912 resultados para Global theology in Evangelical perspective
Già ad uno sguardo esterno la normativa chiamata a disciplinare la condizione giuridica delle chiese cattoliche nel nostro Paese appare caratterizzata da un elevato grado di complessità: impressione che trova conferma sia con riferimento al diritto canonico, nella cui prospettiva le disposizioni appositamente dedicate ai 'loca sacra' dal Codex Iuris Canonici richiedono di essere affiancate dalle indicazioni provenienti – ai rispettivi, differenti livelli – tanto dalla Conferenza Episcopale Italiana quanto dai dicasteri della Curia romana; sia nell'ottica dell'ordinamento italiano, che agli 'edifici destinati all’esercizio pubblico del culto cattolico' riserva un'attenzione specifica, emergente nella legislazione unilaterale così come in quella pattizia. A fronte di una simile eterogeneità, sono d’altra parte note le problematiche che il tempo presente pone innanzi alle esigenze di una corretta amministrazione del patrimonio ecclesiastico – spesso pure dotato di un inestimabile valore storico-artistico –, le quali si riversano sulla preservazione stessa di tali immobili. Prendendo le mosse da questi presupposti, la trattazione si propone di effettuare una lettura sistematica delle diverse fasi in cui si articola il 'ciclo vitale' di un'ipotetica chiesa cattolica, così da ricostruire organicamente e criticamente quel quadro complessivo che permetta di formulare le soluzioni più appropriate per rispondere a questioni risalenti e sfide inedite. È quindi con questo intento che, una volta definito esattamente il concetto di chiesa-edificio, vengono ripercorsi i momenti in cui si sviluppa, anche giuridicamente, la sua esistenza: dalla pianificazione al finanziamento delle nuove costruzioni, con una speciale attenzione all'apporto che può essere offerto da parte della CEI; dagli utilizzi ammessi nel diritto canonico alle tutele garantite da parte statale; dalle misure di salvaguardia ai criteri per la loro adeguata gestione, comprendenti tanto i profili relativi alla conservazione quanto quelli riguardanti la valorizzazione; dalle implicazioni di un'eventuale riduzione a uso profano fino ai requisiti dettati per la nuova destinazione dell'immobile.
Questa ricerca è volta all’analisi dell’immaginazione nell’opera di Giacomo Leopardi secondo una prospettiva critico-interpretativa, cercando, da una parte, di comprenderne la funzione all’interno delle dinamiche complessive della teoria della conoscenza leopardiana e, dall’altra, di indagare le modalità attraverso le quali Leopardi si accosta alle figure dell’immaginario. In quest’ottica si è deciso di dividere in due parti equivalenti il lavoro, destinando la prima, all’esame della facoltà immaginativa in una prospettiva prettamente gnoseologica, intesa nell’economia generale degli atti mentali, mentre la seconda, alle sue applicazioni pragmatiche, alla ricerca, da una parte, di una categorizzazione utile all’interpretazione dell’immaginario leopardiano, dall’altra, dell’utilità pratica e morale dell’immaginazione.
The aim of this thesis is to discuss and develop the Unified Patent Court project to account for the role it could play in implementing judicial specialisation in the Intellectual Property field. To provide an original contribution to the existing literature on the topic, this work addresses the issue of how the Unified Patent Court could relate to the other forms of judicial specialisation already operating in the European Union context. This study presents a systematic assessment of the not-yet-operational Unified Patent Court within the EU judicial system, which has recently shown a trend towards being developed outside the institutional framework of the European Union Court of Justice. The objective is to understand to what extent the planned implementation of the Unified Patent Court could succeed in responding to the need for specialisation and in being compliant with the EU legal and constitutional framework. Using the Unified Patent Court as a case study, it is argued that specialised courts in the field of Intellectual Property have a significant role to play in the European judicial system and offer an adequate response to the growing complexity of business operations and relations. The significance of this study is to analyse whether the UPC can still be considered as an appropriate solution to unify the European patent litigation system. The research considers the significant deficiencies, which risks having a negative effect on the European Union institutional procedures. In this perspective, this work aims to make a contribution in identifying the potential negative consequences of this reform. It also focuses on considering different alternatives for a European patent system, which could effectively promote innovation in Europe.
Long-term monitoring of acoustical environments is gaining popularity thanks to the relevant amount of scientific and engineering insights that it provides. The increasing interest is due to the constant growth of storage capacity and computational power to process large amounts of data. In this perspective, machine learning (ML) provides a broad family of data-driven statistical techniques to deal with large databases. Nowadays, the conventional praxis of sound level meter measurements limits the global description of a sound scene to an energetic point of view. The equivalent continuous level Leq represents the main metric to define an acoustic environment, indeed. Finer analyses involve the use of statistical levels. However, acoustic percentiles are based on temporal assumptions, which are not always reliable. A statistical approach, based on the study of the occurrences of sound pressure levels, would bring a different perspective to the analysis of long-term monitoring. Depicting a sound scene through the most probable sound pressure level, rather than portions of energy, brought more specific information about the activity carried out during the measurements. The statistical mode of the occurrences can capture typical behaviors of specific kinds of sound sources. The present work aims to propose an ML-based method to identify, separate and measure coexisting sound sources in real-world scenarios. It is based on long-term monitoring and is addressed to acousticians focused on the analysis of environmental noise in manifold contexts. The presented method is based on clustering analysis. Two algorithms, Gaussian Mixture Model and K-means clustering, represent the main core of a process to investigate different active spaces monitored through sound level meters. The procedure has been applied in two different contexts: university lecture halls and offices. The proposed method shows robust and reliable results in describing the acoustic scenario and it could represent an important analytical tool for acousticians.
The rhizosphere, i.e. the soil surrounding the plant roots, and endosphere, i.e. the microbial communities within the plant organs harbors microbes known to influence root and plant physiological processes. An important question is to what extent plant species, genotypes and environmental conditions affect bacterial and fungal communities. The objectives of the first research study were to unravel and compare the rhizospheric microbiota of grape in two independent vineyards using 16S and ITS amplicon sequencing, evaluate location and varietal effects, and test the correlation between bioavailable copper levels and other soil parameters with microbiota composition and diversity. Our results showed that the microbial alpha diversity based on Shannon index differed significantly between vineyards while it did not differ between two grape cultivars. In the second study, we were focusing on different wheat species and genotypes such as Bread Wheat, Wild Emmer Wheat, Domesticated Emmer Wheat, Durum Wheat Landraces, Durum Wheat cultivars, T. monococcum and triticale in two fields located in Bologna and Foggia. The objectives of this research experiment were to elucidate and compare the rhizospheric and endophytic microbiota of 30 diverse wheat genotypes in two different fields using 16S amplicon sequencing. Our results showed that the microbial alpha diversity based on Shannon index differed significantly between fields of Bologna and Foggia, in which Bologna had a higher diversity in respect to Foggia for both rhizospheric and endophytic communities. Using Shannon index there was significant differences, for instance, between Durum Emmer Wheat and Wild Emmer Wheat in Bologna, and between Bread Wheat and Durum Wheat Landraces in Foggia. Our results contribute to understand the role of wheat species and genotype and the filed management on the root-microbe-soil interactions in the perspective of understanding their impact on crop systems sustainability.
Fundamental aspects of the conception and applications of ecomaterials, in particular porous materials in the perspective of green chemistry are discussed in this paper. General recommendations for description and classification of porous materials are reviewed briefly. By way of illustration, some case studies of materials design and applications in pollution detection and remediation are described. It is shown here how different materials developed by our groups, such as porous glasses, ecomaterials from biomass and anionic clays were programmed to perform specific functions. A discussion of the present and future of ecomaterials in green chemistry is presented along with important key goals.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física