916 resultados para Guideline Adherence


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Nano-indentation is a technique used to measure various mechanical properties like hardness, Young's modulus and the adherence of thin films and surface layers. It can be used as a quality control tool for various surface modification techniques like ion-implantation, film deposition processes etc. It is important to characterise the increasing scatter in the data measured at lower penetration depths observed in the nano-indentation, for the technique to be effectively applied. Surface roughness is one of the parameters contributing for the scatter. This paper is aimed at quantifying the nature and the amount of scatter that will be introduced in the measurement due to the roughness of the surface on which the indentation is carried out. For this the surface is simulated using the Weierstrass-Mandelbrot function which gives a self-affine fractal. The contact area of this surface with a conical indenter with a spherical cap at the tip is measured numerically. The indentation process is simulated using the spherical cavity model. This eliminates the indentation size effect observed at the micron and sub-micron scales. It has been observed that there exists a definite penetration depth in relation to the surface roughness beyond which the scatter is reduced such that reliable data could be obtained.


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The throughput-optimal discrete-rate adaptation policy, when nodes are subject to constraints on the average power and bit error rate, is governed by a power control parameter, for which a closed-form characterization has remained an open problem. The parameter is essential in determining the rate adaptation thresholds and the transmit rate and power at any time, and ensuring adherence to the power constraint. We derive novel insightful bounds and approximations that characterize the power control parameter and the throughput in closed-form. The results are comprehensive as they apply to the general class of Nakagami-m (m >= 1) fading channels, which includes Rayleigh fading, uncoded and coded modulation, and single and multi-node systems with selection. The results are appealing as they are provably tight in the asymptotic large average power regime, and are designed and verified to be accurate even for smaller average powers.


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We have reported the synthesis of ZnO nanotips on a multi walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) mat by a vapour transport process. This combination of ZnO nanotips and a MWCNT mat exhibit ideal field emission behaviour. The turn on field and threshold field is found to be 0.34 and 1.5 V mu m(-1), respectively. The low threshold field is due to the good adherence of the ZnO nanotips on the MWCNT mat. The field enhancement factor is found to be 5 x 10(2) which is in agreement with the intrinsic field emission factor of ZnO nanotips. The emission current is found to be highly stable even at moderate vacuum.


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The use of mutagenic drugs to drive HIV-1 past its error threshold presents a novel intervention strategy, as suggested by the quasispecies theory, that may be less susceptible to failure via viral mutation-induced emergence of drug resistance than current strategies. The error threshold of HIV-1, mu(c), however, is not known. Application of the quasispecies theory to determine mu(c) poses significant challenges: Whereas the quasispecies theory considers the asexual reproduction of an infinitely large population of haploid individuals, HIV-1 is diploid, undergoes recombination, and is estimated to have a small effective population size in vivo. We performed population genetics-based stochastic simulations of the within-host evolution of HIV-1 and estimated the structure of the HIV-1 quasispecies and mu(c). We found that with small mutation rates, the quasispecies was dominated by genomes with few mutations. Upon increasing the mutation rate, a sharp error catastrophe occurred where the quasispecies became delocalized in sequence space. Using parameter values that quantitatively captured data of viral diversification in HIV-1 patients, we estimated mu(c) to be 7 x 10(-5) -1 x 10(-4) substitutions/site/replication, similar to 2-6 fold higher than the natural mutation rate of HIV-1, suggesting that HIV-1 survives close to its error threshold and may be readily susceptible to mutagenic drugs. The latter estimate was weakly dependent on the within-host effective population size of HIV-1. With large population sizes and in the absence of recombination, our simulations converged to the quasispecies theory, bridging the gap between quasispecies theory and population genetics-based approaches to describing HIV-1 evolution. Further, mu(c) increased with the recombination rate, rendering HIV-1 less susceptible to error catastrophe, thus elucidating an added benefit of recombination to HIV-1. Our estimate of mu(c) may serve as a quantitative guideline for the use of mutagenic drugs against HIV-1.


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This article is concerned with the evolution of haploid organisms that reproduce asexually. In a seminal piece of work, Eigen and coauthors proposed the quasispecies model in an attempt to understand such an evolutionary process. Their work has impacted antiviral treatment and vaccine design strategies. Yet, predictions of the quasispecies model are at best viewed as a guideline, primarily because it assumes an infinite population size, whereas realistic population sizes can be quite small. In this paper we consider a population genetics-based model aimed at understanding the evolution of such organisms with finite population sizes and present a rigorous study of the convergence and computational issues that arise therein. Our first result is structural and shows that, at any time during the evolution, as the population size tends to infinity, the distribution of genomes predicted by our model converges to that predicted by the quasispecies model. This justifies the continued use of the quasispecies model to derive guidelines for intervention. While the stationary state in the quasispecies model is readily obtained, due to the explosion of the state space in our model, exact computations are prohibitive. Our second set of results are computational in nature and address this issue. We derive conditions on the parameters of evolution under which our stochastic model mixes rapidly. Further, for a class of widely used fitness landscapes we give a fast deterministic algorithm which computes the stationary distribution of our model. These computational tools are expected to serve as a framework for the modeling of strategies for the deployment of mutagenic drugs.


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The contest between the host factor APOBEC3G (A3G) and the HIV-1 protein Vif presents an attractive target of intervention. The extent to which the A3G-Vif interaction must be suppressed to tilt the balance in favor of A3G remains unknown. We employed stochastic simulations and mathematical modeling of the within-host dynamics and evolution of HIV-1 to estimate the fraction of progeny virions that must incorporate A3G to render productive infection unsustainable. Using three different approaches, we found consistently that a transition from sustained infection to suppression of productive infection occurred when the latter fraction exceeded similar to 0.8. The transition was triggered by A3G-induced hypermutations that led to premature stop codons compromising viral production and was consistent with driving the basic reproductive number, R-o, below unity. The fraction identified may serve as a quantitative guideline for strategies targeting the A3G-Vif axis. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Boerhaavia diffusa is a traditional herbal medicine extensively used in the Ayurveda and Unani forms of medicine in India and many parts of the world. Different parts of the plant are used as an appetizer, alexiteric, eye tonic, for flushing out the renal system, and to treat blood pressure. This study was conducted to evaluate the in vivo genotoxic and/or antigenotoxic potential of punarnavine, a separated alkaloid from the root of B. diffusa using toxicity studies (OECD guideline 474, 1997). The genotoxic and antigenotoxic potential of punarnavine was assayed using the comet assay on lymphocytes, liver, spleen, brain, and bone marrow as well as using the micronucleus test in bone marrow cells including the in vitro chromosomal aberration test. The results demonstrated that none of the tested doses of punarnavine showed genotoxic effects by the comet assay, or clastogenic effects in the micronucleus test. On the other hand, for all cells evaluated, the three tested doses of punarnavine promoted inhibition of DNA damage induced by cyclophosphamide. Based on these results, we concluded that punarnavine, an alkaloid from the Boerhaavia diffusa root, has no genotoxic or clastogenic effects in our experimental conditions. However, it caused a significant decrease in DNA damage induced by cyclophosphamide. It is suggested that the antigenotoxic properties of this alkaloid may be of great pharmacological importance and beneficial for cancer prevention.


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The grain size of monolayer large area graphene is key to its performance. Microstructural design for the desired grain size requires a fundamental understanding of graphene nucleation and growth. The two levers that can be used to control these aspects are the defect density, whose population can be controlled by annealing, and the gas-phase supersaturation for activation of nucleation at the defect sites. We observe that defects on copper surface, namely dislocations, grain boundaries, triple points, and rolling marks, initiate nucleation of graphene. We show that among these defects dislocations are the most potent nucleation sites, as they get activated at lowest supersaturation. As an illustration, we tailor the defect density and supersaturation to change the domain size of graphene from <1 mu m(2) to >100 mu m(2). Growth data reported in the literature has been summarized on a supersaturation plot, and a regime for defect-dominated growth has been identified. In this growth regime, we demonstrate the spatial control over nucleation at intentionally introduced defects, paving the way for patterned growth of graphene. Our results provide a unified framework for understanding the role of defects in graphene nucleation and can be used as a guideline for controlled growth of graphene.


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Thin films of conducting palladium selenide phases (Pd17Se15 and Pd7Se4) are prepared using a single source molecular precursor by thermolysis. Varying the mole ratios of palladium and selenium precursors results in palladium organo-selenolate complexes which on thermolysis at different temperatures yield Pd17Se15 and Pd7Se4 phases that are very stable and adherent to the substrate. The organo-selenolate complexes are characterized using small angle XRD, Se-77 NMR and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The palladium selenide films are characterized by various techniques such as XRD, XPS, TEM and SEM. Electrical conductivities of the films are determined using the four probe method. The strong adherence of the films to glass substrates coupled with high corrosion resistant behavior towards strong acid and alkaline environments render them to be very effective as electrocatalysts. The catalytic activity towards the I-3(-)/I- redox couple, which is an important reaction in the regeneration of the dye in a dye-sensitized solar cell, is studied. Between the two phases, the Pd17Se15 film shows superior activity as the counter electrode for dye sensitized solar cells with a photocurrent conversion efficiency of 7.45%.


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This paper establishes the design requirements for the development and testing of direct supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) solar receivers. Current design considerations are based on the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC). Section I (BPVC) considers typical boilers/superheaters (i.e. fired pressure vessels) which work under a constant low heat flux. Section VIII (BPVC) considers pressure vessels with operating pressures above 15 psig 2 bar] (i.e. unfired pressure vessels). Section III, Division I - Subsection NH (BPVC) considers a more detailed stress calculation, compared to Section I and Section VIII, and requires a creep-fatigue analysis. The main drawback from using the BPVC exclusively is the large safety requirements developed for nuclear power applications. As a result, a new set of requirements is needed to perform detailed thermal-structural analyses of solar thermal receivers subjected to a spatially-varying, high-intensity heat flux. The last design requirements document of this kind was an interim Sandia report developed in 1979 (SAND79-8183), but it only addresses some of the technical challenges in early-stage steam and molten-salt solar receivers but not the use of sCO2 receivers. This paper presents a combination of the ASME BPVC and ASME B31.1 Code modified appropriately to achieve the reliability requirements in sCO(2) solar power systems. There are five main categories in this requirements document: Operation and Safety, Materials and Manufacturing, Instrumentation, Maintenance and Environmental, and General requirements. This paper also includes the modeling guidelines and input parameters required in computational fluid dynamics and structural analyses utilizing ANSYS Fluent, ANSYS Mechanical, and nCode Design Life. The main purpose of this document is to serve as a reference and guideline for design and testing requirements, as well as to address the technical challenges and provide initial parameters for the computational models that will be employed for the development of sCO(2) receivers.


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Detailed investigations on the structural and mechanical properties of the forewing of the cicada were carried out. Measurement of the structures of the wings showed that the thickness of the membrane of each cell and the diameter of each vein were non-uniform in both the longitudinal and transverse directions, and their means were approximately 12.2 and 133.3 mum, respectively. However, the aspect ratios of the wings and the bodies were quite uniform and were approximately equal to 2.98 and 2.13, respectively. Based on the measured thickness, mass and area of the membranes of the cells, the mean density and the mean area density of the wing were approximately 2.3 g cm(-3) and 2.8 x 10(-3) g cm(-2), respectively. In addition, the diameters of the veins of the wings, including the diameters of the holes in the vein of the leading edge, were examined. The mechanical properties of the wing were investigated separately by nanoindentation and tensile testing. The results indicated that the mean Young's modulus, hardness and yield stress of the membranes of the wings were approximately 3.7 Gpa, 0.2 Gpa and 29 Mpa, respectively, and the mean Young's modulus and strength of the veins along the direction of the venation of wings were approximately 1.9 Gpa and 52 Mpa, respectively. Finally, the relevant results were briefly analyzed and discussed, providing a guideline to the biomimetic design of the aerofoil materials of micro air vehicles.


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El proceso de llevar a cabo investigaciones que examinen la función de la agenda setting de los medios de comunicación implica una serie de decisiones. El proyecto de investigación: ¿examinará el primer nivel de la agenda (con los temas o issues como unidad de análisis) o el segundo nivel (con los atributos como unidad de análisis) ¿Cuál o qué será el objeto de estudio? ¿Qué tipo de atributos se incluirán en el análisis? ¿Qué contenido se compararía? En este estudio se esbozan algunas posibles aplicaciones de la teoría de la agenda setting en un contexto internacional, lo cual podría servir de guía para futuras o posibles investigaciones. La fusión entre la cobertura de noticias internacionales y la investigación de la agenda setting parecería ser un área fructífera para los investigadores.


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In the present paper, we endeavor to accomplish a diagram, which demarcates the validity ranges for interfacial wave theories in a two-layer system, to meet the needs of design in ocean engineering. On the basis of the available solutions of periodic and solitary waves, we propose a guideline as principle to identify the validity regions of the interfacial wave theories in terms of wave period T, wave height H, upper layer thickness d(1), and lower layer thickness d(2), instead of only one parameter-water depth d as in the water surface wave circumstance. The diagram proposed here happens to be Le Mehautes plot for free surface waves if water depth ratio r = d(1)/d(2) approaches to infinity and the upper layer water density rho(1) to zero. On the contrary, the diagram for water surface waves can be used for two-layer interfacial waves if gravity acceleration g in it is replaced by the reduced gravity defined in this study under the condition of sigma = (rho(2) - rho(1))/rho(2) -> 1.0 and r > 1.0. In the end, several figures of the validity ranges for various interfacial wave theories in the two-layer fluid are given and compared with the results for surface waves.


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As medidas provisórias passaram a integrar o processo legislativo brasileiro com o advento da Constituição de 1988. A previsão inicial das medidas provisórias no art. 62 da Constituição Federal foi se tornando insatisfatória por deficiências oriundas dos pressupostos de relevância e urgência, em razão dos mesmos terem sido aferidos como muito genéricos ou subjetivos, o que acarretou sua demasiada edição. Com o intuito de restringir o poder do chefe do Executivo, foi aprovada, a Emenda Constitucional n. 32/2002, regulamentada pela Resolução 01/2002 do Congresso Nacional. Há consenso geral sobre a afronta estabelecida ao processo legislativo em função da perda de competência do Congresso derivada da excessiva edição de medidas provisórias, sendo necessário limitar essa prejudicial atuação executiva que tem estabelecido o trancamento de pauta constante nas votações no Parlamento.


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[EN]Most of the information indicating ageing improves tenderness has been collected on the loin and rib-eye muscles over relatively short ageing times, assuming that all muscles will react similarly. In the present study, the effect of extended ageing times on instrumental texture (56 d) and sensory characteristics (42 d) of six different beef sub-primals [striploin (SL), inside round (IR), outside round (OR), eye of round (ER), blade eye (BE) and chuck tender (CT)] was studied. The effects of two ageing temperatures (1and 58C) were also compared. In general, ageing increased tenderness (P<0.05) of SL, BE, ER and CT sub-primals, although BE shear force increased after 42 d of ageing. On the other hand, ageing had no effect on IR tenderness (P<0.05) and resulted in a decrease in tenderness of OR (P<0.05) until day 35, with a later increase after 42 d of ageing. Increasing ageing temperature (58C) had limited effect on tenderness, but ageing time and temperature increases led to lower flavour and higher off-flavour intensity (P<0.05) of the studied sub-primals. These results suggest that cutspecific maximum ageing times and rigid adherence to temperature maximums would be of benefit to optimize postslaughter processes and meat quality