898 resultados para Hepatitis autoinmune


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The first experimental data suggesting that neoplasm development in animals might be influenced by infectious agents were published in the early 1900s. However, conclusive evidence that DNA viruses play a role in the pathogenesis of some human cancers only emerged in the 1950s, when Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) was discovered within Burkitt lymphoma cells. Besides EBV, other DNA viruses consistently associated with human cancers are the hepatitis B virus (HBV), human papillomavirus (HPV), and Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV). Although each virus has unique features, it is becoming clearer that all these oncogenic agents target multiple cellular pathways to support malignant transformation and tumor development. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Este estudo teve o objetivo de investigar as percepções de graduandos de Odontologia sobre a fidelidade às diretrizes de biossegurança e acerca do preservar-se. Nove questões abertas, que abordaram aspectos de interesse para o tema, foram aplicadas em entrevista com 14 acadêmicos, que realizavam atendimento odontológico de pacientes da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara da Unesp. Utilizou-se a metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa e a estratégia metodológica para análise das entrevistas foi a Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC). Três figuras metodológicas foram obtidas, sendo ideias-centrais, expressões-chave e o DSC propriamente dito. A análise dos discursos permitiu avaliar a fala natural da coletividade. Verificou-se a adesão dos entrevistados aos protocolos de biossegurança, embora houvesse a queixa de que, na rotina diária, as precauções fossem negligenciadas por não serem muito práticas. Entre as medidas de proteção individual e coletiva, rotineiramente utilizadas, foram apontados o uso de Equipamento de Proteção Individual (EPI) e as barreiras protetoras, bem como as atividades de desinfecção e esterilização. O risco de contágio foi visto por alguns com pavor e por outros com total indiferença porque acreditavam ser algo do qual é possível de se ter controle por meio da adesão às precauções padrão. Entre as doenças de maior preocupação, a aids e as hepatites B e C foram as mais temidas. Diante do discurso obtido, salienta-se a necessidade de se aperfeiçoar as estratégias educacionais, com intuito de motivar a fiel adesão às normas de biossegurança, essenciais no trato de pacientes odontológicos.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a distribuição dos acidentes de trabalho com exposição a material biológico das fichas de notificação registradas no Centro de Referência de Saúde do Trabalhador de Londrina, traçando um perfil dos profissionais acidentados. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado através de um levantamento nas 253 fichas de notificação de acidentes com material biológico que foram encaminhadas das instituições de saúde da área de abrangência ao Centro de Referência em Saúde do Trabalhador do município de Londrina-PR, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2006. Os dados foram processados e tabulados eletronicamente, utilizando-se o programa Epi Info, de domínio público. RESULTADOS: Das 253 fichas de notificação de acidentes com material biológico analisadas, verificou-se que 92,5% foram causados por objetos perfuro-cortantes e 39,5% ocorreram em auxiliares de enfermagem. Constatou-se também que 73,5% eram do sexo feminino, 24,1% ocorreram em Unidades Básicas de Saúde, 74,3% encontravam-se com situação vacinal para Hepatite B atualizada e 49,8% ocorreram na rede pública de saúde. CONCLUSÃO: Com o levantamento do perfil dos profissionais acidentados com exposição a material biológico, o CEREST Londrina identificou que a profissão mais atingida foram os auxiliares de enfermagem, as mulheres, e que grande parte dos acidentes ocorreram nas UBSs com material perfuro-cortante. Mostrou-se que coletores de lixo passaram a fazer parte das profissões envolvidas nos acidentes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A severe case of juvenile paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), manifested as cholestatic jaundice, lymphnode enlargement and an unusual form of polyserositis, associated with portal hypertension secondary to schistosomiasis, as well as bacteremias caused by E. coli and S. aureus and post-transfusional hepatitis C is reported. Temporary unresponsiveness of in vivo and in vitro cellular immune responses to P. brasiliensis were registered. The authors discuss the possible interference of either agent in the host immune response, thus explaining the severity of PCM in the present case.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this work, siloxane-poly(propylene oxide) discs (PPO disc) prepared using the sol-gel process were used as solid phase in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for the detection of anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies. The HCV RNA from serum (genotype 1b) was submitted to the RT-PCR technique and subsequent amplification of the HCV core 408 pb. This fragment was cloned into expression vector pET42a and expressed in Escherichia coli as recombinant protein with glutathione S-transferase (GST). Cell cultures were grown and induced having a final concentration of 0.4 x 10(-3) mol L-1 of IPTG. After induction, the cells were harvested and the soluble fraction was analyzed using polyacrilamide gel 15% showing a band with an approximate molecular weight of 44 kDa, the expected size for this GST-fused recombinant protein. The recombinant protein was purified and continued by immunological detection using HCV-positive serum and showed no cross-reactivity with positive samples for other infectious diseases. An ELISA was established using 1.25 ng of recombinant protein per PPO disc, a dilution of 1: 10,000 and 1:40 for a peroxidase conjugate and serum, respectively, and solutions of hydrogen peroxide and 3,3',5,5'-tetra-methylbenzidine in a ratio of 1: 1. The proposed methodology was compared with the ELISA conventional polystyrene-plate procedure and the performance of the PPO discs as a matrix for immunodetection gave an easy synthesis, good performance and reproducibility for commercial application. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present work evaluated histopathological aspects in experimental envenomation of dogs with Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. Twenty-eight mixed breed adult dogs were divided into three groups of seven animals each: Group I only venom; Group II - venom + 50ml antiophidic serum + fluid therapy; Group III venom + 50ml antiophidic serum + fluid therapy + urine alkalization. Lyophilized venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus was reconstituted in saline solution and inoculated subcutaneously at the dose of 1mg/kg body weight. Three animals of each group were subjected to euthanasia, and their muscular tissue, brain, spleen, kidneys, heart, lungs, stomach, small and large intestines, and popliteal lymph node fragments were collected for histopathological evaluation. There was myonecrosis in the inoculated limb, renal tubular degeneration, lymphoid hyperplasia of spleen, and unspecific reactive hepatitis. These results show the antigenicity and action of the venom on the immune system.


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Objectives: To compare modes and sources of infection and clinical and biosafety aspects of accidental viral infections in hospital workers and research laboratory staff reported in scientific articles. Methods: PubMed, Google Scholar, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scirus, and Scielo were searched (to December 2008) for reports of accidental viral infections, written in English, Portuguese, Spanish, or German; the authors' personal file of scientific articles and references from the articles retrieved in the initial search were also used. Systematic review was carried out with inclusion criteria of presence of accidental viral infection's cases information, and exclusion criteria of absence of information about the viral etiology, and at least probable mode of infection.Results: One hundred and forty-one scientific articles were obtained, 66 of which were included in the analysis. For arboviruses, 84% of the laboratory infections had aerosol as the source; for alphaviruses alone, aerosol exposure accounted for 94% of accidental infections. of laboratory arboviral infections, 15.7% were acquired percutaneously, whereas 41.6% of hospital infections were percutaneous. For airborne viruses, 81% of the infections occurred in laboratories, with hantavirus the leading causative agent. Aerosol inhalation was implicated in 96% of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infections, 99% of hantavirus infections, and 50% of coxsackievirus infections, but infective droplet inhalation was the leading mode of infection for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and the mucocutaneous mode of infection was involved in the case of infection with influenza B. For blood-borne viruses, 92% of infections occurred in hospitals and 93% of these had percutaneous mode of infection, while among laboratory infections 77% were due to infective aerosol inhalation. Among blood-borne virus infections there were six cases of particular note: three cases of acute hepatitis following hepatitis C virus infection with a short period of incubation, one laboratory case of human immunodeficiency virus infection through aerosol inhalation, one case of hepatitis following hepatitis G virus infection, and one case of fulminant hepatitis with hepatitis B virus infection following exposure of the worker's conjunctiva to hepatitis B virus e antigen-negative patient saliva. of the 12 infections with viruses with preferential mucocutaneous transmission, seven occurred percutaneously, aerosol was implicated as a possible source of infection in two cases, and one atypical infection with Macacine herpesvirus 1 with fatal encephalitis as the outcome occurred through a louse bite. One outbreak of norovirus infection among hospital staff had as its probable mode of infection the ingestion of inocula spread in the environment by fomites.Conclusions: The currently accepted and practiced risk analysis of accidental viral infections based on the conventional dynamics of infection of the etiological agents is insufficient to cope with accidental viral infections in laboratories and to a lesser extent in hospitals, where unconventional modes of infection are less frequently present but still have relevant clinical and potential epidemiological consequences. Unconventional modes of infection, atypical clinical development, or extremely severe cases are frequently present together with high viral loads and high virulence of the agents manipulated in laboratories. In hospitals by contrast, the only possible association of atypical cases is with the individual resistance of the worker. Current standard precaution practices are insufficient to prevent most of the unconventional infections in hospitals analyzed in this study; it is recommended that special attention be given to flaviviruses in these settings. (C) 2011 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Actions to overcome a disease are dependant, essentially, on what is known about it. Procedures followed in the past were sometimes bizarre, but justified because of how little was known about the disease. The tuberculosis prechemotherapeutic age was somber due to the high levels of fatalities and morbidity. With the arrival of the chemotherapeutic treatment its prognosis has changed. Tuberculosis declined in the 50's and stabilized in the 80's. Nevertheless, it is back increasing alarming its numbers more than ever; probably because of some factors, among them, the public health system lack of attention and the government's policies, increasing in the migration to and from the endemic areas, development of drug multi-resistant cepa and also to the HIV infection. An universal antimycobacteria chemotherapy treatment is not accepted, maybe because of the number of drugs that are available. Modern chemotherapy, however, has an attack and a maintenance phases with the aim to eliminate the bacillus of fast and slow multiplication, respectively. The treatment period is long, when compared with other infectious diseases, that leads to the lack of compliance. In spite of the available resources in the fight against tuberculosis they seem insufficient to restrain the disease. This has forced the search for new chemotherapy alternatives to avoid strong come back of tuberculosis to the point of being called the 'white plague' well into the 21'st century.


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Liver and lymph nodes injuries characterized by clusters of foamy macrophages, some of them containing birefringent crystals, were observed in cattle fed on Brachiaria brizantha hay. The cattle were from an experimental group poisoned with Senecio brasiliensis known to cause hepatic fibrosis and hepatocyte megalocytosis. One of the animals developed photosensitivity but the exact cause wasn't determined since both plants were fed. The foamy macrophages were present from the 30th d of feeding. Early appearance of these lesions may be particular to the animal specie used or due to the presence of both toxic plants.