year increase with 80% power and 10% alpha, 37 patients were needed for arm B. Secondary endpoints included operability, tolerability of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, survival, and translational research Results: Because accrual of part 2 was slower than planned, the trial was stopped in 2013. Overall, 153 patients entered the trial, of whom 125 underwent surgery and 99 had a complete macroscopic resection (primary endpoint part 1). Of the later patients, 54 could be randomized 1:1 into each arm. Reasons for non-randomization included patient refusal in 24 and ineligibility or protocol deviations in 21. Of the 27 patients randomized to hemithoracic radiotherapy, 25 completed the treatment as planned. For part 1 the median RFS was 8.8 (95%CI: 7.3-10.7) and median OS was 15.0 (95% CI: 12.1-19.3) months. For part 2 the median local RFS for group A was 7.6 (95%CI: 5.5-10.7) and for group B 9.4 (95%CI: 6.5-11.9) months (primary endpoint part 2), while the overall RFS and OS for group A were 5.7 (95%CI: 3.5-8.8) and 16.9 (95%CI: 10.7-23.6) months and for group B 7.6 (95% CI:5.2-10.6) and 14.9 (95%CI: 7.0-17.6) months. Conclusions: This study did not reach the primary endpoint which was defined as one-year increase in loco-regional relapse-free survival and thus does not support the routine use of hemithoracic RT after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and EPP. Disclosure: All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.


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ISSUES: There have been reviews on the association between density of alcohol outlets and harm including studies published up to December 2008. Since then the number of publications has increased dramatically. The study reviews the more recent studies with regard to their utility to inform policy. APPROACH: A systematic review found more than 160 relevant studies (published between January 2009 and October 2014). The review focused on: (i) outlet density and assaultive or intimate partner violence; (ii) studies including individual level data; or (iii) 'natural experiments'. KEY FINDINGS: Despite overall evidence for an association between density and harm, there is little evidence on causal direction (i.e. whether demand leads to more supply or increased availability increases alcohol use and harm). When outlet types (e.g. bars, supermarkets) are analysed separately, studies are too methodologically diverse and partly contradictory to permit firm conclusions besides those pertaining to high outlet densities in areas such as entertainment districts. Outlet density commonly had little effect on individual-level alcohol use, and the few 'natural experiments' on restricting densities showed little or no effects. IMPLICATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS: Although outlet densities are likely to be positively related to alcohol use and harm, few policy recommendations can be given as effects vary across study areas, outlet types and outlet cluster size. Future studies should examine in detail outlet types, compare different outcomes associated with different strengths of association with alcohol, analyse non-linear effects and compare different methodologies. Purely aggregate-level studies examining total outlet density only should be abandoned. [Gmel G, Holmes J, Studer J. Are alcohol outlet densities strongly associated with alcohol-related outcomes? A critical review of recent evidence. Drug Alcohol Rev 2015].