921 resultados para HLA-DRB1 SHARED EPITOPE
Motivation: Influenza A viral heterogeneity remains a significant threat due to unpredictable antigenic drift in seasonal influenza and antigenic shifts caused by the emergence of novel subtypes. Annual review of multivalent influenza vaccines targets strains of influenza A and B likely to be predominant in future influenza seasons. This does not induce broad, cross protective immunity against emergent subtypes. Better strategies are needed to prevent future pandemics. Cross-protection can be achieved by activating CD8+ and CD4+ T cells against highly-conserved regions of the influenza genome. We combine available experimental data with informatics-based immunological predictions to help design vaccines potentially able to induce cross-protective T-cells against multiple influenza subtypes. Results: To exemplify our approach we designed two epitope ensemble vaccines comprising highly-conserved and experimentally-verified immunogenic influenza A epitopes as putative non-seasonal influenza vaccines; one specifically targets the US population and the other is a universal vaccine. The USA-specific vaccine comprised 6 CD8+ T cell epitopes (GILGFVFTL, FMYSDFHFI, GMDPRMCSL, SVKEKDMTK, FYIQMCTEL, DTVNRTHQY) and 3 CD4+ epitopes (KGILGFVFTLTVPSE, EYIMKGVYINTALLN, ILGFVFTLTVPSERG). The universal vaccine comprised 8 CD8+ epitopes: (FMYSDFHFI, GILGFVFTL, ILRGSVAHK, FYIQMCTEL, ILKGKFQTA, YYLEKANKI, VSDGGPNLY, YSHGTGTGY) and the same 3 CD4+ epitopes. Our USA-specific vaccine has a population protection coverage (portion of the population potentially responsive to one or more component epitopes of the vaccine, PPC) of over 96% and 95% coverage of observed influenza subtypes. The universal vaccine has a PPC value of over 97% and 88% coverage of observed subtypes.
Background People diagnosed with serious mental illnesses (SMIs) such as schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder are frequently treated with antipsychotics. National guidance advises the use of shared decision-making (SDM) in antipsychotic prescribing. There is currently little data on the opinions of health professionals on the role of SDM. Objective To explore the views and experiences of UK mental health pharmacists regarding the use of SDM in antipsychotic prescribing in people diagnosed with SMI. Setting The study was conducted by interviewing secondary care mental health pharmacists in the UK to obtain qualitative data. Methods Semi-structured interviews were recorded. An inductive thematic analysis was conducted using the method of constant comparison. Main outcome measure Themes evolving from mental health pharmacists on SDM in relation to antipsychotic prescribing in people with SMI. Results Thirteen mental health pharmacists were interviewed. SDM was perceived to be linked to positive clinical outcomes including adherence, service user satisfaction and improved therapeutic relations. Despite more prescribers and service users supporting SDM, it was not seen as being practised as widely as it could be; this was attributed to a number of barriers, most predominantly issues surrounding service user’s lacking capacity to engage in SDM and time pressures on clinical staff. The need for greater effort to work around the issues, engage service users and adopt a more inter-professional approach was conveyed. Conclusion The mental health pharmacists support SDM for antipsychotic prescribing, believing that it improves outcomes. However, barriers are seen to limit implementation. More research is needed into overcoming the barriers and measuring the benefits of SDM, along with exploring a more inter-professional approach to SDM.
This study investigated the perceptions, attitudes, preferences, and actual reported degree of faculty participation in decision-making in Taiwanese universities. It was aimed at exploring possible agreements and disagreements between the faculty and administrators concerning these perceptions, and between the actual and preferred degree of faculty participation in both groups. ^ Seven questions were addressed in this study: (a) What are the most and the least reported areas of faculty involvement in decision making? (b) What are the most and the least preferred areas of faculty involvement in decision-making? (c) Is there a difference between faculty and administrators' reports of faculty involvement in decision-making? (d) Is there a difference between faculty and administrators in their preference for faculty involvement in decision-making? (e) Among the faculty, is reported involvement different from preferred involvement in decision-making? (f) Among the administrators, is their reported faculty involvement different from their preferred faculty involvement? and (g) Do faculty and administrators hold different attitudes toward faculty participation in decision-making? ^ The results indicated that: (a) Faculty had the highest level of involvement in academic decisions, and had the lowest level of involvement in developing general policies. (b) Both faculty and administrators had the highest preference for faculty involvement in academic decisions, and both of them had the lowest preference for faculty involvement in general policies. (c) Administrators reported a level of involvement for the faculty that was higher than the level that the faculty themselves reported. (d) Faculty desired a higher level of involvement than they currently have, and administrators also agreed that faculty should have greater involvement. ^ The interview results indicated that the presidents believed that faculty should participate in decision-making, but they also had negative feelings towards faculty who were enthusiastic about participating. The presidents showed their support of faculty participation in academic decisions, but not in other areas. ^ The results reflected the traditional Taiwanese social expectations of the role of faculty. When the range of decisions was narrowed to the academic context, the disagreements between the faculty, administrators, and university presidents disappeared. However, when the range of decisions was expanded, the agreement declined. ^
The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex is an extensively studied cluster of genes with immunoregulatory function. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is capable of infecting individuals with weakened immune systems, and is associated with a high mortality rate. Previous genetic studies of the HLA region have found correlations between bacterial infection and its effect on regulating HLA gene expressions to establish their infection. This project analyzes the expression of classical HLA loci (A, B, C, DR, DQ, DP) in human B cells and macrophage cells during the infection of virulent strains of P. aeruginosa. Cells were cultured and infected with different virulent live, and heat-killed strains of P. aeruginosa for different time periods. The mRNA was extracted and converted into cDNA followed by real-time quantitative PCR and data analysis. The Western Blot technique was used to identify the targeted protein’s cell surface expression. Infection with P. aeruginosa was found to inhibit the expression of HLA proteins. The PA14 strain inhibited expression of all targeted genes in all experiments. Infections with PA01 and PA103 showed different patterns depending on the incubation time and the targeted gene. These differences suggest that the three strains use various mechanisms to inhibit HLA protein expression.
OBJETIVOS El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral consiste en determinar la presencia de la proteína HLA-G en la superficie celular de células madre CD34/CD133, células dendríticas mieloides y plasmacitoides, células dendríticas derivadas de células CD34/CD133 y derivadas de monocitos de sangre de cordón umbilical y sangre periférica materna, por técnicas de citometría de flujo y la expresión de la proteína HLA-G soluble en plasma de sangre de cordón umbilical por técnicas de ELISA. MATERIALES Y METODOS Se obtuvo un total de 35 unidades de sangre de cordón umbilical y 35 muestras de sangre periférica de gestantes a término que acudieron al Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia del Hospital Clínico Universitario San Carlos con cesáreas programadas, según aprobación de Comité Ético. Se realizaron técnicas de cultivo celular, citometría de flujo, Elisa y anticuerpos monoclonales, según protocolo, para la obtención de las células madre CD34+, células dendríticas mieloides y plasmacitoides del cordón umbilical y células dendríticas derivadas de células madre CD34+, y determinación de la molécula HLA-G, isoformas, nuevos alelos y polimorfismos...
The HLA system is the most polymorphic genetic system described in humans. It consists of several closely linked loci encoding cell surface glycoproteins whose best known function is activating immune system response through antigenic presentation. New loci and new alleles have been described since the discovery of this genetic system and the presently available DNA typing and sequencing of these new alleles have increased the variety of HLA allelism. Due to the fact that HLA gene frequencies have a large degree of variability and a remarkable geographical correlation, HLA genes are an important and useful tool to infer genetic background and ethnical composition of modern human populations and also for tracing migration of ancient ones. In addition, certain combinations of contiguous alleles due to the strong linkage disequilibrium between HLA neighbouring loci show a characteristic frequency or are distinctive in many present day populations. Thus, HLA genetic system is a unique tool for studying the origin of relatively isolated groups, like Turkmen, Azeri and Kurd people, the populations under study, living in North Iran, in the surrounding area of Caspian Sea. Finally, HLA polymorphism is crucial for the compatibility between donor and receptor in organ transplantation and several HLA alleles have been linked to diseases and to response to drug treatments, which accomplishes relationships of certain variants with different pathologies treatment including AIDS. This is important in personalized treatments design. Turkmen could be descendants of Oghuz tribes from Seljuq branch coming from Transoxiana region (Central Asia) contemporarily to the foundation of the Seljuk Empire in 10th century AD. Conversely, this people could belong to another group within the Oghuz, arriving to Iran five centuries later. Migrations of this people were initially developed peacefully, being vassals of the Safavid Empire, and later by violent raids. They speak a language belonging to the Turkish-Oghuz group. In Iran, Turkmen live in Golestan province, mainly in Türkmensähra (“Turkmen plain”) area and amount 1.5 million people (2% of Iranian population). Most of this people are Sunni Muslims...
Fungal ribotoxins that block protein synthesis can be useful warheads in the context of a targeted immunotoxin. α-Sarcin is a small (17 kDa) fungal ribonuclease produced by Aspergillus giganteus that functions by catalytically cleaving a single phosphodiester bond in the sarcin–ricin loop of the large ribosomal subunit, thus making the ribosome unrecognisable to elongation factors and leading to inhibition of protein synthesis. Peptide mapping using an ex vivo human T cell assay determined that α-sarcin contained two T cell epitopes; one in the N-terminal 20 amino acids and the other in the C-terminal 20 amino acids. Various mutations were tested individually within each epitope and then in combination to isolate deimmunised α-sarcin variants that had the desired properties of silencing T cell epitopes and retention of the ability to inhibit protein synthesis (equivalent to wild-type, WT α-sarcin). A deimmunised variant (D9T/Q142T) demonstrated a complete lack of T cell activation in in vitro whole protein human T cell assays using peripheral blood mononuclear cells from donors with diverse HLA allotypes. Generation of an immunotoxin by fusion of the D9T/Q142T variant to a single-chain Fv targeting Her2 demonstrated potent cell killing equivalent to a fusion protein comprising the WT α-sarcin. These results represent the first fungal ribotoxin to be deimmunised with the potential to construct a new generation of deimmunised immunotoxin therapeutics.
This study was supported by a Wellcome Trust-NIH PhD Studentship to SB, WDF and NV. Grant number 098252/Z/12/Z. SB, CHC and WDF are supported by the Intramural Research Program, NCI, NIH. NHG and WL are supported by the Intramural Research Program, NIA, NIH.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Using the wisdom of crowds---combining many individual forecasts to obtain an aggregate estimate---can be an effective technique for improving forecast accuracy. When individual forecasts are drawn from independent and identical information sources, a simple average provides the optimal crowd forecast. However, correlated forecast errors greatly limit the ability of the wisdom of crowds to recover the truth. In practice, this dependence often emerges because information is shared: forecasters may to a large extent draw on the same data when formulating their responses.
To address this problem, I propose an elicitation procedure in which each respondent is asked to provide both their own best forecast and a guess of the average forecast that will be given by all other respondents. I study optimal responses in a stylized information setting and develop an aggregation method, called pivoting, which separates individual forecasts into shared and private information and then recombines these results in the optimal manner. I develop a tailored pivoting procedure for each of three information models, and introduce a simple and robust variant that outperforms the simple average across a variety of settings.
In three experiments, I investigate the method and the accuracy of the crowd forecasts. In the first study, I vary the shared and private information in a controlled environment, while the latter two studies examine forecasts in real-world contexts. Overall, the data suggest that a simple minimal pivoting procedure provides an effective aggregation technique that can significantly outperform the crowd average.
Object-oriented design and object-oriented languages support the development of independent software components such as class libraries. When using such components, versioning becomes a key issue. While various ad-hoc techniques and coding idioms have been used to provide versioning, all of these techniques have deficiencies - ambiguity, the necessity of recompilation or re-coding, or the loss of binary compatibility of programs. Components from different software vendors are versioned at different times. Maintaining compatibility between versions must be consciously engineered. New technologies such as distributed objects further complicate libraries by requiring multiple implementations of a type simultaneously in a program. This paper describes a new C++ object model called the Shared Object Model for C++ users and a new implementation model called the Object Binary Interface for C++ implementors. These techniques provide a mechanism for allowing multiple implementations of an object in a program. Early analysis of this approach has shown it to have performance broadly comparable to conventional implementations.