1000 resultados para German fish market


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Farmers Market Manual produced by Iowa Departmment of Agriculture and Land Stewardship


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This paper analyzes the implications of pre-trade transpareny on market performance. We find that transparency increases the precision held by agents, however we show that this increase in precision may not be due to prices themselves. In competitive markets, transparency increases market liquidity and reduces price volatility, whereas these results may not hold under imperfect competition. More importantly, market depth and volatility might be positively related with proper priors. Moreover, we study the incentives for liquidity traders to engage in sunshine trading. We obtain that the choice of sunshine/dark trading for a noise trader is independent of his order size, being the traders with higher liquidity needs more interested in sunshine trading, as long as this practice is desirable. Key words: Market Microstructure, Transparency, Prior Information, Market Quality, Sunshine Trading


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We consider stock market contagion as a significant increase in cross-market linkages after a shock to one country or group of countries. Under this definition we study if contagion occurred from the U.S. Financial Crisis to the rest of the major stock markets in the world by using the adjusted (unconditional) correlation coefficient approach (Forbes and Rigobon, 2002) which consists of testing if average crossmarket correlations increase significantly during the relevant period of turmoil. We would not reject the null hypothesis of interdependence in favour of contagion if the increase in correlation only suggests a continuation of high linkages in all state of the world. Moreover, if contagion occurs, this would justify the intervention of the IMF and the suddenly portfolio restructuring during the period under study.


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This study explores whether firms have differential price-earnings multiples associated with their means of achieving a sequential pattern of increasing positive earnings. Our main findings show that market participants assign higher price-earnings multiples to firms when their pattern of increasing earnings is supported by the same pattern of increasing cash flows. Market participants assign lower price-earnings multiples to firms suspect of having engaged in accrual-based earnings management, sales manipulation, and overproduction to achieve the earnings pattern. We find, however, that market participants do not penalize firms suspect of having achieved the earnings pattern through the opportunistic reduction of discretionary expenses.


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The key reference on the labour market and the logics of squad formation in the big-5 European leagues. One hundred richly coloured pages, illustrated by graphics, maps, rankings, statistical models and analysis in French and English which inform managers about potential strategies to put their clubs on the road to success help managers of federations and players' unions to understand current trends and to take decisions ... suggest to journalists new lines of investigation likely to interest the general public allow researchers and students to benefit from reliable and comparable sources, developed with the greatest possible rigour ... give fans the possibility to understand in detail the dynamics at work in their favourite sport and club.


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SummarySimultaneous detection of aneuploidies for chromosomes 4, 6,10 and 17 by automated four color l-FISH in high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia: diagnostic assessment, clonal heterogeneity and chromosomal instability in adultsAnna Talamo BlandinService de Génétique Médicale, Unité de Cytogénétique du Cancer, CHUVAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a malignant hemopathy characterized by the accumulation of the immature lymphoid cells in the bone marrow and, most often, in the peripheral blood. ALL is a heterogeneous disease with distinct biological and prognostic entities. At diagnosis, cytogenetic and molecular findings constitute important and independent prognostic factors. High hyperdiploidy with 51-67 chromosomes (HeH), one of the largest cytogenetic subsets of ALL, in childhood particularly, is generally associated with a relatively favorable outcome. Chromosome gain is nonrandom, extracopies of some chromosome occurring more frequently than those of others. Concurrent presence of trisomy for chromosomes 4, 10 and 17 confers an especially good prognosis. The first aim of our work was to develop an automated four color interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (l-FISH) methodology and to assess its ability to detect concurrent aneuploidies 4, 6, 10 and 17 in 10 ALL patients. Various combinations of aneuploidies were identified. All clones detected by conventional cytogenetics were also observed by l-FISH. However, in all patients, l-FISH revealed numerous additional abnormal clones, leading to a high level of clonal heterogeneity. Our second aim has been to investigate the nature and origin of this clonal heterogeneity and to test for the presence of chromosome instability (CIN) in HeH ALL at initial presentation. Ten HeH ALL and 10 non-HeH ALL patients were analysed by four colour l-FISH and numerical CIN values were determined for all four chromosomes together and for each chromosome and patient group, an original approach in ALL. CIN values in HeH ALL proved to be much higher than#iose in non-HeH ALL, suggesting that numerical CIN may be at the origin of the high level of clonal heterogeneity revealed by l-FISH. Our third aim has been to study the evolution of these cytogenetic features during the course of the disease in 10 HeH ALL patients. Clonal heterogeneity was also observed again during disease progression, particularly at relapse. Clones detected at initial presentation generally reappeared in relapse, in most cases with newly generated ones. A significant correlation between the number of abnormal clones and CIN suggested that the higher the instability, the larger the number of abnormal clones. Whereas clonal heterogeneity and its evolution most probably result from underlying chromosome instability, operating processes remain conjectural.RésuméLa leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë (LLA) est une hémopathie maligne qui résulte de l'accumulationde cellules lymphoïdes immatures dans la moelle osseuse, et, le plus souvent, dans le sangpériphérique également. La LLA est une affection hétérogène au sein de laquelle se distinguentplusieurs entités biologiques et pronostiques. Les données cytogénétiques et moléculaires font partieintégrante du diagnostic et jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'évaluation du pronostic. L'hyperdiploïdieélevée à 51-­67 chromosomes (HeH), relativement fréquente, en particulier chez l'enfant, s'associe àun pronostic favorable. Le gain de chromosomes ne relève pas du hasard, certains chromosomesétant plus fréquemment impliqués que d'autres. La présence simultanée des trisomies 4, 6, et 17s'associe à un pronostic particulièrement bon. Le premier but du travail a été de développer uneméthode d'analyse automatique par hybridation in situ fluorescente interphasique (I-­FISH) à 4couleurs et de tester sa capacité à identifier la présence simultanée d'aneuploïdies 4, 6, 10 et 17 dans10 cas de LLA. Différentes combinaisons d'aneuploïdies ont été identifiées. Tous les clones détectéspar cytogénétique conventionnelle l'ont été par I-­FISH. Or, chez tous les patients, l'I-­FISH a révélé denombreux clones anormaux additionnels générant un degré élevé d'hétérogénéité clonale. Notredeuxième but a été d'investiguer la nature et l'origine de cette hétérogénéité et de tester la présenced'instabilité chromosomique (CIN) chez les patients avec une LLA HeH en presentation initiale. DixLLA HeH et 10 LLA non-­HeH ont été analysées par I-­FISH et les valeurs de CIN numérique ont étédéterminées pour les 4 chromosomes ensemble et pour chaque chromosome et groupe de patients,approche originale dans la LLA. Ces valeurs étant beaucoup plus élevées dans la LLA HeH que dansla LLA non-­HeH, elles favorisent l'hypothèse selon laquelle la CIN serait à l'origine de l'hétérogénéitéclonale révélée par I-­FISH. Le troisième but de notre travail a été d'étudier l'évolution de cescaractéristiques cytogénétiques au cours de la maladie dans 10 cas de LLA HeH. L'hétérogénéitéclonale a été retrouvée lors de la progression de la maladie, en particulier en rechute, où les clonesanormaux détectés en présentation initiale réapparaissent, généralement accompagnés de clonesnouveaux. La corrélation existant entre nombre de clones anormaux et valeurs de CIN suggère queplus l'instabilité est élevée, plus le nombre de clones anormaux est grand. Bien que l'hétérogénéitéclonale et son évolution résultent très probablement de l'instabilité chromosomique, les processus àl'oeuvre ne sont pas entièrement élucidés.


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An investigation of financing an inspection policy while allowing the enforcement of a market regulation is described. A simple model shows that the intensity of controls depends on the market structure. Under a given number of firms, the per-firm probability of controls is lower than one, since firms’ incentive to comply with regulation holds under positive profits. In this case, a lump-sum tax is used for limiting distortions coming from financing with a fixed fee. Under free entry, the per-firm probability of controls is equal to one, and only a fixed fee that prevents excess entry is used to finance inspection.


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Evaluating the possible benefits of the introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops must address the issue of consumer resistance as well as the complex regulation that has ensued. In the European Union (EU) this regulation envisions the “co-existence” of GM food with conventional and quality-enhanced products, mandates the labelling and traceability of GM products, and allows only a stringent adventitious presence of GM content in other products. All these elements are brought together within a partial equilibrium model of the EU agricultural food sector. The model comprises conventional, GM and organic food. Demand is modelled in a novel fashion, whereby organic and conventional products are treated as horizontally differentiated but GM products are vertically differentiated (weakly inferior) relative to conventional ones. Supply accounts explicitly for the land constraint at the sector level and for the need for additional resources to produce organic food. Model calibration and simulation allow insights into the qualitative and quantitative effects of the large-scale introduction of GM products in the EU market. We find that the introduction of GM food reduces overall EU welfare, mostly because of the associated need for costly segregation of non-GM products, but the producers of quality-enhanced products actually benefit.


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Literature on sex occupational segregation has typically focused on the micro and macro determinants of it, on mobility patterns over the life course, on implications of segregation and mobility for gender inequalities. Rarely the link between sex-type occupations and women’s risk of labour market interruptions over family formation has been explored. In this piece of work we shall analyse whether women who are working in the female-dominated, male-dominated or integrated occupations have more or less chances to remain attached to the labour market, controlling for qualifications, class, sector and contract positions. By drawing from ECHP, and comparing Italy, Spain, Denmark and the UK, we shall in particular see whether such connection varies across countries with different institutional and cultural configurations.We find that, ceteris paribus, only in the UK the sex-composition of an occupation matters: women in female occupations are more likely to move to inactivity than women in mixed or male occupations. In the other countries considered the main cleavages lie elsewhere. In Italy what matters most is the sector of employment (public vs. private). In Spain the sector is relevant too, but also social class and the type of contract held (permanent vs. temporary). In Denmark women’s transitions to inactivity are largely independent of human capital and job characteristics.


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This paper investigates the effects of women‘s labour force participation on fertility, as well as the effects of the combined labour force participation of both members of a couple. It specifically focuses on such dimensions as unemployment, earnings, temporary contracts and part-time jobs, and it shows that their effects differ in accordance with national institutions and labour market regulations. Event-history methods and a longitudinal sample of the European Community Household Panel are used in the analyses, concerning the years 1993-2000. The results show that labour market insecurity of one or both members of a couple has a particularly strong impact in reducing birth rates in the Southern European countries studied. The more conventional model of men’s employment combined with housewifery has a positive impact on second or higher order births in United Kingdom, Spain and Italy, while in Denmark the effect is the opposite. These differences are consistent with different national models of combining parental responsibilities and participation by gender across the life course.


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Executive Summary Electricity is crucial for modern societies, thus it is important to understand the behaviour of electricity markets in order to be prepared to face the consequences of policy changes. The Swiss electricity market is now in a transition stage from a public monopoly to a liberalised market and it is undergoing an "emergent" liberalisation - i.e. liberalisation taking place without proper regulation. The withdrawal of nuclear capacity is also being debated. These two possible changes directly affect the mechanisms for capacity expansion. Thus, in this thesis we concentrate on understanding the dynamics of capacity expansion in the Swiss electricity market. A conceptual model to help understand the dynamics of capacity expansion in the Swiss electricity market is developed an explained in the first essay. We identify a potential risk of imports dependence. In the second essay a System Dynamics model, based on the conceptual model, is developed to evaluate the consequences of three scenarios: a nuclear phase-out, the implementation of a policy for avoiding imports dependence, and the combination of both. We conclude that the Swiss market is not well prepared to face unexpected changes of supply and demand, and we identify a risk of imports dependence, mainly in the case of a nuclear phase-out. The third essay focus on the opportunity cost of hydro-storage power generation, one of the main generation sources in Switzerland. We use and extended version of our model to test different policies for assigning an opportunity cost to hydro-storage power generation. We conclude that the preferred policies are different for different market participants and depend on market structure.


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Under the Dynamic Model of Multilingualism multilinguals are especially vulnerable to language attrition. It was the aim of the present study to verify if this was the case and to observe whether the different linguistic skills (receptive vs. descriptive) and the different linguistic levels (syntactic, lexical, morphological, etc.) would be affected equally.Data were gathered longitudinally by means of a language test for the subject’s reading, writing, listening and speaking skills as well as her knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. Although the overall accuracy remained intact and no proof for attrition in the receptive skills was found, the productive skills - mainly fluency - were shown to have suffered from language attrition. This was demonstrated by an increase in the number of pauses, hesitations, repetitions and self-corrections among others and decrease in the percentage of error-free clauses and decrease in the clause length, in oral and written fluency respectively.


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This work investigates the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic properties of nominal Split Topicalization (ST) constructions in Standard and non-Standard German. The topic phrase denotes a property, and the MF phrase either modifies this property or picks out a specific entity. Semantically, the topic phrase will be analysed as a property-denoting expression which restricts the denotation of the verbal predicate, while the MF phrase is composed either via specify or restrict (cf. Chung and Ladusaw, 2003). Syntactically, the base position of the topic phrase is the (incorporating) verb, and the MF phrase is generated independently as the complement of the verb containing an empty pronoun. Since predicates introduce abstract discourse referents, the topic phrase can be resumed via "pro" in the MF phrase.