1000 resultados para Geography, Medieval.


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This article reports on the results of a survey of Australian primary pre-service teachers’ experiences, conceptions and perceptions of geography. Research was conducted with two cohorts of undergraduate primary pre-service teachers; one group in second year and another in the final year of a four-year teacher education course. The findings show congruence with similar studies conducted in the UK and indicate that pre-service teachers had a very narrow conception of geography and geography education; a conception that was information-oriented and focused on broad knowledge about the world and locational knowledge and skills. The article concludes by exploring some of the implications for the implementation of the new national geography curriculum in Australia and for primary pre-service geography teacher education more broadly.


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This is an extract from an ongoing project: a ficitionalised memoir in poetic fragments connecting personal trauma with the fall-out from the scientific research in the Cold War. It is influenced by Michel Blanchot's The Writing of the Disaster and an ongoing meditation on the poetics of Marguerite Duras and the poetics of awkwardness.


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The idea for this paper emerged from a recent qualitative investigation which examined the ways in which six Australian primary teachers conceptualised geography and geography teaching (Preston, 2014b). A finding of this research was a strong correlation between the breadth of geographical understandings and the years of experience and age of participants. For early career teachers, conceptions of geography were narrowly confined to information-oriented perceptions. Whereas, the two teachers, with more than 30 years in primary schools, portrayed much more complex understandings. Their conceptions depicted geography as process-oriented and in relational terms, that is, understandings of geography that recognise the interactions and interdependence of people and environments (Bradbeer, Healey, & Kneale, 2004). Both these experienced teachers were also committed to place-based, inquiry approaches to geography teaching and had been using placebased methodologies long before it became a new movement in education (Morgan, 2009, p. 521 ). This prompted me to question why geography education seldom features in discourses of place-based education and to contemplate the oft-cited argument (at least in the United States) that the recent focus on curriculum standards is incompatible with locally responsive curriculum (Jennings, Swidler, & Koliba, 2005).
In order to answer these questions, I explore the intersections and divergences between place-based education and geography education in the Australian context. Drawing on Smith's (2002) and Gruenewald's (2003) conception of place-based education, and the new. Australian geography curriculum document, I argue that primary geography education has strong synergies with place-based education methodologies and aims. I further suggest that a geographical perspective can augment placebased education to enrich and broaden students' understandings of the complex interactions between and within places. This argument is balanced with a critical examination of the practice of geography education acknowledging that the tradition of fieldwork might benefit from placebased education approaches that enable more embodied, socially engaged interactions with places. Thus, I contend, place-based education and geography education are mutually supportive and each can extend the other. The paper concludes with a reflection on the challenges in Australia in preparing primary teachers for the implementation of the new (place-based) geography curriculum.


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In this paper, I draw on Massey's conceptualisation of space and place and literature on children's geographies to argue for the importance of "a global sense of place" (Massey, 1991, p. 29) in geography (and sustainability) education. Reporting on interviews with six Victorian primary teaSustainability educationhers' and their conceptions and perceptions of geography, I contend that place in their imagining is commonly represented as bounded, contained and static. This is in contrast to Massey's understanding of place as immersed in global networks/processes, a product of interrelations and continuously changing. I conclude this paper by presenting an example of a primary unit that provides opportunities for students to develop an outward sense of place; one which foregrounds the interconnections and interdependence of places and processes.


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O texto pretende realizar uma interpretação da narrativa de viagem ao Paraíso Terrestre cistercience Vida de Santo Amaro, à luz da história portuguesa entre os séculos XIII e XV, apontando as relações existentes entre pensamento histórico e pensamento mítico na passagem do processo de Reconquista para os Descobrimentos, vivenciados ao longo da história das diferentes versões escritas da fonte analisada.


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Este artigo objetiva apresentar, de forma introdutória, a possibilidade e a necessidade de diálogo entre a linguagem pictórica e o discurso científico da Geografia. Para tal, apresenta alguns elementos do alfabeto das pinturas de imagens a partir tanto da semiótica quanto da gestalt, analisadas por Fayga Ostrower e Donis Dondis. O exercício interpretativo dá-se a partir do conceito de paisagem aplicado sobre as imagens elaboradas artisticamente por grandes pintores da humanidade, contextualizando-as a partir dos elementos técnicos e tecnológicos que existiam na época e no lugar, e da forma como esses interferem nos processos de elaboração e interpretação das obras. Para exemplificar isso, utilizam-se três pinturas elaboradas em diferentes períodos, a partir da Europa medieval até o mundo moderno, apresentando, assim, os aspectos gerais que levavam à mudança de leitura espacial do território produzido a partir da consolidação do mundo urbano, industrial e baseado na lógica da mercadoria.


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Os últimos séculos da Idade Média, nomeadamente os séculos XIII, XIV e XV, são marcados na Europa por uma crescente preocupação em fixar por escrito os diversos saberes e eventos, preocupação que, ligada às tentativas de sistematizar a organização dos reinos, contribui significativamente para a ascensão das línguas vulgares como línguas dos mais variados gêneros - de documentos jurídicos e administrativos a textos de caráter filosófico e histórico. em Portugal, o empenho em deixar registrado o passado numa língua acessível tem início no século XIV e culmina no século XV, quando se procura organizar a memória através da escrita e se começa a construir uma perspectiva portuguesa sobre o passado. O objetivo do presente texto é mapear alguns índices que revelam a importância que os portugueses dos séculos XIV e XV conferem à ordenação do passado, sobretudo a partir da escolha do que devia e do que não podia cair no esquecimento.


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Words can make a difference sometimes.Brazil is – together with the other ´BRIC´- a large economy, with an increasingly high profile in the international scenario. Large domestic market makes it more likely to obtain ‘growth-led exports’ rather than ‘export-led growth’, which implies a pro-active role in international relations. The option for intensifying regional trade links is a reasonable one and perhaps even inevitable, taking into account the experience elsewhere, but the actual regional conditions raise a number of questions that have to do both with further empirical assessment and to more specific identification of expectations with regard to probable achievements. This article has shown that the road to reach significant progress in this direction is not flat and requires more clear signalling to economic agents, strong political will and a good deal of specific measures. But it has also suggested that it might provide positive results.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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A proposta do presente livro é oferecer ao leitor uma descrição fonológica das qualidades vocálicas vigentes na primeira fase (período trovadoresco) do português arcaico a partir da análise das rimas e da grafia das Cantigas de Santa Maria, de Afonso X, o Sábio, Rei de Leão e Castela, elaboradas na segunda metade do século XIII.