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This article reviews the different steps taken during the past 20 years for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the Seychelles. National surveys revealed high levels of several cardiovascular risk factors and prompted an organized response, starting with the creation of an NCD unit in the Ministry of Health. Information campaigns and nationwide activities raised awareness and rallied increasingly broad and high-level support. Significant policy was developed including comprehensive tobacco legislation and a School Nutrition Policy that bans soft drinks in schools. NCD guidelines were developed and specialized 'NCD nurses' were trained to complement doctors in district health centers. Decreasing smoking prevalence is evidence of success, but the raising so-called diabesity epidemic calls for an integrated multi-sector policy to mould an environment conducive to healthy behaviors. Essential components of these efforts include: effective surveillance mechanisms supplemented by focused research; generating broad interest and consensus; mobilizing leadership and commitment at all levels; involving local and international expertise; building on existing efforts; and seeking integrated, multi-disciplinary and multi-sector approaches.
The objective of this study was to determine if trehalose can effectively enhance the viability and storage lifetime of Rhizobium tropici and Rhizobium etli after lyophilization as compared to the traditional protective combination of sucrose and peptone. Two strains of bean-nodulating rhizobia were effectively preserved in the lyophilized state by 100 mM trehalose, and survived for at least 12 days, even when stored under non-ideal conditions. Trehalose provided better protection than the sucrose/peptone combination. When protective excipients were introduced inside the cells, strain CFN 42 was more sensitive to the type of additive used than strain CIAT 899, probably because CIAT 899 produces beta (1-2) glucan, which may have a protective effect. beta (1-2) glucan combined with sucrose protected better than trehalose against leakage from freeze-dried liposomes, but by itself it had no protective capability. There was a high level of unfrozen water associated with the hydrated glucan, in addition to a thermal event at approximately 70ºC, corresponding to an observed gel-sol transition in the glucan. These findings may shed light on the mechanism by which the glucan contributes to the protection of dried cells and liposomes, and may lead to further improvements in rhizobial inoculants.
The incomplete Evros ophiolites in NE Greece form a NE-SW-oriented discontinuous belt in the Alpine orogen of the north Aegean. Field data, petrology and geochemistry are presented here for the intrusive section and associated mafic dykes of these ophiolites. Bodies of high-level isotropic gabbro and plagiogranite in the ophiolite suite are cross-cut by NE-SW-trending boninitic and tholeiitic-boninitic affinity dykes, respectively. The dykes fill tensile fractures or faults, which implies dyke emplacement in an extensional tectonic regime. The tholeiitic-transitional boninitic gabbro is REE- and HFS-depleted relative to N-MORB, indicating derivation from melting of a refractory mantle peridotite source. Associated boninitic dykes are slightly LREE-enriched, showing mineral and whole-rock geochemistry similar to the gabbro. The plagiogranite is a strongly REE-enriched high-silica trondhjemite, with textures and composition typical for an oceanic crust differentiate. Plagiogranite-hosted tholeiitic and transitional boninitic dykes are variably REE-enriched. Geochemical modelling indicates origin of the plagiogranite by up to 75% fractional crystallization of basaltic magma similar to that producing the associated tholeiitic dykes. All mafic rocks have high LILE/HFSE ratios and negative Ta-Nb-Ti and Ce anomalies, typical for subduction zone-related settings. The mafic rocks show a similar trace-element character to the mafic lavas of an extrusive section in Bulgaria, suggesting they both form genetically related intrusive and extrusive suites of the Evros ophiolites. The field occurrence, the structural context, the petrology and geochemical signature of the studied magmatic assemblage provide evidence for its origin in a proto-arc (fore-arc) tectonic setting, thus tracing the early stages of the tectono-magmatic evolution of Jurassic arc-marginal basin system that has generated the supra-subduction type Evros ophiolites.
The good news with regard to this (or any) chapter on the future of leadership is that there is one. There was a time when researchers called for a moratorium on new leadership theory and research (e.g., Miner, 1975) citing the uncertain future of the field. Then for a time there was a popular academic perspective that leadership did not really matter when it came to shaping organizational outcomes (Meindl & Ehrlich, 1987; Meindl, Ehrlich, & Dukerich, 1985; Pfeffer, 1977). That perspective was laid to rest by "realists" in the field (Day & Antonakis, 2012a) by means of empirical re-interpretation of the results used to support the position that leadership does not matter (Lieberson & O'Connor, 1972; Salancik & Pfeffer, 1977). Specifically, Day and Lord (1988) showed that when proper methodological concerns were addressed (e.g., controlling for industry and company size effects; incorporating appropriate time lags) that the impact of top-level leadership was considerable - explaining as much as 45% of the variance in measures of organizational performance. Despite some recent pessimistic sentiments about the "curiously unformed" state of leadership research and theory (Hackman & Wageman, 2007), others have argued that the field has continued to evolve and is potentially on the threshold of some significant breakthroughs (Day & Antonakis, 2012a). Leadership scholars have been re-energized by new directions in the field and research efforts have revitalized areas previously abandoned for apparent lack of consistency in findings (e.g., leadership trait theory). Our accumulated knowledge now allows us to explain the nature of leadership including its biological bases and other antecedents, and consequences with some degree of confidence. There are other comprehensive sources that review the extensive theoretical and empirical foundation of leadership (Bass, 2008; Day & Antonakis, 2012b) so that will not be the focus of the present chapter. Instead, we will take a future-oriented perspective in identifying particular areas within the leadership field that we believe offer promising perspectives on the future of leadership. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile as background to first provide an overview of how we see the leadership field changing over the past decade or so. This short chronicle will set the stage for a keener understanding of where the future contributions are likely to emerge. Overall, across nine major schools of leadership - trait, behavioural, contingency, contextual, relational, sceptics, information processing, New Leadership, biological and evolutionary - researchers have seen a resurgence in interest in one area, a high level of activity in at least four other areas, inactivity in three areas, and one that was modestly active in the previous decade but we think holds strong promise for the future (Gardner, Lowe, Moss, Mahoney, & Cogliser, 2010). We will next provide brief overviews of these nine schools and their respective levels of research activity (see Figure 1).
BACKGROUND: We assessed expectations to improve cardiovascular disease risk factors (CVD-RF) in participants to a health promotion program. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Blood pressure (BP), blood glucose (BG), blood total cholesterol (TC), body mass index (BMI), and self-reported smoking were assessed in 1,598 volunteers from the general public (men: 40%; mean age: 56.7 +/- 12.7 years) participating in a mobile health promotion program in the Vaud canton, Switzerland. Participants were asked about their expectation to have their CVD-RF improved at a next visit scheduled 2-3 years later. RESULTS: Expectation for improved control was found in 90% of participants with elevated BP, 91% with elevated BG, 45% with elevated TC, 44% who were overweight, and 35% who were smoking. Expectation for TC improvement was reported more often by men, persons with high level of TC, and persons who had consulted a doctor in the past 12 months. Expectations to lose weight and to quit smoking were found more often in younger persons than the older ones. CONCLUSION: Volunteers from the general population participating in a health promotion program expected improved control more often for hypertension and dysglycemia than for dyslipidemia, overweight and smoking.
L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és comparar els efectes de dos mitjans de treball sobre la força explosiva en 9 atletes de nivell autonòmic i nacional (19,6 ± 2,6 anys, 1,76 ± 7 m i 68,9 ± 3,5 kg) que entrenaren durant el període competitiu, 6 setmanes amb una freqüència de 2 cops per setmana, seguint una periodització creixent. Els subjectes varen ser dividits en 3 grups de 3 atletes cada un, però utilitzant diferents mitjans d’entrenament: el grup experimental combinant la plataforma vibratòria i les màquines inercials (1), amb un temps d’exposició a la vibració de 30’’, a una intensitat de 45 Hz i una amplitud de 5 mm amb una pausa d’1’. I de 3 sèries de 8 repeticions executades a màxima velocitat en la fase concèntrica i controlant aquesta en la fase excèntrica, amb una pausa de 3’ en les màquines io-io. El grup experimental de pesos lliures (2), va realitzar 4 exercicis: ½ squat, pliometria (CEE), multisalts horitzontals i acceleracions, seguint les pautes d’un treball de força explosiva proposat per Badillo i Gorostiaga (1995). I un grup control (3), que no realitzà cap entrenament de força. Abans i després del període d’intervenció és realitzaren els següents tests: salt sense contramoviment (SJ) i salt amb contramoviment (CMJ). Els resultats indicaren que el grup (1), (2) i (3) disminuïren significativament el SJ i el CMJ. Es conclou que l’entrenament, tant en el de combinació d’estímuls vibratoris amb màquines inercials com el de pesos lliures pareix ser un mitja que s’ha de controlar i perioditzar molt bé ja que en el període competitiu l’atleta acumula uns nivells de fatiga tant muscular com fisiològics molt superiors que en altres períodes de la temporada.
La Gimnàstica Estètica de Grup (GEG) és un esport emergent del qual no existeix gairebé cap treball de camp i/o publicació. En relació al codi de puntuació d’aquesta modalitat, tant les capacitats de salt com la unitat de moviment del cos i la sincronització entre els membres del conjunt, tenen un pes molt important en la puntuació del valor tècnic i de l’execució. En aquest estudi s’ha realitzat la mesura, avaluació i comparació de les manifestacions de la força explosiva, elàstica i reactiva d’un grup de gimnàstica d’estètica d’alt nivell al principi i al final del període competitiu, mitjançant la bateria de tests de salts verticals de Bosco, concretament SJ, CMJ, CMJas i RJ (15” CMJas). També s’ha analitzat la sincronització i/o coordinació temporal intergrupal d’execució de les dificultats tècniques de salt de les coreografies competitives, al llarg del període competitiu d’un conjunt de gimnàstica estètica d’alt nivell, tenint en compte la sincronització en començar la dificultat i en acabar-la. Els resultats obtinguts demostren que la manifestació de força elàsticoexplosiva en CMJ ha disminuït un 0,46 % i la força explosiva SJ (sense reutilització d'energia elàstica ni aprofitament del reflex miotàtic) ha augmentat un 4,63 %. Durant el període competitiu del conjunt sènior de gimnàstica estètica del Club Muntanyenc Sant Cugat, la influència dels braços en la capacitat de salt ha augmentat un 1,32% i la potència anaeròbica alàctica un 4,76%. Tot i que en la majoria de tests, els resultats han estat positius, no es considera que la mostra hagi assolit una millora significativa, atès que no ha superat el 10% proposat en començar l’estudi, i els valors obtinguts són totalment inestables. S’ha vist que en un mateix test el % de pèrdues i de guanys ha estat molt variat, de manera que no es pot establir una relació de millora de la capacitat de salt en funció de l’entrenament. Pel que fa a la sincronització temporal intergrupal, ha millorat entre un 37,50% (sincronització temps inicial) i un 50,00% (sincronització temps final) en relació a les dificultats tècniques. Fet que és relaciona directament amb l’automatització de mecanismes d’execució al llarg de la temporada competitiva. Tot i així no s’ha igualat o superat la millora d’un 70% proposada per les hipòtesis inicials de l’estudi.
The inactivation of ERG3, a gene encoding sterol Δ⁵,⁶-desaturase (essential for ergosterol biosynthesis), is a known mechanism of in vitro resistance to azole antifungal drugs in the human pathogen Candida albicans. ERG3 inactivation typically results in loss of filamentation and attenuated virulence in animal models of disseminated candidiasis. In this work, we identified a C. albicans clinical isolate (VSY2) with high-level resistance to azole drugs in vitro and an absence of ergosterol but normal filamentation. Sequencing of ERG3 in VSY2 revealed a double base deletion leading to a premature stop codon and thus a nonfunctional enzyme. The reversion of the double base deletion in the mutant allele (erg3-1) restored ergosterol biosynthesis and full fluconazole susceptibility in VSY2, confirming that ERG3 inactivation was the mechanism of azole resistance. Additionally, the replacement of both ERG3 alleles by erg3-1 in the wild-type strain SC5314 led to the absence of ergosterol and to fluconazole resistance without affecting filamentation. In a mouse model of disseminated candidiasis, the clinical ERG3 mutant VSY2 produced kidney fungal burdens and mouse survival comparable to those obtained with the wild-type control. Interestingly, while VSY2 was resistant to fluconazole both in vitro and in vivo, the ERG3-derived mutant of SC5314 was resistant only in vitro and was less virulent than the wild type. This suggests that VSY2 compensated for the in vivo fitness defect of ERG3 inactivation by a still unknown mechanism(s). Taken together, our results provide evidence that contrary to previous reports inactivation of ERG3 does not necessarily affect filamentation and virulence.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to describe the demographic, social and medical characteristics, and healthcare use of highly frequent users of a university hospital emergency department (ED) in Switzerland. METHODS: A retrospective consecutive case series was performed. We included all highly frequent users, defined as patients attending the ED 12 times or more within a calendar year (1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009). We collected their characteristics and calculated a score of accumulation of risk factors of vulnerability. RESULTS: Highly frequent users comprised 0.1% of ED patients, and they accounted for 0.8% of all ED attendances (23 patients, 425 attendances). Of all highly frequent users, 87% had a primary care practitioner, 82.6% were unemployed, 73.9% were socially isolated, and 60.9% had a mental health or substance use primary diagnosis. One-third had attempted suicide during study period, all of them being women. They were often admitted (24.0% of attendances), and only 8.7% were uninsured. On average, they cumulated 3.3 different risk factors of vulnerability (SD 1.4). CONCLUSION: Highly frequent users of a Swiss academic ED are a highly vulnerable population. They are in poor health and accumulate several risk factors of being even in poorer health. The small number of patients and their high level of insurance coverage make it particularly feasible to design a specific intervention to approach their needs, in close collaboration with their primary care practitioner. Elaboration of the intervention should focus on social reinsertion and risk-reduction strategies with regard to substance use, hospital admissions and suicide.
Video games in a learning environ-ment and their application to the educational world has become a common study between researchers because the use of videogames in the classroom is coherent with a compe-tence-based education theory. A social science approach to video-games allows an exhaustive under-standing of the video games and of the game experience in the classroom. When a video game gives to the user a high level of immersion, all his interest and energy is focused in the game, this fact together with the motivation in the video game is the basis of interest for educators and researchers in the potentiality of the video games as learning environ-ments. In this presentation, we will show and analyze the importance of the video games in an educational context, using a case study: the video game "Monturiol el joc". In the paper, we describe the video game structure, the instructional function, the practice application and the future work. Also, we discuss the impor-tance of the video games as a learning immersive environment, and we conclude our report with a brief analysis of the importance of the study of video games.
This study aimed to test subjective indicators designed to analyze the role food plays in children’s lives, explore children’s personal well-being, and evaluate the relationship between these two phenomena. It was conducted on 371 children aged 10 to 12 by means of a selfadministered questionnaire. Results showed a marked interest in food on the part of children, who consider taste and health the most important indicators when it comes to eating. They demonstrated a high level of personal well-being, measured using Cummins & Lau’s adapted version of the Personal Well- Being Index–School Children (PWI-SC) (2005), overall life satisfaction (OLS) and satisfaction with various life domains (friends, family, sports, food and body). Regression models were conducted to explain satisfaction with food, taking as independent variables the interest children have in food, the importance they give to different reasons for eating, scores from the PWI-SC, OLS and satisfaction with various life domains. In the final model, it was found that OLS, health indicators, satisfaction with health from the PWI-SC and satisfaction with your body contribute to explaining satisfaction with food. The results obtained suggest that satisfaction with food is a relevant indicator in the exploration of children’s subjective well-being, calling into question the widespread belief that these aspects are of exclusive interest to adults. They also seem to reinforce the importance of including food indicators in any study aimed at exploring the well-being of the 10 to 12 year-old population.
BACKGROUND: Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) are often administered in salvage therapy even if genotypic resistance tests (GRTs) indicate high-level resistance, but little is known about the benefit of these additional NRTIs. METHODS: The effect of <2 compared with 2 NRTIs on viral suppression (HIV-1 RNA < 50 copies/mL) at week 24 was studied in salvage patients receiving raltegravir. Intent-to-treat and per-protocol analyses were performed; last observation carried forward imputation was used to deal with missing information. Logistic regressions were weighted to create a pseudopopulation in which the probability of receiving <2 and 2 NRTIs was unrelated to baseline factors predicting treatment response. RESULTS: One-hundred thirty patients were included, of whom 58.5% (n = 76) received <2 NRTIs. NRTIs were often replaced by other drug classes. Patients with 2 NRTIs received less additional drug classes compared with patients with <2 NRTIs [median (IQR): 1 (1-2) compared with 2 (1-2), P Wilcoxon < 0.001]. The activity of non-NRTI treatment components was lower in the 2 NRTIs group compared with the <2 NRTIs group [median (IQR) genotypic sensitivity score: 2 (1.5-2.5) compared with 2.5 (2-3), P Wilcoxon < 0.001]. The administration of <2 NRTIs was associated with a worse viral suppression rate at week 24. The odds ratios were 0.34 (95% confidence interval: 0.13 to 0.89, P = 0.027) and 0.19 (95% confidence interval: 0.05 to 0.79, P = 0.023) when performing the last observation carried forward and the per-protocol approach, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings showed that partially active or inactive NRTIs contribute to treatment response, and thus the use of 2 NRTIs in salvage regimens that include raltegravir seems warranted.
Résumé : Dans le modèle murin d'infection avec le parasite protozoaire Leishmania major (L. major), la souche de souris C57BL/6 est résistante a |'infection et développe une réponse protectrice Thelper (Th) 1. Inversement, les souris de la souche BALB/c développent une réponse Th2 et sont sensibles a cette infection. A la suite d'une infection avec ce parasite, les neutrophiles sont les premières cellules présentes au site d'infection et sont recrutées de manière égale dans les souches résistantes et sensibles à L. major, Néanmoins, trois jours après l'infection, la majorité des neutrophiles disparaissent du site d'infection chez les souris C57BL/6, tandis que ils restent jusqu'a dix jours chez les souris BALB/c. Un rôle crucial des neutrophiles a été démontré durant l'infection avec L. major. En effet, la déplétion de ces cellules avant |'infection dans les souris BALB/c, conduit a une réduction du développement des lésions, associée à une baisse de la charge parasitaire et a une modification de la réponse immunitaire vers une réponse Th1 dans des souris normalement sensibles a |'infection, suggérant un rôle immunorégulateur de ces neutrophiles durant les premiers jours de l'infection. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle des neutrophiles suite à l'infection avec L. major. Nous avons démontré que le parasite induisait des phénotypes de neutrophiles distincts chez les souris résistantes ou sensibles à L. major. Suite à l'exposition au parasite, les neutrophiles de souris C57BL/6 ont montré une expression élevée des récepteurs Toll-like 2, 7 et 9 ainsi que la sécrétion d'lL-12p7O et d'lL-10, alors que ceux de souris BALB/c sécrétaient de l'IL-12p40 et du TGFB. Nous avons ensuite démontré qu'en réponse à L. major, au contraire des neutrophiles de BALB/c, les neutrophiles de souris résistantes C57BL/6, libéraient la chimiokine CCL3 attirant les cellules dendritiques. Le rôle crucial de cette chimiokine dans la migration de la première de vague de cellules dendritiques au site d'infection ainsi que son rôle dans le développement de la réponse immunitaire subséquente a été établi. Ces résultats démontrent que les neutrophiles, suite a |'infection avec le parasite L. major, créent un microenvironnement capable de déterminer le développement d'une réponse immunitaire spécifique a un antigène. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des neutrophiles suite a l'infection avec d'autres espèces de Leishmania: L, doriovani et L. mexicaria, agents responsables de leishmaniose viscérale et cutanée chronique respectivement. Un rôle crucial des neutrophiles a été démontré dans la réponse protectrice suite a l'infection avec L. donovani, l'absence de ces cellules amenant à une susceptibilité au parasite accrue, associée avec une induction préférentielle d'une réponse Th2. Inversement, la déplétion des neutrophiles lors de l'infection avec L. mexicaria aboutit a une résistance accrue, comme constaté par la baisse dela charge parasitaire, la hausse de la réponse Th1 ainsi la baisse de la réponse Th2 dans les souris déplétées en neutrophiles. Néanmoins, malgré le rôle délétère des neutrophiles sur le développement d'une réponse protectrice suite à |'infection avec L. mexicana, ces cellules sont nécessaires pour une résolution correcte dela réponse inflammatoire. En résumé, cette étude révèle un rôle majeur des neutrophiles lors de |'infection avec plusieurs especes de Leishmania. Résumé pour un large public : Les neutrophiles font partie de la famille des globules blancs. A la suite d'une infection, ces cellules sont les premières a être recrutées au site d'infection et sont impliquées dans |'élimination des pathogènes. Dans cette thèse, nous nous somme donc intéressés au rôle que pouvaient jouer ces neutrophiles durant l'infection avec le parasite protozoaire Leishmania major (L. major). Dans le modèle murin d'infection avec L. major, la majorité des souches de souris utilisées dans la recherche, dont les souris de la souche C57BL/6, développent de petites lésions qui guérissent spontanément après quelques semaines (souris résistantes). ll existe néanmoins, quelques souches de souris, dont la souche de souris BALB/c, qui développent des lésions qui ne guérissent pas (souris sensibles). Il a été observé que lors de l'lnfection avec ce parasites les neutrophiles étaient les premières cellules recrutées au site de l'lnfection dans toutes les souches de souris, toutefois trois jours après le début dela réaction immunitaire, la majorité des neutrophiles disparaissent chez les souris C57BL/6, tandis qu'ils restent jusqu'à dix jours chez les souris BALB/c. De plus, un rôle crucial des neutrophiles a été démontré durant l'infection avec L. major. En effet, l'absence de neutrophiles durant les trois premiers jours de l'infection chez les souris sensibles à |'infection, rend ces souris résistantes. Ces résultats suggèrent donc un rôle régulateur de la réponse immunitaire des neutrophiles durant les premiers jours de l'infection. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle des neutrophiles suite à l'infection avec L. major. Nous avons donc analysé la sécrétion des cytokines, molécules essentielles qui déterminent la réponse immunitaire, par les neutrophiles. Nous avons démontré que le parasite induisait une sécrétion de cytokines différente entre les souris résistantes ou sensibles a L. major. Nous avons ensuite démontré que seule la souche de souris résistante sécrétait la chimiokine CCL3, connue pour être impliquée dans le recrutement de différentes cellules au site d'infecti0n, dont les cellules dendritiques. Les cellules dendritiques sont un élément fondamental pour un bon déroulement d'une réponse immunitaire, de par leur rôle décisif de liaison entre une réponse précoce non-spécifique au pathogène et une réponse plus tardive spécifique au pathogène et nécessaire pour |'élimination de dernier. Nous avons démontré que les neutrophiles de souris résistantes sécrétaient CCL3 et recrutaient les cellules dendritiques au site d'infecti0n, jouant de ce fait un rôle essentiel dans le développement de la réponse immunitaire. Ces résultats démontrent que les neutrophiles, suite à l'infection avec le parasite L. major, créent un microenvironnement capable de déterminer le développement d'une réponse immunitaire. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des neutrophiles suite à l'lnfection avec d'autres espèces de Leishmania, L. donovani et L. mexicana. Nous avons pu montrer un rôle crucial de ces cellules dans la réponse à ces deux parasites. En effet, suite à |'infection avec L. donovani, un rôle protecteur des neutrophiles a été observé, leur absence menant à une susceptibilité accrue aux parasites. Dans le cas de l'infection avec L. mexicana, une réduction de |'infection a été observée en absence de neutrophiles, avec néanmoins une augmentation de la lésion, suggérant un rôle important de ces cellules dans le développement de la réponse immunitaire ainsi que dans le contrôle de la réponse inflammatoire. En résumé, cette étude révèle un rôle majeur des neutrophiles lors de l'lnfection avec plusieurs membres de la famille Leishrnania. Summary : Upon infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major (L. major), C57BL/6 mice show a resistant phenotype, developing a protective Thelper (Th) 1 response. ln contrast, BALB/c mice develop a Th2 response and are susceptible to infection. Following inoculation with the parasite, neutrophils are the first cells migrating at the site of infection and are equally recruited in both L. major- resistant and susceptible mouse strains. However, after three days of infection, almost all neutrophils disappear from the site of infection in C57BL/6 mice, while they persist until ten days in BALB/c mice. Neutrophils were shown to play a crucial role during infection with L. major. indeed, depletion of these cells in BALB/c mice prior to infection with the parasite led to a lower Iesion development, associated with a lower parasite burden and a modification in the immune response towards a Th1 response in these otherwise susceptible mice, suggesting an immunomodulatory role for neutrophils during the first days of infection. ln the first part of this thesis, we were interested in better understanding the role of neutrophils in infection with L. major. \/\/e found that this parasite was inducing distinct neutrophil phenotypes in L. major-resistant and susceptible mice. Upon exposition with L. major, C57BL/6 neutrophils were reported to express high level of Toll-like receptors 2, 7, 9 mRNA and secrete IL-12p70 and IL-10, while BALB/c neutrophils secreted homodimers of IL-12p40, and TGFB. We then demonstrated that in response to L. major, neutrophils from L. major-resistant C57BL/6 mice release the CCL3 dendritic cell attracting chemokine, which is critical for the first wave of dendritic cell migration to the site of infection and in the development of the subsequent immune response. Altogether, these results demonstrated that upon infection with L. major, neutrophils create a microenvironment that can determine the development of an antigen-specific immune response. ln the second part of the thesis we were interested in understanding the role of neutrophils upon infection with of other species of Leishmania: L. donovani causing visceral leishmaniasis and L. mexicana, agent of chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis. Upon infection with L. donovani, neutrophils were found to play a crucial role in the early protective response, their absence leading to an increased susceptibility to the parasite, associated with the preferential induction of a Th2 response. ln contrast, depletion of these cells early in infection with L. mexicana was leading to an increased resistance, as observed by a decreased parasite burden, increased Th1 and decreased Th2 response in neutrophil-depleted mice. However, despite the deleterious role of neutrophils on the development of a protective immune response upon L. mexicana infection, these cells were required for the proper resolution of the inflammatory response. Altogether, these results highlight a major immunomodulatory role for neutrophils in infection with several species of Leishmania.
One of the major hurdles of isolating stable, inducible or constitutive high-level producer cell lines is the time-consuming selection procedure. Given the variation in the expression levels of the same construct in individual clones, hundreds of clones must be isolated and tested to identify one or more with the desired characteristics. Various boundary elements (BEs), matrix attachment regions, and locus control regions (LCRs) were screened for their ability to augment the expression of heterologous genes in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. Of the chromatin elements assayed, the chicken lysozyme matrix-attachment region (MAR) was the only element to significantly increase stable reporter expression. We found that the use of the MAR increases the proportion of high-producing clones, thus reducing the number of clones that need to be screened. These benefits are observed both for constructs with MARs flanking the transgene expression cassette, as well as when constructs are co-transfected with the MAR on a separate plasmid. Moreover, the MAR was co-transfected with a multicomponent regulatable beta-galactosidase expression system in C2C12 cells and several clones exhibiting regulated expression were identified. Hence, MARs are useful in the development of stable cell lines for production or regulated expression.
Objective: To examine whether the level of parental monitoring is associated with substance use among Swiss adolescents, and to assess whether this effect remains when these adolescents have consuming peers. Methods: Nationally representative sample from the Swiss participation in the 2007 European School Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) survey, which included 7611 adolescents issued from public schools (8th-10th grades). Four levels of parental control were created and four substances (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and ecstasy) were analyzed. All significant variables at the bivariate level were included in the multivariate analysis. Results: Most adolescents had a high level of parental monitoring and that was associated with younger age, being female, high socioeconomic status, intact family structure and a satisfactory relationship with mother, father and peers. Globally, substance use decreased as parental monitoring increased and high parental monitoring decreased having consuming peers. Results remained essentially the same when consuming peers were added in the analysis. Conclusions: Parental monitoring has positive effects on adolescent substance use with a reduction of consumption and a lower association with consuming peers, which seems to protect adolescents against their potential negative influence. Encouraging parents to monitor their adolescents' activities and friendships by establishing rules about what is allowed or not are simple ways to limit the negative influence of consuming peers on adolescent substance use.