1000 resultados para Gobierno municipal-México


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The presence of Vibrio cholerae non-O1 in water supplies for human consumption in the city of Campeche and rural locality of Bécal was investigated. V. cholerae non-O1 was detected in 5.9% of the samples obtained in deep pools of Campeche. Studies conducted in Bécal and neighbourhood of Morelos in Campeche indicated that collected samples harbored V. cholerae non-O1 in 31.5% and 8.7% respectively. There was a particular pattern of distribution of V. cholerae non-O1 serotypes among different studied regions. Accordingly, V. cholerae non-O1 serotype O14 predominated in the deep pools of Campeche and together with V. cholerae non-O1, O155 were preferentially founds in samples taken from intradomiciliary faucets in the neighbourhood of Morelos. Samples from Bécal predominantly presented the serotype O112. 60% and 53.8% of all studied strains of V. cholerae non-O1 proved to be resistant to ampicillin and carbenicillin. 3.1%, 7.7% and 6.2% presented resistant to doxycycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and erythromycin respectively. The study showed the necessity of performing a strong epidemiologic surveillance for emergence and distribution of V. cholerae non-O1


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From January 1989 to April 1995, 465 specimens of Triatoma vitticeps were collected in the locality of Triunfo, 2nd District of Santa Maria Madalena municipal district, State of Rio de Janeiro. The bugs were found indoors by local residents with predominance of adults. The flight activity was high in hot months when the incidence in the domicile also increased. Two hundred and two bugs (111 alive and 91 dead) were examined for Trypanosoma cruzi infection. This was detected in 31 of the dead bugs (34%) and 88 (79%) of the live bugs examined. With a view to investigate the possible vertebrate hosts of the T. cruzi isolates, the blood of 122 mammals was examined through Giemsa-stained smears, hemocultures and xenodiagnosis. T. cruzi was detected in three specimens of Didelphis marsupialis and T. (M.) theileri was detected in one specimen of Bos taurus. The parasites were isolated from triatomine feces, xenoculture and hemoculture. No evidence of human infection was detected in 58 inhabitants examined, as evaluated by indirect imunofluorescence technique using T. cruzi epimastigotes as antigens. These results show that T. vitticeps is still a sylvatic species although nymphs have been found inside the domicile. Thus, an epidemiological vigilance is necessary to know the behaviour of this species following the continuous modifications promoted by the presence of man.


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El estudio analiza y compara las percepciones y conocimientos ambientales que estudiantes de primaria del municipio maya de Felipe Carrillo Puerto tienen sobre la vecina Reserva de la Biósfera de Sian Ka’an (RBSK) en términos de biodiversidad, con el fin de evaluar y elaborar programas de Educación Ambiental (EA) dirigidos a promover la protección de este espacio natural. Se analizan dibujos, cuestionarios y encuestas recogidos en tres comunidades maya que difieren en su proximidad a la RBSK y en su nivel de urbanización. Los resultados indican que los niños en general desconocen la RBSK y la biodiversidad de la zona. Para aumentar el conocimiento ambiental de los alumnos se propone potenciar el conocimiento vivencial, mantener la lengua y cultura maya y el contacto de ésta con la naturaleza y potenciar la afinidad del maestro por la temática ambiental y por la RBSK.


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In Switzerland, the ongoing reforms of fiscal federalism put municipalities under increased fiscal stress. A majority of the municipalities had responded by increasing the cooperation with neighbouring municipalities over the last few years. Simultaneously, many discuss or are directly involved in a possible amalgamation project. Accordingly, the paper aimed at describing how cooperation has presently developed between Swiss municipalities, in order to illustrate the existing trend towards amalgamation. Current surveys helped us estimate the growing importance of inter-municipal arrangements together with the surge of amalgamations. A further goal was to investigate if cantonal financial incentives to municipal amalgamation essentially benefit the cantonal community, following the fiscal equivalence principle, or if they rather benefit amalgamating municipalities. In reality, equivalence does not exist. However, this may possibly be the condition to reduce inequality among amalgamating municipalities.


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Aquest Projecte final és una continuació d’anteriors Projectes Finals de MTIG i és el resultat del conveni de col·laboració entre l’Ajuntament de Cerdanyola del Vallès, Departament del Cadastre dels Serveis Econòmics, i el LIGIT. El Projecte final es basa en l’aplicatiu, ja existent, web d’intranet amb software lliure que permet la visualitazació de cartografia urbana i rústica del municipi, per a diferents anys, i la realització de consultes alfanumèriques simples. L’objectiu del Projecte final és l’ampliació i millora de l’aplicatiu existent, en concret en els seus aspectes d’accés i sortida a dades alfanumèriques de forma detallada


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With the purpose of evaluating the risk of transmission of the Chagas disease in the State of Colima, México, an entomological survey was performed to obtain triatominae and the rate of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi determined by examination of its dejections. Two hundred eighteen houses located in 16 villages were sampled. In each house the intradomestic and peridomestic habitats were examined by the man-hour-house method, sensor boxes and mouse-baited traps. Also, 12 silvatic places were explored around the same areas using the same techniques as the ones sampled. In total, 456 specimens were captured, of which 139 correspond to Triatoma phyllosoma pallidipennis; 80 to T. p. longipennis; one specimen of T. dimidiata and 236 nymphs of Triatoma sp. Two hundred ninety seven insects were captured in the intradomestic habitat, 132 in the peridomestic and 26 in the silvatic. The index of positive houses was 27%, located in the central area of the state. The rate of natural infection with T. cruzi showed 25.6%. This results confirmed the presence of two important vectors of the Chagas disease in Colima. Its preference for the domestic habitat and its high levels of natural infection with T. cruzi suggested the existence of a significant risk for its transmission in this area of the country.


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In México, the role of mammals in the transmission cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi is poorly known. In the State of Yucatán, an endemic area of Chagas disease, both Didelphis virginiana and D. marsupialis occur sympatrically. However, until now, only the former species had been found infected with T. cruzi. To evaluate the role of D. virginiana in a peridomestic transmission, nine periods of capture-recapture were performed around the village of Dzidzilché, Yucatán. The sex, age, reproductive status, location, and presence of infection with T. cruzi were recorded for each opossum. The chromosome morphology was used to identify the opossum species. T. cruzi was identified by the presence of pseudocysts of amastigotes in cardiac muscle fibers of Balb/c mice inoculated with strains isolated from opossums. However, xenodiagnosis was the best diagnostic method. Triatoma dimidiata, the vector, were collected in and around the opossums' nests, and human dwellings; and were checked for T. cruzi. From 102 blood samples of D. virginiana examined 55 (53.9%) were positive to T. cruzi, the only two D. marsupialis captured were negative. Significant differences were found between infection, and both sex and reproductive condition. Eight out of 14 triatomines collected in peridomestic nests (57.1%), and 32 of 197 captured inside houses (16.3%) were found infected, suggesting a peridomestic transmission. The statistically high abundance of infected opossums and triatomines during the dry season (March to May) suggested the existence of a seasonality in the peridomestic transmission of T. cruzi in Dzidzilché.


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El present treball Final de Carrera és un apropament als Sistemas d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG), segons dues vessants: la teòrica, oferint informació general sobre els SIG, i la pràctica, mostrant el desenvolupament d'una aplicació concreta basada en programari SIG.


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S'ha realitzat l'anàlisi del site www.tortosa.cat, realitzant un estudi d'usabilitat centrada en l'usuari sobre webs orientades al comerç electrònic i als serveis.


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El present treball de fi de carrera (TFC) és un estudi dels Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) per tal de gestionar informació cadastral. Com a objecte concret de l'estudi s'ha triat la població de Centelles, Osona.


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Els Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfics (SIG), han estat fins ara una eina molt potent a l'hora de gestionar molts aspectes relacionat amb el terreny. En aquest document, s'intenta posar de manifest aquest fet, i per portar a terme aquest objectiu, s'ha estructurat en dos grans blocs, un teòric, i un altre pràctic, que es complementen amb un tercer, més específic, que amplia, amb aspectes teòrics, la part pràctica del TFC, que tracta sobre temes cadastrals.


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Aquest document explica, en els seus diferents capítols, la construcció d'un SIG de base municipal amb assignació automàtica del nom de carrer a les illes d'habitatges d'una determinada població, utilitzant les eines GeoMedia Professional i Visual Basic.


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La idea del treball és aconseguir crear un petit SIG d'àmbit municipal i per fer-ho, adquirir tots els coneixements necessaris per a la seva realització


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L'enunciat del projecte planteja la necessitat, d'una agència de taxis cualquiera, de gestionar les trucades que es poguessin produir per part de potencials clients.


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Aquest projecte neix amb l'objectiu de construir un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) que permeti millorar els serveis oferts per una agencia de taxis, referits a la gestió dels seus vehicles i dels seus clients.