963 resultados para Hodgkin`s lymphoma
Doenças sistêmicas, doenças orbitárias primárias e lesões extra-orbitárias com extensão secundária para a órbita podem causar proptose ocular. Foram estudados, por tomografia computadorizada, 11 pacientes com proptose ocular causada por tumores malignos extra-orbitários, sem qualquer tratamento prévio do tumor. Houve predomínio de neoplasias não-epiteliais (82%), tendo sido três rabdomiossarcomas (27%) e três linfomas não-Hodgkin (27%). Outros sarcomas estiveram presentes em dois casos (18%), seguidos por linfoma de Burkitt (9%), carcinoma epidermóide (9%) e carcinoma pouco diferenciado (9%). Nove tumores (82%) tiveram origem nas cavidades sinonasais, a maioria (cinco casos) com origem no seio etmoidal. Proptose ocular foi a única alteração oftálmica em quatro casos (36%), e um paciente teve proptose ocular bilateral como único sinal da doença. Dezessete órbitas foram acometidas pelos 11 tumores, já que seis pacientes tiveram comprometimento orbitário tumoral bilateral. Os tumores se estenderam às órbitas preferencialmente através da parede óssea orbitária (16 órbitas; 94%). Das 17 órbitas comprometidas, a maioria (59%) teve todos os compartimentos lesados. Em 16 órbitas o tumor apresentou situação extraconal. À tomografia computadorizada, proptose ocular esteve presente em 15 das 17 órbitas (88%), tendo sido bilateral em quatro casos (oito órbitas). Houve predomínio de proptose ocular grau 2 à tomografia computadorizada (sete pacientes; 47%). Um total de 44 regiões crânio-faciais foi comprometido, além da órbita e do sítio de origem da neoplasia, indicando a grande extensão loco-regional desses tumores no momento do diagnóstico.
OBJETIVO: Identificar alterações pulmonares em pacientes com neoplasia esofágica. Comparar os dados obtidos, além de mostrar sua relação com o tabagismo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal tipo série de casos. Foram analisados prontuários e exames de imagem (tomografias computadorizadas e radiografias) de 55 pacientes com câncer de esôfago, diagnosticados entre 1998 e 2001, no Hospital de Base de São José do Rio Preto. Comparou-se a freqüência dos tumores encontrados e outras alterações pulmonares em dois grupos de pacientes: tabagistas e não tabagistas. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e seis (83%) pacientes apresentaram carcinomas espinocelulares, sete (13%) adenocarcinomas, um (2%) carcinoma de pequenas células e um (2%) linfoma não-Hodgkin. Quarenta e oito (87%) pacientes eram tabagistas e sete (13%) eram não tabagistas. Entre os tabagistas, 89% possuíam carcinoma espinocelular, 9% adenocarcinoma e 2% carcinoma de pequenas células. Entre os não tabagistas, 57% apresentaram adenocarcinoma, 28% carcinoma espinocelular e 15% linfoma não-Hodgkin. Houve metástases em quatro tabagistas e em dois não tabagistas. A prevalência das alterações pulmonares (infiltrado intersticial, enfisema e pneumonia) foi maior nos tabagistas (73%) do que nos não tabagistas (27%) (p = 0,03). CONCLUSÃO: Este fato reforça a importância da avaliação pulmonar nos pacientes com neoplasia esofágica.
Background. Mycosis Fungoides (MF) is the most common cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, and large cell trasformation (tMF) is an adverse prognostic event. Extra-cutaneous dissemination can occur in the course of the disease, but dissemination to the central nervous system (CNS) is uncommon. Moreover, CNS lymphomas are overall rare and most often of B-cell phenotype. We report a case of CNS large T-cell lymphoma presenting as multiple cerebral lesions in a patient with a history of MF. Methods. We report a case of a 33-year-old woman, known since the age of 16 for erythematous plaques thought to be atopic dermatitis, who developed, end 2012, multiple nodular skin lesions and peripheral adenopathies. Two skin lesions were biopsied simultaneously, and diagnosed as MF and tMF. A lymph node biopsy showed dermatopathic changes without lymphoma (Stage IIB). She received local treatment (UVB, PUVA and radiation therapy) and interferon therapy, and experienced almost complete remission. In 2015 neurological symptoms lead to evidence multiple cerebral lesions, suspicious for lymphoma, evaluated by stereotaxic biopsies. We compared histopathological and molecular features of these with previous skin specimens. After negative bone marrow staging biopsy, she was recently started on chemotherapy (MATRIX). Short follow-up shows rapidly worsening clinical conditions. Results. One of the initial skin biopsies showed atypical lymphoid cells with epidermotropism, Pautrier abcesses and CD4+ CD30- phenotype; the other revealed diffuse dermal infiltration by predominantly large cerebriform tumor cells with high proliferative fraction, and CD2−CD3 −CD4+/−CD7−CD30+ALK- EMA- non-cytotoxic immunophenotype. Altogether, these results led us to diagnose MF and tMF, respectively. The brain was infiltrated by large atypical lymphoid cells with cerebriform nuclei, somewhat anaplastic features and perivascular distribution. By immunohistochemistry, tumor cells were highly proliferative, with a CD2−CD3+CD5−CD7+CD30+ activated cytotoxic immunophenotype. A diagnosis of CD30+ cytotoxic peripheral T-cell lymphoma was retained. TRG and TRB clonality analyses revealed clonal rearrangements in skin and CNS biopsies, with identical patterns in both skin specimens but only minimally overlapping profiles when compared to the CNS sample. Der Pathologe 6 ? 2015 | 633 Conclusions. The reported case illustrates an uncommon finding of a CNS T-cell lymphoma in a patient with previous MF, questioning the clonal relationship between the two diseases and challenging the adequate classification of this CNS lymphoma as either a progression or a de novo lymphoma. Despite differences in immunophenotype and clonality patterns, this CNS lymphoma could possibly represent an aggressive divergent evolution of a primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Additional sequencing is ongoing to try to solve the question.
OBJETIVO: Analisar os aspectos tomográficos dos tumores malignos da cavidade nasal. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 18 pacientes - dez homens e oito mulheres - com tumor da cavidade nasal, os quais realizaram tomografia computadorizada da face. RESULTADOS: Dos tumores, seis eram casos de carcinoma epidermóide, três melanomas, dois carcinomas adenóides císticos, um adenocarcinoma polimórfico de baixo grau, um carcinoma indiferenciado, um carcinoma neuroendócrino, um linfoma não-Hodgkin, um rabdomiossarcoma alveolar, um sarcoma fusocelular grau II e um estesioneuroblastoma. As lesões foram mais freqüentes (p > 0,05) no lado esquerdo e no andar médio. CONCLUSÃO: Os carcinomas epidermóides apresentam grau de destruição correspondente ao seu volume, semelhante aos tumores epidermóides de outros sítios. O septo nasal foi acometido de maneira diferente, de acordo com os tipos histológicos.
OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados gerais do linfoma em pacientes abaixo de 20 anos de idade e por subtipo histológico. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo do arquivo digital de tomografia computadorizada do Centro de Controle do Câncer do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de março de 2003 a julho de 2005. Dos 22 casos - 16 do sexo masculino e 6 do sexo feminino, com média de idade de 11,5 anos -, 12 eram do subtipo Hodgkin e 10 eram não-Hodgkin. RESULTADOS: Dos achados gerais, verificamos as linfonodomegalias mediastinais como o mais freqüente (59%), com predomínio no grupo Hodgkin (75%), seguido por hepatoesplenomegalia (50%) e linfonodomegalias cervicais e retroperitoneais (27,3%). No subtipo Hodgkin houve predomínio do acometimento linfonodal, em sucessivas cadeias, seguido pela hepatoesplenomegalia (50%). Verificamos um caso de massa tonsilar unilateral, opacidade pulmonar em "vidro-fosco" e nódulos renais. No subtipo não-Hodgkin houve predomínio extranodal caracterizado por hepatoesplenomegalia (50%), espessamento de alça intestinal (40%), derrame pleural (30%), nódulo pulmonar (20%), ascite (10%), derrame pericárdico (10%) e lesões ósseas mistas (10%). CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia computadorizada é de grande valia no diagnóstico, estadiamento e seguimento do linfoma, com achados de alerta como massa linfonodal, notadamente mediastinal, hepatoesplenomegalia, massa unilateral na tonsila e espessamento parietal de alça intestinal.
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with MYC rearrangement (MYC-R) carries an unfavorable outcome. We explored the prognostic value of the MYC translocation partner gene in a series of MYC-R de novo DLBCL patients enrolled in first-line prospective clinical trials (Groupe d'Etudes des Lymphomes de l'Adulte/Lymphoma Study Association) and treated with rituximab-anthracycline-based chemotherapy. A total of 774 DLBCL cases characterized for cell of origin by the Hans classifier were analyzed using fluorescence in situ hybridization with BCL2, BCL6, MYC, immunoglobulin (IG)K, and IGL break-apart and IGH/MYC, IGK/MYC, and IGL/MYC fusion probes. MYC-R was observed in 51/574 (8.9%) evaluable DLBCL cases. MYC-R cases were predominantly of the germinal center B-cell-like subtype 37/51 (74%) with no distinctive morphologic and phenotypic features. Nineteen cases were MYC single-hit and 32 cases were MYC double-hit (MYC plus BCL2 and/or BCL6) DLBCL. MYC translocation partner was an IG gene in 24 cases (MYC-IG) and a non-IG gene (MYC-non-IG) in 26 of 50 evaluable cases. Noteworthy, MYC-IG patients had shorter overall survival (OS) (P = .0002) compared with MYC-negative patients, whereas no survival difference was observed between MYC-non-IG and MYC-negative patients. In multivariate analyses, MYC-IG predicted poor progression-free survival (P = .0051) and OS (P = .0006) independently from the International Prognostic Index and the Hans classifier. In conclusion, we show in this prospective randomized trial that the adverse prognostic impact of MYC-R is correlated to the MYC-IG translocation partner gene in DLBCL patients treated with immunochemotherapy. These results may have an important impact on the clinical management of DLBCL patients with MYC-R who should be routinely characterized according to MYC partner gene. These trials are individually registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT00144807, #NCT01087424, #NCT00169143, #NCT00144755, #NCT00140660, #NCT00140595, and #NCT00135499.
Whole-body coverage using MRI was developed almost 2 decades ago. The first applications focused on the investigation of the skeleton to detect neoplastic disease, mainly metastases from solid cancers, and involvement by multiple myeloma and lymphoma. But the extensive coverage of the whole musculoskeletal system, combined with the exquisite sensitivity of MRI to tissue alteration in relation to different pathologic conditions, mainly inflammation, has led to the identification of a growing number of indications outside oncology. Seronegative rheumatisms, systemic sclerosis, inflammatory diseases involving muscles or fascias, and multifocal osseous, vascular, or neurologic diseases represent currently validated or emerging indications of whole-body MRI (WB-MRI). We first illustrate the most valuable indications of WB-MRI in seronegative rheumatisms that include providing significant diagnostic information in patients with negative or ambiguous MRI of the sacroiliac joints and the lumbar spine, assessing disease activity in advanced (ankylosed) central disease, and evaluating the peripherally dominant forms of spondyloarthropathy. Then we review the increasing indications of WB-MRI in other rheumatologic and nonneoplastic disorders, underline the clinical needs, and illustrate the role of WB-MRI in the positive diagnosis and evaluation of disease burden, therapeutic decisions, and treatment monitoring.
The paracaspase MALT1 has a central role in the activation of lymphocytes and other immune cells including myeloid cells, mast cells and NK cells. MALT1 activity is required not only for the immune response, but also for the development of natural Treg cells that keep the immune response in check. Exaggerated MALT1 activity has been associated with the development of lymphoid malignancies, and recently developed MALT1 inhibitors show promising anti-tumor effects in xenograft models of diffuse large B cell lymphoma. In this review, we provide an overview of the present understanding of MALT1's function, and discuss possibilities for its therapeutic targeting based on recently developed inhibitors and animal models.
A rara síndrome do granuloma letal da linha média apresenta difícil diagnóstico, em razão da grande variedade de doenças que podem causá-la e um desconhecimento pela maioria da classe médica. No presente artigo relatamos caso de paciente com esta doença, provocada por carcinoma epidermoide, chamando a atenção para os diagnósticos diferenciais e aspectos clínico-radiológicos que podem auxiliar no diagnóstico.
Selon les statistiques, les maladies cancéreuses sont en augmentation dans les pays en développement ainsi que dans les pays industrialisés. Ceci peut s'expliquer largement par les habitudes alimentaires, le tabagisme, les infections, le manque d'activité physique, la pollution et le stress, entre autres. Ainsi, l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) prévoit une augmentation de la fréquence des cancers avec 15 millions de nouveaux cas par an en 2020. La transformation d'une cellule normale en une cellule cancéreuse se déroule en plusieurs étapes avec, au niveau moléculaire, différentes mutations ciblant des protéines régulant la croissance cellulaire. Un des exemples de protéines qui participent au contrôle des voies cellulaires impliquées lors de la prolifération des cellules sont les complexes de protéines mTORCl et mTORC2 (« mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 and 2 »). Ces complexes mTORCl et mTORC2 activent des processus anaboliques (la synthèse de protéines et de lipides, le métabolisme énergétique, entre autres) et inhibent en même temps des voies de catabolismes cellulaires (autophagie et synthèse de lysosomes). Ils sont souvent mutés dans de nombreux cas de cancers, c'est pourquoi ils sont la cible de nombreux traitements anti-cancéreux. Pour ces raisons, nous nous sommes intéressés aux mécanismes d'actions moléculaires des drogues qui ciblent les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2. Nous avons ainsi découvert qu'une molécule présente uniquement dans le complexe mTORCl, raptor, était clivée en un fragment plus petit lors du traitement de cellules cancéreuses avec des drogues. Des molécules activées durant la mort cellulaire programmée par apoptose, les caspases, se sont révélées responsables du clivage de raptor. Nous avons ensuite décrit de façon précise les sites de clivage de raptor par les caspases durant la mort cellulaire. Il s'est avéré que le clivage de raptor affaiblissait son interaction avec mTOR au sein du complexe mTORCl, ce qui participe à l'inactivation de mTORCl lors de traitements avec des molécules anti-cancéreuses. Ces résultats nous ont permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes d'actions de différentes drogues anti-cancéreuses au niveau du complexe mTORCl, ce qui peut être utile pour la synthèse de nouvelles molécules ciblant mTORCl ainsi que pour lutter contre les mécanismes de résistance chimiothérapeutiques. -- La protéine « mammalian target of rapamycin » (mTOR) est une sérine/thréonine kinase qui est hautement conservée des protistes à l'être humain. Deux complexes mTOR existent : le complexe 1 mTOR (mTORCl) et le complexe 2 mTOR (mTORC2). Ils régulent positivement des processus anaboliques (synthèse de protéines et de lipides, le métabolisme énergétique, l'organisation du cytosquelette, la survie cellulaire) et négativement des voies cataboliques (autophagic, biogenèse de lysosomes). Les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2 sont sensibles aux signaux mitogéniques tels que les acides aminés, le glucose, les facteurs de croissance, l'état énergétique (ATP) et les niveaux d'oxygène et induisent des voies de croissance cellulaire essentielles. La voie cellulaire regulée par mTORCl peut être hyperactivée dans de nombreux cancers humains. Puisque plusieurs voies cellulaires convergent et régulent les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2, des mutations dans les kinases en amont peuvent mener à une dérégulation de l'activation de mTOR. Des stratégies thérapeutiques ont été développées pour cibler les complexes mTORCl et mTORC2, ainsi que les kinases en amont qui régulent mTOR. Plusieurs drogues ciblant mTORCl, telles que la rapamycine et la curcumine, affectent l'interaction entre mTOR et un composant spécifique de mTORCl, raptor. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés aux mécanismes moléculaires des drogues qui ciblent mTORCl, ainsi que leur effet déstabilisant sur l'interaction entre mTOR et raptor dans des lignées cellulaires de lymphomes. Nous avons démontré que raptor était clivé en un fragment de lOOkDa après traitement avec la rapamycine, la curcumine, l'étoposide, la cisplatine, la staurosporine et le ligand Fas (FasL). Etant donné que ces drogues ont été décrites comme induisant I'apoptose, l'utilisation d'un inhibiteur de caspases (z- VAD-fmk) a révélé que le clivage de raptor, lors de la mort cellulaire, était dépendant des caspases. Des essais caspases in vitro ont permis d'identifier la caspase-6 (ainsi que probablement d'autres caspases) comme étant une protéase impliquée dans le clivage de raptor. La séquence protéique de raptor a montré potentiellement plusieurs sites de clivage de caspases aux extrémités amino-terminale et carboxy-terminale. La mutagénèse a permis d'identifier les sites de clivages de raptor par les caspases comme étant DEAD LTD (acides aminés 17-23) et DDADD (acides aminés 939¬943). De plus, le clivage de raptor corrèle avec l'inhibition de l'activité de mTORCl envers ces substrats (S6K et 4E-BP1). Nous avons aussi observé que le clivage de raptor affaiblissait l'interaction entre mTOR et raptor, ce qui indique que ce clivage est une étape critique dans l'inhibition de mTORCl durant I'apoptose. Pour terminer, la mutagénèse du site de clivage de raptor DDADD a montré une résistance à la mort cellulaire de cellules cancéreuses. Notre travail de recherche a révélé un nouveau mécanisme moléculaire qui module l'organisation et l'activité de mTORCl, ce qui peut être d'un grand intérêt pour les recherches dans le domaine de mTOR ainsi que pour la découverte de molécules ciblant mTORCl. -- The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a serine/threonine protein kinase, which is highly conserved from yeast to humans. Two different mTOR complexes exist: the mTOR complex 1 (mTORCl) and the mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2). They positively regulate anabolic processes (protein and lipid synthesis, energy metabolism, cytoskeleton organization, cell survival) and negatively regulate catabolic pathways (autophagy, lysosome biogenesis). The mTORCl and mTORC2 respond to mitogenic stimuli such as amino acids, glucose, growth factors, energy levels (ATP) and oxygen levels and drive essential cellular growth pathways. The mTORCl pathway can be found hyperactivated in numerous human cancers. As various cellular pathways converge and regulate mTORCl and mTORC2, mutations in upstream protein kinases can lead to a deregulated mTOR activation. Different therapeutic strategies have been developped to target mTORCl, mTORC2, as well as upstream protein kinases regulating mTOR pathways. Various drugs targeting mTORCl, such as rapamycin and curcumin, affect the interaction between mTOR and a specific mTORCl component, raptor. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of drugs targeting mTORCl, as well as their destabilizing effect on the mTOR-raptor interaction in lymphoma cell lines. We demonstrated that raptor was processed into a lOOkDa fragment after treatment with rapamycin, curcumin, etoposide, cisplatin, staurosporine and FasL. As these drugs were reported to induce apoptosis, the use of a pan-caspase inhibitor (z-VAD-fmk) revealed that the cleavage of raptor under cell death was caspase-dependent. In vitro caspase assays were performed to identify caspases-6 (and probably other caspases) as an important cysteine protease implicated in the cleavage of raptor. Analysis of raptor protein sequence showed several putative caspase-specific cleavage sites at the N-terminal and the C-terminal ends. Mutagenesis studies allowed us to identify the DEADLTD (amino acids 17-23) and the DDADD (amino acids 939-943) as the caspase-dependent cleavage residues of raptor. Furthermore, the cleavage of raptor correlated with inhibition of mTORCl activity towards its specific targets (4E-BP1 and S6K). We also highlighted that raptor processing weakened the interaction between mTOR and raptor, indicating that raptor cleavage is a critical step in the mTORCl inhibition process during apoptosis. Finally, mutagenesis of raptor C-terminal cleavage site (DDADD) conferred resistance to the chemotherapeutic-mediated cell death cascade of cancer cell. Our research work highlighted a new molecular mechanism modulating mTORCl organization and activity, which can be of great interest in the mTOR field research and for designing drugs trageting mTORCl.
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a gram negative bacteria that represents a considerable global burden in the world and is related to many gastrointestinal diseases (peptic ulcer, gastric MALT lymphoma or gastric cancer). Currently the triple standard therapy is less used as there is an increase of the clarithromycin resistance. Therefore patients have to receive several lines of treatment with the consequence of adverse events and the possibility to interrupt the treatment. This is why the main objective is to determine if making a culture and antibiogram to do a targeted treatment cause less adverse events with the same eradication than making an empirical treatment to eradicate H. pylori. The secondary objective is to determine the prevalence of resistance to clarithromycin in the province of GironaThis is a multicentre clinical trial without blinding; patients are selected by non-probabilistic sampling, with a total sample of 868 patients randomized in two equal groups of 434 patients in each group. The study will last 2 years. The endpoints will be to evaluate the adverse events and eradication of each group of patients. Also it will be evaluated the resistance to clarithromycin
B lymphocytes constitute a key branch of adaptive immunity by providing specificity to recognize a vast variety of antigens by B cell antigen receptors (BCR) and secreted antibodies. Antigen recognition activates the cells and can produce antibody secreting plasma cells via germinal center reaction that leads to the maturation of antigen recognition affinity and switching of antibody effector class. The specificity of antigen recognition is achieved through a multistep developmental pathway that is organized by interplay of transcription factors and signals through BCR. Lymphoid malignancies arise from different stages of development in abnormal function of transcriptional regulation. To understand the B cell development and the function of B cells, a thorough understanding of the regulation of gene expression is important. The transcription factors of the Ikaros family and Bcl6 are frequently associated with lymphoma generation. The aim of this study was to reveal the targets of Ikaros, Helios and Bcl6 mediated gene regulation and to find out the function of Ikaros and Helios in B cells. This study uses gene targeted DT40 B cell lines and establishes a role for Ikaros family factors Ikaros and Helios in the regulation of BCR signaling that is important at developmental checkpoints, for cell survival and in activation. Ikaros and Helios had opposing roles in the regulation of BCR signals. Ikaros was found to directly repress the SHIP gene that encodes a signaling lipid-metabolizing enzyme, whereas Helios had activating effect on SHIP expression. The findings demonstrate a balancing function for these two Ikaros family transcription factors in the regulation of BCR signaling as well as in the regulation of gene expression. Bcl6 was found to repress plasma cell gene expression program while maintaining gene expression profile of B cells. Analysis of direct Bcl6 target genes suggested novel mechanisms for Bcl6-mediated suppression of plasma cell differentiation and promoting germinal center phenotype.
OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi analisar os resultados de 25 doentes com linfoma gástrico primário operados com intenção curativa. MÉTODO: os dados foram obtidos pela revisão dos prontuários e contato com os doentes ou familiares. A doença foi estadiada pelo sistema Ann Arbor modificado por Musshoff e Schmidt-Vollmer e a classificação histológica utilizada foi o sistema de Kiel. O esquema de radioterapia utilizado foi o CHOP e a radioterapia aplicada foi de 2000 a 4000 cGy. RESULTADOS: os sintomas e sinais clínicos assemelhavam-se aos da doença péptica ulcerosa ou do carcinoma gástrico Obteve-se o diagnóstico pré-operatório pela biópsia endoscópica em três casos e a exploração cirúrgica foi necessária para o diagnóstico nos restantes. No pré-operatório, sete doentes (30,4%) foram submetidos ao mielograma, que foi normal. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à ressecção (12 gastrectomias subtotais e 13 gastrectomias totais) com retirada dos linfonodos regionais. Dez doentes (40%) receberam tratamento complementar (quimioterapia e/ou radioterapia). O estadiamento foi significativamente mais avançado nas lesões fundocárdicas e nos mais idosos e a sobrevida média foi de 31,5 meses. CONCLUSÕES: nesta série, as variáveis que influenciaram significativamente os índices de sobrevida foram a idade e o estádio avançados, o tamanho da lesão maior que 6,0cm e a realização do tratamento adjuvante pós-operatório (p< 0,05). Estes resultados sugerem que a ressecção completa da lesão com linfonodos adjacentes, acompanhada de tratamento adjuvante, constitui a melhor abordagem do linfoma gástrico primário ressecável.
The authors report two cases of MALT (Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue) lymphoma of the colon, describing their peculiarities related to diagnosis, treatment and imunopathology. Both had no signs of systemic disease and were submitted to colectomy. Follow-up was uneventful . It's emphasized about raising the possibility of a MALT neoplasm whenever investigating a colonic tumor and the value of imunocitochemistry in the correct diagnosis of these lesions. We also discuss about the pathogens of this lesion.
OBJETIVO: Relatar a experiência inicial do Centro Infantil Boldrini com a esplenectomia laparoscópica (EL) em crianças e adultos jovens. MÉTODO: Foram revisados os prontuários de 40 pacientes (mediana da idade de 6,6 anos; 1 a 22,8) submetidos à EL entre Julho de 2000 e Maio de 2002. As principais indicações de acordo com a doença de base foram: doença falciforme (DF) em 20 pacientes (50%), esferocitose hereditária em 10 (25 %), púrpura trombocitopência idiopática em oito (20 %), doença de Hodgkin em um e anemia hemolítica a esclarecer em um. RESULTADOS: Trinta e oito esplenectomias foram completadas por via laparoscópica (duas conversões) e em doze foi realizada adicionalmente a colecistectomia. A mediana do tempo operatório foi de 127,5 minutos (90-240 min) e sete (17,5 %) baços acessórios foram encontrados. Sangramento intra-operatório foi significativo apenas nas duas conversões, mas não houve necessidade de transfusões. A mediana do peso dos baços foi de 250 g (106-1000; n=36). Complicações pós-operatórias ocorreram em sete (17,5 %) pacientes e, nos portadores de DF, 35% desenvolveram síndrome torácica aguda. A mediana da permanência hospitalar pós-operatória foi de dois dias (2 - 14). O seguimento variou de 23 dias a dois anos (mediana de 11 meses). CONCLUSÕES: A EL pode ser realizada de modo seguro mesmo em baços de grande tamanho e é opção atrativa que pode substituir o procedimento aberto. Em pacientes com DF, a taxa de complicações permanece alta, sugerindo mecanismos outros que vão além da escolha da via de acesso cirúrgica.