954 resultados para Histórias de aventuras
O Bordado da Madeira representa um património cultural regional inigualável e transporta com ele uma riqueza linguística que importa estudar. São as mulheres que transmitem este saber de mães para filhas, há já várias gerações. No ano de 1924, a indústria dos bordados contava com aproximadamente 60 000 bordadeiras (cf. Decretolei n.º 25:643, 1935: 1042). Em 2013, uma estimativa apresentada pelo Instituto do Vinho, do Bordado e do Artesanato da Madeira aponta para um total de 3 376 bordadeiras de casa em toda a Região Autónoma da Madeira. Este dado revela que a profissão de bordadeira de casa, como muitos ofícios artesanais, hoje esquecidos, poderá, nos tempos vindouros, extinguir-se. Com este provável desaparecimento, apagar-se-ão vivências, histórias, canções, quadras, expressões e termos específicos desse labor. Estará em causa toda uma herança que merece ser conservada para as futuras gerações da comunidade. Assim, para conservar esse rico património regional, com o presente trabalho, realizamos uma recolha do património cultural imaterial que o Bordado da Madeira constitui, com particular incidência linguística. Concebemos um glossário com todos os termos recolhidos no trabalho de campo, quer junto das informantes, quer através de bibliografia consultada. Circunscrevemos esta pesquisa a um dos concelhos onde se mantém um grande número de bordadeiras de casa, o da Ribeira Brava. Embora delimitado geograficamente, por imperiosa necessidade metodológica, o tema é bem mais vasto. Como se depreende, o assunto é motivador e levanta diversas questões que o impulsionam. Qual o papel da bordadeira de casa no século XXI? Será uma profissão com futuro? Há oportunidades para as jovens se interessarem por este ofício artesanal? Podem fazer dele uma profissão ou tornar-se-á uma ocupação de tempos livres? Que conhecimentos e saberes têm as novas gerações? Importará, portanto, recolher dados junto de diferentes gerações, para entender o nível de desaparecimento deste património cultural e linguístico.
Compreender a liderança numa organização escolar, nomeadamente num jardim-deinfância, numa sociedade em que a educação defronta inúmeras mutações que implicam a sua (re) construção numa amplitude focalizada em procedimentos políticoadministrativos. Desencadeamos um estudo que nos fez caminhar pelas histórias de vida, por via de entrevistas episódicas de uma líder escolar considerando o Infantário “O Carrocel”, no Concelho do Funchal, o locus privilegiado do nosso estudo de caso. O objeto de análise foi a liderança escolar em conformidade com as representações pessoais, profissionais e sociais da diretora. Questionámos os educadores e professores procurando, através dos inquéritos por questionário, compreender qual o estilo de liderança mais vivido pela líder. Sendo notório o desgaste psicológico referido pela líder, pelo efeito das burocracias, e pela sua tenacidade em desempenhar o seu papel, a sua liderança ajusta-se entre a liderança transacional e a liderança transformacional tendo como foco preliminar as relações humanas. É facto, que as representações, a ética e a educabilidade da líder coexistiram para uma boa liderança e respetivas relações grupais sendo que numa liderança, em educação, persiste a imprevisibilidade e a complexidade em torno de um contexto social e político. Uma liderança direcionada para os valores e princípios em que o desempenho da líder permitiu, apesar de dificuldades e receios sentidos no abraço a este projeto, encaminhar as suas práticas administrativas e pedagógicas com determinação num acreditar de uma estratégia de trabalho comum e de equipa. Certamente, com este estudo iremos refletir na educação de hoje e no entendimento do que é ser líder, e essencialmente na coexistência de líderes educadores num propósito de reconhecer que os infantários, apesar de pequenas organizações educativas, são fortes âncoras em contextos de diversidade.
OLIVEIRA, Marta Raquel Santos de; SOUZA, Patrícia Severiano Barbosa de. Gibiteca escolar: um recurso para o aprendizado. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, XVI., 2010, Natal. Anais eletrônicos... Natal: UFRN, 2010. Disponível em:
ARAÚJO, M. M. ; Olivia M. de Medeiros Neta ; FIGUEIREDO, Franselma. Reverências à vida terrena e post-mortem (Caicó-RN, século XIX). Revista HISTEDBR On-line, v. 33, p. 179-193, mar. 2009
The discussions concerning the absence of a management model appropriate to the peculiarities of third sector organizations have not been impeditive to their emphasized expansion in the last decades. In the attempt of understanding this phenomenon from the perspective of those who manage social organizations, this work based on the theory of social representations to understand the notion that organization managers of the third sector - based in Fortaleza CE - have of the part that they play and how this notion influences the direction of their activities. Social representations of managers of four different categories of non-governmental organizations have been investigated, each category composed of two unities. The categories researched were: social integration through art and education, prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug abuse, children s health assistance and community action. By using Doise s Societal Approach, the role of social managers translated in intraindividual, interindividual and situational processes of their actions, has been analysed within the social representations, focusing on beliefs, values, symbols and stories that give meaning to the existence of non-governmental organizations. Analysis and discussion of data displayed the existence of diversity in the understanding of managers within their practice, in other words, the management profile is also its own manager s. The branch where an organization acts is also preponderant in the shaping of a management style. It could be deduced, from to the organizations researched, that professional formation and the manager s social insertion mainly, are determinative factors in the outlining of a management model of its own. It was concluded that, due to heterogeneity of interests and action segments, there is no systematic process for social management among organizations. Management styles are supported by their director s own perception of achievement, who model organizations according to their contingencies
The periphery of the city of Natal was built during the last 20 years, trough informal land developments. This dissertation analyses the urbanization of Natal`s North Zone, the largest residential area in the city where 40% of the population lives. This urban space is characterized as a space of poverty because of its majority of low income dwellers as well as lack of infrastructure. The main objective here is to identify and characterize this space as well as resulting segregation. Variables as income, space morphology, residential typology and the history of real estate development as well as dweller`s history of life are analysed
The term body without organs is present in a poem by the french writer, actor and director Antonin Artaud, written in 1947 and titled: To Have Done with the Judgement of God. I aim, in this work, from what we call investigative scenic writing, to problematize this term and its possible relations with the theater and also with some aspects of the Hindu myths. I unite the idea of the body without organs with the body in trance present in the stories of an Indian master named Caitanya Mahaprabhu. These ideas, along with the development of practices that come from some principles of Theatre Anthropology, are incentives for a creation process that highlights the work of preparation and creation of corporeal work of the actor. The relationship between the concepts and the practice raise discussions about where I stand as an actor-researcher in process
This work aims to investigate the relationship between the Bunraku theater and the film Dolls (2002), by the Japanese director Takeshi Kitano. To do so, it was initially done a theoretical study of this theater, detailing its key elements, and thus allowing a direct analysis of the film to be made. The main objective here was to reveal the film‟s connections with the Bunraku. The Sangyo refers to the simultaneous presence of three arts in the Bunraku theater: the narrative, the music and the manipulation of puppets. In Dolls, the director Takeshi Kitano presents a narrative through three different stories, all built with references to the Bunraku. As in the theater the three distinct arts harmonize on stage, in Dolls three separate stories will perform in harmony within the film. By confronting the Bunraku Theater with the film Dolls, the intention is to establish the connections between the scenic language of the Bunraku, the dramaturgy of Chikamatsu and also the cinema of Kitano. These connections allow to the understanding of how characteristics of a secular art, governed by strong rules and conventions, can be presented again through another language: the cinematic language and its particular set of codes and conventions
Este trabalho investigou o processo criativo do espetáculo Ethnotron-Ghetto Experiment, do Coletivo paraibano Tribo Éthnos, fundado na década de 1990 e ainda em atividade. A estratégia metodológica se dá através de estudos descritivos, valendo-se da teoria e prática de diversas linguagens artísticas presentes na obra apontada: artes visuais, performance, literatura e histórias em quadrinho; em ações realizadas pelo Coletivo ao longo dos anos, objetivando descrever e analisar o processo de criação do referido espetáculo de dança, através da minuciosa coleta de dados por meio de entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas, e da pesquisa e captação de materiais audiovisuais. A Tribo Éthnos destaca-se na cena local na cidade de João Pessoa, e estadual, na Paraíba, visto que, nesse longo percurso de existência, além da preocupação em fundir muitas formas artísticas, bem como os artistas da Paraíba, aglutina pessoas que fazem arte em outros países e faz das danças urbanas algo instigante. A Tribo ainda preocupa-se com a troca de saberes através de palestras, oficinas, cursos e intercâmbios. A dissertação investiga o processo de criação dos artistas e, especificamente, dos dançarinos, utilizando-se principalmente do conceito de work in progress, proposto por Renato Cohen, e aplicado ao espetáculo estudado. Apresentam-se descrições dos movimentos coreográficos, do espetáculo de dança paraibano Ethnotron-Ghetto Experiment, de Dança de Rua da Era Funky, especificamente, com estilos como popping, waving, animation, strobing, floatine/ slidini, tiokine, trebing, breaking, waving, sliding, entre outros, visto serem estes parte integrante do processo de criação. Tais estilos remetem ao ilusionismo ou ao mimetismo, sugerindo, em seus movimentos truques, câmeras lentas, flutuações com os pés, entre outros. Segundo Valmir Vaz, o Coletivo, através do espetáculo, busca a integração dos corpos, procura uma libertação individual e sugere uma sensação de querer voar nas coreografias/cenas. Abordam-se os aspectos do processo criativo: o espaço cênico, o trabalho corporal, a sonoplastia e a roupa/indumentária. Trabalha-se o conceito do corpo virtual de José Gil no aspecto do corpo cênico
Gasteroids fungi are characterized by the basidiospores maturation inside the basidioma, from which spores liberation occurs in a passive manner. These fungi were once seen as a well definite class of Basidiomycota, but nowadays they are considered an artificial assemblage, because the organisms have independent evolutionary histories forming a polyphyletic group with a vast morphological variety. Despite their diversity, studies with this group in the tropics are incipient, and the phylogenetic relationships of the species from temperate climate remain unknown. Thus, this work aimed to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships of gasteroids fungi from the Geastrales and Phallales orders, with the inclusion of tropical and temperate species, and with these analyses suggest a systematic position of species like Aseroë floriformis and Phallus roseus, as well as to verify if the lignicolous habit can indicate parental relationship in the Geastrum genus. For this, basidiomata were collected at Atlantic rain forest areas, during the rainy season, and the specimen identification followed specific literature for gasteroid fungi. The phylogenetic analyses were performed with Maximum Parsimony and Bayesian Analysis, making use of RPB2 and 28S nuclear genes and atp6 mitochondrial gene. It could be observed on the Phallales dendogram, that Aseroë floriformis did not cluster with A. rubra, and that it has an anterior divergence from all others species of the family Clathraceae used in this analysis, assuming a basal position in the clade. Phallus roseus, which once was recognized as Itajahya, has previous divergence from the group formed by Phallus species. At the Geastrales dendogram, in the group corresponding to Geastrum genus, it could be observed that species with lignicolous habitat clustered in a clade with high support values. So, the results suggest the creation of a new genus to accommodate A. floriformis, and the revalidation of Itajahya, as well as it can be affirmed that the lignicolous habitat on the Geastrum genus in fact indicates parental relationships, and that it has arised only once at the evolutionary history of the genus
The aim of this study was to follow the daily routine of elderly individuals residing at the Vila Vicentina Júlia Freire (VVJF) nursing home in João Pessoa, Brazil, observing and analyzing as much as possible, the way in which they live in a group and how they deal, through personal experiences, with their own body image and with that of others. The results were obtained from information considered relevant, according to the perspectives of the residents themselves, contained in narratives of their history and related to their quality of life. Our interest lays in how they coped with changes in their bodies at old age and adapted to the challenges of this new phase. To obtain this information, with significant expressions, we used the Narrative Interview (NI) as a research tool in order to redeem their life experience and develop an understanding of their impressions about the life experience at the current nursing home. We selected, among the housed, ten subjects - actors - to appear as a sample of the group together. The design of our sample had a hybrid model, combining two types: random sample (probability) and an intentional sample (not probability). After recording transcripts and ensuring that all the subjects showed common interests that were relevant to the group, we chose three categories for analysis as follows: a. the elderly as seen by themselves and by others; b. religiosity as a moral factor; c. intimacy and relationships. Our choice was based on the importance of the theme as a multidisciplinary topic in the quality of life of populations. The subjects, chosen as spokespersons for the VVJF, spoke, among other things, about the way in which they viewed the world, their own body and how they experienced the environment and their fellow residents, in an attitude of reflection and criticism that confirms the lucidity of an old age conditioned to an elderly institution. The method allowed us to investigate our subjects from a multidisciplinary point of view. We suggest other studies in assorted areas of the human sciences, having as principle, man at the center of all our scientific questionings. The paradigm that the elder is, necessarily, unhappy in his sheltered has been, in this job, broken through the testimonies collected, establishing multiple perspectives of the analyzed subjects by their respective narrative records. Involving the participation of researchers with major in Administration, Communication and Law, this study filled, in this aspect, the requirements of the multidisciplinarity of the Program of Pos-Graduation in Health Science
This dissertation presents an attempt to register the initial steps of african-Brazilian religion Umbanda in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, from a case study of Cabana Umbanda Pai Joaquim de Angola, represented by its maintainer, umbanda of the priest José Clementino. The main objective is to record the memories of fans in aspects of its tradition, experience social and cultural religious building, in an attempt to show the religious hatred with practitioners of Umbanda. Used to: in audio recordings of festivals and rituals, narratives about the memories and stories of employees and their explanations, photographs, diary entries in the field, participant observation and interviews available. The analysis referred to in umbanda Natal / RN, was based on field research as a product of the visits that took place between the years 2006 to 2009 in Terreiro de Umbanda Pai Joaquim de Angola, located in the neighborhood of Rocas.
Analysis of the northeastern sugar economy insertion on the modernization process of these economy based on the José Lins do Rego literary Discourse. In order to do so, there were used the literary works Fogo Morto, Menino de Engenho, Bangüê and Usina as study objects. Throughout the prosecution of a exploratory and documental bibliographic research it was identified that, in the cited literary works, there are three specialties corresponding to the main scenarios of the plots, the Santa Fé and Santa Rosa mills and the Bom Jesus mill factory. We have conceived the mills as main charachters, since all stories deployment corresponds to the other charachters reactions to the many forms that the specialties are, or not, affected by the modernization. Therefore, the narratives in Fogo Morto, Menino de Engenho, Bangüê and Usina reaffirm the viability of the literary discourse application as a source for the construction of the sociological interpretation of the northeastern sugar economy process of modernization in the end of 19th century and beginning of the 20th century
Taking the narrative of life of three women (homeless), Maria José (residente of a psychiatric hospital) and Maria de La Luz Cervantes (fictional character of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, accidentally intern in a psychiatric hospital), the dissertation "Marias: Biopolitics, bare life and their stories" brings Giorgio Agamben's theories referring to Naked Life and Homo Sacer, Michel Foucault's with the biopolitics and resiliences written by Boris Cyrulnik. Its on these three women life stories that the dissertation develops a imaginary concentration camp to work their lives and bodies subjection to the external power, the biopolitic
The puppet theater is the theme of this dissertation, with a particular treatment of Memory, Toy and Jokes, focused especially on a Calungueira, maker of dolls, Ieda Maria Medeiros da Silva, known by Dadi. Currently with 71 years old, Dadi resides in Carnauba dos Dantas / RN and not only restricted to "get" the dolls to play, to enact stories by various characters. Build the dolls, dresses, give life, movement. In Rio Grande do Norte, the Puppet Theater, named "João Redondo," is measured by a historically male character of tradition, represented by some masters who have died or by their pupils, or even by the players who have no lineage of masters in their families but learned from several of them and, gradually, were included in this playful universe. Dadi passes this potiguar genealogy and going to suggesting a variety of transgressions, beyond, with its inventiveness, both in their presentations and in her life, which I did elect her and choose as a singular object in the course of my inquiries. In this study, I use the theoretical and methodological framework of social sciences, in particular the references coming from studies of culture, such as approaches of memory and tradition of authors such as Maurice Halbwachs and Paul Zumthor, among others. The field work was systematized, prioritizing the observation participant and permanent dialogue. I used different strategies for registration, as semi-open interviews, documentary video, audio narratives, photographic and videographic record, giving the work a current relevance to the dialogue with various elements, expanding the initial project, which turned into research for the dissertation