966 resultados para Greenhouse gase


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A Petri dish assay was carried out for screening different concentrations of aqueous extracts of fresh and dry leaves of Eucalyptus citriodora on germination and seedling growth of wild oat weed (Avena fatua). Seed germination, root and shoot length of wild oat exhibited different degrees of inhibition according to the concentration of the aqueous extract. Maximum inhibitions of germination percentage, root and shoot length were recorded when using 25% fresh leaf extract. Based on this preliminary work (Petri dish assay), studies were conducted under greenhouse conditions at the National Research Center, Egypt, in the two winter seasons of 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 to evaluate the effects of foliar and soil treatments of aqueous extracts of Eucalyptus citriodora fresh and dry leaves on wild oat weed as well as on the growth and flowering of amaryllis (Hippeastrum hybridum), compared with the recommended dose of the herbicide tralkoxydim. Amaryllis fresh and dry weights as well as flowering increased significantly when treated with the previous extracts, especially the fresh leaf extract. However, the fresh and dry weights of wild oat were significantly reduced by the aqueous extracts, either fresh or dry, indicating phytotoxic effects. Tralkoxydim caused complete inhibition of wild oat as compared with the control. The studies involved estimation of the endogenous contents of total phenols in weed. With all the treatments, the inhibitory effects on weeds were correlated with accumulation of the internal contents of total phenols, compared to their respective controls. The amount of phenols correlated well with the weed's growth performance. This study establishes the effect of the aqueous extracts on the weed wild oat, associated with amaryllis, which may serve as a tool in establishing their herbicidal potential.


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A greenhouse trial was carried out from November 1995 to April 1996 at FCAV/UNESP, Brazil, aiming to study the dry matter production and the accumulation and distribution of macronutrients in Solanum americanum, an important weed for annual and perennial crops in Brazil. The plants were grown in seven liter pots with sand substrate, irrigated daily with Hoagland & Arnon nutrient solution. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replicates. The treatments corresponded to evaluation times at 14 day intervals, beginning 21 days after emergence (DAE). In each evaluation, the plants of four pots were analyzed for dry matter production and macronutrient content. S. americanum had a small dry matter and macronutrient accumulation at the beginning of the experimental stage, increasing after 77 DAE and reaching the maximum theoretical value at 142, 142, 164, 149, 140, 149 and 152 DAE, for dry matter, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S, respectively. K and N were the most accumulated macronutrients for S. americanum plants.


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Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the effects of drought and salinity stress, temperature, pH and planting depth on yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis) germination and emergence. Base, optimum and ceiling germination temperatures were estimated as 0, 18.47 and 34.60 ºC, respectively. Seed germination was sensitive to drought stress and completely inhibited at a potential of -1 MPa, but it was tolerant to salinity. Salinity stress up to 90 mM had no effect over the M. officinalis seed germination, but the germination decreased by increasing the salt concentration. The drought and salinity required for 50% inhibition of maximum germination were 207 mM and -0.49 MPa, respectively. High percentage of seed germination (>92%) was observed at pH = 5-6 and decreased to 80% at acidic medium (pH 4) and to 42% at alkaline medium (pH 9) pH. Maximum seedling emergence occurred when the seeds were placed at 2 cm depth and decreased when increasing the depth of planting; no seed emerged from depths of 10 cm.


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The action of herbicides that affect the integrity of cell membranes and cause leakage, like PPO-inhibitors, can be detected by measuring the electric conductivity (EC) of a solution in which the plant tissue target is incubated in the presence of herbicide. The objectives of this work were to confirm PPO resistance in a new Euphorbia heterophylla (EPHHL) biotype, and to compare the electrolyte leakage from R and S to PPO-inhibitors biotypes, using two different methods of incubation in a solution containing herbicides. One experiment was carried in greenhouse and three in laboratory, with a completely randomized design. In the greenhouse experiment, four biotypes of EPHHL were sprayed with seven rates of fomesafen to confirm resistance in suspected biotypes. Leaf disks from R and S EPHHL biotypes in the second and the third experiments and entire leaves in the fourth experiment were incubated in a solution containing PPO-inhibitors to subsequently determine EC of solution. The study confirmed the resistance to PPO-inhibitors in two EPHHL biotypes. There were no significant differences between S and R biotypes in the experiments with the incubation of leaf disks, but incubation of entire leaves of EPHHL S biotype showed higher EC when in a solution with fomesafen, in comparison to the R biotype. The results of this work are an indirect evidence that resistance to PPO-inhibitors is related to lower absorption of herbicide by the shoots and also to some kind of mechanism to cope with oxidative stress.


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This study aimed at assessing the level of weed infestation indifferent areas that were submitted to different soil management for 16 years. Four management systems were studied: (1) agriculture only under conventional tillage system; (2) agriculture only under no-till system; (3) crop-livestock integrationcrop-livestock integration; (4) livestock only. These areas were sampled at three soil depths (0-5, 5-10 and 10-15 cm), and soil was stored in plastic pots and taken to a greenhouse, where soil moisture and weight were standardized. Soil was kept near 70% moisture field capacity, being revolved every 20 days when all seedling emerged from soil were counted, identified and collected for dry mass assessment. The soil coverage by weeds, number of weed seedlings and dry mass of the weedy community were assessed. A phytoecological analysis was conducted. Weed composition is differentdifferent among management systems after 16 years. Areas with livestock showed much smaller number of weed species in comparison to systems where only grain crops are grown. The presence of livestock affects the potential of germination of soil seed bank. Agriculture systems are similar in terms of weed composition along soil profile, while systems involving livestock show little relation in what regards such sampled depths. Conservationist models of land exploration contribute to reduce severity of weed species occurrence in the long term.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the characteristics related to the photosynthetic ability of hybrid and inbred rice varieties, as a way to assess which of the two presented higher potential to stand out under conditions of competition. The trial was set in a greenhouse in completely randomized block design and 2 x 6 factorial scheme with four replications. Factor A consisted of rice varieties (hybrid or inbred) and factor B by competition levels. Treatments consisted in maintaining one plant of either BRS Pelota (inbred) or Inov (hybrid) variety at the center of the plot, under competition with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 plants of the variety BRS Pelota at the periphery of the experimental unit, according to the treatment. Fifty days after emergence (DAE), sub-stomatal CO2 concentration (Ci - mmol mol-1), photosynthetic rate (A - mmol m-2 s-1) and CO2 consumed (DC - mmol mol-1) were quantified, as well as shoot dry mass(SDM).Hybrid plants present higher photosynthesis capacity than inbred plants, when competing with up to 3 times its own density. When under the same competitive intensity, hybrid plants surpass the inbred. However, it should be emphasized that, when in farm condition, the lower competitive capacity with weeds often attributed to the hybrid varieties, probably is due to their lower planting density, but if weed competition is kept at low levels, hybrid rice plants may perform in the same way or usually better than inbred plants.


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Intercropping systems involving corn are often subjected to stress caused by weeds, which usually result in 30-70 per cent yield loss when no control practice is applied. This study aimed to assess the composition of weed communities due to soil coverage, at neighboring areas submitted to distinct soil managements. The soil was collected at field and the study was conducted under a greenhouse in three steps: (1) weeds composition and importance within each treatment; (2) comparison between treatments (distinct crop and intercropping managements); (3) infestation in the area as a whole. The weed composition in the short term is influenced by the management of the area, but this shift requires some more years to be reflected at the soil seed bank. Some weed species occur in high densities and even this way they may not be the most serious weed species present in a given field. Just a few species are adapted to a given system of management in a level enough to be a troublesome weed. Areas differed in relation to weed infestation as a function of management adopted and number of years the new management was applied.


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Enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic polymers is likely to become one of the key technologies enabling industrial production of liquid biofuels and chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass. Certain types of enzymes are able to hydrolyze cellulose and hemicellulose polymers to shorter units and finally to sugar monomers. These monomeric sugars are environmentally acceptable carbon sources for the production of liquid biofuels, such as bioethanol, and other chemicals, such as organic acids. Liquid biofuels in particular have been shown to contribute to the reduction of net emissions of greenhouse gases. The solid residue of enzymatic hydrolysis is composed mainly of lignin and partially degraded fibers, while the liquid phase contains the produced sugars. It is usually necessary to separate these two phases at some point after the hydrolysis stage. Pressure filtration is an efficient technique for this separation. Solid-liquid separation of biomass suspensions is difficult, because biomass solids are able to retain high amounts of water, which cannot be readily liberated by mechanical separation techniques. Most importantly, the filter cakes formed from biomaterials are compressible, which ultimately means that the separation may not be much improved by increasing the filtration pressure. The use of filter aids can therefore facilitate the filtration significantly. On the other hand, the upstream process conditions have a major influence on the filtration process. This thesis investigates how enzymatic hydrolysis and related process conditions affect the filtration properties of a cardboard suspension. The experimental work consists of pressure filtration and characterization of hydrolysates. The study provides novel information about both issues, as the relationship between enzymatic hydrolysis conditions and subsequent filtration properties has so far not been considered in academic studies. The results of the work reveal that the final degree of hydrolysis is an important factor in the filtration stage. High hydrolysis yield generally increases the average specific cake resistance. Mixing during the hydrolysis stage resulted in undefined changes in the physical properties of the solid residue, causing a high filtration resistance when the mixing intensity was high. Theoretical processing of the mixing data led to an interesting observation: the average specific cake resistance was observed to be linearly proportional to the mixer shear stress. Another finding worth attention is that the size distributions of the solids did not change very dramatically during enzymatic hydrolysis. There was an observable size reduction during the first couple of hours, but after that the size reduction was minimal. Similarly, the size distribution of the suspended solids remained almost constant when the hydrolyzed suspension was subjected to intensive mixing. It was also found that the average specific cake resistance was successfully reduced by the use of filter aids. This reduction depended on the method of how the filter aids were applied. In order to obtain high filtration capacity, it is recommended to use the body feed mode, i.e. to mix the filter aid with the slurry prior to filtration. Regarding the quality of the filtrate, precoat filtration was observed to produce a clear filtrate with negligible suspended solids content, while the body feed filtrates were turbid, irrespective of which type of filter aid was used.


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Maailman laajuisen kasvihuoneilmiön kiihtyminen ja EU:n tiukentuneet jäsenmailleen asettamat tavoitteet uusiutuvien polttoaineiden käytön lisäämiseksi ovat lisänneet puupolttoaineiden käyttöä Suomessa. Lisääntynyt puupolttoaineiden käyttö ja entistä tehokkaampi hakkuutähteiden hyödyntäminen on lisännyt metsistä poistuvien ravinteiden määrää. Huoli metsien maaperän ravinteiden niukkenemisesta sekä tiukentunut lainsäädäntö tuhkien kaatopaikkasijoittamisesta ovat lisänneet energiayhtiöiden kiinnostusta lisätä tuhkien hyötykäyttöä. Tuhka täytyy esikäsitellä, eli stabiloida ennen hyötykäyttöä. Stabiloinnissa tuhkaa kostutetaan, jolloin siitä muodostuu rakeita. Hyödynnettäessä tuhkaa metsälannoitukseen tuhka tulee usein myös terästää typellä, sillä tuhka ei sisällä lainkaan typpeä. Muita tuhkan hyötykäyttömahdollisuuksia ovat peltolannoitus, betonin valmistus, maarakentaminen sekä jätevedenpuhdistus. Näistä vaihtoehdoista betonin valmistus ja maarakentaminen ovat melko yleisiä. Kouvolassa tuhkaa muodostuu noin 14 000 tonnia vuodessa. Kaupungin omistama metsäalue Saaramaalla voitaisiin lannoittaa lähes samoilla kustannuksilla kuin mitä kaatopaikkasijoittaminen maksaisi. Sen sijaan tuhkan käytöllä tierakentamiseen Tähteen alueella saavutetaan tuhansien eurojen säästöt kaatopaikkasijoitukseen verrattuna ja samalla tuhka saadaan hyötykäyttöön kiviaineksia säästäen.  


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The potential of three macrophytes, Azolla caroliniana, Salvinia minima, and Lemna gibba was assessed in this study to select plants for use in environmental remediation contaminated with atrazine. Experiments were carried out in a greenhouse over six days in pots containing Hoagland 0.25 strength nutritive solution at the following atrazine concentrations: 0; 0.01; 0.1; 1.0; 10.0 mg L-1. Decrease in biomass accumulation was observed in the three macrophytes, as well as toxic effects evidenced by the symptomatology developed by the plants which caused their deaths. The chlorosis and necrosis allowed to observe in the plants the high sensitivity of the three species to the herbicide. Plants presented low potential for removal of atrazine in solution when exposed to low concentrations of the herbicide. However, at the 10.0 mg L-1 atrazine concentration, L. gibba and A. caroliniana showed potential to remove the herbicide from the solution (0.016 and 0.018 mg atrazine per fresh mass gram, respectively). This fact likely resulted from the processes of atrazine adsorption by the dead material. The percentage of atrazine removed from the solution by the plants decreased when the plants were exposed to high concentrations of the pollutant. Azolla caroliniana, S. minima, and L. gibba were not effective in removing the herbicide from solution. The use of these species to remedy aquatic environments was shown to be limited.


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This project aimed to relate the control efficiency of ACCase inhibiting herbicides applied post-emergence to Digitaria horizontalis plants under different soil water contents. The experiments were conducted in a greenhouse, with the application of three different herbicides (fluazifop-p-butyl, haloxyfop-methyl, and sethoxydim + mineral oil Assist). The experimental design used for each herbicide was completely randomized, with four replications, consisting of a 3 x 4 factorial, with the combination of water management strategies (-0.03, -0.07 and -1.5 MPa) and four doses of these products (100%, 50%, 25%, and 0% of the recommended dose). Herbicide application was made at two vegetative stages, 4-6 leaves and 2-3 tillers. The visual phytotoxicity evaluations were performed at 14 days after application and the plant dry weight at the end of the study was evaluated. The control efficiency was not affected by water management strategies when applied to the recommended dose of the herbicides in early stages of plant development (4-6 leaf stage). In late applications (2-3 tiller stage) the plants held under drought stress showed less phytotoxicity.


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Auxyn type herbicides such as dicamba and 2,4-D are alternative herbicides that can be used to control glyphosate-resistant hairy fleabane. With the forthcoming possibility of releasing dicamba-resistant and 2,4-D-resistant crops, use of these growth regulator herbicides will likely be an alternative that can be applied to the control of glyphosate resistant hairy fleabane (Conyza bonariensis). The objective of this research was to model the efficacy, through dose-response curves, of glyphosate, 2,4-D, isolated dicamba and glyphosatedicamba combinations to control a brazilian hairy fleabane population resistant to glyphosate. The greenhouse dose-response studies were conducted as a completely randomized experimental design, and the rates used for dose response curve construction were 0, 120, 240, 480, 720 and 960 g a.i. ha-1 for 2,4-D, dicamba and the dicamba combination, with glyphosate at 540 g a.e. ha-1. The rates for glyphosate alone were 0, 180, 360, 540, 720 and 960 g a.e. ha-1. Herbicides were applied when the plants were in a vegetative stage with 10 to 12 leaves and height between 12 and 15 cm. Hairy fleabane had low sensitivity to glyphosate, with poor control even at the 960 g a.e. ha-1 rate. Dicamba and 2,4-D were effective in controlling the studied hairy fleabane. Hairy fleabane responds differently to 2,4-D and dicamba. The combination of glyphosate and dicamba was not antagonistic to hairy fleabane control, and glyphosate may cause an additive effect on the control, despite the population resistance.


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The potential of three aquatic macrophytes, Azoll caroliniana, Salvinia minima and Lemna gibba, was evaluated in this work aimed at selection of plants to be used in remediation of environments contaminated by arsenic (As). The experiments were carried out in a greenhouse during six days in pots containing Hoagland solution (¼ ionic strength) at As concentrations of 0.5; 2.5 and 5.0 mg L-1. The three species showed greater As accumulation as the concentration of the metalloid in solution increased. However, a reduction was detected in fresh and dry mass gain when the plants were exposed to high As concentrations. The macrophytes showed differences in efficiency of removal of As in solution. A. caroliniana, S. minima and L. gibba accumulated, on average, 0.130; 0.200; and 1.397 mg mDM-1, respectively, when exposed to 5.0 mg L-1 of As. The macrophytes absorbed a greater quantity of As in solution with low phosphate content. The greater As concentration in L. gibba tissues lowered the chlorophyll and carotenoid contents as shown by the high chlorosis incidence. Lemna gibba also exhibited a decrease in leaf size, with the total chlorophyll and carotenoid synthesis not being affected by As in A. caroliniana. This species exhibited purplish leaves with high concentration of anthocyanin, whose presence suggested association to phosphate deficiency. Marginal necrosis occurred on S. minima floating leaves, with the released daughter-plants not showing any visual symptoms during the treatment. The percentage of As removed from the solution decreased when the plants were exposed to high concentrations of the pollutant. Among the three species studied, only L. gibba could be considered an As hyper-accumulator. The use of this plant species for remediation of aquatic environments was shown to be limited and requires further investigation.


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The correct management of cover crops in no-tillage aims to obtain greater benefits with its introduction in agricultural systems. The use of forage species such as Brachiaria, due to the large amount of biomass and for persisting longer on the ground, has become a good option. In this sense, an important point is the time interval between the cover desiccation with glyphosate and planting of rice in order to obtain higher operating income in the sowing, greater availability of nutrients, greater presence of straw on the soil surface, and lower release of possible allelopathic substances. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of the management of B. ruziziensis, with or without herbicide, preceding the crop planting, in the yield components and yield of rice. The trial was conducted in greenhouse conditions and consisted of three types of management of B. ruziziensis before sowing rice. B. ruziziensis showed linear growth and the presence of large amounts of its dry matter biomass on the soil surface was detrimental to rice yield; B. ruziziensis management close to planting caused a significant reduction in rice yield; the management of B. ruziziensis with herbicides should be conducted with more than 20 days before planting rice; the management of B. ruziziensis for the removal of its leaves with or without herbicide should be carried out with 10 or more days before planting rice, and the correct management of B. ruziziensis at the right time allowed for significant increases in the rice yield.


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Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the phytotoxic effect of black mustard extracts and root exudates on two crops: Trifolium alexandrinum and Triticum aestivum, and two weeds: Phalaris paradoxa and Sisymbrium irio. The seeds were treated with aqueous and ethanolic extracts and chloroform for eight days, or subjected to root exudates of just harvested mustard in a greenhouse for five weeks. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to quantify phytotoxins from plant tissues. Seed germination of P. paradoxa was reduced with the lowest concentration of the different extracts. However, the aqueous extract at 4% completely curtailed the germination of all the target species. In general, plant extracts had a concentration-dependent reduction of seedling growth of the target species. However, the ethanolic extract, at the lowest concentration, has stimulated the shoot length of both T. alexandrinum and T. aestivum, and the root length of the former. Mustard root exudates inhibited emergence and growth of the target species throughout the experiment. Ferulic and syringic acids were the dominant allelochemicals found when HPLC was used.