994 resultados para HERAS, CARLOS
In this work we propose a method for cleaving silicon-based photonic chips by using a laser based micromachining system, consisting of a ND:YVO4laser emitting at 355 nm in nanosecond pulse regime and a micropositioning system. The laser makes grooved marks placed at the desired locations and directions where cleaves have to be initiated, and after several processing steps, a crack appears and propagate along the crystallographic planes of the silicon wafer. This allows cleavage of the chips automatically and with high positioning accuracy, and provides polished vertical facets with better quality than the obtained with other cleaving process, which eases the optical characterization of photonic devices. This method has been found to be particularly useful when cleaving small-sized chips, where manual cleaving is hard to perform; and also for polymeric waveguides, whose facets get damaged or even destroyed with polishing or manual cleaving processing. Influence of length of the grooved line and speed of processing is studied for a variety of silicon chips. An application for cleaving and characterizing sol–gel waveguides is presented. The total amount of light coupled is higher than when using any other procedure.
We have recently demonstrated a biosensor based on a lattice of SU8 pillars on a 1 μm SiO2/Si wafer by measuring vertically reflectivity as a function of wavelength. The biodetection has been proven with the combination of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) protein and its antibody (antiBSA). A BSA layer is attached to the pillars; the biorecognition of antiBSA involves a shift in the reflectivity curve, related with the concentration of antiBSA. A detection limit in the order of 2 ng/ml is achieved for a rhombic lattice of pillars with a lattice parameter (a) of 800 nm, a height (h) of 420 nm and a diameter(d) of 200 nm. These results correlate with calculations using 3D-finite difference time domain method. A 2D simplified model is proposed, consisting of a multilayer model where the pillars are turned into a 420 nm layer with an effective refractive index obtained by using Beam Propagation Method (BPM) algorithm. Results provided by this model are in good correlation with experimental data, reaching a reduction in time from one day to 15 minutes, giving a fast but accurate tool to optimize the design and maximizing sensitivity, and allows analyzing the influence of different variables (diameter, height and lattice parameter). Sensitivity is obtained for a variety of configurations, reaching a limit of detection under 1 ng/ml. Optimum design is not only chosen because of its sensitivity but also its feasibility, both from fabrication (limited by aspect ratio and proximity of the pillars) and fluidic point of view. (© 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
El presente documento tiene por objetivo la explicacion y justificacion de todos aquellos elementos que conforman el proyecto de construccion del Aparcamiento subterraneo en el Hospital Clinico San Carlos. En primer lugar se ha realizado el Estudio Previo de Soluciones, en el que se han estudiado distintas alternativas posibles para la realizacion del aparcamiento subterraneo. Tras haberlas disenado, descrito, y contrastado, se escogio la que conllevaba el mejor compendio de virtudes segun los parametros o conceptos establecidos. Una vez escogida la solucion, en la fase de estudios que nos ocupa, se procedio a redactar el proyecto de construccion propiamente dicho. Esto implica desarrollar la solucion a fondo, definiendo todos sus elementos. Para ello, se preciso de unos estudios con gran nivel de detalle que sirvieron de base para los el diseno, los calculos, y el desarrollo tecnico que ello conlleva.
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Digitalización Vitoria-Gasteiz Archivos y Bibliotecas Abril 1994 18-6
Digitalización Vitoria-Gasteiz Archivos y Bibliotecas Mayo 1994 18-28