918 resultados para High Throughput
Single-stranded regions in RNA secondary structure are important for RNA–RNA and RNA–protein interactions. We present a probability profile approach for the prediction of these regions based on a statistical algorithm for sampling RNA secondary structures. For the prediction of phylogenetically-determined single-stranded regions in secondary structures of representative RNA sequences, the probability profile offers substantial improvement over the minimum free energy structure. In designing antisense oligonucleotides, a practical problem is how to select a secondary structure for the target mRNA from the optimal structure(s) and many suboptimal structures with similar free energies. By summarizing the information from a statistical sample of probable secondary structures in a single plot, the probability profile not only presents a solution to this dilemma, but also reveals ‘well-determined’ single-stranded regions through the assignment of probabilities as measures of confidence in predictions. In antisense application to the rabbit β-globin mRNA, a significant correlation between hybridization potential predicted by the probability profile and the degree of inhibition of in vitro translation suggests that the probability profile approach is valuable for the identification of effective antisense target sites. Coupling computational design with DNA–RNA array technique provides a rational, efficient framework for antisense oligonucleotide screening. This framework has the potential for high-throughput applications to functional genomics and drug target validation.
BodyMap is a human and mouse gene expression database that is based on site-directed 3′-expressed sequence tags generated at Osaka University. To date, it contains more than 300 000 tag sequences from 64 human and 39 mouse tissues. For the recent release, the precise anatomical expression patterns for more than half of the human gene entries were generated by introduced amplified fragment length polymorphism (iAFLP), which is a PCR-based high-throughput expression profiling method. The iAFLP data incorporated into BodyMap describe the relative contents of more than 12 000 transcripts across 30 tissue RNAs. In addition, a newly developed gene ranking system helps users obtain lists of genes that have desired expression patterns according to their significance. BodyMap supports complete transfer of unique data sets and provides analysis that is accessible through the WWW at http://bodymap.ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
The Biomolecular Interaction Network Database (BIND; http://binddb.org) is a database designed to store full descriptions of interactions, molecular complexes and pathways. Development of the BIND 2.0 data model has led to the incorporation of virtually all components of molecular mechanisms including interactions between any two molecules composed of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. Chemical reactions, photochemical activation and conformational changes can also be described. Everything from small molecule biochemistry to signal transduction is abstracted in such a way that graph theory methods may be applied for data mining. The database can be used to study networks of interactions, to map pathways across taxonomic branches and to generate information for kinetic simulations. BIND anticipates the coming large influx of interaction information from high-throughput proteomics efforts including detailed information about post-translational modifications from mass spectrometry. Version 2.0 of the BIND data model is discussed as well as implementation, content and the open nature of the BIND project. The BIND data specification is available as ASN.1 and XML DTD.
The Medicago Genome Initiative (MGI) is a database of EST sequences of the model legume Medicago truncatula. The database is available to the public and has resulted from a collaborative research effort between the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation and the National Center for Genome Resources to investigate the genome of M.truncatula. MGI is part of the greater integrated Medicago functional genomics program at the Noble Foundation (http://www.noble .org), which is taking a global approach in studying the genetic and biochemical events associated with the growth, development and environmental interactions of this model legume. Our approach will include: large-scale EST sequencing, gene expression profiling, the generation of M.truncatula activation-tagged and promoter trap insertion mutants, high-throughput metabolic profiling, and proteome studies. These multidisciplinary information pools will be interfaced with one another to provide scientists with an integrated, holistic set of tools to address fundamental questions pertaining to legume biology. The public interface to the MGI database can be accessed at http://www.ncgr.org/research/mgi.
A database (SpliceDB) of known mammalian splice site sequences has been developed. We extracted 43 337 splice pairs from mammalian divisions of the gene-centered Infogene database, including sites from incomplete or alternatively spliced genes. Known EST sequences supported 22 815 of them. After discarding sequences with putative errors and ambiguous location of splice junctions the verified dataset includes 22 489 entries. Of these, 98.71% contain canonical GT–AG junctions (22 199 entries) and 0.56% have non-canonical GC–AG splice site pairs. The remainder (0.73%) occurs in a lot of small groups (with a maximum size of 0.05%). We especially studied non-canonical splice sites, which comprise 3.73% of GenBank annotated splice pairs. EST alignments allowed us to verify only the exonic part of splice sites. To check the conservative dinucleotides we compared sequences of human non-canonical splice sites with sequences from the high throughput genome sequencing project (HTG). Out of 171 human non-canonical and EST-supported splice pairs, 156 (91.23%) had a clear match in the human HTG. They can be classified after sequence analysis as: 79 GC–AG pairs (of which one was an error that corrected to GC–AG), 61 errors corrected to GT–AG canonical pairs, six AT–AC pairs (of which two were errors corrected to AT–AC), one case was produced from a non-existent intron, seven cases were found in HTG that were deposited to GenBank and finally there were only two other cases left of supported non-canonical splice pairs. The information about verified splice site sequences for canonical and non-canonical sites is presented in SpliceDB with the supporting evidence. We also built weight matrices for the major splice groups, which can be incorporated into gene prediction programs. SpliceDB is available at the computational genomic Web server of the Sanger Centre: http://genomic.sanger.ac.uk/spldb/SpliceDB.html and at http://www.softberry.com/spldb/SpliceDB.html.
High throughput genome (HTG) and expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences are currently the most abundant nucleotide sequence classes in the public database. The large volume, high degree of fragmentation and lack of gene structure annotations prevent efficient and effective searches of HTG and EST data for protein sequence homologies by standard search methods. Here, we briefly describe three newly developed resources that should make discovery of interesting genes in these sequence classes easier in the future, especially to biologists not having access to a powerful local bioinformatics environment. trEST and trGEN are regularly regenerated databases of hypothetical protein sequences predicted from EST and HTG sequences, respectively. Hits is a web-based data retrieval and analysis system providing access to precomputed matches between protein sequences (including sequences from trEST and trGEN) and patterns and profiles from Prosite and Pfam. The three resources can be accessed via the Hits home page (http://hits.isb-sib.ch).
The key requirements for high-throughput single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing of DNA samples in large-scale disease case-control studies are automatability, simplicity, and robustness, coupled with minimal cost. In this paper we describe a fluorescence technique for the detection of SNPs that have been amplified by using the amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS)-PCR procedure. Its performance was evaluated using 32 sequence-specific primer mixes to assign the HLA-DRB alleles to 80 lymphoblastoid cell line DNAs chosen from our database for their diversity. All had been typed previously by alternative methods, either direct sequencing or gel electrophoresis. We believe the detection system that we call AMDI (alkaline-mediated differential interaction) satisfies the above criteria and is suitable for general high-throughput SNP typing.
One of the striking features of vascular endothelium, the single-cell-thick lining of the cardiovascular system, is its phenotypic plasticity. Various pathophysiologic factors, such as cytokines, growth factors, hormones, and metabolic products, can modulate its functional phenotype in health and disease. In addition to these humoral stimuli, endothelial cells respond to their biomechanical environment, although the functional implications of this biomechanical paradigm of activation have not been fully explored. Here we describe a high-throughput genomic analysis of modulation of gene expression observed in cultured human endothelial cells exposed to two well defined biomechanical stimuli—a steady laminar shear stress and a turbulent shear stress of equivalent spatial and temporal average intensity. Comparison of the transcriptional activity of 11,397 unique genes revealed distinctive patterns of up- and down-regulation associated with each type of stimulus. Cluster analyses of transcriptional profiling data were coupled with other molecular and cell biological techniques to examine whether these global patterns of biomechanical activation are translated into distinct functional phenotypes. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy of structural and contractile proteins revealed the formation of a complex apical cytoskeleton in response to laminar shear stress. Cell cycle analysis documented different effects of laminar and turbulent shear stresses on cell proliferation. Thus, endothelial cells have the capacity to discriminate among specific biomechanical forces and to translate these input stimuli into distinctive phenotypes. The demonstration that hemodynamically derived stimuli can be strong modulators of endothelial gene expression has important implications for our understanding of the mechanisms of vascular homeostasis and atherogenesis.
Detection of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) by comparison of normal and tumor genotypes using PCR-based microsatellite loci provides considerable advantages over traditional Southern blotting-based approaches. However, current methodologies are limited by several factors, including the numbers of loci that can be evaluated for LOH in a single experiment, the discrimination of true alleles versus "stutter bands," and the use of radionucleotides in detecting PCR products. Here we describe methods for high throughput simultaneous assessment of LOH at multiple loci in human tumors; these methods rely on the detection of amplified microsatellite loci by fluorescence-based DNA sequencing technology. Data generated by this approach are processed by several computer software programs that enable the automated linear quantitation and calculation of allelic ratios, allowing rapid ascertainment of LOH. As a test of this approach, genotypes at a series of loci on chromosome 4 were determined for 58 carcinomas of the uterine cervix. The results underscore the efficacy, sensitivity, and remarkable reproducibility of this approach to LOH detection and provide subchromosomal localization of two regions of chromosome 4 commonly altered in cervical tumors.
Photolithographic micromachining of silicon is a candidate technology for the construction of high-throughput DNA analysis devices. However, the development of complex silicon microfabricated systems has been hindered in part by the lack of a simple, versatile pumping method for integrating individual components. Here we describe a surface-tension-based pump able to move discrete nanoliter drops through enclosed channels using only local heating. This thermocapillary pump can accurately mix, measure, and divide drops by simple electronic control. In addition, we have constructed thermal-cycling chambers, gel electrophoresis channels, and radiolabeled DNA detectors that are compatible with the fabrication of thermocapillary pump channels. Since all of the components are made by conventional photolithographic techniques, they can be assembled into more complex integrated systems. The combination of pump and components into self-contained miniaturized devices may provide significant improvements in DNA analysis speed, portability, and cost. The potential of microfabricated systems lies in the low unit cost of silicon-based construction and in the efficient sample handling afforded by component integration.
A concept termed liquid-phase combinatorial synthesis (LPCS) is described. The central feature of this methodology is that it combines the advantages that classic organic synthesis in solution offers with those that solid-phase synthesis can provide, through the application of a linear homogeneous polymer. To validate this concept two libraries were prepared, one of peptide and the second of nonpeptide origin. The peptide-based library was synthesized by a recursive deconvolution strategy [Erb, E., Janda, K. D. & Brenner, S. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 11422-11426] and several ligands were found within this library to bind a monoclonal antibody elicited against beta-endorphin. The non-peptide molecules synthesized were arylsulfonamides, a class of compounds of known clinical bactericidal efficacy. The results indicate that the reaction scope of LPCS should be general, and its value to multiple, high-throughput screening assays could be of particular merit, since multimilligram quantities of each library member can readily be attained.
A cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) é uma doença geneticamente determinada, caracterizada por hipertrofia ventricular primária, com prevalência estimada de 0.2% na população geral. Qualquer portador tem 50% de chance de transmitir esta doença para seus filhos, o que torna cada vez mais relevante a importância do estudo genético dos indivíduos acometidos e de seus familiares. Já foram descritas diversas mutações genéticas causadoras de CMH, a maioria em genes que codificam proteínas do sarcômero, e algumas mutações mais raras em genes não sarcoméricos. O objetivo desse estudo é sequenciar as regiões exônicas de genes candidatos, incluindo os principais envolvidos na hipertrofia miocárdica, utilizando o sequenciamento de nova geração (Generation Sequencing); testar a aplicabilidade e viabilidade deste sistema para identificar mutações já confirmadas e propor as prováveis novas mutações causadoras de CMH. Métodos e resultados: 66 pacientes não aparentados portadores de CMH foram estudados e submetidos à coleta de sangue para obtenção do DNA para analisar as regiões exômicas de 82 genes candidatos, utilizando a plataforma MiSeq (Illumina). Identificou-se 99 mutações provavelmente patogênicas em 54 pacientes incluídos no estudo (81,8%) relacionadas ou não a CMH, e distribuídas em 42 genes diferentes. Destas mutações 27 já haviam sido publicadas, sendo que 17 delas descritas como causadoras de CMH. Em 28 pacientes (42,4%) identificou-se mutação nos três principais genes sarcoméricos relacionados à CMH (MYH7, MYBPC3, TNNT2). Encontrou-se também um grande número de variantes não sonôminas de efeito clínico incerto e algumas mutações relacionadas a outras enfermidades. Conclusão: a análise da sequencia dos exônos de genes candidatos, demonstrou ser uma técnica promissora para o diagnóstico genético de CMH de forma mais rápida e sensível. A quantidade de dados gerados é o um fator limitante até o momento, principalmente em doenças geneticamente complexas com envolvimento de diversos genes e com sistema de bioinformática limitado.
A maioria dos casos de puberdade precoce central (PPC) em meninas permanece idiopática. A hipótese de uma causa genética vem se fortalecendo após a descoberta de alguns genes associados a este fenótipo, sobretudo aqueles implicados com o sistema kisspeptina (KISS1 e KISS1R). Entretanto, apenas casos isolados de PPC foram relacionados à mutação na kisspeptina ou em seu receptor. Até recentemente, a maioria dos estudos genéticos em PPC buscava genes candidatos selecionados com base em modelos animais, análise genética de pacientes com hipogonadismo hipogonadotrófico, ou ainda, nos estudos de associação ampla do genoma. Neste trabalho, foi utilizado o sequenciamento exômico global, uma metodologia mais moderna de sequenciamento, para identificar variantes associadas ao fenótipo de PPC. Trinta e seis indivíduos com a forma de PPC familial (19 famílias) e 213 casos aparentemente esporádicos foram inicialmente selecionados. A forma familial foi definida pela presença de mais de um membro afetado na família. DNA genômico foi extraído dos leucócitos do sangue periférico de todos os pacientes. O estudo de sequenciamento exômico global realizado pela técnica ILLUMINA, em 40 membros de 15 famílias com PPC, identificou mutações inativadoras em um único gene, MKRN3, em cinco dessas famílias. Pesquisa de mutação no MKRN3 realizada por sequenciamento direto em duas famílias adicionais (quatro pacientes) identificou duas novas variantes nesse gene. O MKRN3 é um gene de um único éxon, localizado no cromossomo 15 em uma região crítica para a síndrome de Prader Willi. O gene MKRN3 sofre imprinting materno, sendo expresso apenas pelo alelo paterno. A descoberta de mutações em pacientes com PPC familial despertou o interesse para a pesquisa de mutações nesse gene em 213 pacientes com PPC aparentemente esporádica por meio de reação em cadeia de polimerase seguida de purificação enzimática e sequenciamento automático direto (Sanger). Três novas mutações e duas já anteriormente identificadas, incluindo quatro frameshifts e uma variante missense, foram encontradas, em heterozigose, em seis meninas não relacionadas. Todas as novas variantes identificadas estavam ausentes nos bancos de dados (1000 Genomes e Exome Variant Server). O estudo de segregação familial em três dessas meninas com PPC aparentemente esporádica e mutação no MKRN3 confirmou o padrão de herança autossômica dominante com penetrância completa e transmissão exclusiva pelo alelo paterno, demonstrando que esses casos eram, na verdade, também familiares. A maioria das mutações encontradas no MKRN3 era do tipo frameshift ou nonsense, levando a stop códons prematuros e proteínas truncadas e, portanto, confirmando a associação com o fenótipo. As duas mutações missenses (p.Arg365Ser e p.Phe417Ile) identificadas estavam localizadas em regiões de dedo ou anel de zinco, importantes para a função da proteína. Além disso, os estudos in silico dessas duas variantes demonstraram patogenicidade. Todos os pacientes com mutação no MKRN3 apresentavam características clínicas e hormonais típicas de ativação prematura do eixo reprodutivo. A mediana de idade de início da puberdade foi de 6 anos nas meninas (variando de 3 a 6,5) e 8 anos nos meninos (variando de 5,9 a 8,5). Tendo em vista o fenômeno de imprinting, análise de metilação foi também realizada em um subgrupo de 52 pacientes com PPC pela técnica de MS-MLPA, mas não foram encontradas alterações no padrão de metilação. Em conclusão, este trabalho identificou um novo gene associado ao fenótipo de PPC. Atualmente, mutações inativadoras no MKRN3 representam a causa genética mais comum de PPC familial (33%). O MKRN3 é o primeiro gene imprintado associado a distúrbios puberais em humanos. O mecanismo preciso de ação desse gene na regulação da secreção de GnRH necessita de estudos adicionais
Les impacts environnementaux dues à l'extraction minière sont considérables. C'est l'action des microorganismes, en utilisant leur métabolisme du soufre sur les déchets miniers, qui engendre les plus grands défis. Jusqu'à présent, peu de recherches ont été effectués sur les microorganismes environnementaux pour la compréhension globale de l'action du métabolisme du soufre dans une optique de prévention et de rémédiation des impacts environnementaux de l'extraction minière. Dans cette étude, nous avons étudié une bactérie environnementale, Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, dans le but de comprendre le métabolisme du soufre selon le milieu de culture et le niveau d'acidité du milieu. Nous avons utilisé la transcriptomique à haut débit, RNA-seq, en association avec des techniques de biogéochimie et de microscopie à électrons pour déterminer l'expression des gènes codants les enzymes du métabolisme du soufre. Nous avons trouvé que l'expression des gènes des enzymes du métabolisme du soufre chez ce microorganisme sont dépendantes du milieu, de la phase de croissance et du niveau d'acidité présent dans le milieu. De plus, les analyses biogéochimiques montrent la présence de composés de soufre réduits et d'acide sulfurique dans le milieu. Finalement, une analyse par microscopie électronique révèle que la bactérie emmagasine des réserves de soufre dans son cytoplasme. Ces résultats permettent une meilleure compréhension de son métabolisme et nous rapprochent de la possibilité de développer une technique de prédiction des réactions ayant le potentiel de causer des impacts environnementaux dus à l'extraction minière.
Introduction: The Omics sciences are part of the research and diagnostic routines in human health. However, their application in veterinary sciences is still sparse, albeit the increasing number of proteomics studies published, especially regarding farm animals. The amount of information accumulated by these high throughput techniques, makes the existence of specialized databases fundamental. These databases are essential to store, annotate and make available to the scientific community, all the information gathered by the different omics studies, so that researchers can use it to understand the physio pathological mechanisms underlying sheep diseases, as well as to develop new and improved diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic strategies. Objetive: The aim of this work is to present the OvisOme database and to demosntrate how it can be used to understand the molecular mechanisms urderlying sheep disease. Methodologies: OvisOme compiles all proteins identified by proteomics studies of Ovis aries. The proteins are annotated as to the sample characterization, the proteomics techniques used and all the data the authors refer regarding the donor sheep’s health. Results: The database currently has 1451 proteins, associated to 8 diseases and 10 breeds. When compared to other proteomics databases, the OvisOme stores and displays more information than other databases not specific for sheep, such as UniProt. Conclusion: OvisOme is a valuable tool for the study of the molecular mechanisms underlying sheep health and disease.