872 resultados para HADRONIC MATTER
Recent experimental and theoretical advances in the creation and description of bright matter wave solitons are reviewed. Several aspects are taken into account, including the physics of soliton train formation as the nonlinear Fresnel diffraction, soliton-soliton interactions, and propagation in the presence of inhomogeneities. The generation of stable bright solitons by means of Feshbach resonance techniques is also discussed. © World Scientific Publishing Company.
The in-medium influence on π0 photoproduction from spin zero nuclei is carefully studied in the GeV range using a straightforward Monte Carlo analysis. The calculation takes into account the relativistic nuclear recoil for coherent mechanisms (electromagnetic and nuclear amplitudes) plus a time dependent multi-collisional intranuclear cascade approach (MCMC) to describe the transport properties of mesons produced in the surroundings of the nucleon. A detailed analysis of the meson energy spectra for the photoproduction on 12C at 5.5 GeV indicates that both the Coulomb and nuclear coherent events are associated with a small energy transfer to the nucleus (≲ 5 MeV), while the contribution of the nuclear incoherent mechanism is vanishing small within this kinematical range. The angular distributions are dominated by the Primakoff peak at extreme forward angles, with the nuclear incoherent process being the most important contribution above θπ0 ≲ 20. Such consistent Monte Carlo approach provides a suitable method to clean up nuclear backgrounds in some recent high precision experiments, such as the PrimEx experiment at the Jefferson Laboratory Facility.
Root volume and dry matter of peanut plants as a function of soil bulk density and soil water stress
Soil compaction may be defined as the pressing of soil to make it denser. Soil compaction makes the soil denser, decreases permeability of gas and water exchange as well as alterations in thermal relations, and increases mechanical strength of the soil. Compacted soil can restrict normal root development. Simulations of the root restricting layers in a greenhouse are necessary to develop a mechanism to alleviate soil compaction problems in these soils. The selection of three distinct bulk densities based on the standard proctor test is also an important factor to determine which bulk density restricts the root layer. This experiment aimed to assess peanut (Arachis hypogea) root volume and root dry matter as a function of bulk density and water stress. Three levels of soil density (1.2, 1.4, and 1.6g cm-3), and two levels of the soil water content (70 and 90% of field capacity) were used. Treatments were arranged as completely randomized design, with four replications in a 3×2 factorial scheme. The result showed that peanut yield generally responded favorably to subsurface compaction in the presence of high mechanical impedance. This clearly indicates the ability of this root to penetrate the hardpan with less stress. Root volume was not affected by increase in soil bulk density and this mechanical impedance increased root volume when roots penetrated the barrier with less energy. Root growth below the compacted layer (hardpan), was impaired by the imposed barrier. This stress made it impossible for roots to grow well even in the presence of optimum soil water content. Generally soil water content of 70% field capacity (P<0.0001) enhanced greater root proliferation. Nonetheless, soil water content of 90% field capacity in some occasions proved better for root growth. Some of the discrepancies observed were that mechanical impedance is not a good indicator for measuring root growth restriction in greenhouse. Future research can be done using more levels of water to determine the lowest soil water level, which can inhibit plant growth.
Soil compaction reduces root growth, affecting the yield, especially in the Southern Coastal Plain of the USA. Simulations of the root restricting layers in greenhouses are necessary to develop mechanisms which alleviate soil compaction problems. The selection of three distinct bulk densities based on the Standard Proctor Test is also an important factor to determine which bulk density restricts root penetration. This experiment was conducted to evaluate cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) root volume and root dry matter as a function of soil bulk density and water stress. Three levels of soil density (1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 g cm-3), and two levels of water content (70 and 90% of field capacity) were used. A completely randomized design with four replicates in a 3×2 factorial pattern was used. The results showed that mechanical impedance affected root volume positively with soil bulk density of 1.2 and 1.6 g cm-3, enhancing root growth (P>0.0064). Soil water content reduced root growth as root and shoot growth was higher at 70% field capacity than that at 90% field capacity. Shoot growth was not affected by the increase in soil bulk density and this result suggests that soil bulk density is not a good indicator for measuring mechanical impedance in some soils.
We study hadronic annihilation decays of B mesons within the perturbative QCD at collinear approximation. The regulation of endpoint divergences is performed with the help of an infrared finite gluon propagator characterized by a non-perturbative dynamical gluon mass. The divergences at twist-3 are regulated by a dynamical quark mass. Our results fit quite well the existent data of B 0→D s-K + and B 0→ D s-*K + for the expected range of dynamical gluon masses. We also make predictions for the rare decays B 0→K -K +, B s0→π -π +, π 0π 0, B +→D s(*) +K̄ 0, B 0→D s±(*)K ± and B s0 →D±(*) π ±, D 0π 0. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
The aim of this study was to evaluate dry matter yield and nutritional value of palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) using nitrogen doses and sprinkler irrigation in two periods of the year, aiming at reducing seasonality of forage production. It was used a randomized block design in a split-plot scheme, with five doses of nitrogen (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg/ha/cut), and the sub-plots were defined by the seasons of the year (wet and dry season), with and without irrigation. During the wet season, in the plots with and without irrigation, doses of 175 and 161 kg/ha/cut promoted the highest dry matter yields. During the dry season, 171 kg ha -1N with irrigation resulted in the highest dry matter yield. During the same season, there was no response to N fertilization in the lack of irrigation. Average contents of CP were 10% with and without irrigation. Contents of neutral detergent fiber decreased with nitrogen doses, while acid detergent fiber was not affected by fertilization. Plots under irrigation reached the maximal acid detergent fiber content at N dose of 60 kg ha -1. Irrigation promotes increase of 15% increase in dry matter yield and it increases contents of neutral detergent fiber. © 2010 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
In the near future experiments will be able to produce charmed hadrons almost at rest in the interior of an atomic nucleus. One of the most exciting perspectives is the possibility of studying charmonium in a dense medium. In the present communication we present results of a study that explores the possibility that J/Ψ might be bound in a large nucleus through the excitation of intermediate states of D and D* mesons. We also present results of a recent prediction for the production of Λ̄ c -Λc + in proton-antiproton annihilation experiments. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.
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In high energy heavy ion collisions a hot and dense medium is formed, where the hadronic masses may be shifted from their asymptotic values. If this mass modification occurs, squeezed back-to-back correlations (BBC) of particle-antiparticle pairs are predicted to appear, both in the femionic (fBBC) and in the bosonic (bBBC) sectors. Although they have unlimited intensity even for finite-size expanding systems, these hadronic squeezed correlations are very sensitive to their time emission distribution. Here we discuss results in case this time emission is parameterized by a Lévy-type distribution, showing that it reduces the signal even more dramatically than a Lorentzian distribution, which already reduces the intensity of the effect by orders of magnitude, as compared to the sudden emission. However, we show that the signal could still survive if the duration of the process is short, and if the effect is searched for lighter mesons, such as kaons. We compare some of our results to recent PHENIX preliminary data on squeezed correlations of K +K - pairs. © 2011 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
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We show the results and discussions of the study of a possible suppression of the extragalactic neutrino flux during its propagation due to a nonstandard interaction with a candidate field to dark matter. In particular, we show the study of neutrino interaction with an ultra-light scalar field. It is shown that the extragalactic neutrino flux may be suppressed by such an interaction, leading to a mechanism to reduce the ultra-high energy neutrino flux. We calculate both the cases of non-self-conjugate as well as self-conjugate ultra-light dark matter. In the first case, the suppression is independent of the neutrino and dark matter masses. We conclude that care must be taken when explaining limits on the neutrino flux through source acceleration mechanisms only, since there could be other mechanisms, as absorption during propagation, for the reduction of the neutrino flux [1], © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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We report on recent estimates of the J/Ψ mass shift in infinite nuclear matter and finite nuclei arising from in-medium D and D* meson loops. The density dependence of the J/Ψ mass shift is evaluated employing medium-modified D and D* meson masses derived within the quark-meson coupling model. Using a local density approximation, J/Ψ-nuclear bound state energies are calculated for a range of nuclei. We predict that J/Ψ-nuclear bound states should be observed with a clear signal in experiments, provided the J/Ψ meson is produced in recoilless kinematics. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.