980 resultados para Herbicides, Urea
RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar o perfil térmico de fornos tipo "caipira" utilizados pelo setor de cerâmica vermelha em Parelhas, na região do Seridó, RN, visando propor intervenções estruturais que possam colaborar para aumentar a produtividade e qualidade dos produtos, otimizar o consumo de madeira e mitigar as perdas durante o processo de queima. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na Cerâmica Esperança, na cidade de Parelhas, RN. Foram realizados quatro tratamentos com três repetições, sendo a argila o parâmetro utilizado como referência para distinguir os tratamentos. Foram monitorados a quantidade da lenha, a qualidade da telha e o tempo de cada queima. Foram aferidas temperaturas em 15 pontos marcados na superfície da carga enfornada, em intervalos de 30 min a partir do pré-aquecimento até o final da queima, utilizando um pirômetro de mira a laser. Os resultados indicaram que a madeira utilizada como lenha apresentou densidade sem diferença significativa entre os tratamentos, umidade dentro dos padrões permitidos e consumo heterogêneo, enquanto a argila teve pouca retração linear quando submetida ao fogo e o forno, perfil térmico heterogêneo. O parâmetro do fio, que é utilizado como referência para o controle da queima, foi significativo, embora com oscilações diferenciadas, razão por que não deve ser o único critério para finalização do processo de queimas. A parte central do forno foi a área que atingiu maiores temperaturas de maneira homogênea, com maior concentração de produtos de primeira qualidade; a curva de temperatura ideal foi do tratamento 1, com uma média de 18,66% de produto de primeira qualidade, com temperatura de 100 °C a 400 °C.
The use of fertilizers and solid amendments in agriculture generates special interest for their effect on crop productivity, as well as for their environmental impact. The efficient use of these products demands knowing their physical and mechanical properties, the storing conditions effect and the operational characteristics of the metering systems used in the fertilizing equipment. In this context, the present study was developed with the purpose of evaluating the operational characteristics of different fertilizing metering systems and to determine the adequate metering system-product operational parameters, using powder lime, powder gypsum, granular 10-30-10 (N-P-K), and granular urea. Operational differences were established among four types of commercial fertilizer metering systems, including wire auger, star-shaped feed wheel, feed screw and ridged traction wheel. The study found that the unloading rate depends directly on the fertilizer metering system's rotating speed and is affected by particle size, repose angle, bulk density and moisture content of the applied product. The wire auger and star-shaped feed wheel metering systems were adequate for the distribution of powder products and the feed screw for granulated fertilizers. Furthermore, theoretical and experimental characteristic equations were established, defining curves for calibration and handling of the products plus the rotating speed range in which a better distributing behavior was achieved.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the uniformity of distribution coefficient (UDC) and coefficient of variation (CV) of a familiar set of irrigation, classifying it the ASAE standard. The irrigation and fertigation are determined by two methods the KELLER & KARMELI and DENÍCULI . The two experiments were subjected to varying pressures: 12, 14, 16 and 18 kPa, in a completely randomized design of twenty samples composed of flows with three replications. Urea, potassium chloride (KCl) and ammonium phosphate (MAP) were the elements used for fertigation. The system consisted of a 200 L tank, which supplied another container of 30 L, it was moved vertically to control the pressure. The data was statistically compared between treatments for each methodology. In fertigation the best pressure was 16 kPa and was classified as "excellent" for UDC (91.03%) and "marginal" for C.V. (7.47%). For the irrigation treatment, the best pressure was 16 kPa rated "excellent" for UDC (91.2%) and "marginal" for C.V. (7.68%). The DENÍCULI et al. (1980) methodology proved more reliable for the evaluation of drip systems. It was observed that this set has good uniformity of distribution, but with great variability in flows.
The Fertigation is the combined application of water and nutrients to a crop. It can be adapted to all types of agricultural crops. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of urea concentration in irrigation water on electrical conductivity of the soil solution and saturation extract along the first cycle of banana cv. Terra Maranhão. The experiment followed a completely randomized design with six treatments and ten replications. Treatments regarded for using three urea concentrations (1.0; 2.5 and 4.0 g L-1) in irrigation water applied by two micro irrigation systems (microsprinkler and drip). Results showed that there was a linear elevation of electrical conductivity of saturation extract and soil solution with the increase on concentration of urea in the injection solution. Urea should be used under concentrations up to 2.5 g L-1 in irrigation water without causing increase on electric conductivity of soil solution and saturation extract, considering 1.1 dS m-1 as the tolerated value for the crop. Nitrate in the soil solution increased significantly with the increase of urea concentration in the injection solution. The maximum concentration of nitrate in the soil occurred for 4,0 g L-1 concentration of the injection solution.
RESUMO A distribuição das tensões provocadas por rodados das máquinas agrícolas é dependente da carga da roda e da pressão interna do pneu, bem como das condições do solo. O objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu em avaliar numericamente a distribuição dos deslocamentos e das tensões atuantes em um solo coletado no Estado do Ceará, provocada pela passagem de um trator agrícola. O peso individual do pneu traseiro (dimensões 18.4-34 R1) em que foi medida a área de contato do pneu com o solo era de 17,1 kN. Nas análises numéricas, baseadas no método dos Elementos Finitos, foram considerados diferentes valores da pressão interna do pneu (96,5 kPa, 124,0 kPa, 151,0 kPa e 179,0 kPa) com suas respectivas áreas de contato (0,2256 m2, 0,1660 m2, 0,1522 m2 e 0,1393 m2). A partir dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que as tensões verticais encontradas na superfície do solo foram aproximadamente iguais às pressões de inflação dos pneus. A menor pressão provocou a menor tensão no solo, demonstrando a importância da redução das pressões na diminuição da compactação do solo até profundidades de 0,30 m. As maiores pressões causaram as maiores deformações no solo provocadas pela diminuição da área de contato pneu/solo. Ficou evidente neste estudo que é necessário buscar soluções para reduzir as pressões de trabalho de forma a causar menor compactação superficial do solo devido às tensões verticais e horizontais.
Carbon dioxide gas (CO2) is generally considered a safe alternative contrast media for digital subtraction angiography in patients with renal insufficiency ar hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast material. In this article we report one case in wich this technique was used successfully in a 48 years old man with elevated levels of creatinine and blood urea nitrogen suffering from a trofic isquemic lesion in lhe right toe. The method was used preoperatively after an inconclusive duplex scan of lhe limb. No complications related to the method of imaging were found and the patient submitted to a bypass grafting revascularization procedure.
INTRODUÇÃO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi mensurar quantitativamente essas alterações respiratórias desses pacientes comparando-os até 30 dias de pós-operatório. MÉTODO: Foram realizadas avaliações respiratórias nos períodos pré e pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica em obesos mórbidos com IMC superior a 39kg/m², através de gasometria arterial, prova de função respiratória, manovacuômetria, incentivador da respiração e cirtometrias. Foram realizadas também orientações fisioterápicas respiratórias e tratamento no pós-operatório, com dados comparativos entre as avaliações feitas no préoperatório, no 1º, 14º·e 30º dia pós-operatórios. RESULTADOS: Até o 30º dia de pós-operatório, esses indivíduos não obtiveram diferença significativa nos parâmetros estudados, não havendo, em decorrência do tratamento fisioterápico, complicações respiratórias. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve alterações dos parâmetros analisados, nem complicações respiratórias neste estudo com intervenção fisioterápica pré e pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica. Estudos devem ser realizados, para mensuração de um tempo maior de pós-operatório e de exercícios específicos, podendo, assim apresentar resultados diferentes.
This study is made as a part of the Chembaltic (Risks of Maritime Transportation of Chemicals in Baltic Sea) project which gathers information on the chemicals transported in the Baltic Sea. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of handling volumes of liquid bulk chemicals (including liquefied gases) in the Baltic Sea ports and to find out what the most transported liquid bulk chemicals in the Baltic Sea are. Oil and oil products are also viewed in this study but only in a general level. Oils and oil products may also include chemical-related substances (e.g. certain bio-fuels which belong to MARPOL annex II category) in some cargo statistics. Chemicals in packaged form are excluded from the study. Most of the facts about the transport volumes of chemicals presented in this study are based on secondary written sources of Scandinavian, Russian, Baltic and international origin. Furthermore, statistical sources, academic journals, periodicals, newspapers and in later years also different homepages on the Internet have been used as sources of information. Chemical handling volumes in Finnish ports were examined in more detail by using a nationwide vessel traffic system called PortNet. Many previous studies have shown that the Baltic Sea ports are annually handling more than 11 million tonnes of liquid chemicals transported in bulk. Based on this study, it appears that the number may be even higher. The liquid bulk chemicals account for approximately 4 % of the total amount of liquid bulk cargoes handled in the Baltic Sea ports. Most of the liquid bulk chemicals are handled in Finnish and Swedish ports and their proportion of all liquid chemicals handled in the Baltic Sea is altogether over 50 %. The most handled chemicals in the Baltic Sea ports are methanol, sodium hydroxide solution, ammonia, sulphuric and phosphoric acid, pentanes, aromatic free solvents, xylenes, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and ethanol and ethanol solutions. All of these chemicals are handled at least hundred thousand tonnes or some of them even over 1 million tonnes per year, but since chemical-specific data from all the Baltic Sea countries is not available, the exact tonnages could not be calculated in this study. In addition to these above-mentioned chemicals, there are also other high volume chemicals handled in the Baltic Sea ports (e.g. ethylene, propane and butane) but exact tonnes are missing. Furthermore, high amounts of liquid fertilisers, such as solution of urea and ammonium nitrate in water, are transported in the Baltic Sea. The results of the study can be considered indicative. Updated information about transported chemicals in the Baltic Sea is the first step in the risk assessment of the chemicals. The chemical-specific transportation data help to target hazard or e.g. grounding/collision risk evaluations to chemicals that are handled most or have significant environmental hazard potential. Data gathered in this study will be used as background information in later stages of the Chembaltic project when the risks of the chemicals transported in the Baltic Sea are assessed to highlight the chemicals that require special attention from an environmental point of view in potential marine accident situations in the Baltic Sea area.
OBJECTIVE: To verify whether the ileal exclusion interferes with liver and kidney functional changes secondary to extrahepatic cholestasis.METHODS: We studied 24 rats, divided into three groups with eight individuals each: Group 1 (control), Group 2 (ligation of the hepatic duct combined with internal biliary drainage), and Group 3 (bile duct ligation combined with internal biliary drainage and exclusion of the terminal ileum). Animals in Group 1 (control) underwent sham laparotomy. The animals of groups 2 and 3 underwent ligation and section of the hepatic duct and were kept in cholestasis for four weeks. Next, they underwent an internal biliary bypass. In Group 3, besides the biliary-enteric bypass, we associated the exclusion of the last ten centimeters of the terminal ileum and carried out an ileocolic anastomosis. After four weeks of monitoring, blood was collected from all animals of the three groups for liver and kidney biochemical evaluation (albumin, ALT, AST, direct and indirect bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, cGT, creatinine and urea).RESULTS: there were increased values of ALT, AST, direct bilirubin, cGT, creatinine and urea in rats from Group 3 (p < 0.05).CONCLUSION: ileal exclusion worsened liver and kidney functions in the murine model of extrahepatic cholestasis, being disadvantageous as therapeutic procedure for cholestatic disorders.
Objetivo: avaliar a ação dos estrogênios por via oral ou transdérmica nas células do trato urinário baixo e da vagina, em mulheres menopausadas. Métodos: foram incluídas 25 mulheres na pós-menopausa, nas quais se estudaram os efeitos citológicos da terapia de reposição hormonal estrogênica, por via oral e por via transdérmica, sobre as células da vagina e do sedimento urinário. As pacientes foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em 2 grupos: Grupo I, constituído por 14 mulheres que receberam 0,625 mg de estrogênio conjugado eqüino associado a 5 mg de acetato de medroxiprogesterona, por via oral, diariamente sem intervalo por três meses, e Grupo II, formado por 11 mulheres que fizeram uso de 17-beta-estradiol matricial na dose de 50 mig, por via transdérmica, semanalmente, associado a 5 mg de acetato de medroxiprogesterona diariamente por três meses. As amostras urinárias foram obtidas do jato inicial da primeira urina da manhã, após asseio dos genitais, em frascos estéreis fornecidos pelo laboratório. A urina foi centrifugada e o esfregaço realizado a partir do sedimento urinário. Os esfregaços da vagina e do sedimento urinário foram imediatamente fixados em álcool absoluto e corados pelo método de Shorr. Resultados: observou-se que nas pacientes que utilizaram a via oral, houve maturação das células da vagina (o índice se elevou de 45,4 a 65,5 com dois meses de tratamento, permanecendo praticamente constante (62,0) a seguir. Quanto às células urinárias, não houve variação do valor de maturação (56,4 antes da medicação e 60,4 no final do período). Ao examinarmos tanto as células da urina quanto da vagina de pacientes que utilizaram a via transdérmica, notou-se que houve resposta satisfatória. Conclusão: com estes resultados podemos sugerir que os estrogênios, quando administrados por via transdérmica, estão associados à resposta satisfatória quanto ao trofismo tanto na vagina quanto na uretra. No entanto, quando se utiliza a via oral, nem sempre este resultado pode ser observado.
OBJETIVO: verificar a taxa de ocorrência de picamalácia em gestantes e o impacto na saúde materna e do concepto. MÉTODOS: trata-se de estudo prospectivo realizado com 227 gestantes adultas e seus recém-nascidos atendidos na Maternidade-Escola da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro entre 2005 e 2006. Considerou-se como picamalácia a ingestão de substâncias não alimentares ou combinações atípicas de alimentos. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de consultas aos prontuários e entrevista. RESULTADOS: a picamalácia na gestação foi referida por 14,4% das mulheres, e 42,1% destas a praticavam diariamente. Em 46,7% dos casos, o início da prática foi no segundo trimestre e, em 30% dos casos, no terceiro trimestre gestacional. Dentre os motivos alegados, 65% das mulheres não sabiam informar, 15% declararam alívio de náuseas e pirose e, 10%, alívio de estresse e ansiedade. A prática em gestação/puerpério anterior foi referida por 15% das gestantes. A picamalácia não se associou ao estado antropométrico materno; à cor de pele; à situação marital; ao grau de instrução materna; e à presença de parasitoses. Não houve diferença entre as médias de renda familiar total e do número de gestações para os grupos de mulheres que praticaram ou não a picamalácia. A picamalácia foi associada à anemia gestacional (p<0,009) e intercorrências gestacionais (OR=3,5; IC95%=1,6-7,9). Quanto à saúde do concepto, a picamalácia materna não interferiu nas condições ao nascer: peso, idade gestacional e intercorrências. CONCLUSÃO: a picamalácia deve ser investigada na assistência pré-natal e reconhecida como um fator de risco para a saúde materna.
PURPOSE: To describe maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women undergoing hemodialysis in a referral center in Brazilian Southeast side.METHODS: Retrospective and descriptive study, with chart review of all pregnancies undergoing hemodialysis that were followed-up at an outpatient clinic of high- risk prenatal care in Southeast Brazil.RESULTS: Among the 16 women identified, 2 were excluded due to follow-up loss. In 14 women described, hypertension was the most frequent cause of chronic renal failure (half of cases). The majority (71.4%) had performed hemodialysis treatment for more than one year and all of them underwent 5 to 6 hemodialysis sessions per week. Eleven participants had chronic hypertension, 1 of which was also diabetic, and 6 of them were smokers. Regarding pregnancy complications, 1 of the hypertensive women developed malignant hypertension (with fetal growth restriction and preterm delivery at 29 weeks), 2 had acute pulmonary edema and 2 had abruption placenta. The mode of delivery was cesarean section in 9 women (64.3%). All neonates had Apgar score at five minutes above 7.CONCLUSIONS: To improve perinatal and maternal outcomes of women undergoing hemodialysis, it is important to ensure multidisciplinary approach in referral center, strict control of serum urea, hemoglobin and maternal blood pressure, as well as close monitoring of fetal well-being and maternal morbidities. Another important strategy is suitable guidance for contraception in these women.
An analysis was made of 30 four-day-old ostriches to evaluate their protein, metabolite, mineral, and serum enzyme profiles, to correlate them with the birds' sex. The values obtained were: Total proteins 3.59±0.72g/dL, albumin 1.04±0.14g/dL, globulins 2.51±0.56g/dL, A:G ratio 0.43± 0.07, total cholesterol 615.10±101.15mg/dL, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) 132.72±20.33mg/dL, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) 454.93±90.81mg/dL, very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) 27.45±9.96mg/dL, triglycerides 137.23±49.78mg/dL, uric acid 6.24±2.15mg/dL, urea 18.27±12.33mg/dL, creatinine 0.30±0.04mg/dL, total calcium 9.38± 0.76mg/dL, ionized calcium 7.17±0.64mg/dL, phosphorus 6.96±0.91mg/dL, Ca:P ratio 1.37±0.21, iron 24.74±13.02µg/dL, sodium 142.03±6.17mEq/L, chlorides 109.59± 4.99mEq/L, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 200.67±31.42 U/L, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 3.90±1.92 U/L, γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT) 1.18±0.73 U/L, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) 597.30± 231.36 U/L, and creatine kinase (CK) 2348.30±755.60 U/L. Males and females showed significant differences in total proteins, globulins, alkaline phosphatase, A:G ratio, and uric acid.
In early lactation dairy cattle suffer metabolic alterations caused by negative energy balance, which predisposes to fatty liver and ketosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the metabolic condition of high yielding dairy cows subjected to three treatments for preventing severe lipomobilization and ketosis in early lactation. Fifty four multiparous Holstein cows yielding >30 L/day were divided into four groups: control (CN= no treatment), glucose precursor (PG= propylene-glycol), hepatic protector (Mp= Mercepton®), and energy supplement with salts of linolenic and linoleic faty acids (Mg-E= Megalac-E®). Treatments were administrated randomly at moment of calving until 8 weeks postpartum. Blood samples were collected on days 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 and 49 postpartum. Body condition score (BCS) was evaluated at the same periods and milk yield was recorded at 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th weeks of lactation. Concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), albumin, AST, ß-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), cholesterol, glucose, total protein, urea and triglycerides were analyzed in blood samples. Cut-off points for subclinical ketosis were defined when BHBA >1.4 mmol/L and NEFA >0.7 mmol/L. General occurrence of subclinical ketosis was 24% during the period. An ascendant curve of cholesterol and glucose was observed from the 1st to the 8th week of lactation, while any tendency was observed with BHBA and NEFA, although differences among treatments were detected (p<0.05). BCS decreased from a mean of 3.85 at 1st week to 2.53 at 8th week of lactation (p=0.001). Milk yield was higher in the Mg-E group compared with the other treatment groups (p<0.05) Compared with the CN group, the treatments with Mp and PG did not show significant differences in blood biochemistry and milk yield. Cows receiving PG and Mg-E showed higher values of BHBA and NEFA (P<0.05), indicating accentuated lipomobilization. Supplementation with Mg-E also resulted in significant higher concentrations of cholesterol, BHBA, urea, AST and lower values of glycemia. This performance may be explained by the highest milk yield observed with this treatment. Treatments with PG and Mp did not improve milk yield, compared with control cows, but did not show metabolic evidence of ketosis, fat mobilization or fatty liver. These results suggest that treatment with Mg-E improves milk production but induces a higher negative energy balance leading to moderated lipomobilization and ketone bodies production, increasing the risk of fatty liver.
The importance of studies with hematological, serum biochemistry and urinary values of Crab-eating Fox (Cerdocyon thous) is based on the need for health care and maintenance of those populations. This paper has the objective to investigate hematological, serum biochemistry and urinary physiological parameters of the Crab-eating fox, comparing gender and age differences. Blood samples were collected in 2003 from 52 animals of different Zoos in São Paulo state, Brazil; 7mL of blood was used to obtain a complete blood cell count (CBC) and the profile of the serum biochemistry. Moreover, 5mL of urine were collected for analysis. There was no difference in values for male and female animals, as for the CBC and serum biochemistry. Some hematological and serum biochemical parameters were influenced by age, showing significant differences. Urinalysis results were just demonstrated in a descriptive form. The studied values were, RBC 4.35±0.73 x 10(6) /µL, WBC 7.72±3.66 x 10³ /µL (predominance of segmented neutrophils), platelets 227.06±111.58 x 10³ /µL, urea 43.06±14.28mg/dL and creatinine 1.03±0.24mg/dL. Hematological, serum biochemistry and urinary values obtained in this study can be used as physiological values of the captive Crab-eating Fox. It is possible to conclude that wild species need their own reference values, differentiating animals in captivity from free-ranging animals.