975 resultados para Hippocampal-neurons


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It is still controversial which mediators regulate energy provision to activated neural cells, as insulin does in peripheral tissues. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) may mediate this effect as it can affect glucoregulation, it is overexpressed in the 'healthy' brain during increased neuronal activity, and it supports high-energy demanding processes such as long-term potentiation, memory and learning. Furthermore, the absence of sustained neuroendocrine and behavioral counterregulation suggests that brain glucose-sensing neurons do not perceive IL-1β-induced hypoglycemia. Here, we show that IL-1β adjusts glucoregulation by inducing its own production in the brain, and that IL-1β-induced hypoglycemia is myeloid differentiation primary response 88 protein (MyD88)-dependent and only partially counteracted by Kir6.2-mediated sensing signaling. Furthermore, we found that, opposite to insulin, IL-1β stimulates brain metabolism. This effect is absent in MyD88-deficient mice, which have neurobehavioral alterations associated to disorders in glucose homeostasis, as during several psychiatric diseases. IL-1β effects on brain metabolism are most likely maintained by IL-1β auto-induction and may reflect a compensatory increase in fuel supply to neural cells. We explore this possibility by directly blocking IL-1 receptors in neural cells. The results showed that, in an activity-dependent and paracrine/autocrine manner, endogenous IL-1 produced by neurons and astrocytes facilitates glucose uptake by these cells. This effect is exacerbated following glutamatergic stimulation and can be passively transferred between cell types. We conclude that the capacity of IL-1β to provide fuel to neural cells underlies its physiological effects on glucoregulation, synaptic plasticity, learning and memory. However, deregulation of IL-1β production could contribute to the alterations in brain glucose metabolism that are detected in several neurologic and psychiatric diseases.Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication, 8 December 2015; doi:10.1038/mp.2015.174.


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The myelin-associated protein Nogo-A is among the most potent neurite growth inhibitors in the adult CNS. Recently, Nogo-A expression was demonstrated in a number of neuronal subpopulations of the adult and developing CNS but at present, little is known about the expression of Nogo-A in the nigrostriatal system, a brain structure severely affected in Parkinson's disease (PD). The present study sought to characterize the expression pattern of Nogo-A immunoreactive (ir) cells in the adult ventral mesencephalon of control rats and in the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) rat model of PD. Immunohistochemical analyses of normal adult rat brain showed a distinct expression of Nogo-A in the ventral mesencephalon, with the highest level in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) where it co-localized with dopaminergic neurons. Analyses conducted 1week and 1 month after unilateral striatal injections of 6-OHDA disclosed a severe loss of the number of Nogo-A-ir cells in the SNc. Notably, at 1week after treatment, more dopaminergic neurons expressing Nogo-A were affected by the 6-OHDA toxicity than Nogo-A-negative dopaminergic neurons. However, at later time points more of the surviving dopaminergic neurons expressed Nogo-A. In the striatum, both small and large Nogo-A-positive cells were detected. The large cells were identified as cholinergic interneurons. Our results suggest yet unidentified functions of Nogo-A in the CNS beyond the inhibition of axonal regeneration and plasticity, and may indicate a role for Nogo-A in PD.


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Trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) belongs to a family of secreted peptides that are mainly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract. Notably, TFF1 has been suggested to operate as a neuropeptide, however, its specific cellular expression, regulation and function remain largely unknown. We have previously shown that TFF1 is expressed in developing and adult rat ventral mesencephalic tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) dopaminergic neurons. Here, we investigated the expression of TFF1 in rat ventral mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons (embryonic day 14) grown in culture for 5, 7 or 10 days in the absence (controls) or presence of either glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), Forskolin or the combination. No TFF1-ir cells were identified at day 5 and only a few at day 7, whereas TH was markedly expressed at both time points. At day 10, several TFF1-ir cells were detected, and their numbers were significantly increased after the addition of GDNF (2.2-fold) or Forskolin (4.1-fold) compared to controls. Furthermore, the combination of GDNF and Forskolin had an additive effect and increased the number of TFF1-ir cells by 5.6-fold compared to controls. TFF1 expression was restricted to neuronal cells, and the percentage of TH/TFF1 co-expressing cells was increased to the same extent in GDNF and Forskolin-treated cultures (4-fold) as compared to controls. Interestingly, the combination of GDNF and Forskolin resulted in a significantly increased co-expression (8-fold) of TH/TFF1, which could indicate that GDNF and Forskolin targeted different subpopulations of TH/TFF1 neurons. Short-term treatment with Forskolin resulted in an increased number of TFF1-ir cells, and this effect was significantly reduced by the MEK1 inhibitor PD98059 or the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor H89, suggesting that Forskolin induced TFF1 expression through diverse signaling pathways. In conclusion, distinct populations of cultured dopaminergic neurons express TFF1, and their numbers can be increased by factors known to influence survival and differentiation of dopaminergic cells.


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Deficits in social cognition are prominent symptoms of many human psychiatric disorders, but the origin of such deficits remains largely unknown. To further current knowledge regarding the neural network mediating social cognition, the present research program investigated the individual contributions of two temporal lobe structures, the amygdala and hippocampal formation, and one frontal lobe region, the orbital frontal cortex (Areas 11 and 13), to primate social cognition. Based on previous research, we hypothesized that the amygdala, hippocampal formation and orbital frontal cortex contribute significantly to the formation of new social relationships, but less to the maintenance of familiar ones. ^ Thirty-six male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) served as subjects, and were divided into four experimental groups: Neurotoxic amygdala lesion (A-ibo, n = 9), neurotoxic or aspiration orbital frontal cortex lesion (O, n = 9), neurotoxic hippocampal formation lesion (H-ibo, n = 9) or sham-operated control (C, n = 9). Six social groups (tetrads) were created, each containing one member from each experimental group. The effect of lesion on established social relationships was assessed during pre- and post-surgical unrestrained social interactions, whereas the effect of lesion on the formation of new relationships was assessed during an additional phase of post-surgical testing with shuffled tetrad membership. Results indicated that these three neural structures each contribute significantly to both the formation and maintenance of social relationships. Furthermore, the amygdala appears to primarily mediate normal responses to threatening social signals, whereas the orbital frontal cortex plays a more global role in social cognition by mediating responses to both threatening and affiliative social signals. By contrast, the hippocampal formation seems to contribute to social cognition indirectly by providing access to previous experience during social judgments. ^ These conclusions were further investigated with three experiments that measured behavioral and physiological (stress hormone) reactivity to threatening stimuli, and three additional experiments that measured subjects' ability to flexibly alter behavioral responses depending on the incentive value of a food reinforcer. Data from these six experiments further confirmed and strengthened the three conclusions originating from the social behavior experiments and, when combined with the current literature, helped to formulate a simple, but testable, theoretical model of primate social cognition. ^


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The mammalian cerebral neocortex is a complex six-layered structure containing multiple types of neurons. Pyramidal neurons of the neocortex are formed during development in an inside-out manner, by which deep layer (DL) neurons are generated first, and upper layer (UL) neurons are generated last. Neurons within the six-layered neocortex express unique markers for their position, showing whether they are subplate, deep layer, upper layer, or Cajal-Retzius neurons. The sequential generation of cortical layers, which exists in vivo, has been partially recapitulated in vitro by differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells (Gaspard et al., 2008) and human embryonic stem cells (hESC) (Eiraku et al., 2008). The timeline of generation of cortical neurons from hESC is still not well defined, and could be very important in the future of cell therapy. In this study we will define timeline for UL and DL neurons for our experimental paradigm as well as test the effects of fibroblast growth factors (FGF) 2 and 8 on this neuronal differentiation. Recent papers suggest that FGFs are critical for forebrain patterning (Storm et al., 2003). Neuronal differentiation after treatment with either FGF2 or FGF8 from hESCs will be examined and the proportion of specific neuronal markers will be analyzed using immunocytochemistry. Our results show that the generated pyramidal neurons will express DL and UL laminar markers in vitro as they do in vivo and that the presence of FGF8 in induction media creates a proliferative effect, while FGF2 induces hESC to differentiate at a higher rate.


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Chronic respiratory illnesses are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, and acute changes in respiratory function often lead to hospitalization. Air pollution is known to exacerbate asthma, but the molecular mechanisms of this are poorly understood. The current studies were aimed at clarifying the roles of nerve subtypes and purinergic receptors in respiratory reflex responses following exposure to irritants. In C57Bl/6J female mice, inspired adenosine produced sensory irritation, shown to be mediated mostly by A-delta fibers. Secondly, the response to inhaled acetic acid was discovered to be dually influenced by C and A-delta fibers, as indicated by the observed effects of capsaicin pretreatment, which selectively destroys TRPV1-expressing fibers (mostly C fibers) and pretreatment with theophylline, a nonselective adenosine receptor antagonist. The responses to both adenosine and acetic acid were enhanced in the ovalbumin-allergic airway disease model, although the particular pathway altered is still unknown.


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Adult monkeys (Macaca mulatta) with lesions of the hippocampal formation, perirhinal cortex, areas TH/TF, as well as controls were tested on tasks of object, spatial and contextual recognition memory. ^ Using a visual paired-comparison (VPC) task, all experimental groups showed a lack of object recognition relative to controls, although this impairment emerged at 10 sec with perirhinal lesions, 30 sec with areas TH/TF lesions and 60 sec with hippocampal lesions. In contrast, only perirhinal lesions impaired performance on delayed nonmatching-to-sample (DNMS), another task of object recognition memory. All groups were tested on DNMS with distraction (dDNMS) to examine whether the use of active cognitive strategies during the delay period could enable good performance on DNMS in spite of impaired recognition memory (revealed by the VPC task). Distractors affected performance of animals with perirhinal lesions at the 10-sec delay (the only delay in which their DNMS performance was above chance). They did not affect performance of animals with areas TH/TF lesions. Hippocampectomized animals were impaired at the 600-sec delay (the only delay at which prevention of active strategies would likely affect their behavior). ^ While lesions of areas TH/TF impaired spatial location memory and object-in-place memory, hippocampal lesions impaired only object-in-place memory. The pattern of results for perirhinal cortex lesions on the different task conditions indicated that this cortical area is not critical for spatial memory. ^ Finally, all three lesions impaired contextual recognition memory processes. The pattern of impairment appeared to result from the formation of only a global representation of the object and background, and suggests that all three areas are recruited for associating information across sources. ^ These results support the view that (1) the perirhinal cortex maintains storage of information about object and the context in which it is learned for a brief period of time, (2) areas TH/TF maintain information about spatial location and form associations between objects and their spatial relationship (a process that likely requires additional time) and (3) the hippocampal formation mediates associations between objects, their spatial relationship and the general context in which these associations are formed (an integrative function that requires additional time). ^


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Considerable evidence suggests that central cholinergic neurons participate in either acquisition, storage or retrieval of information. Experiments were designed to evaluate information processing in mice following either reversible or irreversible impairment in central cholinergic activity. The cholinergic receptor antagonists, atropine and methylatropine were used to reversibly inhibit cholinergic transmission. Irreversible impairment in central cholinergic function was achieved by central administration of the cholinergic-specific neurotoxins, N-ethyl-choline aziridinium (ECA) and N-ethyl-acetylcholine aziridinium (EACA).^ ECA and EACA appear to act by irreversible inhibition of high affinity choline uptake (proposed rate-limiting step in acetylcholine synthesis). Intraventricular administration of ECA or EACA produced persistent reduction in hippocampal choline acetyltransferase activity. Other neuronal systems and brain regions showed no evidence of toxicity.^ Mice treated with either ECA or EACA showed behavioral deficits associated with cholinergic dysfunction. Passive avoidance behavior was significantly impaired by cholinotoxin treatment. Radial arm maze performance was also significantly impaired in cholinotoxin-treated animals. Deficits in radial arm maze performance were transient, however, such that rapid and apparent complete behavioral recovery was seen during retention testing. The centrally active cholinergic receptor antagonist atropine also caused significant impairment in radial arm maze behavior, while equivalent doses of methylatropine were without effect.^ The relative effects of cholinotoxin and receptor antagonist treatment on short-term (working) memory and long-term (reference) memory in radial arm maze behavior were examined. Maze rotation studies indicated that there were at least two different response strategies which could result in accurate maze performance. One strategy involved the use of response algorithms and was considered to be a function of reference memory. Another strategy appeared to be primarily dependent on spatial working memory. However, all behavioral paradigms with multiple trails have reference memory requirements (i.e. information useful over all trials). Performance was similarly affected following either cholinotoxin or anticholinergic treatment, regardless of the response strategy utilized. In addition, rates of behavioral recovery following cholinotoxin treatment were similar between response groups. It was concluded that both cholinotoxin and anticholinergic treatment primarily resulted in impaired reference memory processes. ^


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The present work examines the role of cAMP in the induction of the type of long-term morphological changes that have been shown to be correlated with long-term sensitization in Aplysia.^ To examine this issue, cAMP was injected into individual tail sensory neurons in the pleural ganglion to mimic, at the single cell level, the effects of behavioral training. After a 22 hr incubation period, the same cells were filled with horseradish peroxidase and 2 hours later the tissue was fixed and processed. Morphological analysis revealed that cAMP induced an increase in two morphological features of the neurons, varicosities and branch points. These structural alterations, which are similar to those seen in siphon sensory neurons of the abdominal ganglion following long-term sensitization training of the siphon-gill withdrawal reflex, could subserve the altered behavioral response of the animal. These results expose another role played by cAMP in the induction of learning, the initiation of a structural substrate, which, in concert with other correlates, underlies learning.^ cAMP was injected into sensory neurons in the presence of the reversible protein synthesis inhibitor, anisomycin. The presence of anisomycin during and immediately following the nucleotide injection completely blocked the structural remodeling. These results indicate that the induction of morphological changes by cAMP is a process dependent on protein synthesis.^ To further examine the temporal requirement for protein synthesis in the induction of these changes, the time of anisomycin exposure was varied. The results indicate that the cellular processes triggered by cAMP are sensitive to the inhibition of protein synthesis for at least 7 hours after the nucleotide injection. This is a longer period of sensitivity than that for the induction of another correlate of long-term sensitization, facilitation of the sensory to motor neuron synaptic connection. Thus, these findings demonstrate that the period of sensitivity to protein synthesis inhibition is not identical for all correlates of learning. In addition, since the induction of the morphological changes can be blocked by anisomycin pulses administered at different times during and following the cAMP injection, this suggests that cAMP is triggering a cascade of protein synthesis, with successive rounds of synthesis being dependent on successful completion of preceding rounds. Inhibition at any time during this cascade can block the entire process and so prevent the development of the structural changes.^ The extent to which cAMP can mimic the structural remodeling induced by long-term training was also examined. Animals were subjected to unilateral sensitization training and the morphology of the sensory neurons was examined twenty-four hours later. Both cAMP injection and long-term training produced a twofold increase in varicosities and approximately a fifty percent increase in the number of branch points in the sensory neuron arborization within the pleural ganglion. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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The multifunctional Ca$\sp{2+}$/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase) is a Ser/Thr directed protein kinase that participates in diverse Ca$\sp{2+}$ signaling pathways in neurons. The function of CaM kinase depends upon the ability of subunits to form oligomers and to interact with other proteins. Oligomerization is required for autophosphorylation which produces significant functional changes that include Ca$\sp{2+}$/calmodulin-independent activity and calmodulin trapping. Associations with other proteins localize CaM kinase to specific substrates and effectors which serves to optimize the efficiency and speed of signal transduction. In this thesis, we investigate the interactions that underlie the appropriate positioning of CaM kinase activity in cells. We demonstrate that the subcellular distribution of CaM kinase is dynamic in hippocampal slices exposed to anoxic/aglycemic insults and to high K$\sp{+}$-induced depolarization. We determine the localization of CaM kinase domains expressed in neurons and PC-12 cells and find that the C-terminal domain of the $\alpha$ subunit is necessary for localization to dendrites. Moreover, monomeric forms of the enzyme gain access to the nucleus. Attempts made to identify novel CaM kinase binding proteins using the yeast two-hybrid system resulted in the isolation of hundreds of positive clones. Those that have been sequenced are identical to CaM kinase isoforms. Finally, we report the discovery of specific regions within the C-terminal domain that are necessary and sufficient for subunit-subunit interactions. Differences between the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ isoforms were discovered that indicate unique structural requirements for oligomerization. A model for how CaM kinase subunits interact to form holoenzymes and how structural heterogeneity might influence CaM kinase function is presented. ^


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In various species, peripheral injury produces long-lasting sensitization of central and peripheral neurons representing the affected area. In Aplysia, memory-like traces (lasting days or weeks) of noxious peripheral stimulation include enhancement of central synaptic transmission and enhanced excitability of the central soma and peripheral branches of nociceptive sensory neurons. An important role for the cAMP-PKA-CREB pathway in consolidating long-term memory and inducing transcription-dependent synaptic potentiation has also been indicated by studies in rodents and Drosophila. ^ Much less attention has been paid to the cGMP-PKG pathway for transcription-dependent plasticity. Nevertheless, the cGMP-PKG pathway has been implicated in activity-dependent neural alterations lasting hours, and may trigger some forms of persistent pain. Recent evidence indicates PKG can regulate gene expression in the brain and several properties make it an attractive candidate for inducing long-term memories. ^ This dissertation reports that brief, noxious stimulation of a behaving, semi-intact preparation from mollusc, Aplysia californica, produces transcription-dependent, long-term hyperexcitability (LTH) of nociceptive sensory neurons that requires a nitric oxide (NO)-cGMP-protein kinase G (PKG) pathway and which lasts for at least 24 hours. Intracellular injection of cGMP is sufficient to induce LTH. Similarly, body wall injury induces LTH which can be blocked with specific inhibitors of the NO-cGMP-PKG pathway such as L-NMMA, ODQ, Rp-8-cGMPS, PKI-G and KT5823 by isolated perfusion of pleural ganglion sensory cells in or directly by intracellular injection. In contrast, specific inhibitors of the cAMP-PKA pathway (Rp-8-cAMPS, PKI-A and H-89) failed to block injury-induced LTH. Interestingly, co-injection of the cAMP-responsive element (CRE) blocked the induction of both cAMP and injury-induced LTH, but not cGMP-induced LTH. Furthermore, co-injection of cAMP and cGMP with the Ca2+ buffer BAPTA in reduced Ca2+ seawater blocked cAMP-, but not cGMP-induced LTH. These findings demonstrate that the NO-cGMP-PKG pathway and at least one other pathway (perhaps mediated by Ca2+), but not the cAMP-PKA pathway, are critical for inducing LTH during transient, noxious stimulation.^


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Researchers have historically emphasized the contribution of caspase-3 to apoptotic but not necrotic cell death, while calpain has been implicated primarily in necrosis and, to a lesser extent, in apoptosis. Activation of these proteases occurs in vivo following various CNS insults including ischemia. In addition, both necrotic and apoptotic cell death phenotypes are detected following ischemia. However, the contributions of calpain and caspase-3 to apoptotic and necrotic cell death phenotypes following CNS insults are relatively unexplored. To date, no study has examined the concurrent activation of calpain and caspase-3 in necrotic and apoptotic cell death phenotypes following any CNS insult. The present study employed oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) to determine the relative contributions of caspase-3 and calpain to apoptotic and necrotic cell death following OGD. Experiments characterized a model of OGD by evaluating cell viability and characterizing the cell death phenotypes following OGD in primary septo-hippocampal co-cultures. Furthermore, cell markers (NeuN and MAP2 or GFAP) assessed the effects of OGD on neuronal and astroglial viability, respectively. In addition, calpain and caspase-3 mediated proteolysis of α-spectrin was examined using Western blot techniques. Activation of these proteases in individual cells phenotypically characterized as apoptotic and necrotic was also evaluated by using antibodies specific for calpain or caspase-3 mediated breakdown products to α-spectrin. Administration of appropriate caspase-3 and calpain inhibitors also examined the effects of protease inhibition on cell death. OGD produced prominent expression of apoptotic cell death phenotypes primarily in neurons, with relatively little damage to astroglia. Although Western blot data suggested greater proteolysis of α-spectrin by calpain than caspase-3, co-activation of both proteases was usually detected in cells exhibiting apoptotic or necrotic cell death phenotypes. While inhibition of calpain and caspase-3 activity decreased LDH release following OGD, it was not clear whether this effect was also associated with a decrease in cell death and the appearance of apoptotic cell death phenotypes. These data demonstrate that both calpain and caspase-3 contribute to the expression of apoptotic cell death phenotypes following OGD, and that calpain could potentially have a larger role in the expression of apoptotic cell death than previously thought. ^


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Dendritic computation is a term that has been in neuro physiological research for a long time [1]. It is still controversial and far for been clarified within the concepts of both computation and neurophysiology [2], [3]. In any case, it hasnot been integrated neither in a formal computational scheme or structure, nor into formulations of artificial neural nets. Our objective here is to formulate a type of distributed computation that resembles dendritic trees, in such a way that it shows the advantages of neural network distributed computation, mostly the reliability that is shown under the existence of holes (scotomas) in the computing net, without ?blind spots?.


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Accumulating evidence suggests a role for the medial temporal lobe (MTL) in working memory (WM). However, little is known concerning its functional interactions with other cortical regions in the distributed neural network subserving WM. To reveal these, we availed of subjects with MTL damage and characterized changes in effective connectivity while subjects engaged in WM task. Specifically, we compared dynamic causal models, extracted from magnetoencephalographic recordings during verbal WM encoding, in temporal lobe epilepsy patients (with left hippocampal sclerosis) and controls. Bayesian model comparison indicated that the best model (across subjects) evidenced bilateral, forward, and backward connections, coupling inferior temporal cortex (ITC), inferior frontal cortex (IFC), and MTL. MTL damage weakened backward connections from left MTL to left ITC, a decrease accompanied by strengthening of (bidirectional) connections between IFC and MTL in the contralesional hemisphere. These findings provide novel evidence concerning functional interactions between nodes of this fundamental cognitive network and sheds light on how these interactions are modified as a result of focal damage to MTL. The findings highlight that a reduced (top-down) influence of the MTL on ipsilateral language regions is accompanied by enhanced reciprocal coupling in the undamaged hemisphere providing a first demonstration of “connectional diaschisis.”