948 resultados para Híbrido


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Macrospora leaf spot, caused by the fungus Stenocarpella macrospora, has shown to be frequent and important among corn fields in Brazil. Genetic resistance is one of the main strategies to control corn leaf diseases. In Brazil, there is scarce information on the resistance of hybrids to Stenocarpella macrospora. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reaction of 25 corn hybrids to macrospora leaf spot. The experiment was conducted in 2011, in a greenhouse under controlled temperature and relative humidity conditions. Experimental design was completely randomized, with five replicates, each experimental unit consisting of a pot with five plants. Inoculation was done in the V2 growth stage (two fully expanded leaves), and the whorl of each plant received 2.0 mL suspension of 1.8 x 10(4) conidia mL-1 pathogen. The four used fungal isolates were obtained from infected crop residues at the municipalities Lages and Quilombo, Santa Catarina State, and Campinas do Sul and Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul State. Disease severity was assessed at 21 days after inoculation in the V4 stage (four fully expanded leaves). No tested hybrid was totally resistant to the fungus S. macrospora. There was a significant difference in the disease severity between hybrids and fungal isolates. Hybrids inoculated with Quilombo isolate showed four reaction groups, while the isolates Vacaria, Lages and Campinas do Sul showed two groups. Some hybrids had varied behaviors against the isolates, suggesting different aggressiveness levels. There were hybrids that showed similar reaction to the isolates, suggesting greater stability for macrospora leaf spot.


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The fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda is one of the most important pests of maize. Various studies are conducted for their management, integrating chemical and biological control tactics as well as resistant plants. In order to offer alternatives for an efficient management of this pest with minimal use of pesticides, the technology of genetically modified plants resistant to insects has been widely studied. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the natural infestation of larvae of S. frugiperda and their injuries under field conditions in transgenic maize hybrids compared to their conventional isogenic counterparts at two sowing dates and two regions. The hybrids were planted in the off season of 2010 in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, and the summer of 2010/2011 in Jaboticabal, and Pindorama, SP, in a randomized block with seven treatments (hybrids) and four replications. Different levels of infestation of larvae occurred throughout the phenological development of plants in conventional and genetically modified hybrids with significant differences between the two groups in most evaluations. The hybrid 2B710HX was the least infested with caterpillars and had the least damaged leaf area. It follows that the Cry1F toxin was the most effective in protecting the plant in relation to other toxic proteins expressed by the other Bt hybrids against infestation and damage promoted by this pest, regardless of time of sowing.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The effects on soil chemical properties brought about by cover crops vary considerably. This study was conducted to evaluate nutrient uptake by five cover crops used for grain, seed and forage production at different seed densities per hectare, as well as uptake by spontaneous vegetation, and their effect on the chemical properties of two Oxisols when grown in rotation with soybean and corn. The experiments were set up in Votuporanga, SP, Brazil and Selvíria, MS, Brazil in March 2008 after conventional soil tillage. A randomized complete block experimental design was used with four replications with the following cover crops at different seed densities: Sorghum bicolor at 6, 7 and 8 kg ha-1; Pennisetum americanum at 10, 15 and 20 kg ha-1; Sorghum sudanense at 12, 15 and 18 kg ha-1; hybrid of Sorghum bicolor with Sorghum sudanense at 8, 9 and 10 kg ha-1; and Urochloa ruziziensis at 8, 12 and 16 kg ha-1. We also used a spontaneous vegetation control. After management of the cover crops, in the first year of study, soybean was sown in no-tillage system and, in the second year, corn was sown, also in a no-tillage system. We evaluated the dry matter yield of different cover crops, nutrient uptake by the cover crops, and the chemical changes in the soil. It was found that in clayey soils with high aluminum content, as in Selvíria, sudan grass at a seed density of 18 kg ha-1, and sorghum at a seed density of 6 kg ha-1, in combination with liming, contributed to reduction of aluminum content and high potential acidity and an increase in base saturation. The different seed densities of each cover crop did not affect the dry matter yield of the cover crop itself, but affected nitrogen uptake of the hybrid Sorghum bicolor with Sorghum sudanense at a seed density of 10 kg ha-1, with lower uptake than at a seed density of 8 kg ha-1. Seed density also affected the organic matter content in the soil with sudan grass, with the seed density of 15 kg ha-1 providing more organic matter content than a seed density of 18 kg ha-1.


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Research has been conducted to identify the best nitrogen (N) rate for maize in most diverse types of soil management. However, there is no agreement on the results, once the dynamic of N is influenced by soil management and cover crops. This study evaluated dry mass production and nutrient uptake by cover crops, agronomic parameters and grain yield of maize in response to soil management and N rates. Field trials were carried out in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in the growing seasons of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011, on a clayey Rhodic Haplustox (20º 20' S and 51º 24' W, 340 m asl). Thirty-six treatments were established with four replications, in a randomized blocks design, with the combination of cover crops (millet, Crotalaria juncea and millet + Crotalaria juncea), soil management systems (tillage with chisel plow + lightweight disking, heavy disking + lightweight disking, and no-tillage) and topdressing N rates (0, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1 - urea as source). Maize hybrid DKB 350 YG® was used and N applied at stage V5 (fifth expanded leaf). A linear increase with the increase of N rates was observed for chlorophyll leaf index, leaf N content, ear length and diameter, and grain weight and yield. Previously grown sunn hemp and millet + sunn hemp grown, associated with 120 kg ha-1 N for maize, induced a higher grain yield after two growing seasons.


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Research has investigated the best nitrogen rate for maize under the most diverse types of soil management. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of cover crops, soil management and topdressed N rates on the dry matter production, nutritional status, plant lodging, plant height and first-ear insertion of maize. Field experiments were carried out in Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, in the growing seasons of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011, on a clayey Rhodic Haplustox (20º 20' S and 51º 24' W, at 340 m asl). Thirty-six treatments were established with four replications, in a randomized blocks design, to test combinations of cover crops (millet, Crotalaria juncea and millet + Crotalaria juncea), soil management (tillage with chisel plow + lightweight disking, heavy disking + lightweight disking, and no-tillage system) and N rates (0, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1 - urea as source). The maize hybrid DKB 350 YG® was used and topdressing N applied at stage V5 (fifth expanded leaf). Previously grown sunn hemp and millet + sunn hemp resulted in a higher shoot dry matter, P leaf content and total N, P and K uptake. In the no-tillage system, the initial and final population and shoot dry were highest, and first-ear insertion and plant height lower. The application of 120 kg ha-1 topdressed N increased the P leaf content, N and P in the entire plant, shoot dry matter, total N, P and K uptake, plant height, and the first-ear insertion of maize.


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Atualmente alguns híbridos importados têm substituído as tradicionais cultivares de beterraba de mesa, sem no entanto, desenvolver estudos básicos sobre a melhor densidade de plantio para as condições brasileiras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do espaçamento entre linhas e entre plantas na produção de beterraba híbrido Boro. O experimento foi conduzido em campo da UNESP em Botucatu-SP, de 10 de setembro a 8 de dezembro de 2010. Foram estudados dois fatores, espaçamentos entre linhas (EL) de 20 e 25 cm, e 7,5; 10,0 e 12,5 cm entre plantas (EP), no esquema fatorial 2 EL x 3 EP, totalizando seis tratamentos (populações variando de 246.400 a 513.333 plantas ha-1, considerando-se canteiros com 1,0 m de largura e espaço entre canteiros de 0,3 m). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições e parcelas de 2 m2. As mudas foram produzidas em bandejas de polipropileno com 288 células. A irrigação foi por aspersão e a adubação foi igual para todos os tratamentos, seguindo a recomendação para o estado de São Paulo. A maior massa fresca por raiz (116,1 g) foi obtida no EL de 25,0 cm. Em relação ao comprimento da raiz, observaram-se diferenças significativas apenas para o EP, sendo que o maior espaçamento, 12,5 cm, resultou em maior comprimento (63,1 mm). Foram obtidos maiores valores de diâmetro das raízes quanto maiores os EP (65,6 mm para 12,5 cm) e EL (63,1 mm para 25 cm). A maior produtividade (44,7 t ha-1) foi obtida no menor EP (7,5 cm), enquanto que o EL não afetou a produtividade. Pode-se concluir que o melhor EP foi de 7,5 cm pela maior produtividade. Quanto ao tamanho da raiz, tanto o maior EL (25 cm) como o maior EP (12,5 cm) resultaram em raízes com maiores massa média e diâmetro.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho agronômico de cultivares de feijão‑caupi e de milho, em monocultivo e em cultivo consorciado em faixas, na safrinha. Foram realizados experimentos, em Dourados, MS (2009 e 2010), e em Botucatu, SP (2010). Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas com feijão‑caupi foram constituídas por três sistemas de cultivo (em faixas com variedade ou híbrido de milho, além do cultivo solteiro) e as subparcelas, por três cultivares de feijão‑caupi (BRS Guariba, BRS Novaera e BRS Xiquexique). As parcelas com milho foram constituídas por duas cultivares de milho (variedade BR 473 e híbrido BRS 1030 ou BRS 1010), e as subparcelas, por quatro sistemas de cultivo (em faixas com as três cultivares de feijão‑caupi e solteiro). O sistema de consórcio em faixas consistiu de quatro fileiras de feijão‑caupi com quatro fileiras de milho. O consórcio proporcionou um uso mais eficiente da terra. As cultivares de feijão‑caupi apresentaram desempenho produtivo semelhante entre si, quando cultivadas em faixas com o milho. O híbrido de milho é mais produtivo que a variedade, tanto no cultivo solteiro quanto no consorciado.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of potassium and nitrogen on the severity of black rot and yield of head. The experiment was carried out in split plots with factorial subplots, in randomized blocks with four replications. In the plots we assessed the influence of inoculation (injured plants with distilled water and inoculated with Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris) and in the subplots we evaluated the 4 x 4 factorial, potassium doses (0, 275, 550 and 825 kg ha-1) and nitrogen (0, 150, 300 and 450 kg ha-1). The hybrid Broccoli BRO68 was inoculated using the toothpick method at 64 days after sowing. We observed that potassium in the plant reduced the disease, but nitrogen increased disease. We estimated that the highest levels of potassum in the plant reduced the severity of the disease but lack or excess of nitrogen increased disease severity. The highest production of broccoli inflorescence was obtained at doses from 541 to 751 kg ha-1 of K2O and 286 to 328 kg ha-1 of N. However, when considering a balanced fertilization to obtain higher yield and size of inflorescences and greater resistance to black rot, the ideal doses are 283 kg ha-1 of N and 550 kg ha-1 of K2O.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ