990 resultados para Historical present
From 6 to 8 November 1982 one of the most catastrophic flash-flood events was recorded in the Eastern Pyrenees affecting Andorra and also France and Spain with rainfall accumulations exceeding 400 mm in 24 h, 44 fatalities and widespread damage. This paper aims to exhaustively document this heavy precipitation event and examines mesoscale simulations performed by the French Meso-NH non-hydrostatic atmospheric model. Large-scale simulations show the slow-evolving synoptic environment favourable for the development of a deep Atlantic cyclone which induced a strong southerly flow over the Eastern Pyrenees. From the evolution of the synoptic pattern four distinct phases have been identified during the event. The mesoscale analysis presents the second and the third phase as the most intense in terms of rainfall accumulations and highlights the interaction of the moist and conditionally unstable flows with the mountains. The presence of a SW low level jet (30 m s-1) around 1500 m also had a crucial role on focusing the precipitation over the exposed south slopes of the Eastern Pyrenees. Backward trajectories based on Eulerian on-line passive tracers indicate that the orographic uplift was the main forcing mechanism which triggered and maintained the precipitating systems more than 30 h over the Pyrenees. The moisture of the feeding flow mainly came from the Atlantic Ocean (7-9 g kg-1) and the role of the Mediterranean as a local moisture source was very limited (2-3 g kg-1) due to the high initial water vapour content of the parcels and the rapid passage over the basin along the Spanish Mediterranean coast (less than 12 h).
Aquest projecte estudia la dansa francesa dels segles XVII i XVIII i la seva relació amb la interpretació musical. A partir de les fonts de l’època (tractats, coreografies i testimonis) s’han analitzat els components de la dansa i la seva significació social en el context de la cort de Lluís XIV a Versalles. L’objectiu final es oferir al músic actual alguns elements necessaris que contribueixin a la interpretació d’un repertori molt habitual i sobre el qual es basa molta de la música instrumental de l’època. La cultura de la dansa formava part de la quotidianitat del músic d’abans: música i dansa eren elements inseparables. Per tant, l’intèrpret de música històrica actual hauria de considerar-la com un element constitutiu per la formació de criteris d’interpretació històricament informats.
En aquest treball es presenta una edició crítica del col·loqui sobre la proclamació del rei Ferran VI. També s'explica la relació dels col·loquis i el teatre breu, temes, llocs de representació, destinatari final i la funció dels seus creadors i recitadors anomenats col·loquiers. A més, s'explica el context sociopolític en què es varen concebre i unes pinzellades sobre el seu autor i la seua producció literària en català.
The present paper aims at an historical reconstruction, in the framework of the publishing industry in the years between the two World Wars, of the role played by the publisher William W. Norton in the genesis, published in 1932, and new edition in 1938, of Walter B. Cannon"s book The Wisdom of the Body. With the analysis of this case study, we aimed at contributing to the current criticism of the «dominant view», which tries, in an uncritical manner, that scientific popularization follows an ineluctable, continuous and linear evolution.
Everything must be done to prevent and take care of lymphoedema as soon as possible to avoid its progression and its negative impact on patient's psychology and quality of life. The physical limitations and the socio-occupational incidence of lymphoedema must not be neglected. For theses reasons, it is important to promote the education of lymphology and its therapy. Since April 2008, the service of angiology of our university hospital (CHUV) has developed a multidisciplinary consultation for diagnosing and managing oedemas particularly primary and secondary lymphoedemas.
Un treball final de carrera (TFC) és un dels últims passos de molts estudis, com per exemple els graus d'enginyeria. Els estudiants solen presentar els resultats del seu projecte final en una presentació pública, on un comitè avalua el seu treball. Els estudiants, en aquesta activitat, s'ocupen de competències com ara: fer presentacions orals efectives en entorns públics, en una situació estressant. Però, es pot assolir aquesta competència en un entorn virtual?A la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), una universitat 100% virtual, es proposa una solució basada en les presentacions en vídeo que es pugen en una eina, Present@, que els permet compartir les presentacions i permet fer preguntes i escriure les respostes en un entorn obert.Present@ ofereix una eina millorada per pujar vídeos, que simplifica el procés i fa que sigui apropiada per als estudiants de qualsevol àrea de coneixement. Però treballar amb vídeos va un pas més enllà i requereix també la tecnologia adequada per donar suport a aquest tipus d'arxius. Així, s'ha afegit al Present@ un servei d'"streaming", Kaltura. Amb aquest servei els estudiants poden pujar fàcilment gairebé qualsevol format de vídeo i és possible fer comentaris en vídeo.131 estudiants han estat usant el Present@ durant 4 semestres. Per avaluar l'eina, els estudiants han contestat un qüestionari i de les respostes rebudes es conclou que aquest enfocament permet als estudiants virtuals adquirir la major part de les competències relacionades amb el TFC i, en concret, amb la dissertació virtual en entorns virtuals. Potser l'única característica a què no s'enfronten és la tensió de les preguntes.És important assenyalar que, gràcies a les millores introduïdes, el Present@ està present, actualment en més de 100 aules a UOC i s'utilitza no només per al TFC, sinó també per explicar assignatures per ajudar els estudiants
L’aparició del turisme ha estat una de les claus per a entendre la transformació que ha patit la plana del Baix Ter, tant pel que fa al paisatge humà com al paisatge físic. Les raons de la massificació del turisme a la Costa Brava serien la bellesa de l’entorn, la bona climatologia i l’oferta de serveis a un preu assequible
This article details the use of photographic rectification as support for the graphic documentation of historical and archaeological heritage and specifically the southern facade of the Torre del Pretori (Praetorium Tower) in Tarragona. The Praetorium Tower is part of a larger monumental complex and one of the towers that connected different parts of the Tarraco Provincial Forum, the politic-administrative centre of the ancient capital of Hispania Citerioris. It is therefore a valuable example of the evolution of Roman urban architecture. The aim of this project is to provide accurate graphic documentation of the structure to facilitate the restoration and conservation of the tower, as well as to provide a more profound architectural and archaeological understanding of the Roman forum. The use of photographic rectification enabled us to overcome the spatial and time difficulties involved in collecting data caused by the size and location of the building. Specific software made it easier to obtain accurate two-dimensional images. For this reason, in our case, photographic rectification helped us to make a direct analysis of the monument and facilitated interpretation of the architectural stratigraphy. We currently separate the line of research into two concepts: the construction processes and the architecture of the building. The documentation collected permitted various analyses: the characterisation of the building modules, identification of the tools used to work the building materials, etc. In conclusion, the use of orthoimages is a powerful tool that permits the systematic study of a Roman building that has evolved over the centuries and is now in a modern urban context.
My study is based on an ethnography of two groups of young people from working-class neighbourhoods in Barcelona. I was interested in researching the impact of Catalan language policies on the identities of young people of Spanish-speaking immigrant families. I sought to go beyond the constraints of traditional structuralist approaches in Sociolinguistics in order to make my analysis relevant to people working for gender equality, the promotion of the Catalan language, or other social causes. I combine ideas from Bakhtin, Bourdieu, Fairclough, Foucault and Goffman to build a dialectical, historical, process-centred perspective that conceptualises practices in terms of social and political struggles.I analyse young people's peer-group activities in terms of their significance for the construction of gender identities. I propose a variety of forms of masculinity and femininity according to the various ways in which members organised their gender displays in face-to-face interaction.I also show how their use of argot and dialectal Spanish was part of the processes whereby members defined their relationships, constructed particular subject positions in interaction and struggled to legitimate their own values.I explore the meanings constructed through Catalan and Spanish by looking into the code-switching practices of my participants. I analysed their talk in terms of narratives that present particular sequential dramatisations of events for conversational audiences. These narratives follow the expressive intention of the author, and are populated with multiple voices of animated characters. I argue that, in the groups I studied, Catalan was generally not used to animate the voices that were central to the identities of the peer-group, and particularly to masculine identities.In order to contextualise these practices within the wider society, I also look into the processes of language choice in face-to-face encounters. I argue that existing conventions made it difficult for people to find opportunities to speak Catalan. I also pointed to the difficulties that my participants had to find employment, which were particularly acute amongst the more politically aware individuals. I conclude that these young working-class people had little possibilities of investing in more egalitarian forms of identity given their lack of resources and opportunities to develop their identities in other social spaces, such as the workplace.
long-term cultural history of the Madriu-Perafita-Claror valleys (Andorra) and the Cadí Range (Catalonia) has been investigated thanks to the combination of archaeological surveys and excavation, analysis of written sources, multiproxy alaeoenvironment analysis (pollen, NPP, micro and macro charcoal, sedimentology and geochemistry), and digital technologies such as stereophotogrammetry, multispectral imaging, DGPS and GIS. The project has been designed from a landscape archaeology approach and the study area has been selected due to the suitable setting it provides for a meaningful application of the aforementioned techniques. Consequently, archaeological, historical and palaeoenvironmental data have been all treated as cultural proxies. Their comparison has allowed obtaining not only coherent but also complementary results. The project outcomes show an uninterrupted occupation of these high mountain valleys (2000-2600 m a.s.l.) from the Mesolithic until the present. This human occupation shows strong spatial and chronological variability in human practices ranging from a stable long term group occupation in the Late Neolithic to the diversification of representative practices during the Roman period (metallurgy, pine resin exploitation, charcoal production, pastoralism, etc.). This high diversity of activities leads to complex cultural landscapes in the high Pyrenean areas. The reconstruction of the cultural history at the study areas will allow the development of more sustainable politics for these landscapes management.